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        검색결과 10

        2013.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the results of investigating the role of LED light quality in enhancing the ornamental value of indoor foliage plants, amber and red light increased plant height, leaf width, and leaf stalk, and the consequent tree shape decreased the ornamental value. The chlorophyll content increased significantly under white light and compound light. With regard to the effect of plant leaf color on ornamental value, the value of lightness was markedly enhanced by red light. As to the functionality of plants according to photosynthetic activity, plants such as Dieffenbachia, Clusia, and Dracaena were found favorable to those staying indoors for a longtime from morning to evening. Spathiphyllum, and Ficus were found to be recommendable for indoor spaces used actively during afternoon because their photosynthesis was activated in the afternoon. With regard to power consumption according to light quality, white light consumed 119 W/hour, around 45% lower than that of fluorescent lamps, so it is considered the optimal artificial light quality that can enhance energy efficiency. Red light consumed 72 W/hour, only 33% of that of fluorescent lamps, but it was not considered the optimal light quality because plant growth was poor under the light quality. White light and compound light were found to be the ideal light sources for improving the functionality and ornamental value of indoor plants and reducing the cost of maintenance, but because compound light hinders people from recognizing the original color of plants and makes their eyes easily tired, white light was considered the optimal light satisfying all of the ornamental value, economic efficiency and functionality resulting from plant growth.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study suggests plants applicable to the interior of the bathrooms on express highways to save costs for indoor plant replacement and management of the bathrooms by examining and analyzing plant management status in total of 28 locations. First, indoor gardening space was examined, then status of use and management of indoor plants of each resting place was examined. Most bathrooms on express highways meet the fair condition of lighting, temperature and humidity to put plants. For example, 16 places(57%) out of 28 showed illumination intensity higher than 1000Lux. Average daytime temperature was 24.1℃; temperatures of most places were ranged in 21~25℃; humidity inside the bathrooms was about 60%, all of which indicate that most resting places have optimal environment to put plants in the bathrooms. To analyze management status of planting, survey was conducted on the managers. 2 locations out of total 13 subject locations are managed by 3 visits per month; 11 locations use direct management by each management office to manage the facilities. Plant replacement is done according to operation, management, and control system except 4 locations; and time for watering, removing of leaves and dust and replacement vary in each resting place. In addition, lighting and watering are considered the most important in most resting places and problems of plant management are frost damage during winter and watering.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        lndoor landscape plays important roles in the environmental improvements of inner building and play leading roles in offering green space to urban communities. as proffessionally part of technically construction, constucting indoor landscape, we have to frame the standard of materials and the standard of materials and the construction expanses because the demand of indoor landscape have risen increasingly. Especially, indoor landscape have kept in being paltry and unproffesionalty under the present condition of no standards about the estimation of proper construction expenses, Also, when Unit Cost chart is made, there are no indicators or specific standards that evaluate unit price. So this study carried out to suggest the evaluating standards of plantings pen some areas. It can be the basis work of the making out the proper constructional expenes The progresses and details of this study were the followings -first, the list of indoor plants and the standard of planter were suggested, through case study of indoor landscape and blue-drawings. -second, the quantity of planting materials according to each standardized planter was suggested through the theoretical and numeric methods, the existed unit cost charts and survey of several indoor landscapes -third, the quantity of typical planting materials according to each standized planter was also suggested. The result of this study were the followings. -the quantities per unit area of indoor ground cover flowing plants were 176/ m' in case of 3 chi planter of the type of upper growing, 127 I m' in case of 3 chi planter of the type of side growing. They were 94/ m2, 51/ m2, 38/ m2, 28/ m2 in order 4 chi, 5 chi, 7 chi, 7 chi planter of type of upper growing. Also they were found out 67/m2, 32/ m2, 24/ m2, 18/ m2 in order 4, 5, 6, and ?chi planter of the type of side growing. This study have several limits suggesting only the quantity of plants per unit area, to make out unit cost. llereafter this study will be developed to suggest the unit standard and unit cost of the other materials besides planting materials in indoor landscape. And the labor cost per unit materials will be developed through the next studies on the basis of the result of this study.