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        검색결과 15

        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When disposing of spent nuclear fuel, there is a risk of exposure that could exceed the annual allowable dose due to human intrusion after the institutional control period. Therefore, it can be treated with the pyroprocess, but the decontamination factor is not sufficient, and an additional actinide recovery is required because molten waste salt-containing actinide is generated. In the case of reducing the element in the spent molten salt through an electrochemical method using a liquid Bi electrode, it is difficult to separate only the actinide element because the two-element groups are reduced together due to the large concentration difference between the actinide and the rare earth element. Therefore, a process of forming a Bi intermetallic compound using a liquid Bi electrode, which has higher element separation efficiency than a liquid Cd electrode, and physically separating the Bi intermetallic compound using the difference in density of the produced compound has been proposed. For this, it is necessary to understand the properties and density separation of the intermetallic compound to be produced, and experiments were planned and conducted for this purpose. Various metals were added to the molten Bi to form an intermetallic compound, and an analysis device such as SEM was used to determine the intermetallics distribution, composition, and internal structure. As the added metal, Ce is a representative element for lanthanide, and Hf with the most similar intermetallic density, decomposition temperature, and standard reduction potential to U, and U as a substitute element for actinide was adopted. As a result of SEM and EDS analysis, it was confirmed that the separation was made in Bi due to the density difference between the produced intermetallic compounds. A Ce-Bi intermetallic compound was observed in the upper part, Hf at a concentration smaller than the error range was detected, and a Hf-Bi intermetallic compound which containing high concentration of Ce was observed in the lower part. Separation of high-purity Ce seems to be possible in the upper part, and it seems difficult to separate high-purity Hf in the lower part. Therefore, to separate highpurity Hf, an additional process suitable for it seems to be necessary.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Binary Ti-Al alloys below 51.0 mass%Al content exhibit a breakaway, transferring from parabolic to linear rate law. The second Al2O3 layer might have some protectiveness before breakaway. Ti-63.1 mass%Al oxidized at 1173 K under parabolic law. Breakaway oxidation is observed in every alloy, except for Ti-63.1 mass%Al. After breakaway, oxidation rates of the binary TiAl alloys below 34.5 mass%Al obey almost linear kinetics. The corrosion rate of Ti-63.1 mass%Al appears to be almost parabolic. As content greater than 63.0 mass% is found to be necessary to form a protective alumina film. Addition of Mo improves the oxidation resistance dramatically. No breakaway is observed at 1123 K, and breakaway is delayed by Mo addition at 1173 K. At 1123 K, no breakaway, but a parabolic increase in mass gain, are observed in the Mo-added TiAl alloys. The binary Ti-34.5 mass%Al exhibits a transfer from parabolic to linear kinetics. At 1173 K, the binary alloys show vary fast linear oxidation and even the Mo-added alloys exhibit breakaway oxidation. The 2.0 mass%Mo-added TiAl exhibits a slope between linear and parabolic. At values of 4.0 and 6.0 mass% added TiAl alloys, slightly larger rates are observed than those for the parabolic rate law, even after breakaway. On those alloys, the second Al2O3 layer appears to be persistently continuous. Oxidation resistance is considerably degraded by the addition of Mn. Mn appears to have the effect of breaking the continuity of the second Al2O3 layer.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Crystal structure of the L12 type (Al,X)3Ti alloy (X = Cr,Cu) is analyzed by X-ray diffractometry and the nonuniform strain behavior at high temperature is investigated. The lattice constants for the L12 type (Al,X)3Ti alloys decrease in the order of the atomic number of the substituted atom X, and the hardness tends to increase. In a compressive test at around 473K for Al67.5Ti25Cr7.5, Al65Ti25Cr10 and Al62.5Ti25Cu12.5 alloys, it is found that the stress-strain curves showed serration, and deformation rate dependence appeared. It is assumed that the generation of serration is due to dynamic strain aging caused by the diffusion of solute atoms. As a result, activation energy of 60-95 kJ/mol is obtained. This process does not require direct involvement. In order to investigate the generation of serrations in detail, compression tests are carried out under various conditions. As a result, in the strain rate range of this experiment, serration is found to occur after 470K at a certain critical strain. The critical strain increases as the strain rate increases at constant temperature, and the critical strain tends to decrease as temperature rises under constant strain rate. This tendency is common to all alloys produced. In the case of this alloy system, the serration at around 473K corresponds to the case in which the dislocation velocity is faster than the diffusion rate of interstitial solute atoms at low temperature.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The high temperature deformation behavior of Ni3Al and Ni3(Al,Mo) single crystals that were oriented near <112> was investigated at low strain rates in the temperature range above the flow stress peak temperature. Three types of behavior were found under the present experimental conditions. In the relatively high strain rate region, the strain rate dependence of the flow stress is small, and the deformation may be controlled by the dislocation glide mainly on the {001} slip plane in both crystals. At low strain rates, the octahedral glide is still active in Ni3Al above the peak temperature, but the active slip system in Ni3(Al,Mo) changes from octahedral glide to cube glide at the peak temperature. These results suggest that the deformation rate controlling mechanism of Ni3Al is viscous glide of dislocations by the <110>{111} slip, whereas that of Ni3(Al,Mo) is a recovery process of dislocation climb in the substructures formed by the <110>{001} slip. The results of TEM observation show that the characteristics of dislocation structures are uniform distribution in Ni3Al and subboundary formation in Ni3(Al,Mo). Activation energies for deformation in Ni3Al and Ni3(Al,Mo) were obtained in the low strain rate region. The values of the activation energy are 360 kJ/mol for Ni3Al and 300 kJ/mol for Ni3(Al,Mo).
        2016.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Morphology and formation processes of lamellar grain boundaries in titanium rich binary TiAl intermetallics were studied. TiAl alloys containing aluminum content of 44 to 48 at.% were induction-heated to 1723 K followed by helium-gasquenching at various temperatures. For the Ti-44%Al, few lamellae were observed in samples quenched from higher than 1473 K. Although small peaks of beta phase were detected using X-ray diffraction, only the ordered hexagonal phase (α2) with clear APB contrast was observed in TEM observation. For the Ti-48 at.%Al alloy, almost no lamellar structure, and straight grain boundaries were observed in samples quenched from higher than 1623 K. The formation of lamellae along grain boundaries was observed in the sample quenched from 1573 K. The fully lamellar microstructures with serrated boundaries were observed in samples quenched from lower than 1473 K. It was found that the formation of γ platelets took place at higher temperatures in Ti-48 at.%Al than in Ti-44 at.%Al. Although the size of the serration is different, serrated lamellar grain boundaries could be obtained for all alloy compositions employed. The serration appeared to be due to the grain boundary migration induced by precipitation and growth of γ. Differences in transformation characteristics with aluminum content are discussed.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mechanically driven decomposition of intermetallics during mechanical milling(MM 1 was investigated. This process for Fe-Ce and Fe-Sn system was studied using conventional XRD, DSC, magnetization and alternative current susceptibility measurements. Mechanical alloying and milling form products of the following composition (in sequence of increasing Gecontent): () bcc solid solution, +-phase (), -phase, +FeGe(B20), FeGE(B20), FeGe(B20)+,,+Ge, Ge. Incongruently melting intermetallics and decompose under milling. produces mixture of -phase and FeGe(B20), produces mixture of FeGe(B20) and phases. These facts are in good agreement with the model that implies local melting as a mechanism of new phase for-mation during medchanical alloying. Stability of FeGe(B20) phase, which is also incongruently melting compound, is explained as a result of highest density of this phase in Fe-Ge system. Under mechanical milling (MM) in planetary ball mill, FeSn intermetallic decomposes with formation and phases, which have the biggest density among the phases of Fe-Sn system. If decomposition degree of FeSn is relatively small(<60%), milled powder shows superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature. For this case, magnetization curves can be fitted by superposition of two Langevin functions. particle sizes for ferromagnetic phase determined from fitting parameters are in good agreement with crystalline sizes determined from XRD data and remiain approximately chageless during MM. The decomposition of FeSn is attributed to the effects of local temperature and local pressure produced by ball collisions.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Elemental powders are used in high energy milling processes for the synthesis of new compounds. The low temperature solid state reactions during milling in inert gas atmosphere may result in intermetallic phases, carbides, nitrides or silicides with a nanocrystalline structure. To obtain dense materials from the powders a pressure assisted densification is necessary. On the other side the defect-rich microstructure can be used for activated sintering of elemental powder mixtures to obtain dense bodies by pressureless sintering. Results are discussed for nanocrystalline cermet systems and for the sintering of aluminides and silicides
        2001.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고온구조용 재료로 사용이 기대되는 Al3Hf금속간 화합물의 단점인 낮은 연성을 개선하기 위하여 SPEX mill을 이용한 기계적 합금화 과정에서의 Ll2상 생성거동과 이에 미치는 제3원소의 영향, 그리고 이들 금속간 화합물의 진공열간 압축성형 거동을 조사하였다. Al과 Hf 혼합분말을 기계적 합금화한 결과에 따르면 6시간 milling후에 L2Hf 금속간 화합물이 생성되었으며, 이때 결정립 크기가 7~8nm 정도인 nanocrystalline이 형성되었다. Cu를 첨가한 경우에는 10시간 milling 후에 2원계와 동일한 Ll2구조의 금속간 화합물이 생성되었으며, 격자상수는 Cu의 함량이 증가함에 따라 감소하였다. 2원계 Al3Hf 금속간 화합물의 경우에 Ll2상에서 D023 상으로의 변태 시작온도는 380˚C 정도였으며, 변태 종료온도는 열처리시간에 따라 480˚C에서 550˚C 정도를 나타내었다. Cu 함량이 증가함에 따라 변태 시작온도는 상승하였으며 10at.%의 Cu 첨가는 변태 시작온도를 700˚C까지 상승시켰다. 2원계 Al-25at.%Hf 혼합분말의 VHP 성형시 750MPa, 400˚C, 3시간에서 약 89%의 비이론 밀도를 얻을 수 있었다. 같은 온도에서 Cu를 10at.% 첨가한 경우의 VHP 성형시 90%정도의 비이론 밀도를 보여 2원계 A13Hf보다 성형성이 약간 증가하는 것을 볼 수 있었으며, 성형온도를 500˚C로 증가시킨 경우에는 Ll2상에서 D023상으로의 상변화나 결정립의 증가없이 약 92.5%의 비이론 밀도를 얻을 수 있었다.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유도 용해후 열기계적 처리를 거친 3종류의 Al3Ti-Cr합금, 즉 Al67Ti25Cr8, Al66Ti24Cr10 및 Al59Ti26Cr15에 대해 2.5% NaCl 용액 내에 부삭시험과 1000, 1100 및 1200˚C에서의 고온 산화시험을 실시하였다. 전기화학적 평가결과에서 Cr조성이 증가함에 따라 국부부식에 대한 내식성이 증가하였으며, 부동태 피막의 취성파괴를 방지하였다. XPS결과는 Al3Ti-Cr합금의 부동태 피막은 주로 Al2O3로 구성되어 있으며, TiO2 및 Cr2O3도 공존하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 고온 내산화성은 모든 시편이 전체적으로 뛰어난 내산화성을 지니고 있었는데, 구체적으로는 Al59Ti26Cr15, Al66Ti24Cr10 및 Al67Ti25Cr8의 순으로 증가하였다. 이는 합금내의 Al 함량이 증가할수록 Al2O3보호피막의 형성이 용이하였기 때문이었다.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Engine valve-shaped TiAl-Mn intermetallics containing 43.5 to 47.5at%Al (Mn/Al=0.036) are successively fabricated by reactive sintering the elemental powder mixtures near-net shaped by extrusion and die forging. A duplex structure consisted of lamellar grains and equiaxed grains is developed for all compositions, and the areal fraction of the lamellar grains(or equiaxed grains) decreases (or increases) with increasing Al content. As Al content increased, the elongation increases with accompanying decrease in yield strength and ultimate tensile strength at both room temperature and 80. This indicates that the suitable composition is Ti-45at%Al-1.6at%Mn in considering the balance of ambient and elevated tensile properties. The reactive-sintered Ti-45Al-1.6Mn alloy shows superior oxidation resistance not only to the plasma arc melted one but also to the heat resistance steel STR35(representative exhaust valve head material for automotive engine). The reactive-sintered Ti-45Al-1.6Mn alloy coated with an oxidizing scale exhibits a better wear resistance than induction hardened martensitic steel STR11(representative exhaust valve tip material for automotive engine).
        1994.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        합금원소(Cr, V, Si. Mo, Nb)가 첨가된 TiAi 금속간화합물의 고온 산화거동을 대기중의 900~1100˚C에서 관찰하였다. 산화반응물은 XRD, SEM, WDX을 이용하여 분석하였다. 등온 산화에 있어서 Cr과 V이 각각 첨가된 시편은 무게증가가 많았으나, Si, Mo, Vb가 각각 첨가된 시편은 상대적으로 무게증가각 적었아. 그리고, Cr과 V이 각각 첨가된 시편의 산화속도는 TiAi의 그것보다 항상 크게 나타났으며, Si, Mo, Vb가 각각 첨가된 시편의 산화속도는 TiAi의 그것보다 향상되지 않고, Si, Mo또는 Nb 첨가는 내산화성을 향상시킨다. Si, Mo, Nb이 각각 첨가된 TiAI합금표면에 형성된 산화물은 보호막 역할을 함으로 산소와 합금원소의 확산을 감소시키는 역할을 하였다. 특히, Nb는 산화의 초기단계에서는 AI2O3를 형성하려는 경향이 강하기 때문에 연속적인 AI2O3층과 조밀한 Tio2+AI2O3 혼합층이 형성되었다. Nb가 첨가된 합금의 백금 marker 실험결과에 따르면, 산소가 주로 합금내부로 확산하여 합금표면에서 산화물을 형성하였다. 900˚C에서의 열반복주기(thermal cyclic)산화실험 결과, 다른 합금원소와 비교해 볼 때 Cr또는 Nb첨가가 금속기지와 산화층간의 접착력을 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다.