Pleurotus species are the most consumed and cultivated mushrooms in Korea. Although oyster mushrooms (P. ostreatus) can be cultivated automatically, their storability is slightly lower than that of king oyster mushrooms (P. eryngii) and winter mushrooms (Flammulina velutipes); therefore, the export proportion of oyster mushrooms is very low. Since Korean mushrooms are highly preferred across Southeast Asian, the export of oyster mushrooms in the form of complete substrates is expected to be more promising than that of fresh mushroom. Here, 1 and 2.5 kg complete substrates of P. ostreatus ‘Soltari’ and P. sajor-caju ‘Sambok’ were prepared and stored at different temperature from 0 to 15°C for 10 days. Thereafter, the formation of fruiting bodies was induced. Since the 2.5 kg complete substrates required 70 days of incubation, their mycelia were at an advanced age and their fruiting bodies did not grown normally. When 70%-incubated complete substrates were stored at 5–10°C, the growth was faster and more uniform and stable fruiting bodies were formed. Export test of complete substrates to Vietnam using distribution containers set at 0°C and 15°C revealed that the growth period was shortened by 1–2 days when the distribution containers were set at 15°C and the yield of ‘Soltari’ increased by approximately 10%. In addition, even though the yield of ‘Sambok’ was similar between treatments at 0°C and 15°C, the quality of fruiting bodies from 15°C-distributed complete substrates was much better than that of those from 0°C-distributed substrates.
고구마 칩의 최적 제조 조건 확립과 적합품종을 선정하기 위하여 신자미, 주황미 및 하얀미를 시료로 세절 두께(1~3㎜), 침지 당액 농도(15~30%), 데치기 시간(15~60 sec), 굽기온도(110~140℃) 및 굽기 시간(23~31 min)을 달리하여 칩을 제조하고, 각 조건별 관능평가와 파괴강도를 측정하였다. 품종 별 최적 제조 조건은 신자미는 각각 1 ㎜, 20%, 45 sec, 120℃ 및 31 min이었으며, 주황미는 1 ㎜, 25%, 45 sec, 130℃ 및 29min이었고, 하얀미는 1 ㎜, 25%, 30 sec, 130℃ 및 27 min이었다. 칩 제조 후 유리당 함량은 증가하였으며, maltose는 원료에서 검출되지 않았으나, 칩에서 3.85~13.50% 범위에서 증가하였고, sucrose 함량은 10.31~20.67% 범위에서 25.24~34.06% 범위로 칩 제조 시 증가하였다. 칩의 관능특성에 영향을 미치는 요인은 fructose, maltose, sucrose 함량, b-value 및 failurestress로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 칩의 제조 시 적합한 품종의 선택과 품종에 따른 최적 제조 조건의 설정이 필요할 것으로 판단되며, 주황미가 칩의 제조에 가장 적합한 것으로 판단되었다.
In order to estimate the optimum harvesting mesh size of multispecies, the 24 species of catching data which were taken by fishing trial of trawl gear in Korean Southern Coast and East China Sea during 1991-1993 year were grouped and divided by the Cluster analysis method, considering first maturity length and body width, body height, body girth based on the first maturity length. With the same method, the above groups were subdivided by the potential escape such as possible escape index, range factor and selection factor. In case of the species devoid of selection parameters, these species were first subdivided by the use of possible escape index and length range factor. Next, the optimum harvesting mesh size of multispecies was properly classified according to the optimal mesh size of a fish estimated by first maturity length against selection factor. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Psenopsis anomala, Priacanthus macra-canthus, Trachurus japonicus, Argyrosomus argentatus was 71.1-79.5mm, and Saurida undosquamis was 65.5mm. 2. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Scomber japonicus, Pseudosciaena crosea, Pseudosciaena Polyactis, Sebastes thompsoni, Doderleinia berycoides was 78.5-85.6mm, and Bembras japonicus, Sphyraena pinguis was 48.4-51.3mm. 3. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Zeus faber, Pampus argenteus, Zenopsis nebulosan was 118.4-124.1mm, and Caranx equula was 91.4mm, and Thamnaconus modestus was 131.2mm, and Pagrus major was 149.4mm. 4. Each optimum harvesting mesh size of Upeneus bensasi, Callanthias japonicus, Sardinops melanosticata, Konosirus punctatus was 36.8-42.8mm, and Acropoma japonicum was 21.2mm, and Apogon lineatus was 26.3mm.