Complaints about foul odors are emerging as an issue, and the number of complaints is steadily increasing every year. Biofiltration is known to remove harmful or odorous substances from the atmosphere by using microorganisms, and full-scale biofilters are being installed and operated in various environmental and industrial facilities. In this study, the current status and actual odor removal efficiency of full-scale biofilters installed in publicly owned treatment facilities such as sewage, manure, and livestock manure treatment plants were investigated. In addition, the effects of design and operating factors on their efficiency were also examined. As a result, it was found that odor prevention facilities with less than 30% odor removal efficiency based on complex odors accounted for 40%-50% of the biofilters investigated. In investigating the appropriate level of operating factors on odor removal efficiency, it was found that compliance with the recommended values p lays a significant role in improving odor removal efficiency. In the canonical correlation analysis for the on-site biofilter operation and design data, residence time and humidity were found to be the most critical factors. The on-site biofilter operation and design data were analyzed through canonical correlation analysis, and the residence time and humidity maintenance were found to be the most important factors in the design and operations of the biofilter. Based on these results, it is necessary to improve the odor removal efficiency of on-site biofilters by reviewing the effectiveness of the operation factors, improving devices, and adjusting operating methods.
The types and distribution ratio of odor removal systems installed in publicly owned environmental facilities such as sewage treatment, wastewater treatment, manure treatment, livestock manure treatment, and food waste treatment were investigated. Since the intensity of the odor and the composition of the odor substances are different depending on the type of each public treatment facility, different odor removal efficiencies were derived depending on the applied odor removal technology. In addition, the removal efficiency of complex odors and individual odor substances of odor removal systems such as those applying biofilters, scrubbers, and adsorption towers were also compared and evaluated. Although it depends on each odor removal technology and application facility, about 50% of various odor removal systems presented an odor removal performance of less than 30%. The odor removal systems with an odor removal efficiency of 70% or more were evaluated to be less than 30% of the total number. Therefore, we suggest that odor removal efficiencies should be improved through continuous monitoring, diagnosis, reinforcement of maintenance, and improvement of systems.
The paint removal of fighter jets is just as important as the painting, because perfect paint removal ensures the quality of the exterior painting on the aircraft. However, the current conditions for paint removal work of the ROKAF’s are poor. It is identified that the painting process currently implemented by the ROKAF is not only exposed to harmful compounds such as harmful dust and hexavalent chromium, but also consumes a lot of water. Thus, the introduction of advanced facility is considered. This study compares the fighter jets painting removal process currently applied by the Korean Air Force with the improved laser coating removal process of the US Air Force, and conducts an incremental analysis to perform economic analysis for the introduction of advanced facility. Four scenarios were envisioned on the premise of an increase in the number of fighters in the future, incremental analysis shows that laser coating removal method is advantageous in all scenarios. In addition, it is recommended that paint removal cycle keeps the current 12-year and the outsourcing amount to civilian depot is reduced.
PURPOSES : The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of dust removal by dust removal vehicles by the measuring dust load and PM10 concentrations on the sidewalks of block pavements.
METHODS : Field experiments were conducted to determine a dust removal method suitable for the sidewalk conditions, as identified through a literature review. Data collection was followed by the evaluation of the sidewalk dust load with removal vehicles and analysis of the PM10 content within a service road. Moreover, an economic analysis was conducted based on the social costs of dust reduction.
RESULTS : When cleaning a sidewalk block by spraying water, the contaminants in small gaps in the block pavement could be reduced, providing a potential solution to void clogging. The dust on the surface of the sidewalk was suspended from a paved road with a high level of traffic volume. Using sidewalk dust removal vehicles with sweeping, spraying water, and inhalation reduced the dust load and PM10 contents by more than 2 and 0.07g/m2, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS : According to the economic analysis of the development of dust removal vehicles for sidewalks, the cost-benefit analysis method shows an input effect of 0.4, but if the reduction amount of fine particles such as PM2.5, further experiments are necessary to address the atmospheric fine dust concentrations resulting from cleaning sidewalk block pavements.
We compared the morphology, physiology, and stem-count change of natural versus transplanted endangered orchids (Cypripedium japonicum) undergoing habitat management (repeated removal of competing understory vegetation) during 2009 and 2013 in South Korea. The restored site had lower transmitted light and soil humidity than the natural site. The natural and restored populations differed in leaf morphology and chlorophyll content (natural: total chlorophyll = 1.00 ± 0.04, restored: total chlorophyll = 0.53 ± 0.06). No recruitment occurred during the monitoring period. Population viability tended to decrease in the restored population (λG=0.97,μ=– 0.05, σ2=0.036) and increase in the natural population (λG=1.07,μ = 0.03, σ2=0.075). In conclusion, restored C. japonicum have poor long-term viability compared with plants in the natural habitat, a difference caused mainly by inappropriate transplant-site selection. Repeated removal of competing vegetation differed in its effects on character, abundance, and reproductive properties in both populations. Notably, habitat management increased stem count and flowering rate in natural C. japonicum, but these changes did not cause an increase in fruit-setting rate.
PURPOSES: This study evaluates the efficiency of snow removal operation resources using data envelopment analysis (DEA). The results of this study can help decision-making strategies, especially for resource allocation for snow removal works on national highways. METHODS: First, regional road management offices (DMUs) for efficiency evaluation were set up, and a database (for years 2012-2016) for analysis was formed. Second, DEA was carried out by selecting input and output variables based on the constructed database. Lastly, based on the results of the DEA, the efficiency of each regional road management office was evaluated. In addition, the potential for future improvement was determined. RESULTS: The results showed that there was a large variation in efficiency of snow removal operation resources by regional offices. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study imply that the evaluation of efficiency for snow removal operation resources is important when decisions related to snow-removal strategies are made by road management offices.
In this work, we studied systematically the effects of NCIF on defouling for a range of solutes that foul (BSA protein) and form cakes (alumina colloids) on the membrane thereby causing severe reduction in the flux. Changing the gravitational orientation of the batch cell induces NCIF in the membrane module and higher inclined angle offers stronger NCIF. This induced NCIF enhances back transport of the deposited solutes away from the membrane surface, therefore gives for the improvement of membrane performance. The flux results according to the inclined angles (from 0° to 180°) of the batch cell were analyzed by the pore blocking filtration model. It was shown that NCIF reduced the fouling of intermediate pore blocking by about 66% at the beginning of UF operation, and thereafter reduced the fouling of cake filtration by about 98%.
PURPOSES : In this study, systematic road snow-removal capabilities were estimated based on previous historical data for road-snowremoval works. The final results can be used to aid decision-making strategies for cost-effective snow-removal works by regional offices.
METHODS: First, road snow-removal historical data from the road snow-removal management system (RSMS), operated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, were employed to determine specific characteristics of the snow-removal capabilities by region. The actual owned amount and actual used amount of infrastructure were analyzed for the past three years. Second, the regional offices were classified using K-means clustering into groups “close”to one another. Actual used snow-removal infrastructure was determined from the number of snow-removal working days. Finally, the correlation between the de-icing materials used and infrastructure was analyzed. Significant differences were found among the amounts of used infrastructure depending on snowfall intensity for each regional office during the past three years.
RESULTS: The results showed that the amount of snow-removal infrastructure used for low heavy-snowfall intensity did not appear to depend on the amount of heavy snowfall, and therefore, high variation is observed in each area.
CONCLUSIONS: This implies that the final analysis results will be useful when making decisions on snow-removal works.
The water removal characteristics in a PEMFC trapezoidal gas channel are investigated with the volume of fluid (VOF) method. For the case of wall contact angle of 60 degree, liquid water attaches on the top wall and moves toward the exit. In contrast, liquid water moves along the channel side corner or GDL surface irregularly for the higher wall contact angles. The hydrophillic wall contact angle of 60 degrees provides more favorable diffusion of reactants to cathode reaction sites as the GDL surface water coverage ratio approaches zero even if the water flow rate increases.
분리막 및 다양한 CO2 포집공정들의 연구에 있어, 경제성 평가는 각 공정들을 비교 분석하며 개발된 기술의 경제적 타당성을 검토하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 본 연구에서는 분리막 기반의 CO2 포집공정에 대한 경제성 분석을 수행하여 그 결과를 살펴보았다. 분리막 공정의 전산모사와 최적화를 위하여 분리막 모델링 및 Aspen HYSYS®를 활용하였으며, 최적화 결과를 바탕으로 CAPEX 및 OPEX를 제시하여 분리막 공정의 경제성 평가를 진행하였다.
The objective of this study was to investigate the response characteristics and performance of a biofilter in the removal of ammonia, as a malodor compound. A trickle-bed type biofilter was applied for this study, and operated at the ammonia loading rate of 0.97-15.52 g/m3·h. The results of the experiment indicate that the critical loading rate of ammonia to the biofilter was 10.7 g/m3·h and the elimination capacity was 11.6 g/m3·h. The analysis of nitrogen mass balance in the reactor indicates that inlet nitrogen as gas phase was converted through the biofilter into NH4 + (41.5% by mass), NO2 - (43%), and NO3 - (15%) as the available form of nitrogen in the effluent liquid. Free ammonia concentration in the effluent liquid was estimated as being in the range from 0.14 to 2.93 mg/L (average 1.7 mg/L) during the experimental period.
PURPOSES : This study demonstrates the need for the collection of road weather information in order to perform efficient snow removal works during the winter season. Snow removal operations are usually dependent upon weather information obtained from the Automatic Weather Station provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration. However, there are some difference between road weather and weather forecasts in their scope. This is because general weather forecasts are focused on macroscopic standpoints rather than microscopic perspectives. METHODS : In this study, the relationship between snow removal works and historical weather forecasts are properly analyzed to prove the importance of road weather information. We collected both weather data and snow removal works during winter season at "A" regional offices in Gangwon areas. RESULTS : Results showed that the validation of weather forecasts for snow removal works were depended on the height difference between AWS location and its neighboring roadway. CONCLUSIONS : Namely, it appears that road weather information should be collected where AWS location and its neighboring roadway have relatively big difference in their heights.
One of the popular domestic sewage treatment process (called step feed oxic-anoxic-oxic process) for nitrogen removal was analyzed in this study by theoretical analysis based on the nitrification and denitrification reaction. Total nitrogen removal efficiency was suggested by considering influent qualities(i.e., ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, alkalinity, and COD). Total nitrogen removal efficiency depends on r (influent allocation ratio). In the case that all influent components are enough, the total nitrogen removal follows equation 100-b/(1+b), when r is 1/(1+b). Finally, it can be concluded that step feed oxic-anoxic-oxic process could be effective for nitrogen removal.
다수의 잠재적인 내분비계장애물질이 환경에 방출됨으로써 새로운 환경문제로 세계적 관심이 모아지고 있다. 이러한 물질들을 측정하고 감시하기 위한 고감도이며 신뢰성 있는 분석방법의 개발이 필수적이다. 이 연구에서는 기체크 로마토그래피 질량분석법과 액체크로마토그래피 질량분석법이 내분비계장애물질들의 분석을 위해 이용되었으며 두 가지 분석방법들이 DEHP, BBP, PCP, BPA에 대해 비교 및 평가되었다 그 결과 액체크로마토그래피 질량분석법이 더 낮은 검출 한계를 나타내는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 액체크로마토그래피 질량분석법은 대부분의 순수한 분자들로서 내분비계장애물질들을 측정 가능함이 판명되었다. 이 연구에서는 음용수에서 내분비계장애물질들을 제거하는 방법으로 유기막과 세라믹막을 제시하였으며 십자류 나노여과 방식이 내분비계장애물질들을 100% 제거하는 것으로 조사되었고 분획분자량 250 나노여과는 내분비계장애물질을 제거함에 있어 효과적인 것으로 판명되었다. 나노여과, 고속한외여과, 저속한외여과의 투과플럭스와 물질전달계수와의 비는 0.67, 3.4, 그리고 0.44였으며 나노여과와 저속한외여과는 확산이 주요한 조건에서 운전되며 고속한외여과는 대류가 주요한 조건에서 운전된다. 더욱이, 확산이 주요한 나노여과와 저속한외여과에서 내분비계장애물질의 제거율이 높은 것으로 측정되었다. 한외여과에 의한 제거는 내분비계장애물질들의 분자량에 의존하는 것으로 조사되었으며 내분비계장애물질들은 확산이 주요한 수리동역학적 조건에서 제거됨이 판명되었다.
To slove the problems by the scum, which causes operational and water quality problems in water treatment plants, several researches were conducted based on the site investigations on twelve large water treatment plants, biological and chemical analysis of scum, analyzing raw water quality data. Two types of scum, which are from scum and floe scum, can be classified based on the analysis and site investigations. The major parameter generating floe scum was indicated as fine bubbles dissolved in the water. The fine bubbles dissolved in the water can be generated by over-saturated air in the water, adding aluminum surface as the coagulant, conducting the break point pre-chlorination and so on. The water spray method, which is one of the physical treatment methods for removing scum, was selected for conducting experiments on the removal efficiency in the flocculation basin of the real water treatment plant. The water spray method was successfully applied for removing scum with the advantages of using spiral nozzles in case of using the raw water rather than the cleaned water.
In order to design the improvement process for T-N removal, the treatment process of Suyoung, Gangbyeon, and Noxan sewage treatment plants (STP) in Busan was anlayzed. Suyoung STP shows a T-N removal efficiency of about 69.8% with MLE(Modified Ludzack ettinger) and A2O+MBR. However, it is necessary to improve the process to maintain over DO of 1 mg/L and is required to install a flow control tank to minimize the rainfall effect. Gangbyun STP shows a about 70.2% T-N removal efficiency with A2O+GFF(gravity fiber filtration). However, in order to improve T-N removal efficiency, it is needed to install MLE process to treat recycle water. Noksan STP shows a T-N removal efficiency of about 71.0% with MLE+Chemical treatment and shows stable T-N concentration in effluent. However, it is required a toxic chemical management process because bad wastewater flows into the STP, also is necessary a process improvement in order to increase internal recycling ratio. Especially, it is required a process improvement to increase HRT of nitrification tank because Suyoung and Gangbyeon STPs shows low nitrification efficiency during winter season.
비점오염은 점오염과 달리 불특정 배출경로를 가지며 유출량의 예측 및 정량화가 어렵다. 또한 비점오염물질이 수계로 유입 될 경우 수질의 악화를 초래한다. 이에 정부는 비점오염원을 관리하고자 비점오염저감시설 개발, 연구 및 설치를 지속적으로 시행하고 있다. 하지만 기존 비점오염저감시설의 경우 충분한 자료를 토대로 설치되지 않아 추가적인 연구 및 보완이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 식생수로에서 강우 시 발생되는 부유물질 및 유기물 저감효율을 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 연구방법으로는 대상지역에서의 강우 모니터링을 통해 비점오염저감시설의 자연형 장치인 식생수로에서의 EMC를 통계분석하고 ER 방법 및 SOL 방법을 이용하여 오염물질 저감효율을 산정하였다. EMC 결과 값은 TSS는 유입 27.62 ∼ 98.08mg/L, 유출 13.96 ∼ 220.12mg/L, COD는 유입 13.61mg/L ∼ 31.83mg/L, 유출 5.69 ∼ 11.34mg/L, BOD는 유입 2.58 ∼ 11.70mg/L, 유출 0.59 ∼ 6.65mg/L의 범위를 보였다. 저감효율 산정 값은 ER 방법과 SOL 방법에 대해 각각 TSS는 49%, 83% COD는 72%, 82% BOD는 71%, 76%로 나타났다. 상대적으로 낮은 유출부의 EMC 범위와 평균 70% 이상의 저감효율 산정 값을 통해 식생수로가 강우 시 발생되는 오염물질에 대해 높은 저감효과를 가진다고 판단된다.