Selective doping of pyridinic nitrogen in carbon materials has attracted attention due to its significant properties for various applications such as catalysts and electrodes. However, selective doping of pyridinic nitrogen together with controlling skeletal structure is challenging in the absence of catalysts. In this work, four precursors including four fused aromatic rings and pyridinic nitrogen were simply carbonized in the absence of catalysts in order to attain mass synthesis at low cost and a high percentage of pyridinic nitrogen in carbon materials with controlled edges. Among four precursors, dibenzo[f,h] quinoline (DQ) showed an extremely high percentage of pyridinic nitrogen (96 and 86%) after heat treatment at 923 and 973 K, respectively. Experimental spectroscopic analyses combined with calculated spectroscopic analyses using density functional theory calculations unveiled that the C-H next to the pyridinic nitrogen in DQ generated gulf edge structures with controlled pyridinic nitrogen after carbonization. By comparing the reactivities among the four precursors, three main factors required for maintaining the pyridinic nitrogen in carbon materials with controlled edges, such as (1) high thermal stability of the pyridinic nitrogen, (2) the presence of one pyridinic nitrogen in one ring, and (3) the formation of gulf edges including pyridinic nitrogen to protect the pyridinic nitrogen by the C-H groups on the gulf edges, were revealed.
본 연구는 중국 C2C 중고거래 플랫폼의 사용자 연구대상으 로 정보기술 수용과 사용 태도에 대해 설명력이 높다고 인정받 고 있는 기술수용모델(TAM)을 토대로 핵심 변수 외 다양화된 정보시스템 환경을 반영하는 변수로 주목받고 있는 지각된 유 희성을 추가 변수로 지정하였다. 본 연구는 가설을 검증하기 위해 중국 C2C 중고거래 플랫폼에 대한 경험 있는 사용자들을 대상으로 조사를 실시하였다. 총 400부의 설문지를 배포하였으 며 회수된 설문지를 선별하여 총 362부 유효 설문지가 선출되 었다. 또한, C2C 중고거래 플랫폼 특성 변인인 정보 대칭성을 규명하고, 이를 바탕으로 정보의 이용 가치를 높이고 활성하기 위한 전략 방향에 시사점을 제시하는 데 그 목적을 둔다. 그리 고 마케팅 연구의 학문적 발전에 기여하고 기업에는 중고 플랫 폼을 활용한 마케팅 전략 수립 시 실무적인 도움을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
An electrical double-layer capacitor is fabricated with biomass-derived activated carbon (AC) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), which are synthesized from Pongamia pinnata fruit shell and its seed oil, respectively. The activated carbon is produced by the chemical activation process at varying carbonization temperatures from 600 to 900 °C for 5 h at a rate of 10 min in an N2 atmosphere. The surface area of activated carbon and MWCNTs is 1170 m2 g− 1 and 216 m2 g− 1, respectively. The total pore volumes of activated carbon and MWCNTs are 1.51 cm3 g− 1 and 0.5907 cm3 g− 1, respectively. The as-prepared AC and MWCNTs are characterized by surface area analysis Brunner–Emmett–Teller method (BET), X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopic analysis, field emission scanning electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The electrochemical performances of AC-AC, MWCNTs-MWCNTs and AC-MWCNTs (25:75) symmetric electrodes are studied by cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge–discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The AC-MWCNTs (25:75) single electrode performance is also studied in two different electrolytes, such as 0.5 M Na2SO4 and 0.5 M H2SO4. The fabricated AC-MWCNTs (25:75) symmetric supercapacitor cell exhibits excellent electrochemical performance in 0.5 M Na2SO4. It shows a specific capacitance of 55.51 Fg− 1, energy density 4.852 Wh Kg− 1 and power density of 199.18 W Kg− 1 at a current density of 1 Ag− 1 in the voltage window of 0–1.8 V. The AC-AC and AC-MWCNTs (25:75) symmetric supercapacitor electrodes show outstanding performance.
Cost-effective and sustainable high-performance supercapacitor material was successfully prepared from cellulosic waste (Sapindus trifoliatus nut shells) biomass-derived activated carbon (CBAC) by physical activation method. The CBAC displays nanofiber morphology, high specific surface area (786 m2/ g), large pore volume (0.212 cm3 g− 1) which are evaluated using FESEM, BET and possessed excellent electrochemical behavior analyzed through various electrochemical methods. Moreover, the assembled symmetric CBAC//CBAC device exhibits high specific capacitance of 240.8 F g− 1 with current density of 0.2 A g− 1 and it is maintained to 65.6 F g− 1 at high current density of 2.0 A g− 1. In addition, the symmetric device delivers an excellent specific energy maximum of over 30 Wh kg− 1 at 400 W kg− 1 of specific power and excellent cycling stability in long term over 5000 cycles. The operation of the device was tested by light-emitting diode. Hence, CBAC-based materials pave way for developing large-scale, low-cost materials for energy storage device applications.
Background: Improperly conducted exercise may lead to worsening of musculoskeletal complications. Such may worsen due to increased repetition and intensity during exercise. In addition, different responses may show different needs for training program.
Objectives: To compare kinematics of symmetric concentric and eccentric motions during increased repetitions and intensities for men and women.
Design: Quasi-randomized trial.
Methods: A total of ten men and eleven women participated in this study. Concentric and eccentric motions of the lateral raises were observed for initial positions of abduction and adduction. Low and high exercise intensities were applied, and 15 repetitions were conducted for both intensities. Initial, 3 inbetween repetitions, and last repetition were recorded for comparisons.
Results: The concentric or abduction motions showed no significant differences for all comparisons. However, eccentric or adduction motions showed greater significant differences as the exercise intensity increased for both men and women. Such significant differences were most prevalent during the first and last repetitions with greatest differences during the initial repetitions.
Conclusion: Kinematic difference between men and women during increased repetitions and intensity indicate the need for more individualized exercise intervention and consideration between men and women. Individualized interventions may prevent exercise-induced postural abnormality and corresponding musculoskeletal dysfunction.
농가 선호도가 높은 진적색 비모란 선인장 ‘Aul’(Gymnocalycium mihanovichii ‘Aul’) 품종은 황적색 ‘0809067’계통을 모본으로, 진적색 ‘0828039’ 계통을 부본으로 하여 2012년 7월 7일에 계통간 교배하여 육성된 교배종이다. 어린 비모란 선인장을 2013년까지 삼각주에 2번 접목하여 계통을 양성하였으며 2014년부터 2016년까지 총 3회에 걸쳐 생육특성을 조사하였다. ‘Aul’ 품종의 모구는 편원형 모양과 적색 구색(R44A)이다. 모구는 평균 9.7개의 능(rip), 3.0mm의 짧은 직립형 회색 가시, 혹(tubercle)이 돌출된 형태였다. 10개월 후 ‘Aul’ 품종의 구직경은 46.9mm였으며 황적색(R44A+Y9A) 자구는 평균 16.4개가 생성되었다. ‘Aul’ 품종 모구의 능마다 황적색의 자구가 1~2개가 착생되며, 형태적으로 균형미가 있다. 2016년 육성계통 평가회에서 ‘Aul’ 품종은 기호도 점수 3.8을 받았다. 2018년 5월 16일에 이 품종은 국립종자원에 등록되었으며 종 자산업법에 의해 품종보호(등록번호 7195)를 받는다.
Polypyrrole (PPy) decorated on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) films is successfully prepared with pyrrole (Py) monomers and rGO through one-step combining oxidation with polymerization reaction. Compared with the pure individual components, rGO/PPy compound turns out better electrochemical characteristics owing to the introduction of rGO sheets, which improves the specific surface area and the conductivity of composite material. When the amount of rGO is 10% of the total, the rGO/PPy compound delivers the best capacitance of 389.3 F g−1 at 1.0 A g−1 in a three-electrode system and 266.8 F g−1 at 0.25 A g−1 in the symmetric supercapacitor system. In addition, asymmetric device (rGO/PPy//AC) has been successfully fabricated using optimized rGO/PPy compound as positive electrode, activated carbon as negative electrode (AC) and 1 M Na2SO4 aqueous solution as electrolyte. The device obtains long cycle stability under the high-voltage region from 0 to 1.6 V, meanwhile displaying the satisfied energy density of 19.7 Wh kg−1 at 478.1 W kg−1. Besides, the rGO/PPy//AC device presents satisfactory rate capability and long life time.
본 고에서는 주자 변점법(變占法)의 체계와 구조적 특징을 살펴보았다. 주자의 변점법은 ‘효난동’의 문제로 귀결되고, 체계를 세우는 과정에서 변점법은 대칭구조를 이루게 되었다. 주자는 역사적 점례를 토대로 자신의 변점법을 체계화하였는데 그 구조적 특징은 대칭성이라 할 수 있다. 이렇게 대칭적 구조 로 자신의 점법을 체계화하면서 그 이전에 내려오던 점례에 관한 다양한 해석가능성과 충돌하게 된다. 주자는 자신이 만든 체계로 쉽게 풀리지 않는 점의 기록에 대해 고민하고 비판하면서 이전과 해석을 달리하는 모습을 보인다. 그러므로 나중에는 자신이 체계화한 구조 속에서 전형적으로 해석하려는 모습을 보이면서 언급에 모순도 보이게 되는데 ‘간지팔’에 관한 논의가 그것이 다. 그러므로 주자의 변점법이 해석의 다양성을 포용하기 힘들다. 그러나 주자가 구조적 특징인 대칭성을 일관되게 유지하려는 의도를 품고 있음을 ‘간지 팔’ 논의를 통해 짐작할 수 있었다. 지금까지 주자의 변점법이 일정한 전통성을 지닌다는 것은 대다수의 학자가 그의 점법을 따르거나 변용과 비판을 통해 발전시키고 있다는 점에서 인정될 수 있을 것이다.
A stadium roof that uses the pin-jointed spatial truss system has to be designed by taking into account the unstable phenomenon due to the geometrical non-linearity of the long span. This phenomenon is mainly studied in the single-free-node model (SFN) or double-free-node model (DFN). Unlike the simple SFN model, the more complex DFN model has a higher order of characteristic equations, making analysis of the system’s stability complicated. However, various symmetric conditions can allow limited analysis of these problems. Thus, this research looks at the stability of the DFN model which is assumed to be symmetric in shape, and its load and equilibrium state. Its governing system is expressed by nonlinear differential equations to show the double Duffing effect. To investigate the dynamic behavior and characteristics, we normalize the system of the model in terms of space and time. The equilibrium points of the system unloaded or symmetrically loaded are calculated exactly. Furthermore, the stability of these points via the roots of the characteristic equation of a Jacobian matrix are classified.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the structural performance of joints between modules with steel plate press forming type non-symmetric cross section. The main experimental variables are direction of load, whether vertical bolts are fastened, and whether the concrete inside the column is filled. A total of three experiments were performed for each variable. Experimental results show that the behavior of the joints dominated by the local buckling deformation of the upper and lower beam flanges of the module joints, and the final failure was the fracture of the column-beam welds. In case of short side direction, it is possible to secure the performance of intermediate moment frame (0.02 rad). In case of long side direction, it is evaluated that the performance of special moment frame (0.04 rad) is secured regardless of whether or not concrete is infilled in the column.
In this study, we investigated the dynamic stability of the system and the semi-analytical solution of the shallow arch. The governing equation for the primary symmetric mode of the arch under external load was derived and expressed simply by using parameters. The semi-analytical solution of the equation was obtained using the Taylor series and the stability of the system for the constant load was analyzed. As a result, we can classify equilibrium points by root of equilibrium equation, and classified stable, asymptotical stable and unstable resigns of equilibrium path. We observed stable points and attractors that appeared differently depending on the shape parameter h, and we can see the points where dynamic buckling occurs. Dynamic buckling of arches with initial condition did not occur in low shape parameter, and sensitive range of critical boundary was observed in low damping constants.
본 논문에서는 기능경사재료 보 고유벡터의 변화도 산정을 위한 해석 정식화를 섭동법에 기초하여 제시한다. 불확실인수로는 기능경사재료 보의 중앙면에서 보의 축을 따르는 방향으로 공간적 불확실성을 가지는 재료탄성계수를 택하였다. 두께 방향으로의 탄성계수 변화는 원래의 지수함수를 따르는 것으로 가정하였다. 정식화에서는 고유벡터에 대한 선형 Taylor전개 를 적용한다. 수치예제로는 보의 중앙면에 대하여 대칭인 탄성계수를 가지는 단순지지보를 택하였다. 몬테카를로 해석을 함 께 수행하여 제안한 정식화가 합리적인 결과를 주는지 확인하였다. 해석을 통하여 몬테카를로 해석과 제안된 방법에 의한 결과가 고유모드의 평균 및 표준편차에서 거의 동일한 결과를 제시함을 볼 수 있었다. 제안된 방법을 통하여 고유모드의 표 준편차 형상을 쉽게 산정할 수 있다. 고유모드의 평균중심 변화량은 고유모드의 차수에 관계없이 그 고유모드 대비 한 개가 더 많은 경사 0인 점을 가지게 된다. 또한 평균 고유모드형상으로부터의 변화량은 저차 모드보다 고차모드에서 더 크게 나 타남을 알 수 있었다.
Over the years, several studies have been made for the improvement of the design criteria of stepped beams. However, studies on lateral-torsional buckling of stepped beams located at the midspan have been very limited. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the elastic lateral-torsional buckling strength of doubly symmetric singly stepped I-beam at midspan subjected to pure bending along the entire span. The I-beam measurements and specifications are in accordance with the AISC standards. For the analysis of stepped beams, the parameters α, β and γ are used. In this paper, singly stepped beams are defined as beams having an increased cross section at midspan. The unbraced length used for the simply supported stepped I-beams are 13.59m, 18.12m, and 22.65m while the parameters α, β and γ for the cross section varies from 0.167~0.333, 1.0~1.4, and 1.0~1.8, respectively. To model and perform the analysis for the I-beams, a universal finite element analysis program, ABAQUS, will be used. S4R elements will be used to model the simply supported beams and to check the accuracy of the models guide design specifications are used. The results from the finite element analysis will be shown in tables and plotted into graphs. Based from the obtained results, conclusions and new design guidelines are proposed.
British heritage brand Yardley was bought by Indian multinational Wipro Consumer Care & Lighting Group in the year 2009 from UK based Lornamead group for USD 45.5million. The task of reinventing the magic of the British heritage brand in contemporary India was not easy. Brand Yardley was perceived as a “grandmother’s brand” given the history and memory of its existence since centuries. In order to connect with young Indians, the company hired Bollywood actor Katrina Kaif (with British lineage) as their brand ambassador to evoke nostalgia of British era in India and promote heritageness of brand Yardley. However, this communication strategy failed to connect with the consumers. This research paper attempts to understand the significance of heritageness, nostalgia, unique positioning and functional benefits as influencers in creating consumer-brand relationship leading to buying intention by the consumer in the personal care category, using heritage brand Yardley as the pivotal point.
This research was conducted in three phases. In phase one, qualitative research approach was used with in-depth interviews and focus group discussions after which variables for the study were generated. In phase two, an elaborated questionnaire was developed. The first part of the questionnaire included demographics like gender, age, occupation and income. The second part of the questionnaire related to recognizing brand Yardley among five print advertisements featuring Katrina Kaif as a model but not revealing the brand for which Katrina Kaif had modeled for. The final survey was conducted with 16 assessing questions for four factors namely, heritage, unique positioning, functional benefits, nostalgia and buying intention. The study was pilot tested once (n=89) and revised once (n=235) for clarity and accuracy. Three questions were revised and reduced. The scale used was Likert type (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree). The sample unit was within a university campus in Mumbai as the young residents were the target audience for the brand. The outcome of the survey resulted in high Cronbach alpha of .87 and clear rotated factor structures. In phase three of the research, a set of competing brands of soaps with respect to Brand Yardley was generated from the focus group discussions and multidimensional scaling by direct method was carried out using two attributes (functional benefits and unique positioning).
The research approach employed was both symmetric and asymmetric analysis to provide analytical outcome using multiple regression analysis, structural equation modeling and application of complexity theory for contrarian cases and could be the first to formally examine tenets of complexity theory in personal care category research contexts. The research outcome revealed that functional benefits and unique positioning of brand Yardley should be crystallized using sensory branding and storytelling format that weaves around the evolution of its heritageness to evoke nostalgia resulting in buying intention.
In this study, elastic flange local buckling strength of doubly symmetric I-girder subjected to bending moment were evaluated by 3D finite element analysis. The analysis model were modeled by 3D shell elements(S4R) using ABAQUS 6.13 program. And loading and boundary conditions were determined by equal end moments and simple boundary conditions. Flange and web slenderness ratio were considered in the parametric studies to evaluate flange local buckling strength with AISC design equations. Then, AISC design equations and characteristics of Elastic flange local buckling of I-girder were evaluated.
Recent high-resolution, high-sensitivity observations of protostellar jets have shown many to possess an underlying `wiggle' structure. HH 211 is one such example where recent sub-mm observations revealed a clear re ection-symmetric wiggle. An explanation for this is that the HH211 jet source is moving as part of a protobinary system. Here we test this assumption by simulating HH211 through 3D hydrodynamic simulations using the pluto code with a molecular chemistry and cooling module, and initial conditions based on an analytical model derived from SMA observations. Molecular chemistry allows us to accurately plot synthetic molecular emission maps and position-velocity diagrams for direct comparison to observa- tions, enabling us to test the observational assumptions and put constraints on the physical parameters of HH211. Our preliminary results show that the re ection-symmetric wiggle can be recreated through the assumption of a jet source being part of a binary system.
본 연구에서는 0.5 wt% 에멀젼형 절삭유 수용액에 평막형 분리막을 침지시키고 대칭 및 비대칭 사인파형 투과유속 연속운전(SFCO) 방식으로 실험하였다. 사용한 정밀여과막은 유효 막면적이 0.02 m2이고 공칭 세공크기가 0.15 μm이었다. 탁도 기준으로 에멀젼형 절삭유의 99% 이상이 제거되었으며 산기량이 증가할수록 TMP가 낮게 상승하였다. 비대칭형 SFCO 운전방식은 투과유속이 낮은 10∼15 L/m2·h 영역에서 대칭형 SFCO 운전방식보다 다소 유리하였다. 하지만, 투과유속이 높은 25∼30 L/m2·h에서는 대칭형 SFCO 운전이 매우 효과적임을 확인할 수 있었다.
This study is all about the presentation of the results of the analyses made to determine the inelastic lateral torsional buckling strength of singly symmetric singly stepped I-beam with constant depth subjected to basic loading condition. A finite element program ABAQUS and a regression program MINITAB are used to analyze the simply supported singly symmetric singly stepped I-beams having singly symmetric ratio, ρ, of 0.1 to 0.9 and a Lb/h ratio of 4.5. Using the results of the analyses made, a design equation is suggested that can easily calculate the stepped beam correction factor Cist which then can be used to determine the inelastic lateral torsional buckling strength of singly symmetric singly stepped I-beams subjected to pure bending moment. Then, the results from the equation proposed are compared with the results obtained from the finite element analysis. The results obtained show acceptable results for singly stepped beams having a ρ of 0.3 to 0.9 and a very conservative result for a ρ of 0.1.
본 연구의 주목적은 쌍동선형의 조파저항성능을 평가할 수 있는 수치해석 프로그램을 개발하는 것이다. 개발된 프로그램을 이용하여 비대칭과 대칭인 단동선형을 가진 서로 다른 두 가지 쌍동선에 대하여 수치계산을 수행하여 저항성능을 평가 하였다. 타당성 검증을 위해서 수치해석 결과 중 선수와 선미에서의 침하량, 트림 그리고 조파저항 계수를 수조모형시험 결과와 비교하였다. 이러한 비대칭 그리고 대칭 선형이 가지는 쌍동선의 유체역학적 특성에 관한 비교분석 자료는 향후 선형개발 시 충분한 활용 가치가 있다고 판단된다.