기존의 사후경과시간(PMI) 추정 방법은 대략적인 사후경과시간의 추정, 사후 48~72시간 경과 또는 부패 시 추정 불가능이라는 문제가 발생하여 최근에는 법의곤충학(Medicolegal entomology)을 통한 최소 사후 경과시간 (PMImin) 추정이 더욱 강조되고 있다. 이로 인해 시식성파리의 발육 성장속도 파악은 시체의 최소 사후 경과시간 추정에 있어 효과적인 도구로 활용될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 곱슬털쉬파리(Parasarcophaga. similis)를 사육대상 종으로 선정하였다. P. similis는 부패한 시체를 섭식하는 시식성파리 중 하나로서, 발육 성장 속도에 따른 법곤충 학적(Forensic entomology) 최소 사후 경과시간을 추정하는 데 중요한 지표가 된다. 실험에 사용된 대상종의 경우, 경북 칠곡군 지천면 일대에서 6~9월경 야외쉬파리 채집하였고, 종 동정, 사육 및 증식, 예비 실험을 거친 후 본실험 을 진행하였다. 본실험은 산란 집단 케이지 내에서 산란 유도 후 12시간 간격으로 6개체를 샘플링하였고, 이를 Leica M125 Microscope (Leica Microsystems, Germany), EG-2HDNL(이지테크, Korea)로 이미지와 측정치를 확보 하였다. P. similis를 16~34°C 사이 7개의 온도 조건에서 성장 속도 측정을 3회 반복 실험하였으며, 곱슬털쉬파리의 최초 출현시점, 특정 온도 조건 별 발육 성장 속도 측정, 유충 몸길이 데이터, 이미지 자료, 표본 등을 확보하였다. 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34°C에서 P. similis의 알에서 성충까지의 발달 기간은 각각 822.0±5.9, 605.0±12.2, 442.3±9.4, 339.3±6.1, 289.3±7.5, 253.0±8.0, and 248.7±3.4h이 경과함을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 P. similis의 성장과정 데이터와 PMImin추정을 위한 지표로서 활용가능한 데이터를 제공한다.
본 논문의 목적은 『능엄경』의 이근원통과 『법화경』의 보문시현의 수행체계 와 사상적 구조를 통하여 관음사상을 비교하는 것이다. 『능엄경』의 「관세음보 살 이근원통장」에서는 관세음보살의 이근원통을 통하여 문성(聞性)을 관조(觀 照)하는 방법이 제시된다. 문성을 관조하는 것은 망심(妄心)을 유발하는 모든 경계를 해제하는 반문자성(反問自性)의 방법이다. 반문자성은 생멸심(生滅心)에 의지하지 않으며 육결(六結)의 단계를 거쳐 생사와 번뇌의 근본을 풀어가는 수 행의 원칙을 충실하게 따르는 것이다. 『능엄경』에서 요구하는 수행의 원칙은 수행의 시작과 목적을 명확하게 인식하고 두 가지 결정의(決定義)로서 인지(因 地)와 과지(果地)를 일치시키되 문제의 근본에서 해탈의 열쇠를 찾는다. 『법화경』의 「관세음보살 보문품」에서는 세존이 무진의보살에게 관세음보살 의 보문시현과 중생을 이익되게 하는 묘용을 상세히 설하고 있다. 중생이 모두 고뇌에 빠졌을 때 관세음보살의 명성을 듣고 일심으로 그 명호를 부른다면 관 세음보살은 곧 그 소리를 관하고 모두를 해탈케 한다고 하였다. 관세음이라는 명호는 전생의 본원과 인지(因地)에서 자기극복을 수증하는 자리(自利)의 공부 로만 성립된 것은 아니다. 과지(果地)에서 전적으로 남을 이롭게 한 공덕에서 비롯된 것이다. 본 연구에서는 관세음보살의 이근원통(耳根圓通)의 반문문자성 (反聞聞自性)과 일심칭명(一心稱名)의 필경지(畢竟知), 자리(自利)와 이타(利他) 의 방편의 관점에서 『능엄경』과 『법화경』에서 드러나는 관음사상의 양상을 비 교하고자 하였다.
Out-of-roundness is crucial for the proper functioning of individual products or parts in a machine. Mechanical components often consist of circular elements that require precise alignment. These circular parts are used in critical areas of the machine, and the shape characteristics of each component can significantly impact overall performance. In this study, we focus on a specific specimen and use three different methods - the Diameter method, Radius method, and Three-point method - to measure its out-of-roundness. The collected data is then analyzed using one-way ANOVA to propose an effective out-of-roundness measurement technique suitable for industrial settings.
본 연구는 오페라 작곡가들의 우선 과제인 시와 음악의 이상적인 결합의 노력이 개별적인 작품 에 어떻게 나타났는지 탐구하려는 목적으로 슈트라우스(Richard Strauss)의 마지막 오페라 ≪카프리 치오≫(Capriccio)를 살펴본 것이다. 이 작품은 시와 음악, 두 요소를 직접 이야기 소재로 삼아 시 또는 음악의 우위 논쟁과 오페라에서의 이상적인 결합에 관한 문제를 전면에 드러낸 오페라이다. 따라서 가장 중요한 주제이자 근본적인 물음과 대답이라고 할 시와 음악의 관계에 집중하여 고찰 하였다. ≪카프리치오≫에서 나타난 시와 음악의 관계는 두 가지 관점에서 살펴보았다. 첫 번째는 이 작품의 시대 배경이기도 한 18세기 중엽의 오페라 미학 논쟁에 비춘 관점이고, 두 번째는 등장 인물의 상징화를 통한 관점이다. 슈트라우스는 오페라 장르 역사에서의 첫 개혁을 이끈 글루크 (Christoph Willibald Gluck)의 시대를 ≪카프리치오≫의 극 배경으로 선택했다. 이렇게 해서 시와 음악의 이상적인 결합의 중요성을 인식하고 실천했던 미학 논쟁의 시대를 극 안으로 끌어와 시와 음악의 관계를 생각하게 하였다. 또한, 슈트라우스는 등장인물들을 인물로서뿐만 아니라 시와 음악, 두 예술 분야를 상징하는 인물로 설정하여 두 분야의 우위 논쟁과 연결했다. 그렇게 함으로써 이를 통한 시와 음악의 관계에 관한 생각을 알아보게 하였다. 이로써 시와 음악의 관계가 주제인 ≪카프리치오≫는 작곡가가 오랜 시간 오페라를 작곡 하면서 스스로 쌓아왔을 시와 음악의 관계에 관한 생각을 관객과 나누려고 시도한, 독창성 있는 작 품이라는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
In this study platform, electrocatalytic detection of the antibiotic chloramphenicol (CAP) in phosphate buffer (pH 7) was easily achieved using a carbon paste electrode modified with NiO nanoparticles (note NiO-CPE). The peak reduction potential of chloramphenicol on the modified electrode is at (− 0.60 V/NiO-CPE vs. Ag/AgCl), its electrochemical behavior is completely irreversible, and controlled by adsorption phenomena. An excellent electrocatalytic activity has been demonstrated by the modified elaborated electrode towards the NO2 attracting group on the side chain of chloramphenicol. The structure and chemical composition of the NiO-CPE sensor were analyzed by SEM, and the X-ray diffraction results indicated that nickel oxide microcrystals were formed on the carbon sheets. The electrochemical characteristics of the NiO-CPE sensor were examined by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in comparison with the unmodified carbon. Since the DPV technique allows plotting the linearity curve between the electrocatalytic current intensity of the Chloramphenicol peak and their concentration, the proposed sensor showed a remarkable detection limit of 1.08 × 10– 8 mol/L M (S/N = 3) and a wide determination range from 100 to 0.1 μM for Chloramphenicol. The developed sensor was successfully applied in the detection of Chloramphenicol in real samples.
Purpose: This study explored illness experiences and the demands for a health-related program tailored to individuals with chronic disease at one of the Korean Seon Centers. It also utilized this information as foundational data for developing a program tailored to their needs.
Methods: The study utilized focus group interviews to collect data from members of one of the Korean Seon centers who have chronic disease, regarding their illness experiences and their expectations for disease management programs. The collected data was then analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method.
Results: The analysis yielded five overarching themes and 14 subthemes. These themes included opposing responses to disease diagnosis, reflections on the causes of disease, efforts toward disease recovery, obstacles to disease recovery, and the need for a customized disease management program.
Conclusion: The findings highlighted the challenges the participants faced in their disease recovery process. They expressed a strong desire for a comprehensive management program that incorporates in-depth information, experience sharing, and education. Such a program would empower individuals to take control of their physical and mental well-being.
Background: The gluteus medius (Gmed) plays a critical role in maintaining frontal plane stability of the pelvis during functional activities, such as one-leg lifting. Side-lying hip abduction (SHA) has been used as a dynamic test to evaluate Gmed function. However, the abduction force of the lower leg against the floor is not controlled during SHA. Therefore, hip abduction performance with contralateral adduction in the side-lying position (HAPCA) can be proposed as an alternative method to assess performance of hip abduction. If the number of HAPCA is related to the lateral pelvic shift distance, a new quantitative measurement for hip abductor function may be presented.
Objects: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the number of successful HAPCA and the lateral pelvic shift distance during one-leg lifting.
Methods: Thirty healthy participants were recruited, and lateral pelvic shift distance was measured during one-leg lifting test using two-dimensional analysis. The number of successful HAPCA was counted when participants touched both target bars at the beat of a metronome.
Results: There was a negative correlation between the number of HAPCA and lateral pelvic shift distance during one-leg lifting (r = –0.630, p < 0.05). The number of HAPCA accounted for 39.7% of the variance in the lateral pelvic shift distance during one-leg lifting (F = 18.454, p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The number of successful HAPCA is significantly correlated with lateral pelvic shift distance during one-leg lifting. This finding suggests that HAPCA can be proposed as a new measurement for hip abductor performance and more research is needed on its relationship with hip abductor strength.
Guided missiles are a one-shot system that finishes their purpose after being used once, and due to the long-term storage until launch, the storage reliability is calculated during development, and performance is maintained through periodic inspections until the life cycle arrives. However, the reliability standards applied in the development of guided missiles were established by analyzing data accumulated by the United States during long-term operation in the country, and since they are different from our environment, the 00 guided missiles that have been deployed in the armed forces for more than 10 years under the premise that there is a difference from actual reliability. As a result of verifying the appropriateness of the current inspection cycle by analyzing the actual reliability of the missile, the necessity of changing the inspection period was derived because it was higher than the predicted reliability. It is proposed to build and utilize a lifespan management system that can systematically collect all data such as shooting and maintenance results by classification, and to establish a reliable reliability standard based on the accumulated data.
Adopting a conversation analytic framework, this paper examined the delay and potential indeterminacy of teacher’s repetition as an other-initiated repair (OIR) strategy, which took place at the third turn of the Initiation-Response-Evaluation (IRE) sequence in one-on-one tutoring sessions. Tutor-tutee interactions for a Korean secondary student were transcribed and analyzed along with notes used in the class. Data showed that when repetition was used as an OIR strategy, it was delayed and inaccurate. The learner was sometimes unsure whether the teacher’s repetition constituted a repair initiation regarding her prior turn. Furthermore, the learner could not successfully recognize which part of the repeated phrase should be repaired. Prior studies have confirmed that repetition can promote learners’ interactions rather than simply highlighting error while also giving learners an opportunity to correct their errors themselves. However, the analysis in this paper suggests a potential risk associated with using repetition as an OIR strategy at feedback turn in instructional discourse.
The global economy has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, and countries around the world urgently need to restore economic growth. As countries in Eurasia become more and more closely connected, it is inevitable for China's Belt and Road Initiative and South Korea's new Northern policy to connect. In this context, what matters is the connection of the railway network. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the integration of the Korean Terminal Railway (TKR) into the Eurasian railway network by connecting the Korean Terminal Railway (TKR) with China's China-Europe freight trains. The results show that there is an interactive positive correlation between railway freight volume and GDP, and South Korea is expected to become the logistics center of East Asia and improve its status and influence in the world center. Within the Korean peninsula, the railway connection can draw North Korea into a larger multilateral agreement system, and South Korea can use external forces within the system to push North Korea to seek more economic cooperation and actively promote the reunification process. The economic development of Northeast Asia also plays a positive role in the economic recovery of the three provinces in northeast China.
본 연구는 최근 코로나19 여파로 가파른 성장세를 보이고 있는 1인 게임 방송의 시청이 이를 송출하는 인터 넷 방송 플랫폼의 속성과 연관성이 있을 것으로 보았다. 본 연구에서는 설문조사를 통해 1인 게임 방송의 시 청 동기를 도출한 후, 시청 동기와 이용자 특성이 플랫폼 자체 속성과 이용자 속성에 미치는 영향을 검증하 기 위해 다중 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 인터넷 방송 플랫폼을 통해 게임 콘텐츠를 시청하는 이용자 들은 참여자들 간의 상호작용과 플랫폼 자체의 편리성과 정보 전달 속도를 중요시 하는 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 속성들은 더 큰 데이터의 전송과 소통의 중요성이 강조되는 메타버스 영역에서도 적용될 수 있을 것 으로 보이며, 메타버스와 함께 더욱 확장되어 나갈 게임 방송 플랫폼의 발전을 위한 실무적 함의를 제공하고 자 한다.
A carbon nanofiber was produced from the Areca catechu husk as a supercapacitor electrode, utilizing a chemical activation of potassium hydroxide (KOH) at different concentrations. One-stage integrated pyrolysis both carbonization and physical activation were employed for directly converting biomass to activated carbon nanofiber. The morphology structure, specific surface area, pore structure characteristic, crystallinity, and surface compound were characterized to evaluate the influence on electrochemical performance. The electrochemical performance of the supercapacitor was measured using cyclic voltammetry (CV) through a symmetrical system in 1 M H2SO4. The results show that the KOH-assisted or absence activation converts activated carbon from aggregate into a unique structure of nanofiber. The optimized carbon nanofiber showed the large specific surface area of 838.64 m2 g−1 with the total pore volume of 0.448 cm3 g−1, for enhancing electrochemical performance. Beneficial form its unique structural advantages, the optimized carbon nanofiber exhibits high electrochemical performance, including a specific capacitance of 181.96 F g−1 and maximum energy density of 25.27 Wh kg−1 for the power density of 91.07 W kg−1. This study examines a facile conventional route for producing carbon nanofiber from biomass Areca catechu husk in economical and efficient for electrode supercapacitor.
Background: The serratus posterior inferior (SPI) muscle originates from the spinous process of T11-L2 and inserts at the lower border of the 9–12th ribs. This muscle is involved in thoracolumbar rotation and stability. Several positions can be used to improve trunk stability; the quadruped position is a good position for easily maintaining a neutral spine. In particular, during one arm lifting, various muscles act to maintain a neutral trunk position, and the SPI is one of these muscles. If trunk stability is weakened, uncontrolled trunk rotation may occur at this time. Tape can be used to increase trunk stability. There have been no studies on the effect of taping applied to the SPI muscle on thoracolumbar junction (TLJ) stability.
Objects: This study compared the TLJ rotation angle between three different conditions (without taping, transverse taping, and SPI muscle direction taping).
Methods: Thirty subjects were recruited to the study (18 males and 12 females). The TLJ rotation angle was measured during one arm lifting in a quadruped position (ALQP). Two taping methods (transverse and SPI muscle direction taping) were applied, and the TLJ rotation angle was measured in the same movement.
Results: SPI muscle direction taping significantly reduced TLJ rotation compared to that without taping (p < 0.001) and with transverse taping (p < 0.001). There was a significant difference in the TLJ rotation angle between transverse taping and SPI muscle direction taping (p < 0.017). Conclusion: SPI muscle direction taping reduces the TLJ rotation angle during ALQP. Therefore, SPI muscle direction taping is one method to improve TLJ stability and reduce uncontrolled TLJ rotation during ALQP.
This paper studied the Pingzuo(平坐) platform structure of the two story building covered with one roof during the early period of Tang dynasty, based on wall paintings, stone pagodas, brick buildings and wooden buildings might be influenced by the Tang style. Instead of Chazhuzao(叉柱造), the typical column linkage in the Song, Liao and Jin buildings, it put the boundary column just behind the wall of a bracket set. Otherwise, the column root might be seen from outside, because its bracket set was still using Touxinzao(偸心造) which did not have a lateral arm on it. And its flooring structure was also different from the Song style, it used cantilever beams instead of lateral beams supported by bracket sets.