
한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집

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한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 (2024년 4월) 340

2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Caenoscelis C. G. Thomson (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae: Cryptophaginae) comprises approximately 30 species in the world, primarily distributed in the Holarctic region. Although 15 Caenoscelis species occur in the Palearctic region, only a single species, Caenoscelis sibirica Reitter, has been documented in Korea. In this study, Caenoscelis koreanus sp. nov. is described, and Caenoscelis ferruginea (C. R. Sahlberg) is reported for the first time in Korea. The new species can be distinguished from other Caenoscelis species by their subquadrate antennomere 10, fully developed hind wings, and male genitalia with subacute parameres and indistinctly separated lateral lobes. Illustrations of habitus, diagnostic characters, and a distribution map of Korean Caenoscelis species are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Weevils are known as economic and agricultural pests. Additionally, many entimine beetles are also known to cause harm in agriculture. On the other hand, soil-dwelling entimine beetles are known as detritivores, feeding on leaf litter and contributing to soil decomposition. The subfamily Entiminae is the largest group among the family Curculionidae. The genus Asphalmus Sharp comprises 45 species, with only two species [Asphalmus japonicus Sharp and Asphalmus kostali Borovec] recorded in Korea, while the rest are found in Japan. All these species are known as inhabiting leaf and soil litter. While examining of entimine specimens, we distinguished 20 specimens that do not share diagnostic characters with existing Asphalmus species. New species can be identified by the following characters: Reddish-brown body color, elongated body form, absence of teeth on all femora, and the form of male genitalia and female spermatheca.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Cryptophagidae Kirby (Coleoptera: Cucujoidea) comprises minute beetles, with approximately 800 described species within about 50 genera worldwide. Most members of this family are found in moldy environments and feed on fungal spores and hyphae. The Korean cryptophagid fauna is poorly known, consisting of 22 species belonging to 8 genera. In this study, seven species of Cryptophagidae reported for the first time in Korea: Atomaroides ussurica (Lyubarsky), Cryptophagus micaceus Rey, Cryptophagus pumilus Reitter, Cryptophagus zonatus Lyubarsky, Henoticus pilifer Reitter, Micrambe (Micrambinus) bimaculata (Panzer), and Serratomaria vulgaris Sasaji. Illustrations of habitus, male genitalia, and collection localities of these seven species are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The jewel beetle, Trachy dilaticeps Gebhardt, 1928 has been known to occur in Japan, China, Taiwan, and Vietnam hitherto. This species is typically distributed in Oriental region. In the case of Palaearctic region, it has only been documented in Japan (Kyushu). In this study, we report T. dilaticeps for the first time from Korea, along with its diagnostic characters. Ecological and distributional information is also provided herein.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Priopoda is a small group of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae, comprising 22 species from worldwide, 10 species from the Eastern Palaearctic and 13 species from the Oriental region. This species and genus are report for the first time from South Korea. The Ctenopelmatinae comprises one of the two major radiations of parasitoids of sawflies. The approximately 1,350 species have been reported in 105 genera and nine tribes. In this study, diagnoses and photos of four unrecorded species from South Korea are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Helictes is a small group of the subfamily Orthocentrinae, comprising 11 species from worldwide, most species from the Palaearctic region, four species from the Nearctic, and two species from the Neotropical region. This subfamily is wide morphological variation between genera but most are readily recognizable as orthocentrines. They are generally small sized, clypeus strongly convex and malar space long. Among them, this genus is reported for the first time from South Korea. In this study, description, photographs of diagnostic characterists are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Trixagus Kugelann is one of the most diverse genera in the family Throscidae Laporte, which comprises about 80 species. Only a single species of this genus has been reported in Korea throughout the entire family. In this study, three additional species, Trixagus sp., Trixagus leseigneuri Muona, and Trixagus turgidus Hisamatsu are reported for the first time in Korea. Similar to that of the species illustrated in Kovalev, males of Trixagus leseigneuri Muona and Trixagus turgidus Hisamatsu possess sexual modification on mesotarsus. Trixagus sp. and Trixagus turgidus Hisamatsu exhibit characters that are unusual for this genus, including the unincised eye, a blade-like structure on the protibia, and others. Illustrations of habitus and diagnostic characters of each species are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The North Korean sawflies housed in the Hymenoptera Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum are studied, with a focus on the subfamilies Athaliinae and Allantinae. Five genera and ten species of the two subfamilies are identified. Athalia indiana Benson is reported for the first time from East Asia (North Korea), and further eight species and one subspecies are discovered in the new country of North Korea: Allantus helanshanicus Wei, Li and Xiao, Apethymus kolthoffi (Forsius), A. sidorenkoi Sundukov, Athalia japonica (Klug), A. proxima (Klug), A. rosae ruficornis Jakowlew, Beleses satonis (Takeuchi), Taxonus carbonarius Takeuchi, and T. montanus Togashi. Additionally, Athalia infumata (Marlatt) syn. nov. is considered a junior subjective synonym of A. proxima (Klug). Diagnoses and photographs of the newly recorded species are provided, as well as new distributional records and brief notes on the new synonymy.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Neomyrhessus Minkina, 2024, is a rare genus comprising six species, recently erected from Myrhessus Balthasar, 1955 for N. nanjingensis. To date, all six species have been reported in East Asia, with five from Japan and one from China. In this study, the genus Neomyrhessus is recorded for the first time in South Korea, with the discovery of a new species Neomyrhessus coreanus sp. nov. Description, illustrations of morphological characters, and habitat information for a new species are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Oriental fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis) are one of the most important pests in horticulture worldwide. The distribution information of this species is not easy to be found as it is scattered in many forms of publications such as books, journals, and research reports. The study was conducted by collecting data from various resources, analyzing the information, and interpreting the results. As a result, B. dorsalis was confirmed to be distributed in a total of 82 countries, and the distribution status of each country is presented by dividing it into present (widespread, localized, few occurrences, under eradication) and absent (eradicated, confirmed by survey, intercepted only, invalid presence record). This review is very useful for biologists, entomologists, as well as practitioners of plant protection.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study focuses on developing diagnostic compositions, kits, and information provision methods for identifying species-specific genes in domestically residing Reticulitermes speratus and Reticulitermes kanmonensis, as well as the recently introduced Cryptotermes domesticus. The core innovation of this invention lies in the utilization of species-specific genetic markers to facilitate rapid and accurate species identification using a PCR (polymerase chain reaction)-based diagnostic technique. This approach enables swift identification of termites at quarantine stages, contributing to efficient management of imported goods and minimizing ecological and economic damages caused by termites. Through genome analysis of termites, this research has identified candidate species-specific genetic markers, developed diagnostic compositions and kits based on these markers, and proposed a rapid diagnostic method capable of determining termite species within a day, optimally within three hours. This invention provides a groundbreaking tool for termite management and research, significantly contributing to pest control and biodiversity conservation efforts.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Campylomyza Meigen, 1818, from the Micromyinae subfamily of the Cecidomyiidae, includes 40 known species globally. The genus Campylomyza has been primarily studied within the Palearctic region, with 39 species, 2 from the Nearctic region, and 1 from the Oriental region. As of now, four species have been documented in Korea: Campylomyza appendiculata, C. flavipes, C. furva, and C. spinata. Our research from 2017 to 2020 uncovered five previously unreported species in Korea (C. abjecta, C. aborigena, C. cornuta, C. cavitata, and C. cingulata) and introduces seven new species (C. angusta sp. nov., C. ambulata sp. nov., C. convexa sp. nov., C. cornigera sp. nov., C. hori sp. nov., C. odae sp. nov., and C. yeongyangensis sp. nov.). These findings are based on morphological evidence and DNA analysis. We present comprehensive data, including the mitochondrial COI sequences, diagnoses, detailed descriptions, and identification keys for these species. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Anamorphidae Strohecker is a beetle family that comprises about 170 species worldwide. This family was traditionally considered as a subfamily of the family Endomychidae Leach because of their similar appearance, but a phylogenetic study revealed it is a separate family. The adults of this family can be distinguished from endomychid species by possessing a tentorium with corpotentorium and separated anterior arms, mesocoxal cavities being broadly closed by meso- and metaventrites, and others. Although more than 20 species have been reported in East Asia, this family has never been reported in Korea. In this study, the family Anamorphidae Strohecker and its 5 species of 3 genera, Bystodes kidoi Sasaji, Bystodes sp.1, Bystodes sp.2, Dexialia hiranoi Narukawa, Idiophyes sp., are reported for the first time in Korea. Illustrations of habitus and diagnostic characters of each species are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This research introduces the subfamily Catotrichinae to the South Korean fauna for the first time. Within the globally recognized 6,651 Cecidomyiidae species, only ten are categorized under the Catotrichinae subfamily. Notably, this subfamily, which ingests fungi during larval development, is among the most primordial lineages of the Cecidomyiidae, both in morphological and molecular terms. The species Catoricha nipponensis of Catotrichinae was newly observed in Yeongwol, Gangwon-do, in October 2021. It was recorded for the first time in Korea, with its holotype initially collected in Honshu, Japan, in November 1923. This study provides the diagnosis, photographs of distinguishing characteristics, and the DNA barcode sequences for Catotricha nipponensis. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), funded by the Ministry of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Anaclasiger which is one of the myrmecophilous beetle (Clavigeritae) was described by Raffray in 1890 with the type species, A. sinuaticollis. Since then, only one species, A. zhudiae, had been added in this genus. The former species has known to distribute in Singapore (type locality), Taiwan (Raffray, 1914), Malaysia (Nomura & Idris, 2005), Thailand and Japan (Nomura et al., 2006), and the latter has been reported only in China (Yin et al., 2012). During specimens research of Korea National Arboretum, we were recognized one species, A. sinuaticollis, collected by pitfall trap in Mt. Geombong. Therefore, we are going to report this unrecorded genus and species for the first time from Korea. Both the information of the species including diagnosis, habitus and male genitalia, and that of the genus distribution on the map are going to be provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The mayfly genus Drunella is the most diverse genera in the family Ephemerellidae, and is found in lotic streams throughout East Asia and North America. The species D. ishiyamana is found widely throughout East Asia and their species concept has not been properly defined until recently. The D. ishiyamana species group was examined, and morphological and molecular evidence of a new species were uncovered. In this study Drunella punctata sp. nov. is formally described, mainly distinguished from D. ishiyamana by the lack of a notch in their median clypeal tubercle in their larval stage. Photographs, diagnosis, and descriptions of D. punctata are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Since Dolichovespula kuami Kim & Yoon was first recorded in Korea in 1996, there has been ongoing debate over its valid specific status. However, through recent analysis of the male genitalia structure and DNA barcode, it has been proven that it is a different species from D. flora Archer, which live in China. D. kuami is an endemic species that mainly lives in forest areas in the central and northern parts of South Korea. It is a hornet species that is relatively rare due to low nest density. Therefore, little is known about their ecological characteristics. However, as numerous wasps of D. kuami were recently collected in the Jilin Province of China, their distribution records have been confirmed to be beyond the Korean Peninsula to China. Therefore, this study aims to record the distribution of D. kuami in China for the first time.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Nicrophorus Fabricius, 1775, commonly known as necrophagous beetle, is associated with vertebrate carrion. Up to date, the genus consists of 72 species worldwide. In recent years, various phylogenetic studies explored on the evolution and relationship of the species in the genus. However, morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies produced conflicting results, continuing the problem over whether Nicrophrous quadraticollis is monotypic or not. The present study is to report the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of N. quadraticollis that was sequenced in prior to a systematic research of Silphinae. It was 17,747bp in length and comprised 12 protein-coding genes(PCGs), 2 rRNA Genes, 22 tRNA Genes and one non-coding region. The nucleotide composition is 40.9% for A, 36.7% for T, 9.0% for G and 13.4% for C.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Valgus Kolbe, 1909 is a small genus of Cetoniinae, with 20 described species worldwide. In Korea, only one species, Valgus koreanus Sawada, have been recorded. Species of this genus have been known that they are commonly associated with termite colonies. They feed on the wall of termite burrows in logs or standing dead trees. In this study, we report a new species of this genus, Valgus gwangneungensis sp. nov.. We provide a key to the species of Valgus, description of the new species and photographs of habitus and male aedeagus.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Nemophora Hoffmannsegg, 1798 is a relatively large group in Adelidae, including about 350 species worldwide. Only 13 species are known to Korean insect fauna up to date. The present study is to report N. ochsenheimerella, which is new to Korea. N. ochsenheimerella is externally similar to N. wakayamensis but can be distinguished by having characters in male genitalia as follows: cucullus longer than N. wakayamensis and N. ochsenheimerella has two rows of curnus consisting of numerous minute spines.