The object of this research is to confirm the effect of Waste Glass Sludge on properties of concrete through compressive strength and Alkali-Silica reaction of concrete and to develop as construction material.
The objective of this study is to investigted the mechanical properties used cement mix-materials, blast furnace slag. Experimental variables of this study are replacement ratio of blast furnace slag.
This paper is about flexural performance of shotcreting SHCC according to stages. The study results showed that shotcrete SHCC is possible to connection of reinforced concrete frame and retrofitted member.
To secure the early strength of ternary blended cement mortar, using 3.5% anhydrite with a fineness of approximately 10,000cm2/g, was found to provide the most outstanding early strength properties.
This paper is to investigate the effect of heat curing method on strength development of concrete subjected to -10℃ by preparing mock up specimen, which had slab, wall and column. As expected, the application of heat curing methods had larger strength than non heat curing specimen because of higher maturity. And within 7 days of heat curing, minimum strength to protect from early frost damage was achieved.
Road pavement in Korea generally undergoes in-service shorter than an expected life cycle. There are many reasons including increased traffic load and other attacks from exposure conditions. In order to extend service life and upgrade the pavement a new multi-functional composite pavement system is being developed in Korea. This study investigates strength of fiber reinforce lean concrete which used fly-ash and reject ash as a cement replacement. In addition this study suggest an appropriate compaction method in order to minimize the experimental scatters that used to come from non-unified specimen fabrication.
The Non-Shrinkage Epoxy using Silanol(Si-OH) was developed for repairing and strengthening, and it has excellent material properties that overcomes many limits of other existing epoxy products. In this study, direct shear strength tests were conducted to investigate the superior bond and shear capacity of the Non-Shrinkage Epoxy. The test results showed that the specimens with Non-Shrinkage Epoxy applied to their shear plane had higher shear strength than those with other existing epoxy.
To evaluaiton of heat history and spalling of concrete conlmn exposed to high temperature, □300×300×H450mm Specimen was used. fiber condition is Nylon 0.15vol.%, Polypropylene 0.1vol.% and steel fiber 0.3vol.%. The type of find aggregates are silica sand, wash sand and slag sand.
This paper presents the finite element (FE) response sensitivity and reliability analyses considering smooth constitutive material models. A reinforced concrete (RC) frame is modeled for FE sensitivity analysis followed by direct differentiation method (DDM) under both static and dynamic load cases. Later, the reliability analysis is performed to predict the seismic behavior of the frame. Displacement sensitivity discontinuities are observed along the pseudo-time axis using non-smooth reinforced steel model under quasi-static loading. However, the smooth steel material shows continuity in response sensitivity at elastic to plastic transition points. The normalized sensitivity results are also used to measure the relative importance of the material parameters on the structural responses. In FE reliability analysis, the influence of smoothness behavior of reinforced steel is carefully noticed. Cumulative distribution function (CDF) curves have shown minor change of failure probabilities due to the smoothness effect.
Radioactive waste repositories require long-term durability of concrete in contact with ground water. However, contact of the ground water leads to Ca2+ leaching process between pore water and pure water. Therefore, this study is aimed at investigating the effect of the leaching process of concrete based on their physical properties and durabilities. According to results, as the leaching period became longer, the pore volume is greatly increased and the chloride diffusion coefficient of the degraded concrete increased with leaching process.
In this study, it evaluates autogenous Shrinkage of high strength concrete with polymix fiber and type of aggregate. Consequently, When concrete is mixed with limestone aggregate and spalling prevention fiber, Compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and autogenous shrinkage was better.
This paper presents the results of a life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis to select an efficient maintenance action for a deteriorated waterfront structure. Three different maintenance actions, a routine maintenance and two types of rehabilitation methods, were assumed and the corresponding the LCCs were calculated using a LC activity profile. The results of the analysis indicate that the LCC analysis can be effectively used to examine the maintenance alternative actions during the decision making process.
In this research, the comparison and Analysis of domestic Bridge Deck on General National Road has been performed with major variations of Superstructure type, Span Lengths, Located Resion and Ages by using ‘the current status of road bridge and tunnel’ that is provided by MLTM(Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs).
As cases of unexpected environment catastrophes drastically increased because average temperature of Earth is increased by accumulated greenhouse gases in atmosphere due to the excessive use of fossil energy, it is necessary to decrease the greenhouse gas emission in urban planning aspect. However, current researches on urban planning and design method for carbon neutrality in national level is still in early stage.
This study suggested absorption method for unavoidable outbreak of carbon dioxide by deducting planning factors and estimate of absorption according to the CO2 absorption objective.
In this study, three kinds of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques for the effective maintenance of underwater concrete structures are investigated: schmidt hammer-based NDE, indirect ultrasonic waves-base NDE and impact echo method using noncontact air-coupled sensing system. Currently, lots of limitations to implement these techniques to real-world structures are being considered.
Deterioration of insulation and retrofitting existing buildings to make the data necessary for the insulation of the survey should precede. Measuring infrared (IR systems) using insulation on-site apartment Segmental analysis of the structure is to evaluate the let part. Temperature and temperature gradient by the degradation of the insulation of apartment structures can be evaluated.
This experimental study evaluates of seismic performance on strain-hardening cement-based composite (SHCC). The objective of this study is to evaluate of cross-sectional reduction (1400×800×70 and 1120×520×40㎜) and design compressive strength level (45 and 50 MPa). The experimental results as cross-sectional reduction, peak loads are not significantly different. but energy area is decrease.
This study informs regarding application to electric protection by using piezoelectric material which is one of the energy harvesting system in bridge. It can transform from strain energy to electricity energy by using piezoelectric material as strain energy always occurs in bridge. This paper suggests that electricity energy occurred from piezoelectric material can use cathodic protection by power impressed methods for anti corrosion of reinforcement bar, steel and so on.
In this study the evaluation of technologies for standardization in foundation structures are done. For this, reliablity-based methods of investiugation data analysis are suggested in this paper.
The difference in phase and amplitude of ground motions recorded in different locations is generally known as spatial variation of seismic ground motions. This study focuses on the effects of spatial variation of earthquake ground motion on responses of adjacent buildings. The adjacent frame buildings are modeled considering soil-structure interaction (SSI) so that all the buildings can have interaction with each other under non-uniform ground motions. Based on Fast Fourier Transformation, spatially correlated non-uniform ground motions are generated compatible with known spectrum density function at different locations. Numerical analyses are carried out and the results are presented in terms of related parameters affecting the structural response using three different types of soil site classes. The results show that the effects of ground motion spatial variation are different for different site classes. The effect is more significant on rock site rather than clay site.