
한국육종학회 심포지엄

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2013 한국육종학회-차세대BG21사업단 공동심포지엄 (2013년 7월) 243

2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
고품질 콩 품종육성을 위한 기초자료로 활용하기 위하여 한국 재래콩 292점의 isoflvone과 saponin 함량의 변이를 구명한 결과, 총 isoflavone 함량은 평균1390.2㎍/g 이었고 420.6∼2907.3㎍/g의 범위였다. isoflavone 함량의 분포는 1000∼1500㎍/g 범위에서 가장 많이 분포하였고, 1500∼2000㎍/g의 범위가 그 다음으로 높았고, 2500㎍/g이상은 5점 이었다. isoflavone함량은 genistein, daidzein 및 glycitein 순으로 높았다. 총 isoflavone의 함량은 daidzein 및 genistein과 높은 정의 상관관계 이었고, daidzein 과 genistein 간에도 정의 상관관계이었다. 총 saponin 함량은 평균4347㎍/g 이었고 1932∼8400㎍/g의 범위였다. Group A saponin 함량은 평균529㎍/g 이었고 243∼1231㎍/g의 범위였다. Group B saponin 함량은 평균3817㎍/g이었고 1584∼7598㎍/g의 범위였다. Group B saponin이 높은 자원은 IT226841, IT228304, IT228251이었으며, 총 saponin함량이 높은 자원은 IT226841(8,400㎍/g)이었다. 총 saponin 함량과 Group B saponin의 함량 간에는 정의 상관이었다.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
헤어리베치의 분홍색과 백색 화색 유전검정을 위하여 헤어리베치 유전자원 집단에서 파생된 백색 화색 계통을 모본으로 하고 분홍 화색을 지닌 품종(마메초)을 부본으로 하여 2011년에 교배하여 2013년 F2 후대를 조사하였다. 분홍색과 백색의 잡종(F1)은 보라색으로 나타났고 후대(F2) 화색은 백색 1 보라 2, 분홍색 1의 비율로 분리되었다. 따라서 헤어리베치의 분홍색 화색은 보라색에 대한 열성상위 관계에 있는 것으로 추정된다.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
국내에서 2009년까지 육성된 콩 120품종들의 saponin 함량 변이를 구명하여 콩 기능성 품종 개발의 기초자료로 활용코자 본 연구를 수행하였다. Saponin 함량은 Group A saponin이 225.6∼1,193.3㎍/g의 범위였고 평균은 592.5㎍/g이었으며, Group B saponin은 2168.6∼7270.0㎍/g 범위였고 평균은 4318.0㎍/g이었다. Group A와 B saponin을 합한 총 saponin 함량은 2431.1∼8231.3㎍/g의 범위였고 평균은 4910.5㎍/g이었다. 콩 saponin 함량은 품종, 육성연대, 용도, 종실크기 및 육성모지 간에 따라서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 각종 생리활성을 나타내는 물질로 인식되는 group B saponin이 높은 5개 품종들은 원황콩, 녹채콩, 부광콩, 장기콩 및 흑미콩 이었다. 육성연대는 2000년도 이후가, 용도는 나물콩이, 종실크기는 소립종이, 육성모지는 익산이 총 saponin 함량이 가장 높았다. 총 saponin 함량과 Group B saponin의 함량 간에는 정의 상관이었다.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
“Baechal”, a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Iksan, Korea, during the period from 2006 to 2012. The heading and maturing dates of this variety were May 1 and June 5 in upland, and May 2 and June 8 in paddy field, respectively. It is an It is an awned, semi-dwarf and hard white wheat. Culm and spike length of “Baekchal” were 75cm and 8.7cm. It had lower test weight (794g/ℓ) and 1,000 grain weight (35.7g) than “Keumkang”. It showed moderate to pre-harvest sprouting, which lower rate of pre-harvest sprouting (13.7%) than “Keumkang”. “Baekchal” had similar ash content (0.47%) and protein content (13.1%) to “Keumkang”. It showed lower gluten content (9.6%), SDS-sedimentation volume (38.2㎖) and amylose content (6.5%) than “Keumkang”. It showed higher high viscosity (643BU), water absorption (213%), expansibility of cooking (357%). It showed different composition in HMW-GS compositios (2*), PPO18 (876bp), GBSS (waxy type) and Puroindolines composition compared th “Keumkang”. Average yield of “Baekchal” in the regional adaptation yield trial test was 4.89 ton/ha in upland and 4.83 ton/ha in paddy field. “Baekchal” would be suitable for the area above –10℃ of daily minimun temperature in January in Korean peninsula
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
스프레이국화 ‘예스미키(Yes Mickey)’는 2008년 예산국화시험장 육종온실내에서 네덜란드에서 육성된 홑꽃화형의 ‘포워드(Forward)’를 방임수분하여 얻어진 280개의 종자를 2009년에 파종하였고, 이중에서 다화성으로 화색이 선명하고 녹색의 짙은 화심을 갖고 있는 ‘SP09-182-03’계통을 선발하였다. 이 품종의 주년재배 특성검정을 위하여 2009년부터 2011년까지 1・2차 생육특성 검정을 수행하였고, 2012년 3차 특성검정 및 기호도 평가를 수행한 결과 기호도가 4.08/5.0로 높아 ‘예산SP-40호’로 명명하였으며 2012년 직무육성 신품종선정위원회를 통과하여 ‘예스미키(Yes Mickey)’로 명명하고 품종등록 출원하였다. ‘예스미키(Yes Mickey)’의 생육 및 개화특성은 모본으로 사용된 황색의 ‘포워드(Forward)’를 대조품종으로 하여 조사하였다. ‘예스미키’는 황색(7A)의 화심이 진한녹색인 조기개화성 절화용 스프레이국 품종이다. 본당 착화수는 23.7개로 대조품종 17.2개보다 월등히 많았으며 꽃직경이 3.6cm이고 꽃잎수는 31.0매로 대조품종의 2.7cm에 43.0매와 비교하여 볼륨이 크고 녹심이 뚜렷한 산티니계열의 수출용 꽃다발로 적합하였다. 개화소요일수는 자연재배에서 45일로 대조품종보다 5일 빠른 경향을 보였다. 재배상 유의사항은 개화반응기간이 짧아 영양생장기에 비배관리를 철저히 하고 다화성으로 적정 재식거리를 준수하여야 한다.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
“Hojoong”, a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Iksan, Korea, during the period from 2006 to 2012. The heading and maturing dates of this variety were May 2 and June 10 in upland, and May 3 and June 7 in paddy field, respectively. It is an It is an awned, semi-dwarf and soft red winter wheat. Culm and spike length of “Hojoong” were 79cm and 9.1cm. It had lower test weight (803 g/ℓ) and 1,000 grain weight (39.5g) than “Keumkang”. It showed resistance to pre-harvest sprouting, which lower rate of pre-harvest sprouting (5.5%) than “Keumkang”. “Hojoong” had lower flour yield (66.7%) and ash content (0.38%) than “Keumkang”. It showed lower protein content (11.3%) and lower SDS-sedimentation volume (34.0㎖) and amylose content (20.5%) than “Keumkang”. It showed higher high viscosity (204BU) and lightness of noodle dough sheet (80.63). It showed different composition in HMW-GS compositios (2.2+12), PPO18 (876bp), GBSS B (null type) and Puroindolines composition compared th “Keumkang”. Average yield of “Hojoong” in the regional adaptation yield trial test was 5.51 ton/ha in upland and 5.10 ton/ha in paddy field. “Hojoong” would be suitable for the area above –10℃ of daily minimun temperature in January in Korean peninsula
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) is a major staple for a large portion of the world. The crop ranks fifth among the cereals world-wide with respect to its importance for food and feed applications. To this end, the grain harvested from sorghum, and the millets provides an important source for dietary calories and protein for approximately one billion people in the semi-arid regions of the world. However, grain sorghum products are known to have relatively poor digestibility, only approximately 50%–70%, in comparison with other grains, such as wheat and maize, which tend to have digestibility percentages over 80% and 70%, respectively. Protein with high digestibility is by definition nutritionally superior owing to the increased availability of amino acids. Digestibility can be impacted by both protein–protein and⁄or protein–nonprotein interactions. However, with respect to grain sorghum, it is thought that the major factor influencing digestibility is the former because of high protein cross-linking around the protein body. To understand the mechanism of seed storage proteins in the sorghum, the proteomic analysis was carried out between the wild(BTX623) and mutant(M271207) genotypes of sorghum. Proteins were separated from the mature seed using IEF in the first-dimension and SDS-PAGE in the second dimension along with hybrid LTQ-FTICR mass spectrometry. After image analysis using Progenesis SameSpot software, we identified the 62 differential expressed protein spots out of 293 protein spots. Out of total differential expressed spots, 35 differential expressed protein spots (more than2-fold) were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Out of 35 protein spots, we were identified 20 protein spots as up-regulated and 15 protein spots as downregulated, significantly. In our proteomic investigation, the candidate proteins may provide novel clues for better understanding the characteristics of seed proteins in Sorghum.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Mutant lines induced by ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) have been used for crop improvement and functional genomics. Since pepper is very recalcitrant to be transformed, EMS mutagenesis could be an alternative method to generate useful mutant lines and to characterize the function of genes. We have developed mutant lines consisting of about 3,938 M2 mutant lines using Korea local landrace, C. annuum ‘Yuwolcho’. Yuwolcho has suitable traits for mutagenesis such as early flowering and maturation, large number of seeds per fruit, and susceptibility to various diseases. Up to now, 917 M2 mutant lines were evaluated to confirm the effect of EMS. M2 mutant lines have shown variations in plant stature (small size, dwarfism, and early death), leaf development (light color, variegation and morphological change) and flower (inflorescence, morphological change) and fruit (size and color). We observed the largest morphological variation in leaf development. Most of these mutant phenotypes were inherited recessively. In addition, we are applying cel1-based TILLING to identify useful mutant lines. We will apply cel1-based TILLING to identify useful mutant lines. We are expecting that these mutant lines will be very useful to study the function of genes in C. annuum.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Soybean isoflavones include daidzein, genistein and glycitein with their glycosides, and their malonated derivatives are the main polyphenolic compounds that are helpful for human health. Our research objective was to investigate the differentitation of soybean isoflavones contents of breeding populations between yellow and black soybean. Isoflavones contents in soybean are a wide range from 500 to 7000 ㎍/g. In this study, we used Ilmi (Isoflavones content, 3.612 ㎍/g) as male parent and 04GAYT-4 (Isoflavones content, 1,648 ㎍/g) as female parent. From these varieties, we obtained 94 breeding lines (yellow, 48 lines; black, 25 lines; brown, 21 lines) which have isoflavones content range from 1000 to 6000 ㎍/g. Highest isflavone contents of three different breeding lines was yellow seed coated lines (average isoflavone content, yellow 3,046 ㎍/g, brown 2,935 ㎍/g, black 2,813 ㎍/g).
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Soluble sugar content in soybean seed is an important quality attribute for soyfood and feed. Usually, soluble sugars comprise 6 to 17% of total dry wt. in mature soybean seeds. In this study, 414 soybean mutant lines induced by gamma-ray were screened by colormetric assay, FACE (Fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis), and GC-MS to identify the change of soluble sugar contents. Among 414 soybean mutant lines, 12 mutant lines derived from three different soybean cultivars (Hwanggum, Paldal, and Bangsa) showed higher level of soluble sugar content compared to their original cultivars. However, 5 mutant lines derived from soybean landrace KAS 636-15 showed lower level in the colormetric assay. In FACE, 17 soybean mutant lines selected by colormetric assay also showed different band intensity compared with their original cultivars. However, there were no different soluble sugar patterns between soybean original cultivars and mutant lines. Finally, the variations of soluble sugar content in 17 soybean mutant lines were confirmed by using GC-MS. These mutant lines will be used for genetic study to find mutations of genes related soluble sugar biosynthesis.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Fruit quality traits like heat, color and flavor are unique and important for pepper cuisines and industrial use. Pepper pigments include chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanin and red pigments like capsanthin are unique carotenoids to capsicum spp. So developing carotenoids-rich peppers and use of red pigments extraction along with capsaicinoids are one of interest pepper breeding goals in the world. Horticultural traits of 113 germplasms introduced by international cooperative research with YASS of China were evaluated to select promissing materials for high quality peppers during the past 3 years. All of germplasms including 60 local peppers were belong to C. annuum and fruit characteristics were diverse. Especially fruit chemical compositions like ASTA color, capsaicinoids and sugars were evaluated compared with korean commercial peppers. Average contents of ASTA color was 98±37, 55±63mg in capsaicinoids and 12±6% in total sugars. ASTA color which generally means red pigments content was over 120 in 25 germplasms including over 200 in 2 germplasms. Higher ASTA colors were observed in different fruit types. Capsaicinoids content was over 90mg/100g in 24 germplasms including 5 germpalsms over 200mg. Especially higher capsaicinoids were higher in local peppers with round and wrinkled fruit shape. And total sugar content was over 20% in 10 germplasms. Germplasms of different fruit shapes and characteristics will be useful materials for diverse fruit quality breeding.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
With the rapid development of sequencing technologies, next-generation sequencing is widely utilized for molecular breeding in several crops including rice. We performed whole genome resequencing of ten Korean rice accessions including six cultivars and four mutant lines. In total, 2,448 million raw reads were generated with over 58x coverage of Nipponbare genome. We mapped the reads from each of the ten accessions onto genomic sequence of japonica rice cultivar, Nipponbare. We detected 3,144,016 SNPs, which estimated to be one per 2.2kb on average. We found SNPs in genes that have been reported to be involved in rice flowering time regulation and bacterial blight resistance among ten rice accessions. Unmapped region against Nipponbare genome occupied about 1 ~ 2% in each accession. Over 50% of the unmapped region were found in the repeat region. The minimum length of gap in all accessions were 1bp and the maximum length of gap was 45,967bp in Ilpum. We also identified 3,497 possible gene loss events within these unmapped regions. The frequency of gene loss in each chromosome ranged from 33 on chromosome 5 to 913 on chromosome 11. The genetic variations we detected among ten rice accessions will provide invaluable resources for identification of genes associated with diverse traits of agronomical importance for molecular breeding.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
To determine the expression levels of genes related to the salt stress response in rice, gene expression profiles were investigated through microarray analysis using the rice mutant line Till-II-877. There were no significant changes in physiological response under salt stress of the mutant increased less than that in the WT. The intensity of gene expression was analyzed and compared between the wild type and mutant lines using a microarray. Among the most significantly affected pathways, α-linolenic acid metabolism and linoleic acid metabolism (in lipid metabolism), fructose and mannose metabolism and glycolysis-gluconeogenesis (in carbohydrate metabolism), cysteine and methionine metabolism (in amino acid metabolism), and carbon fixation (in the energy metabolism of photosynthetic organisms) showed changes in gene expression levels under salt stress. These results further our understanding of the effects of salt stress in rice and may aid in the development of salt-tolerant rice cultivars.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was set up to get plants from anther culture of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) gardenmum cultivar “Yes Morning’ and potmum cultivar “Peace Pink” for breeding program. The induction of callus was quick and high on MS basal medium supplemented with 1.0 mg/L of 2,4-D + 2.0 mg/L of 6-BA + 4% W/V sucrose. Induction potential was slightly increased by addition of 250 mg/L Casein hydrolysate to the induction medium. Calluses were allowed to differentiate on MS basal medium + 2.0 mg/L of BA + 0.1 mg/L of NAA + 3%W/V sucrose. The rate of callus formation differed little between the cultivars. A pretreatment of anthers at 4℃ for 48h enhanced both the induction and differentiation ratio. Multiple shoots were initiated from most of the calluses and were shifted to MS basal medium + 0.1 mg/L of NAA + 3%W/V sucrose for rooting. Regenerated plantlets were acclimatized and transferred to the soil. Some of the regenerated plants showed slow growth with little morphological difference.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
High temperature impediment in developing stages of crops has been occurred due to the impact of global warming. Rice production is notable to be sensitive to increasing environmental temperature and grain filling temperatures are already approaching threatening levels in many countries with rice cultivation. Recent proteomic analyses exposed impulsive changes of metabolisms during rice grain development. Interestingly, proteins involved in glycolysis, citric acid cycle, lipid metabolism, and proteolysis were accumulated at higher levels in mature grain than those of developing stages. High temperature (HT) stress in rice ripening period enhances damaged (chalky) grains which have loosely compacted shape starch granules. We carried out two-dimensional gel electrophoresis to analyze protein profiles during grain filling and different developmental stages of rice seed maturation. Proteins were separated from the fertilized seeds (seeds from 7 days and 21 days after fertilization) and seed maturation stage using IEF in the first-dimension and SDS-PAGE in the second dimension along with MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. More than 1,000 protein spots were detected on a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. A total of 120 different protein spots out of 140 protein spots were identified by MALDI-TOF and nano LCQ-TOF mass spectrometer. The identified proteins were categorized into six (6) different groups according to their expression patterns during grain filling and seed maturation. Some proteins were confirmed during seed development stages such as cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, whereas others were appeared at a specific stage like putative subtilisin-like protease, germin-like, seed allergenic proteins. Furthermore, the chalking mechanism of rice grain under the HT stress could be discussed in terms of grain starch glycome, transcriptome, and proteome.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Sub-cellular proteomics provide insight into the molecular mechanisms of plant cell modulation of protein accumulation in intracellular compartments regarding various perturbations, and thus provides rectified knowledge about signal transduction in organelles. Mitochondria are important organelles for cellular respiration within the eukaryotic cell and serve many important functions including vitamin synthesis, amino acid metabolism and photorespiration for the cell as well. To define the mitochondrial proteome of the roots of wheat seedling, a systematical and targeting analysis were carried out on the mitochondrial proteome from 15 days-old wheat seedling roots material. Mitochondria were isolated by Percoll gradient centrifugation; and extracted proteins were separated and analyzed using Tricine SDS-PAGE along with LTQ-FTICR mass spectrometry. From the isolated mitochondrial proteins, a total of 140 proteins were identified. The identified proteins were functionally classified into 12 classes using ProtFun 2.2 server based on cellular roles, Proteins were shown to be involved in including amino acid biosynthesis (17.1%), biosynthesis of cofactors (6.4%), cell envelope (11.4%), central intermediary metabolism (10%), energy metabolism (20%), fatty acid metabolism (0.7%), purines and pyrimidines (5.7%), regulatory functions (0.7%), replication and transcription (1.4%), translation (22.1%), transport and binding (1.4%), and unknown (2.8%). These results indicated that many of the protein components present and functions of identified proteins are common to other profiles of mitochondrial proteomes performed to date. The data presented here will begin to reveal a better understanding the characteristics of proteins and metabolic activity in mitochondria in wheat roots.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Amylopectin composition is determined by the relative activity of soluble starch synthase (SSS) and granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS). Soluble starch synthase and starch branching enzymes are major determinants for the synthesis of amylopectin while GBSS1 is responsible for amylose synthesis in vivo. The formers are made of linear and branched molecules and the latter is composed of highly branched molecules. To increase the palatability of rice, down-regulation of amylose synthesis by antisense and RNA interference (RNAi) could be excellent and powerful tools for controlling the starch composition which is responsible for grain eating quality. The goal of this study is to generate breeding lines with lower amylose content relative to its wild type. This study also reports the results of the two down-regulating technology in lowering the amylose content of rice grain. Furthermore, this study elucidates the effect of using antisense and RNAi for SSS1 and GBSS1.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In this study, we examined the palatability and physicochemical properties of rice varieties in the year when there was 10% increase in yield compared to normal year due to daily temperature range and sunshine hours. The results of the analysis of rice yield over the last 20 years (1993-2012) showed 10% difference between the yield in 2000, which was normal, and that in 2001. With regard to the crop weather condition during the ripening period in 2001 compared to 2000, the daily range and sunshine hours were higher, but the mean temperature was similar. The rice yield in 2001 was 9.8% higher than that in 2000 due to the increased number of spikelets per panicles and ratio of ripened grain. In terms of chemical traits, protein, Mg, and K contents decreased in 2001 compared to 2000, but amylose content increased. Trough and final viscosity assessed with a Rapid Visco Analyser were significantly higher in 2001 than 2000. The results suggested that the palatability of cooked rice was good in that year with about 10% increase in rice yield compared to normal year due to daily temperature range and sunshine hours.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Soybean is an excellent source of protein for human and animal feed. But, nutritional quality is compromised by a low content of the sulfur amino acid, methionine. The purpose of this research is to screen the genotype with high methionine content. Forty genotypes including current cultivars, breeding lines, and germplasms were evaluated in the for two years. After harvest, random seeds of each genotypes were used to check methionine content by HPLC method. Methionine contents ranged from 1.9 - 5.0 (mg/g) for first year to 2.4 - 4.3 (mg/g) for second year. At first year, three genotypes [76F7-4(1), 86F8-2(1), and 70F7-1] had high content of methionine. At second year, three genotypes [Jinnon#1, daalkong, 86F8-2(1)] had high content of methionine. Genotype, 86F8-2(1) had high content of methionine at both years. Also, effect of environment on methionine content was observed. However, methionine content is a very different from genotypes.
2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Mutant analysis is one of most optimized genome-wide approach towards acquiring utile phenotypes and defining related genes. Gamma-irradiation, an acknowledged way of mutant-generating method, was applied to gain sets of mutant line in Brachypodium distachyon. B. distachyon is a model plant, commonly used in genus of Gramineae for the research of structure genomics and functional genomics. B. distachyon contribute to rapid and easy analysis because of its small size and quick growth. Mutant population was generated by different doses of gamma-irradiation (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 Gy) in the gamma field phytotron. Distance from the source gives same irradiation duration for each plant. Plant growth parameters such as plant height, tiller number, leaf length & width, internode number & diameter, maturity and yield components (ear number biomass) were scored on M0 plants. Plant responses to different doses of radiation are evaluated and the effective radiation dosages to generate mutant using gamma-phytotron are suggested. Chronic irradiation using gamma-phytotron is useful tool to generate mutants for genomic variations such as SNP or INDEL as well as suitable for functional study of genes in Gramineae.