
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,884

        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) are suitable for delivering large biomolecules with lower cytotoxicity values and low prime cost. Surface modifications of MWNTs affect interaction with cells and proteins. Oxidation with strong acids decreases cytotoxicity of CNTs and increases protein-loading capacity. Here, after oxidation, TEM images revealed more aligned structure and carboxylated groups at the surface which decreases toxicity. Functionalized MWNTs showed more gradual degradation than the pristine MWNTs and mass loss increased by 2% in the same temperature range. Raman spectroscopy corrected graphitic structure with characteristic D and G bands at 1330 and 1579 cm−1 and increased intensity after oxidation. FTIR spectroscopy peaks at 1443 cm−1, 1560, 1640 cm−1, 2100–2200 cm−1 and 3426 cm−1 are ascribed to C–O–C vibrational stretch, C=C bonds, vibration of C≡C bonds and stretch of hydroxyl groups, respectively. The sonicationdriven dispersion of in phosphate-buffered saline, distilled water and cell culture medium were detected by UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy, water-dispersed functionalized MWNTs revealed the highest absorbance value. Cytotoxicity of MWNTs was investigated before and after functionalization in breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) and human vein endothelial (HUVEC) cells. Relatively low-toxicity results were obtained in functionalized MWNTs and cellular uptake of MWNTs were corrected with fluorescent imaging of cells and cell lysates. Protein-loading capacity of fsMWNTs (functionalized short-length multi-walled carbon nanotubes) was evaluated by using bovine serum albumin (BSA) and with an equal amount of fsMWNTs and BSA; 36% binding yield was obtained. Protein corona after covalent functionalization potentially lowered cytotoxicity up to 6%.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon materials with tailorable structures and superior properties have great potential applications in environmental protection, energy conversion, and catalysis. Plant biomass as abundant and green non-toxic raw materials has been considered as good precursors for synthesizing heteroatom-doped carbon materials. However, few studies have been reported on the different natures of carbon materials derived from different parts of the same plant biomass. In this study, we prepared carbon materials from the petioles and blades of apricot leaves by direct pyrolysis without additives. Detailed characterizations indicate that these two carbon materials are similar in element composition and graphitization degree, but differ greatly in surface area and pore volume. These differences can be attributed to the different contents of inorganic salts, vascular bundles, and proteins in petioles and blades. When used as catalysts for the oxidation of ethylbenzene, the petiole-derived carbon shows better catalytic performance than the blades derived carbon due to its high surface area, large average pore size, and doped nitrogen atoms. Furthermore, the carbon catalysts derived from the petioles and blades of poplar leaves and parasol tree leaves show the same difference in catalytic reaction, implying that the above-mentioned conclusion is rather universal, which can provide reference for the synthesis of carbon materials from leaves.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbonaceous materials are considered as potential adsorbents for organic dyes due to their unique structures which provide high aspect ratios, hydrophobic property, large efficient surface area, and easy surface modification. In this work, graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) were prepared by atomic hydrogen-induced treatment of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNTs), which inspire the idea of cutting and unzipping the SWCNTs carpets with the modified in molecules prevent because of the unfolding of the side-walls. The unfolded spaces and uniform vertical arrangement not only enhance the active surface area, but also promote the electrostatic and π–π interactions between dyes and GNRs. The improved adsorption capacity of GNRs beyond original SWCNTs can be determined by the adsorption kinetics and isotherm, which are evaluated through adsorption batch experiments of the typical cationic methylene blue (MB) and anionic orange II (OII) dye, respectively. It is shown that the adsorption kinetics follow a pseudo second-order model while the adsorption isotherm could be determined by Langmuir model. The results reveal that the maximum adsorption capacities of GNRs for MB and OII are 280 and 265 mg/g, respectively. The GNRs present the highly efficient, cost effective, and environmental friendly properties for the commercial applications of wastewater treatment.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        파키스탄의 포퓰리즘 조직은 몇 가지 유형으로 나눌 수 있다, 그 중에 극단적 포퓰리즘 조직의 예를 들면 발루치스탄(Baluchistan), 신드(Sindh), 길기트(Gilgit) 등 지역의 포퓰리즘조직은 역사적, 정치적 원인으로 테러리즘 성질을 가지고 있다. 이러한 극단적 포퓰리즘 조직들은 파키스탄의 국가 안보 및 발전에 영향을 줄 뿐만 아니라 중-파 양국관계 및 “일대일로”를 중심으로 한 협력에도 영향을 준다. 이 조직들이 어떻게 형성되었는지, 어떤 특징을 갖고 있는지를 연구하고 구체적으로 파키스탄 및 국제사회에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가가 학계의 관심사이다. 본 논문은 문헌연구를 통해 파키스탄의 포퓰리즘조직을 분류하고, 조직구성 및 그들의 테러리즘활동이 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 극단적 포퓰리즘조직들은 파키스탄의 국내정치환경을 악화시키고 본국의 국제화를 지연시킨다. 이와 더불어 파키스탄의 경제성장발전과 국민생활 수준의 향상을 저해시키고 있다. 또한 주변국가간의 외교관계도 악화시키고 있다는 점도 도출하였다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study presented in the article is focused on use of graphene obtained by novel microwave-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (MECVD) method as a construction material for 3D porous structures—aerogels and sponges. MECVD graphene nanoplatelets-based aerogels were obtained by mixing MECVD graphene nanoplatelets and chitosan, dissolved in 3% acetic acid followed by its freeze drying and carbonization at 800° in inert medium. Surface morphology of aerogels was characterized by SEM. MECVD graphene nanoplatelets-based aerogels are characterized by a porous structure; they are superhydrophobic and possess high sorption capacity with regard to organic liquids of different densities. Polyurethane sponges coated with MECVD graphene can serve as an alternative to aerogels. The process of their obtaining is cheaper and less complicated. They were obtained by facile “dip-coating” method, modifying its surface to increase its hydrophobicity. The resulting sponges are superhydrophobic and superoleophilic, and demonstrate high rate of sorption of organic liquids and can be easily regenerated by squeezing. In addition, they can be used as a separating material in conjunction with vacuum system for continuous and selective collection of organic liquids from the surface of water.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Mobilization and cranio-cervical flexion exercise has been reported in reducing pain from cervical part and improving its motor function; also, has been represented that alleviate of neck pain and recover of neck muscles improve the normal gait performance. However, few studies have identified the effects of mobilization and exercise on pain and gait parameters with preceding issues. Objective: To examine the effects or changes of pressure pain threshold (PPT) and gait parameters in patients with chronic neck pain. Design: Cross-Sectional Clinical Trials Methods: Twenty patients with the history of neck pain (>3 months) performed the cervical mobilization and cranio-cervical flexion exercise. Gait parameters were assessed with wireless device and collected data were transmitted to the personal computer via Bluetooth. The PPT was measured posteroanterior direction at the prone position and the mean of subsequent three PPT measurements was used for the final analysis. Results: Both cervical central posteroanterior mobilization (CCPAM) (p<.000) and sling-based cranio-cervical flexion exercise (SBCCFE) (p<.000) group showed a significant increase in the PPT and the gait parameters, cadence (p<.023), was significantly increased in the CCPAM group, however slightly increased in the SBCCFE group. The comparison between the CCPAM and the SBCCFE groups after treatment did not show significant differences for the score on the PPT and gait parameters. Conclusions: This study suggests that CCPAM and SBCCFE increase PPT, cadence, and gait speed.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The prevalence of neck pain and neck dysfunction is high in general population. However, there is little literature on the relationship and factors affecting neck pain and neck dysfunction. Objective: To investigate the correlation between neck and shoulder pain, headaches, neck and shoulder dysfunction, and sleep quality in adults with chronic neck pain, and factors affecting neck pain and neck dysfunction. Design: Cross-sectional study Methods : The sample included 114 subjects, who had complained of chronic neck pain for more 12 weeks. We conducted a Pearson’s correlation between neck and shoulder pain, headaches, neck and shoulder dysfunction and sleep quality and a regression analysis of the related variables, thereby analyzing factors affecting neck pain and neck dysfunction. Results : In the present study, in adults with chronic neck pain, neck pain was positively correlated with the Neck Disability Index (NDI), Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)-Pain score, and SPADI-Total score (p<.05). The NDI was positively correlated with neck pain, SPADI-Pain score, and SPADI-Total score, as well as with Pittsburgh Sleep Qulity Index(PSQI-K) (p<.05). Among the factors affecting neck pain, shoulder disability as assessed by the SPADI was a significantly associated with neck pain, while shoulder pain and shoulder disability determined by the SPADI were identified as significant variables among the factors affecting neck disability. Conclusion : These results indicated that as neck pain worsened , shoulder pain and neck and shoulder dysfunction also increased, which suggested that shoulder disability affected neck pain. In addition, as the neck dysfunction increased, neck pain and shoulder pain and shoulder dysfunction increased, and sleep quality deteriorated, which suggested that shoulder pain and shoulder disability affected neck disability.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Environmental pollution remains a considerable health risk source all over the world; however, hazards are usually higher in developing countries. Iraq has long been suffering from the problem of pollution and how to treat pollution. Photocatalytic degradation has turned out to be most productive process for dye degradation. In this investigation, Rhodamine B (RhB), dye has been selected for degradation under visible light illumination. To address this issue, we fabricate erbium trioxide nanoparticles (Er2O3/NPs). Erbium trioxide nanoparticles are prepared and utilized for photo-catalytic degradation. The characterization of Er2O3/NPs is described and confirmed by utilizing of XRD (X-ray diffraction) and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). The average size of Er2O3 nanoparticles is observed to be 16.00 nm. Er2O3/NPs is investigated for its ability of photo-catalytic degradation through certain selected parameters such as concentration and time. The methodological results show that the synthesized Er2O3/NPs is a good photo-catalytic for Rhodamine degradation.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Energy and environmental are always two major challenges for the sustainable development of the modern human being. For avoiding the serious environmental pollution caused in the fabrication process of porous carbon, a popular energy storage material, we reported a facile, green and activating agent free route hereby directly carbonizing a special biomass, Glebionis coronaria. A nitrogen doped hierarchical porous carbon with a specific surface area of up to 1007 m2 g−1 and a N doping content of up to 2.65 at.% was facilely fabricated by employing the above route. Benefiting from the peculiarly hierarchical porous morphology, enhanced wettability and improved conductivity, the obtained material exhibits superior capacitance performance, which capacitance reaches up to 205 F g−1 under two-electrode configuration, and no capacitance loss is observed after 5000 cycles. Meanwhile, the capacitance retention of the obtained material arrives up to 95.0% even under a high current density of 20 A g−1, illuminating its excellent rate capability. The fabricated nitrogen-doped hierarchical porous carbon with larger capacitance than commercial activated carbon, excellent rate capability and cycle stability is an ideal cost-efficient substitution of commercial activated carbon for supercapacitor application.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 청광 차단렌즈의 효과를 정량적으로 분석하는 방법을 새롭게 제시하고, 이를 시판하고 있는 기능성 렌즈에 적용하여 비교 분석함으로써 그 활용 가능성을 확인하고자 하였다. 방법 : 렌즈의 광투과율을 측정하고, 청광 차단 효율 함수를 적용하여 효율에 대한 정성적인 분석을 하였다. 또한 청광 차단 효율 결과를 적분하여 수치화하는 정량적인 분석 방법을 새롭게 도입하여, 시판중인 청색광차단 기능성 렌즈에 적용하여 비교분석하였다. 결과 : 정성적인 분석 방법을 일반렌즈, 코팅방법으로 제작된 2종의 렌즈와 착색방법으로 제작된 1종의 렌즈에 적용한 결과, 모든 렌즈는 단파장 영역의 빛을 차단하는 효과가 우수한 것으로 분석되었다. 하지만 정량적인 분석 방법에 의한 결과에서는 각 렌즈별 다소 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 결론 : 다양해지는 디스플레이 장치 및 스마트폰의 광 특성이 날로 진화되고 변화되고 있으므로, 다양한 방법으로 광원과 광학제품에 대한 광특성 분석이 요구된다. 이에 따라, 본 연구에서 새롭게 도입한 정량적인 분석 방법이 효과적인 수단일 될 수 있는 가능성을 확인 하였다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018년과 2019년 봄철에 전남 광양의 일부 자두(Prunus salicina Lindl.) 과수원에서 어린 과실을 낙과시켜 심각한 피해를 일으키는 새로운 해충을 채집하여 사육한 후 우화한 성충을 분류동정한 결과, 국내미기록종인 자두수염잎벌(신칭; Monocellicampa pruni Wei)로 확인되어 보고한다. 또한 이 해충의 피해 상황과 분류학적 특징을 기재함과 동시에 수컷생식기의 특징을 도해하여 제시하였다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lilium dauricum is a rare and endangered species belonging to the family Liliaceae. The species contains several bioactive compounds used as functional foods and medicinal agents in Northeast Asia. This study aimed (1) to establish an in vitro bulblet culture using an air-lift bioreactor and callus culture for the conservation of L. dauricum and obtaining its bioactive compounds; (2) investigate the plant phenolic compounds from both cultures system. The highest bulblet production with 12.5-fold increase in growth rate was obtained using MS medium supplemented with 0.5 g L-1 BA and 3% sucrose. Addition of 7% sucrose facilitated bulblet enlargement, with approximate 2.5- and 7-fold increases in diameter and fresh weight, respectively. The highest rate of callus (100%) was obtained using a combination of 1.0 mg L-1 picloram and 0.5 mg L-1 Kinetin. The callus proliferation occurred on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg L-1 picloram, 0.25 mg L-1 kinetin, and 0.25 g L-1 casein hydrolysate. There was a significant difference in the total phenolic compound content of callus, which was 1.5-fold higher than that in the bulblets. These findings indicate a suitable system for optimizing both bulblet and callus culture of L. dauricum, therefore, providing useful bio-materials for industrial purposes and contributing to the conservation of this species.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although canine brucellosis has been known to be an important re-emerging zoonosis, the pathophysiological mechanisms of Brucella canis infection remains clues to be solved. Different culture models, single and co-culture models, were constructed with canine epithelial cells, D17 and macrophage, DH82 to investigate the induction of immune responses in in vivo B. canis infection. Expression of genes related with induction of immune responses, Th1, Th2 and Th17, was compared in the two different models after the bacterial infection. In this study, expression of cytokine genes, IL-1β, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-23, and TNF-α was quantified in the DH82 at different time points using RT-qPCR in the two different culture systems after the infection. Cytokine genes related with Th1, IL-1β and TNF-α and Th17, IL-6 and IL-23 were expressed with time-dependent manners in the both systems (p<0.05). However, increase of Th2-related cytokine genes expression was not detectable in the both systems by comparison with control. The expression of Th1 and Th17 related cytokine genes was earlier in single cell culture than those in co-culture model (p<0.05). In general, amounts of the expressed genes were shown higher in single cell model than those in co-culture models. This study indicate that Th1 and Th17-associated immune responses are central to B. canis infection in dogs. In addition, it suggests a specific role of epithelial cells in the B. canis infection in vivo, which should resolved in the further study.
        2019.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 몇 년간 국제 테러단체가 점점 확대고 있으며, 파키스탄은 새로운 테러단체인 “Arch of Instability” 의 중심이 되고 있다. 이는 파키스탄의 국내 정치 경제 발전에 심각한 위협을 줄 뿐만 아니라 국제 안보 구조와 대테러 국제정세에 심각한 위협을 가하고 있다. 또한 이는 중국 “일대일로”의 중요한 프로젝트인 “파키스탄 경제 통로”에도 심각한 위협이 되고 있다. 따라서 기존문헌을 정리한 결과를 파키스탄의 테러 상황에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요하여 본 논문은 컴퓨터 과학 및 기술영역에서 새로 부각되고 있는 시각화 연구방법을 사용하여 Web of Science 데이터베이스를 활용하고 국제 학술계가 파키스탄의 테러에 대한 연구결과를 시각화 분석하여 국제 학술계가 연구한 파키스탄 테러단체의 국가간의 협력망도 제출하였다. 더불어 파키스탄 테러 연구에 관한 국제 학술계의 저자 및 협력 네트워크에 대한 양적인 분석으로 파키스탄 테러 연구소의 국제 학술계의 연구 핫스팟 및 연구 트렌드도 정리하였다.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        At present, ECDIS has been widely used in ship positioning, collision avoidance and navigation, and has developed into an important part of integrated navigation and automation system. However, most ECDIS software focuses too much on system function and technical level when realizing powerful navigation AIDS, neglecting the problems that the crew are most concerned about, such as realizing the human-computer interface operation quickly and simply as well as obtaining the information of human-computer interaction effectively and accurately. In order to improve the design of Electronic Chart Display and Information system(ECDIS)human-computer interface and its usability effectively, a new method for evaluating ECDIS human-computer interface is proposed. Starting from the concept and connotation of usability, five-factor personality model is used to measure the users’ personality type in reference to the essence of usability (user’s emotional experience) and calculate the basic emotional variant of users. Then, according to the users’ emotional stimulation after finishing the given ECDIS task and combining with the system Usability scale (SUS), a tool dedicated to usability testing and five dimensions of usability evaluation proposed by Jakob Nielsen, father of usability, the emotion relationship model of usability and users is established by using partial least square method ( PLS ), and the validity of the model is verified with an aim to locate the key indicators that affect the usability of the ECDIS human-computer interface, It will be more helpful to improve the usability of ECDIS human-computer interface.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The multilateral trade relations between Malaysia and MERCOSUR is a new market. This study focuses on automotive policy areas towards the MERCOSUR regime which focus on trade ties. The purpose of this study is to expand national automotive policy to penetrate the automotive sector in the MERCOSUR. While it create opportunities to penetrate the automotive sector in MERCOSUR where Malaysia needs to enhancement national trade performance of FTA potential within MERCOSUR regime especially on investment and trade. The main issue is the lack of progress and process are restrictions on Malaysia's within MERCOSUR in the automotive field. Malaysia does not pursue trade within respective nation but in statistical shows have a large and positive market economy with the southern continent of America, especially the automotive industry and lack of performance of Malaysian counterparts and MERCOSUR and unsuccessful automotive investment and exporters. This research uses qualitative research methods, data collection, interviews, and content analysis methods for this study. Expert from respective agencies as interviewees such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Malaysia Trade Relations Division (MATRADE), the Department of Robotics and the automotive trade policy of Malaysia and the IoT Institute. Coding techniques are used for coding processes in content analysis. Hereby, the analysis by using the Economic Integration theory with SWOT Analysis to find out the implementation of Malaysia FTA within the MERCOSUR .Hence, research findings show that Malaysia's multilateral within MERCOSUR relations have a potential to be strengthened with a variety of positive and initiatives from the Malaysia government.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The shipping revolution was introduced due to development and improvement that occurred in the shipping industry. Until now, changes in the shipping industry are still ongoing to improve their services, especially by introducing mega ships to transport cargoes. Thence, the shipping revolution stimulates seaport to comply with the requirements for a new mega ship. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the external environment factors that contribute to the challenge of Malaysia Port towards the shipping revolution. Firstly, the external environmental factors that challenge Malaysia Port towards shipping revolution are identified by using the PESTEL analysis; which are political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. Then, these identified factors are ranked by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the priority external environment factors that contribute to the challenge of Malaysia Port towards shipping revolution. Data were collected by using pair wise comparison questionnaire which is qualitative method. The questionnaire consists two sections; there are demographic information and PESTEL factors. Thereafter, the data were analysed by AHP analysis. The results shown that the top three priority external environmental main factors that contribute to the challenge of Malaysia Port towards shipping revolution which are economic, technology and environment. Then, the top three sub factors are economic growth, digitalization and reduce emission. As a conclusion, these factors can influence the Malaysia Port towards shipping revolution and need priorities attention. Whereas the economic growth will monetary support shipping and port revolution, digitalization can reduce cost and increase efficiency, and reduce emission towards environmental friendly. Consequently, the findings will raising awareness and as a blueprint to government and port operators during development and expansion of harbour towards shipping revolution.