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        검색결과 1,884

        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 생물다양성 협약의 발효로 유전자원 사용에 제한이 있게 되면서 국내 재래종 유전자원에 대한 유전변이 평가를 통한 육종소재로 활용 가능한 유용유전자원 확보는 대단히 중요한 과제로 대두 되었다. 그 중 벼 육종에 있어서 도열병 저항성은 재배안전성 측면에서 가장 중요한 형질 중의 한가지로서 많이 연구 되었는데 효율적인 수단으로는 저항성이 증대된 신품종을 육종하는 것이 가장 효율적인 방법이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 국내 재래종 벼 품종들에 대해 주요 도열병 저항성 유전자를 탐색 하고 재래종 벼의 유전적 특성을 분석하여 벼 품종육성의 기초자료로 제공하고자 수행하였다. 선행연구에서 보고된 도열병 유전자 정보를 이용하여 국내 재래종 벼를 대상으로 분석한 결과, 홍도, 홍사도, 사두초, 앵미, 효성재래종, 적선, 선, 한양조, 백곡나 등에서 Pi-b 저항성 유전자가 탐색 되었다. 추후 국내 재래종 유전자원은 병저항성 육성 소재로 활용 가능할 것으로 생각된다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rumen fermentative characteristic is useful indicators of the quality of ruminant feed stuffs and diets. An in vitro rumen fermentation experiment was therefore carried out to compare fermentation patterns among three forage sources. These were whole crop barley (WCBS), Italian ryegrass silage (IRGS) and rice straw silages (RSS). Rice straw (RS) was the control, making the treatments 4 in total. Forages were randomly allocated to serum bottles. The incubation times were arranged 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48 and 72h at 39℃, respectively. Each forage source was replicated 3 times per incubation time. At each sampling time, total gas and pH were measured, whilst individual volatile fatty acids (VFAs), total volatile fatty acids (TVFAs) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) were determined later after storing samples at -20℃. Acetate: Propionate ratio (A/P) was then calculated. Forage source had a significant effect (P
        2012.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        토지이용의 다양성은 각종 오염물질이 흡착된 다양한 입자 축적을 유발하며, 강우에 의하여 수계로 유출되어 퇴적층을 형성하게 되고 장기적으로 내부수질오염의 원인이 된다. 이러한 퇴적층은 수층에 영향을 끼치는 내부오염원으로 인식되고 있지만 오염도를 평가할 수 있는 기준은 현재 존재하고 있지 않다. 또한 퇴적물의 관리기준은 관리대상 및 사용목적에 따라 다양한 형태로 임시방편으로 정해지고 있기 때문에 체계적 퇴적물 관리기준이 필요한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구는 다양한 토지이용에서 발생하는 퇴적물의 물리화학적 특성을 비교분석하여 퇴적물 관리 대책 수립에 필요한 기초자료를 제공하고 적정한 관리방안을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구를 위한 퇴적물 채취 위치는 충남 천안시에 위치하는 포장지역, 충남 논산시 연무읍에 위치한 축산단지와 전북 새만금 사업지구에 위치한 동경강과 만경강 하천지점 등에서 수행되었다. 시료채취는 포장지역의 경우 교란 시료 4회, 하천지역은 교란 및 비교란 시료를 각각 총 7회, 축사지역은 교란 시료 2회, 비교란 시료 15회를 수행하였다. 채취한 퇴적물은 토양오염공정시험방법과 ICP를 이용하여 유기물, 영양염류 및 중금속의 분석과 입도분석을 수행하였다. 토지이용별 퇴적물의 물리·화학적 분석 결과 포장지역은 대부분 입자가 큰 모래로 구성되었으며 IL이 43.92% COD가 43.88g/kg으로 가장 높았다. 또한 하천과 축사지역은 실트 및 모래로 분포되었으며 축사지역에서는 TN이 1.22g/kg, TP가 1.34g/kg으로 가장 높게 나타났다. COD:TN:TP비는 포장지역의 경우 66:8:1로 총인함량에 비해 유기물 함량이 가장 높았으며 축사지역은 21:5:1로 질소 과다함량으로 나타났다. 반면 하천지역은 12:1:1로 자정작용으로 인한 유기물 제거 또는 인의 과다로 판단된다. 반면 중금속의 경우 모든 토지이용에서 한국, 미국 및 캐나다의 오염기준치 이하로 폐기물이 아닌 토양으로의 활용이 가능한 것으로 판단된다. 하지만 하천의 퇴적물 제거기준과 유기물 및 영양염류의 오염도를 비교한 결과 제거가 필요한 것으로 포장지역은 도로청소, 비점오염원 저감시설 설치, 하천지역은 생태습지조성, 하천정화 활동, 축사지역은 가축분뇨 저감 및 배출관리 등으로 제안한다.
        2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Early pregnancy loss in humans, which often occurs due to defects that occur before, during or immediately after implantation, is a worldwide social and economic concern. For successful implantation to occur in the receptive uterus, the blastocyst must also attain implantation competency. The first evidence that the state of activity of the blastocyst determines the “window” of implantation in the receptive uterus was derived from reciprocal blastocyst transfer experiments in a delayed implantation mouse model. This model is a powerful approach to define the molecular signaling components that direct blastocyst activation or dormancy. Nearly 100 mammals in seven different orders undergo delayed implantation, but the underlying mechanism remains largely unknown. There is evidence that catecholestrogens produced from primary estrogens in the uterus activate blastocysts. Another lipid signaling molecule that targets blastocysts is an endocannabinoid anandamide, which activates G-protein coupled cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. Expression of CB1 in the Tr, and uterine synthesis of anandamide, suggest that endocannabinoid signaling is critical to implantation in mice. Levels of uterine anandamide and blastocyst CB1 are coordinately downregulated with the attainment of uterine receptivity and blastocyst activation, respectively, in contrast to their elevated levels in the nonreceptive uterus and dormant blastocysts. Anandamide regulates blastocyst function by differentially modulating MAPK signaling and Ca2+channelactivityviaCB1. Using delayed implantation model, a global gene expression study showed that these two different physiological states of the blastocyst are molecularly distinguishable. The main functional categories of altered genes include cell cycle, cell signaling and energy metabolic pathways. This study also showed an upregulated expression of heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) in activated blastocysts and is complementary to earlier reports of upregulated expression of its receptor ErbB1 and ErbB4 in similar blastocysts. Recently, we demonstrated that silencing of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling in mice does not adversely affect the development of preimplantation embryos to blastocysts and uterine preparation for receptivity, but, remarkably, blocks blastocyst competency to implantation. A coordinated activation of canonical Wnt-beta-catenin signaling with Cox-2-PPARd signaling pathway ensures blastocyst competency to implantation. These findings constitute novel evidence that Wnt signaling is at least one pathway that determines blastocyst competency for implantation. More insight into the molecular basis of blastocyst competency for implantation might help to improve pregnancy rates in human IVF programs.
        2011.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Objectives: This study is aimed at identifying the influential factors on the pulmonary function of ordinary residents in the surrounding areas of Yeosu Industrial Complex. Methods: The PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) was conducted on the target residents numbering 989 people (male 361, female 628). The exposed group (813 people) resided within the radius of 5km from Yeosu Industrial Complex and the control group (176 people) resided in the radius of more than 15 km from May 2007 to November 2007. The survey also took into account other factors including personal characteristics, life habits, respiratory diseases and allergic symptoms, medical histories, and the living environments of the residents in order to further identify influential factors on pulmonary function. Result: When comparing the PFT values of the exposure groups to the control group of the same city, values of the exposure groups were meaningfully lower with an %FEV1 of 107.05% and %FVC of 100.28%. Conversely, the control group reported an %FEV1 and %FVC of 107.26% and 102.85% respectively, indicating that ambient air pollutants reduce lung function. The odds ratio of asthma diagnosis history increased when a subjects residence was close to a heavily trafficked road, traffic amount was huge, a bed was used, and the family had less than four members. However the results were not statistically meaningful. The odds ratios of abnormal pulmonary function were statistically higher among those with asthma(OR=4.29, CI=1.75-10.56), wheezing (OR=2.59, CI=1.24-5.41), and nasal congestion (OR=2.87, CI=1.36-6.08) (p<0.01). The factors affecting FEV1 were symptoms including asthma, passive smoking and allergic eye disease (R2=0.049, p<0.001). For the FVC symptoms including asthma (R2=0.014, p<0.001) were measured. The analysis showed that FVC decreased with increases in O3 and CO(p<0.01). Furthermore, FEV1 decreased with increases in O3(p<0.01). Conclusions: These results will provide preliminary data for establishing responsive measures to protect the health of residents in industrial complexes from air pollution, and to develop lasting environmental health policies.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fifty-five sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) germplasm from the Rural Development Administration (RDA) were analyzed for their fruit yield and fruit quality characters, including fruit weight, fruit size, pericarp thickness, total soluble content, fruit lobe, fruit shape, fruit surface and fruit color. Fruit yield per plot ranged from 200 g to 8150 g (average, 1884 g). Fruit fresh-weight per fruit ranged from 27.3 g to 200.0 g with an average of 97.2 g. Fruit length varied from 4.0 cm to 16.2 cm (average, 9.6 cm). Fruit length-to-width ratio ranged from 0.6 to 3.0 with an average 1.7. The fruit pericarp thickness ranged from 1.8 mm to 10.7 mm (average, 4.8 mm). Total soluble content was the highest (8.5˚ Brix) in K156286 and the lowest (5.3˚ Brix) in K156208 with the average value 6.7˚ Brix. Fruit lobes numbers varied from 2 to 4. Blocky, triangular, elongated, rectangular and round fruit shape identified among the sweet pepper accessions. Fruit surface varied from smooth to wrinkle and fruit color also varied. The presence of variability in fruit yield and quality traits within the sweet pepper genotypes can be utilized to develop high yielding sweet pepper variety with better fruit quality characters.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A field experiment was conducted to examine the fruit quality characters in second generation (F2) hybrid cultivar and to compare the fruit characters with original F1 hybrid cultivar of minipaprika (yellow and orange type) at the Research Farm, Hwacheon in July, 2010. Fruit characters varied within F2 population of each minipaprika type. In minipaprika yellow, fruit weight varied from 12.2 g to 50.8 g (average 28.5 g) and fruit length/width varied from 1.4 to 2.8 (average, 2.0). Pericarp thickness ranged from 1.8 mm to 4.1 mm (average, 2.9 mm). Total soluble solid (TSS) varied from 6.2˚Brix to 13.5˚Brix with an average of 8.7˚Brix. Fruit volume varied from 10.3 cc to 46.7 cc with an average of 24.4 cc. In minipaprika orange type, fruit weight ranged from 19.7 g to 42.4 g (average, 29.0 g) and fruit length/width varied from 1.5 to 2.6 (average, 2.0). Pericarp thickness varied from 2.1 mm to 4.1 mm with an average of 3.0 mm. TSS varied from 5.0˚Brix to 12.2˚Brix (average, 7.9˚Brix) and average fruit volume was 24.6 cc ranging from 10.7 cc to 35.0 cc. The average fruit quality characters in F2 population in both yellow and orange minipaprika did not differ from their F1 hybrid parent and F2 seed can be an additional way to supply high yielding hybrid cultivars at lower cost to the minipaprika growers.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, 15 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to analyze the population structure of 55 mungbean accessions (34 from South Asia, 20 from West Asia, 1 sample from East Asia). A total of 56 alleles were detected, with an average of 3.73 per locus. The mean of major allele frequency, expected heterozygosity and polymorphic information content for 15 SSR loci were 0.72, 0.07 and 0.33 respectively. The mean of major allele frequency was 0.79 for South Asia, and 0.74 for West Asia. The mean of genetic diversity and polymorphic information content were almost similar for South Asian and West Asian accessions (genetic diversity 0.35 and polymorphic information content 0.29). Model-based structure analysis revealed the presence of three clusters based on genetic distance. Accessions were clearly assigned to a single cluster in which >70% of their inferred ancestry was derived from one of the model-based populations. 47 accessions (85.56%) showed membership with the clusters and 8 accessions (14.54%) were categorized as admixture. The results could be used to understanding the genetic structure of mungbean cultivars from these regions and to support effective breeding programs to broaden the genetic basis of mungbean varieties.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Anther derived double haploids (DHs) from sweet pepper genotypes ('Special', 'Derby', 'Bossanova', 'Fiesta', 'Debora' and 'Minipaprika') were used to study the agronomic variation in 2006. Ninety-nine successful DHs regenerants (32 from 'Special', 25 from 'Derby', 23 from 'Bossanova', 10 from 'Fiesta', 6 from 'Debora' and 3 from 'Minipaprika') were transplanted at plastic house and studied on their agronomic characters. Variation in agronomic characters was observed within the DHs of each genotype. DHs obtained from 'Derby' and 'Fiesta' exhibited wide variation in fruit yield plant-1 whereas averaged fruit yield plant-1 was highest in 'Derby' (1608 g) and less variation was observed in DHs of 'Bossanova'. Based on the agronomic characters expressed in DHs population at this environment, SP55, SP56, SP60, and SP116 from 'Special', SP8, SP10, SP14, SP16, and SP34 from 'Derby', SP115, SP119, SP142, SP143, SP196, and SP199 from 'Bossanova', SP41, SP45, and SP114 from 'Fiesta', SP21 from 'Debora' and SP91 from 'Minipaprika' identified as elite inbred lines and these DH lines could be used for commercial hybrids production in sweet pepper. Genetic relationship among the selected inbred lines using molecular markers and their response to diseases are further recommended to study.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Anthers of sweet pepper F1 cultivar ‘Special’ were cultured on Dumas De Vaulx (C medium), supplemented with 0.1mgL-1 2, 4-D and 0.1 mg · L-1 kinetin with 3% sucrose, and 0.32% phytagel. The calluses obtained were further sub-cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium without growth regulators for regeneration. Regenerated plantlets were grown in plastic pots under plastic house and characterized their cytological and morphological characters in spring, 2008. Twenty percent plantlets were identified as haploid plants after chromosome and ploidy analysis. Haploid plants contained 12 chromosomes, high stomatal density with small stomatal length as compared to diploid plants. Stomatal length in haploids was 23.3% smaller than diploids. Haploid plants were characterized as small leaf and petiole size, poor vigor, thin stem and short plant height, short internodes and small flower buds, fruit size and fruit weight as compared to diploid plants and most of the haploid fruits were seedless. SP55, SP62, SP68, SP72 and SP77 are found high yielding double haploids with high total soluble content (8.6, 8.7, 9.2, 9.1 and 9.8 ºBrix, respectively) and desirable fruit shape, and recommended them to exploit as inbred lines for heterosis breeding.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ningbo Port develops quickly in recent years and with the combination of Ningbo Port and Zhoushan Port, it becomes another important port in the Shanghai International Shipping center. Competition between the two biggest ports in this area can't be avoided. The goal of this paper is investigating the competence of port from two angles, which are spatial structure of the ports cluster and neighboring ports' attraction to cargoes at conjunct hinterlands. The paper firstly uses the HHI index model and shift-share method to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze the data of container throughputs of ports in the shipping center, in order that investigates the spatial structure of ports cluster. Basing on above researches, the paper employs the location quotient to study Shanghai port and Ningbo port's hinterland distributions at Zhejiang province. The conclusion of this study:(I)the ports cluster of the Shanghai International Shipping Center is highly centralized, and undergoes a porcess of first centralization then decentralization since the mid of 90s, last century. (2)Hinterlands of Shanghai port includes: Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Huzhou and Quzhou districts; Hinterlands of Ningbo port includes: Ningbo, Taizhou and Zhoushan districts.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sweet pepper inbred lines (KNU1003, KNU1006, KNU1007, KNU1009, KNU1015, KNU1017 and KNU2006) developed at Kangwon National University (KNU) through conventional means, inbred lines (5AVS1, 5AVS2, 5AVS3, 5AVS5, 5AVS7 and 5AVS8) collected at Rural Development Administration (RDA) and inbred lines (SP12, SP27 and SP14) derived from anther culture were used as female parents and anther culture derived homozygous lines (SP9, SP10, SP14, SP24, SP25, SP27, SP30, SP32, SP34, SP38, SP43, SP45 and SP51) were used as male parents to produce F1 hybrids. A total of 37 F1 hybrids were evaluated for fruit yield and quality characters in summer season, 2007. Variation in fruit number, fruit weight, fruit yield per plant and fruit volume was observed among the F1 hybrids. Superiority on yield over standard/commercial varieties were differed among F1 hybrids. Hybrid 5AVS8 x SP45 exhibited highest heterosis over Special (16.5%) and Fiesta (24.7%). Fruit quality characters (fruit length, fruit width, pericarp thickness, total soluble solid, fruit shape and fruit color) were varied among the F1 hybrids. Fruit number, fruit weight and fruit volume per plant were correlated with fruit yield. Based on the standard heterosis expressed by the hybrids and quality characters evaluation, KNU1017 x SP27, 5AVS1 x SP43, 5AVS5 x SP27, 5AVS8 x SP45, SP12 x SP38 and SP27 x SP25 hybrids were found to be superior over commercial cultivars and are selected. Inbred lines of these hybrid combinations can be used to produce F1 hybrid seed for commercial production.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The calculation of the wind field for resource assessment is done by using CFD Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations performed with the commercial software WindSim. A new interface has been created to use mesoscale simulation data from a meteorological model as driving data for the simulations. This method makes it necessary to take into account thermal effects on the wind field to exploit the full potential of this method. The procedure for considering thermal effects in CFD wind field simulations as well as the impact of thermal effects on the wind field simulations is presented. Simulations for non-neutral atmospheric conditions with the developed method are consistent with expected behavior and show an improvement of simulation results compared with observations.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Hundreds of scientists are involved in the various climatic fields of research. Few of them have attempted to review some of research work already published. However, to our knowledge there has been no such work to overview the whole journal of research. Field experts have their own approach to understand the existing problems and school of thoughts for research aptitude. Thus, the review of numerous researches in the area of climatic issues is a little bit thorny. This study reveals a brief overview on the different aspects of climate. The journal of Pakistan Journal of Meteorology (a biannual online journal) from 2004 to 2009 (issues 1-10) has been overviewed in this paper. This work shows an intense effort of the contribution of climatic research in Pakistan Journal of Meteorology. In this respect, this journal covers a vide range of climatic issues from the climate forecast, the impact assessment, the climate change and vulnerability, the long range forecast, and especially the rainfall patterns.