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        검색결과 9,512

        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study suggested a new real-time traffic signal operation algorithm using combined data of travel time and occupancy rate. This study applied the travel time data to traffic signal control system, and developed the signal operation algorithm based on saturation degree that was calculated using the travel time data. This algorithm calculates a queue length using a delay model, and converts the queue length to the saturation degree. Moreover, it calculates signal timing variables using this combined saturation degree. This study conducted a microscopic simulation for effectiveness evaluation. We checked that the average intersection delay decreased by up to 27 percent. Moreover, we checked that this signal operation algorithm could respond to a traffic condition of oversaturation and loop detector error effectively and usefully. In korea, sectional traffic detection systems are being installed in various ITS projects, such as Advanced Transportation Management System(ATMS) and Urban Transportation Information System(UTIS). This study has important significance in the sense that it is new methodology to accept the sectional detection system in traffic signal control system.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this paper the authors would like to present and share the measurements of load spectra and their modelling for pavement design purposes in the Mexican road network, which due to the intense level of trade with the United States present a very high percentage of heavy vehicles in the flow of vehicles and with high levels of load. Examples of these measurements are given in the country's main transport corridors. Damage spectra are also presented that are associated to each of the different axle types (i.e., single, dual, tandem, tridem or another one) by computing for instance the Miner damage coefficient in the same load ranges used in the definition of the load spectra. Is this frequency distribution of the Miner damage coefficient that is called damage spectra. The damage spectra seem to be a very useful tool to evaluate the pavement expected damage, i.e., rutting or fatigue cracking, induced for a given axle type. Moreover, it can be showed that there is a direct relationship between the forms in load and damage spectra. Some examples are presented to illustrate the damage spectra computations. The incorporation of these load spectra into mechanistic design methodologies and their implications in the definition of public policies for the preservation of the road network are discussed.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the second half of the twentieth century, climate scientists have observed significant climate change events. Climate change scenarios characterized by increased temperature and precipitation in urban areas have resulted in disasters such as the urban heat island effect or street flooding. In response to these extreme climate scenarios, engineers have proposed permeable pavement technology. Permeable pavement is a type of pavement that allows water to flow through existing cavities into the pavement. The benefits of permeable pavement include reducing storm water runoff, reducing the heat island effect, and improving water quality, and reducing noise. In this study, a mechanistic-empirical analysis was performed to model the performance of permeable pavement in a subtropical climate with two variations of base and soil materials under both low and high traffic scenarios. The performance criteria for fatigue cracking and rutting were used to determine the service life of the permeable pavements. Furthermore, the estimated pavement performance was used to perform the life cycle analysis of the permeable pavements. Economic, environmental, and social sustainability aspects during the construction, maintenance, and operation periods were modelled for a 20 year analysis.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hard Shoulder Running is one of the ways to handle road traffic by installing LCS signals on the shoulder, making use of the shoulder as a straight road during rush hour, and thereby increasing the capacity of the road in the short term. Since it was first introduced on Youngdong Expressway in September 2007, it has been implemented in 32 highway sections and has improved the speed of traffic. The Seoul-Chuncheon Expressway, which is a private investment toll road, introduced Hard Shoulder Running only for some sections in 2014, but due to the geomorphic characteristics of the lanes with many tunnel sections, It did not perform the function of Hard Shoulder Running. Therefore, they are considering expanding the tunnel section of Hard Shoulder Running, and it is necessary to examine the safety of the tunnel part to implement this. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the change of geometry, such as reduction of lane width in tunnels, and the installation of various guiding facilities, on the safety of tunnels by applying a driving simulator. Virtual reality data were constructed at 3.25m and 3.0m respectively in the tunnel section of the Seongjong Tunnel of Seoul-Chuncheon Expressway and Geumnam Tunnel to determine the feasibility of Hard Shoulder Running and appropriate speed and lane width. EEG was used for analysis. The test subjects were 15 young drivers / 15 old drivers. Analysis items were classified into four categories: driving speed, steering wheel operation, lateral placement of vehicle, and driver's psychological factors. As a result of analysis of the experimental results, it was confirmed that the allowance width of outer wall and m of tunnels was secured, and the lane width of 3.0 m was stable in terms of driver driving behavior, and operation speed was lower than 50 km/h.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Low temperature cracking on asphalt material is one of the serious distresses for asphalt pavement built in northern U.S., Europe and Canada. Thermal stress is a key factor for measuring (and estimating) the resistant capability of asphalt pavement against low temperature cracking. For this reason, many road agencies have recognized thermal stress as a crucial parameter for evaluating the low temperature performance of asphalt pavement materials. Thermal stress is conventionally computed through two steps. First, the relaxation modulus E(t) is generated thorough the conversion of the experimental creep compliance data D(t). Then thermal stress (T℃) is numerically estimated solving convolution integral. In this paper, a one-step approach to the calculation of thermal stress is proposed. This method is based on Laplace transformation. Thermal stress and corresponding critical cracking temperature obtained with single- and double-step procedure on a set of three mixtures are graphically and statistically compared. It is observed that the application of Laplace transformation provides reliable computation results of thermal stress compared to the conventional computation approach.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In case of performing asphalt pavement overlay on existing concrete pavement layer, applying asphalt emulsion tack-coating or spreading prime-coating is considered to improve adhesion between asphalt and concrete layer. After coating work is done a curing process is considered not only for promoting evaporation process in coated (and/or spread) asphalt emulsion, but also for generating a membrane which can act as a bonding agent. Finally, asphalt overlay construction is performed when this curing process is completely done. However, during asphalt overlay construction process remarkable amount of spread tack-coating layer is lost due to asphalt material transfer vehicles (e.g. trucks, approximately 40~50% of total spread tack coating material is lost). In this paper, a new pavement equipment contains simultaneous asphalt emulsion spreading ability and corresponding construction techniques are introduced. Through applying this equipment, non-stop two step sequent working process: spreading asphalt emulsion on to existing concrete pavement layer then paving asphalt material for overlay construction, is available. During pavement working process temperature of asphalt material was kept with ranged between 130ºC and 170ºC. After performing field performance evaluation, it was found that crucial improvement in pavement layer adhesion, crack and rutting resistant ability were observed compared to the conventional paving method.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We propose a speedy two-step deposit process to form an Au electrode on hole transport layer(HTL) without any damage using a general thermal evaporator in a perovskite solar cell(PSC). An Au electrode with a thickness of 70 nm was prepared with one-step and two-step processes using a general thermal evaporator with a 30 cm source-substrate distance and 6.0 × 10−6 torr vacuum. The one-step process deposits the Au film with the desirable thickness through a source power of 60 and 100 W at a time. The two-step process deposits a 7 nm-thick buffer layer with source power of 60, 70, and 80 W, and then deposits the remaining film thickness at higher source power of 80, 90, and 100W. The photovoltaic properties and microstructure of these PSC devices with a glass/FTO/TiO2/perovskite/ HTL/Au electrode were measured by a solar simulator and field emission scanning electron microscope. The one-step process showed a low depo-temperature of 88.5 oC with a long deposition time of 90 minutes at 60 W. It showed a high depo-temperature of 135.4 oC with a short deposition time of 8 minutes at 100 W. All the samples showed an ECE lower than 2.8% due to damage on the HTL. The two-step process offered an ECE higher than 6.25% without HTL damage through a deposition temperature lower than 88 oC and a short deposition time within 20 minutes in general. Therefore, the proposed two-step process is favorable to produce an Au electrode layer for the PSC device with a general thermal evaporator.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined images typical to this city and explored ways to develop cultural products using these images. Researchers reviewed literature about fashion cultural products and related previous research, and then conducted a closed-ended survey to analyze universal fashion preferences. For the examination material, such a way was used as information data base and network review inside and outside the country, dissertation screen, and published media including separate volumes. The following are considering points in the developing process. First, the study identified design, color, price, practicality and quality as factors that should be taken into consideration when using the image of Gangneung. In particular, it determined that the image needs to reflect a modern sensibility while maximizing its representation of local culture. Second, Gangneung’s symbolic image should incorporate the sea, Gyeongpo, and coffee. In other words, the sea, Gyeongpo, and coffee should receive top symbolic priority. Third, from a development perspective, the most appropriate items for displaying the image include t-shirts, keychains, umbrellas, or other accessories, since these items are easily available in terms of price. In sum, this study highlighted the necessity of reconsidering Gangneung’s currents ymbolic image, suggesting that a new image should be developed. Developing a typical fashion cultural product image will enrich Gangneung’s cultural industry and the distribution of newly designed products will improve the localeconomy.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The property changes of 18, 14, and 8K green gold alloys for jewelry are observed by adding 0.0, 3.0, and 5.0 wt% of indium (In), respectively. To check the composition of the alloys, an energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis is conducted. Color and microstructure analysis is executed through bare-eye, macro camera, UV-VIS-NIR-colormeter, and optical microscope. The melting point, wetting angle, and hardness are measured using TGA-DTA, a wetting angle tester, and a Vickers hardness tester. The EDS analysis result demonstrates that each of the green gold alloys was manufactured with purposed contents. The color analysis result shows that the color of the alloys is similar to the color of the conventional 4 wt%- Cd 18K green gold, and the green color improves as the In content increases. The micro structure analysis result demonstrates that grain refinement improves as the amount of In increases. Enhancements in the melting point, wettability, and Vickers hardness changes appear as the In content increases and Au content decreases. The hardness is up to 260, which implies good durability. Therefore, the results suggest that the proposed 18, 14, and 8K In-added green gold alloys enhance the properties of jewelry products with regard to the green color, castability, and durability.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores sustainability education in textile and apparel (T&A) programs in U.S. higher education institutions. Specifically, the researchers study whether more courses with sustainability focus are offered in higher-ranked institutions and explore whether sustainability is taught more in specific T&A related subject fields. Content analysis was conducted for 3,200 courses found in online course catalogs or the course information sites of 69 institutions. Institutions were selected from the 2015 rankings of the top 50 fashion design and top 50 fashion merchandising schools in the US on www.fashion-schools.org. All cases were coded by two coders with a Cohen’s Kappa score of 97.5%, indicating good interrater reliability. Coded data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and t-tests. The findings show that sustainability is being integrated into the curricula and across courses of T&A programs in the U.S. Over half of the institution surveyed offered at least one sustainability embedded course. Higher ranked institutions provided more sustainability- related courses than power-ranked institutions. A natural match between the subject field and specific sustainability theme was observed (e.g., cultural diversity in history/culture and social psychology/education; recycle/reuse in textile science; sustainability in fashion design; social responsibility and ethics in industry/consumer). The need to introduce sustainability in courses holistically is discussed, whereby sustainability within the industry supply chain is examined in a connected way.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Edible biopolymer films were developed from the exopolysaccharides (EPS) extracted from Weissella confusa 113-2. The optimum composition for film formation was determined using the response surface analysis with the explanatory variables of the EPS (0.5-5.5%) and glycerol (0.5-5.5%) concentrations and the response variable of film elastic modulus (EM). The mass ratio of distilled water to solids was set constant (14:1). Tensile strength (TS), percentage elongation at break (%E), EM, water vapor permeability (WVP) of EPS films were evaluated. The glass transition temperatures of the films were also determined by a dynamic mechanical analysis. The optimum mass ratio of EPS to glycerol was 0.754:0.375. The WVP, TS, %E, and EM of the film under the optimal composition were 3.53±0.21 g·mm/kPa·h·m2, 7.03±0.49 MPa, 84.82±12.31%, and 62.03±6.93 MPa, respectively. The glass transition temperature varied from 54 to 83 °C. The EPS film has the potential to be applied to food products as an edible film with physical and barrier properties comparable to other biopolymer edible films.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objectives of the present study were to examine the antioxidant activity of fractions with different isoelectric points from salmon enzymatic hydrolysates and obtain peptide fractions of sufficient amounts with higher antioxidant peptide fraction, which could be applied to the food and animal model systems. The salmon enzymatic hydrolysates were fractionated on the basis of the amphoteric nature of sample peptides by preparative isoelectric focusing without toxic solvents and reagents, which is termed autofocusing. Acidic and basic fractions showed higher 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity than the other fractions. The basic fractions showed higher hydroxyl (OH) radical scavenging activity. The weak acidic and weak basic fractions showed higher oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) values than the acidic and basic fractions. The acidic fraction showed higher metal chelating activity than other fractions. The acidic fraction suppressed lipid oxidation in the cooked patties to a greater extent than other fractions. These results suggest that peptides fractions from salmon enzymatic hydrolysate are effective antioxidant, and that autofocusing could be useful to increase antioxidant activity for application to food and animal model systems.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A protein-lipid film formed on the surface of soymilk by heating can be applied in various areas such as edible package film, cosmetic sheet, and meat analog. In this study, a colloid formulation of isolated soy protein (ISP) and soybean oil (4:1) was used to make protein-lipid films and it compared with the product using soymilk (Glycine max L. Merrill) for making a meat analog of fibrous shape. The colloid with 2.3 cm depth in a pan at 85︒C produced 8 sheets of protein-lipid films. The films were collected from the pan as a bundle to make a fibrous shape. Color parameters and texture profile analysis (TPA) were measured depending on the order of the film formation. Color parameters (Hunter-values) of the films using ISP and oil notably decreased the lightness and increased the redness as the order of the films. And changes of color differences in the films using ISP and oil were larger than those in the films using soymilk. TPA Parameters of the film such as hardness, resilience, springiness, cohesiveness, and gumminess were increased as increasing the order of the films formation. In the films using ISP and oil, lipid concentration was the highest in the first formed film rather than other films. However, in the films using soymilk, lipid concentration was similar among the order of the films. Consequently, the films using ISP and oil were produced non-uniformity of color, texture, and lipid composition in the order of the film formation compared with the films using soymilk. Combination of the soy protein-lipid films as a bundle could be used as a meat analog which had non-uniformity and fibrous shape.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Buckwheat is well-known as a healthy crop with excellent nutritional and functional superiority mainly because of a high content of flavonoid compounds, specifically, rutin. However, buckwheat-based food products are known to have the reduced levels of rutin by rutin-degrading enzymes that generate quercetin during processing. However, since quercetin has a bitter taste, it may have a negative impact on consumer preferences, consequently retarding the utilization of buckwheat flour to a variety of buckwheat processed foods. Thus, this study was carried out to investigate the levels of rutin and quercetin in the milling fractions of buckwheat flours and also to monitor their changes by a variety of thermal treatments. Native buckwheat was separated into three fractions by sieving with 40 and 100 mesh screens which were designated as >40 M, 40-100 M, and 100 M<, respectively. The levels of rutin were the highest in the 40-100 M milling fraction, followed by <100 M and >40 M. Also, buckwheat flours were subjected to several thermal treatments including steaming and autoclaving. The contents of rutin and quercetin in the resulting buckwheat samples were analyzed by HPLC and the correlations between the flavonoid compounds and thermal treatments were investigated. The addition of water to buckwheat flour in making buckwheat products significantly decreased the levels of rutin while the quercetin content increased. However, the thermal treatments of buckwheat flours distinctly reduced the rutin loss and quercetin was hardly detected. Therefore, this study contributes to enhancing the health functionalities of buckwheat by reducing rutin loss, probably extending use of buckwheat flour to a variety of processed food products.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The demands of rice products have been steadily increasing because of their non-allergenic-functionalities. However, the use of rice flour in the gluten-free food industry has been still limited due to undesirable quality characteristics derived from the weak structural network by the lack of gluten. Therefore, there is a need to search for new approaches to enhance the structural network of gluten-free foods. In this study, zein, protein derived from corn, was applied to rice noodles as a structural network provider for sheeting and the rheological and structural properties of the rice noodles were investigated depending on the particle size of rice flour. The starch damage of the rice flours increased with decreasing particle size. The zein-rice flours with smaller particle size exhibited greater water hydration properties and pasting parameters that contributed to the increased elastic characteristics. The use of zein positively contributed to the formation of sheeted rice dough that could be successfully slit into noodle strips. The zein-rice noodles with medium particle size (100–150 mesh) had the highest breaking stress and hardness values that were correlated to the lowest cooking loss. This study thus provides a new opportunity for food industry to improve the qualities of gluten-free rice noodles by controlling particle size.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to review and establish the three concepts of upcycling, zero-waste fashion design, and regional sustainability through a review of domestic and international case studies. Furthermore, it will provide the theoretical basis for using upcycling as a regional sustainability practice to create zero-waste fashion design. To conduct an empirical study, we systematized the stages of the survey on waste resources in Changsin-dong, the sourcing and utilization of waste resources, the design-planning stage, and the co-production with pattern and sewing masters as a suggested practice for regional sustainability. Through this study, we propose the possibility of regional sustainability by developing and sharing the method of zero-waste fashion design. The conclusion of the study as follows: First, upcycling fashion designs can be extended to a regional sustainability practice by taking the characteristics of social design into account. Second, by providing a design development process and methodology suitable for regional sustainability application, it is helpful to revitalize regional upcycling fashion brands and communities by providing data for upcycled fashion branding. Third, as part of the revitalization project for the Changshin and Soongin areas that started in 2014, using the region’s economic, cultural, and environmental characteristics to make and sell high-value, upcycled fashion products will contribute to social and economic achievements and aid in solving regional problems.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores determinants of purchase intentions for vegan fashion products based on the modified planned behavior model. Survey data from 434 university students were subjected to an analysis using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The results showed that almost half of the consumers surveyed recognized vegan fashion products and a little more than a half of consumers surveyed had purchase experience for vegan fashion products. Clothing, bags, and shoes are the most frequently purchased vegan fashion product categories. From the results of the model test, purchase intentions on vegan fashion products were determined by attitude, subjective norms, ethical responsibility, and ethical identity of the consumers. When consumers have a more positive attitude, have higher subjective norms, stronger ethical responsibility, and stronger ethical identity regarding the purchase of vegan fashion products, they are likely to have a greater intention to purchase vegan fashion products. The findings contribute to the literature by adding test results for vegan fashion products among the ethical product categories, highlighting the importance of the consideration of product category, which can give somewhat different results when exploring ethical consumption. Based on these findings, marketers need to use special tags or signage highlighting the ethical values and meanings of vegan fashion products to better communicate with target consumers with a high level of ethical responsibility and to help increase consumers’ control over purchase behaviors through reducing barriers generated by insufficient product information.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 시학, 즉 시쓰기에 대한 인지학적 가능성에 대한 초기단계의 명상적 글쓰기를 탐구한다. 구체적인 방법으로서, 본인은 전체론적 방법으로 예이츠의 시학과 그의 자동기술에 대한 명상적 글로 시작하는데, 그의 집단 시학에 대해 선적 명상기법을 적용해보려고 한다.