
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,451

        1998.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study on the Assembling Mechanism of the Hairtail, Trichiurus lenpturus, at the Fishing Grounds of the Cheju Strait had been investigated by analyzing the relationship of the oceanographic conditions and the fishing ground of the Hairtail in the Cheju Strait. 1. The fishing grounds of the hairtail at the Cheju Strait are formed at the bottom of a high temperature of the tidal front at the coast. area of northern Cheju Island, the tip of the linguiform is high in salinity at the eastern and western entrances of Cheju Island, low salinity eddy on the surface and its surrounding front, various water masses in the Strait and coastal waters of the South Sea in Korea. 2. The fishing grounds of the Hairtail at the Cheju Strait begins with the sea surface temperature higher than 15℃ and the incoming of low salinity water now from the East China Sea. 3. Estimation of optimum temperature and salinity per season based upon analysis for relationship between temperature of water and salinity of the bottom layer and the catch is : 15.2~16.4℃, 34.20~34.40‰ in spring(June); 14.4~ 17.0℃, 33.70~34.30‰ in summer(July~September); and 15.7~ 18.6℃, 33.70~34.50‰ in autumn(October~December). Hairtail are mostly caught at the Yellow Sea Warm Current and Tsushima Current with temperature over 14.5℃ and salinity over 33.70‰ at the bottom layers of the Cheju Strait. 4. Considering the relationship between the amount of hairtail catch and the water temperature of bottom layer, when the bottom water being above 14.0℃ flowed into Cheju Strait through the western entrance of the strait in summer, the ca-h appears to have been abundant. In contrast, the catch has been poor when the temperature of such water was recorded to be below 13℃ Therefore, distribution patterns of water at the bottom layer can be used as a forecast index whether the catch of a certain year will be good or poor.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1996.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The distribution and abundance of fish in the Cheju southeastern area was studied by the combined hydroacoustic and bottom trawl surveys in April 1994 and in July 1995, respectively. The main purpose of these investigations was to provide the basic data for this management and the biomass estimation of commercially important demersal fish stocks in this area. The hydroacoustic surveys were performed by using a 50 kHz scientific echo sounder system with a microcomputer-based echo integrator. Acoustical measurements of fish abundance and distribution were conducted along the cruise tracks of research vessel and during all trawl hauls by continuous echo sounding. The average weight-normalized target strength for demersal fish aggregations was derived from the relationship between the mean volume backscattering strength for the depth strata of trawl hauls and the weight per cubic meter of trawl catches. The geographical distribution of fish stocks in the 1994 survey area was investigated in relation to oceanographic conditions. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. From the 1994 and 1995 survey data, the relationship between the mean volume backscattering strength (〈SV〉, dB) for the depth strata of trawl hauls and the weight (W, kg/m3) per cubic meter of trawl catches was expressed by the following equation 〈SV〉 = - 32.8+ lOlog(W) The average weighted-target strength value at 50 kHz derived from this equation was .. 32.8 dB/kg. 2. In 1994 and 1995, both surveys showed a trend of decreasing fish abundance toward the southern area of the Cheju Island with high densities offish along the west coast ofth.e Tsushima Island. The highest demersal concentrations in the southern area of the CheJu Island appeared in bottom waters colder than 12℃.. . 3. From the results of combined bottom trawl and hydroacoustic surveys, the estunated fish densities in the southeastern area of the Cheju Island were 1.5488 x 10-4kg/m3 in the 1994 surveyand 1.9498 x 10-4kg/m3 in the 1995 survey, respectively.
        1996.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The combined hydroacoustic and bottom trawl surveys were conducted in the Cheju southeastern area by the training ship "KAYA" belong to Pukyong National University in July 1995 and the traning ship "NAGASAKI MARl]" belong to Nagasaki University in April 1994, respectively. The main purpose of the investigations was to provide the basic data for the management and the biomass estimation of commercially important demersal fish stocks in this area. Fish samples were collected by bottom trawling from 10 trawl stations randomly selected in the survey area, and the species and length compositions of trawl catches were examined. The fish school target strength for demersal fish aggregations was related to the catchability of trawl net with a 90 mm mesh codend. The most abundant species in the 1995 trawl stations were Japanese flying squid, sword tip squid and red horsehead and that of the 1994 trawl stations Japanese flying squid and blackmouth goosefish. The average weight per cubic meter of trawl catches collected by bottom trawling in the Cheju southeastern area were 1.0791×lO-4kg/m3 in the 1994 survey area and 1.3636×lO-4kg/m3 in the 1995 survey area, respectively. The catch data by cover net suggest that the efficiency of trawl net could affect the weight normalized target strength values for demersal fish aggregations. That is, the average target strength per unit of weight dropped from - 33.1 dB/kg using the total catch by codend and cover net to - 30.5 dB/kg using only the catch data by codend, and a change of2.6 dB/kg was observed.ange of2.6 dB/kg was observed.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the potential of Festulolium braunii(Festuca pratensis Huds. Loliurn mulrijZorum Lam.)as forge sources. The experiment was arranged in a split plot design with four replications from Feb. 1995. to Jan. 1996 at Hohenhe
        1995.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        강원지방에 자생하는 야생의 초본식물 6종에 대한 실생번식법을 밝히고자, 1954년 봄과 가을에 종자를 채취하여 Gibberelin(GA3) 25 및 50ppm 수용액에 24시간 침지하였으며, 대조구로는 지하수에 24시간 침지시켰다. 처리된 종자를 1995년 4월 23일에 혼합토양(모래:peat moss: perlite: vermiculite, 1:1:1:1, v/v)을 채운 플라스틱 화분(직경 12,높이 11cm)에 40립씩 3반복으로 파종하여 2일에 1회씩 관수하면서 발아된 개체수를 조사하였다. 1995년 5월 13일에 채취된 할미꽃 종자는 1995년 5월 31일에 처리하고 6월 1일에 묘포에 파종하였다. 향유, 금낭화 및 배초향의 종자발아는 처리간 고도의 통계적 유의차가 인정되었으나 가는 쑥부쟁이, 거북꼬리 할미꽃 등의 종들에서는 처리간 유의차가 인정되지 않았다. 금낭화와 배초향에서는 25ppm, 향유에서는 50ppm 처리구에서 발아촉진 효과가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 각 야생초류의 자원화 가능성을 검토하였다.
        1995.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is for decision making on distribution of resources so as to improve the effectiveness of initial disaster relief efforts. It is very important that relief efforts should be accomplished appropriately at the initial disaster. Furthermore, efficient allocation of relief resources such as rescuer, shelter, relief goods, relief funds, medical and relief equipments is also the first step to achieve main objective of relief efforts when disaster occurs. For this purpose, this study establishes flood as a imaginery disaster and develops a model for efficient distribution of resources when flood outbreaks. This model fixes initial 72 hours, which is subdivided into three intervals, as a initial disaster range. The model is to set a prioity against alloction of relief resources by each time zone which is related to damaged degree( Red Tag, Yellow Tag, Green Tag). Experts in this field input their experience into this model, and these are analyzed by Analytic Hierachy Process(AHP)/Expert Choice(EC) software. Therefore, we can decide a prioity against distribution of resources by each time zone which is in accordance with damaged degree. The result of this study would be helpful to a person who is in charge of relief from calamity in order him to make a decision toward distribution of resources.
        1995.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 연근해 해역에 대한 어족생물의 자원평가 및 그 관리를 위한 기초자료를 수집하기 위한 연구의 일환으로 동중국해를 대상으로 계량어군탐지기 및 트롤조업에 의해 수집된 어족생물의 음향학적 조사자료 및 수조실험자료 등을 종합적으로 분석하여 조사대상해역에 대한 어족생물의 어군반사강도를 추정한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 1994년 4월에 제주도 남서방 해역에서 50kHz의 주파수에 대하여 측정한 트롤 예망층에 대한 어군의 평균체적산란강도(〈SV〉, dB)와 그 때의 트롤조업에 의해 어획한 단위체적당의 어획량(C, kg/m3)과의 사이에는 다음의 회귀직선식을 얻었다. = -32.4+10Log(C) 이 식에서 어획물 1kg당에 대한 어군의 평균반사강도의 추정치는 〈SV〉 = - 32.4dB/kg이었다. 2. 1989~1992년의 11월중에 동중국해에서 25kHz와 100kHz의 주파수에 대한 트롤 예망층의 평균체적산란강도(〈SV〉, dB)와 단위체적당의 어획량(C, kg/m3)과의 사이에는 다음의 회귀직선식을 얻었다. 25kHz : 〈SV〉 = - 29.8+10Log(C) 100kHz : 〈SV〉 = - 31.7+10Log(C) 이들 식에서 25kHz와 100kHz의 주파수에 대한 어획물 1kg당에 대한 어군의 평균반사강도의 추정치는 각각 -29.8dB/kg, -3.7dB/kg으로서, 25kHz에 대한 어군반사강도의 값이 100kHz에 대한 그 값보다 1.9dB 더 컸다. 3. 트롤조업에 의해 어획한 강달이, 말쥐치, 갈전갱이, 민태, 병어, 황돔, 민어, 고등어, 샛돔, 전갱이 등을 대상으로 25kHz와 100kHz의 주파수에서 측정한 어체의 평균반사강도와 체중과의 사이에는 다음의 회귀직선식을 얻었다. 25kHz : TS = - 34.0+10Log(W⅔) 100kHz : TS = - 37.8+10Log(W⅔) 이들 식에서 25 kHz와 100kHz의 주파수에 대한 어체의 1kg 당에 대한 평균반사강도의 측정치는 각각 -34.0dB/kg, -37.8dB/kg로서, 25kHz에 대한 어체의 평균반사강도의 값이 100kHz에 대한 그 값보다 3.8dB 더 컸다. 4. 제주도 근해에서 어획한 보구치의 부레의 등가반경(A)에 대한 체장(L)의 비솔(A/L)는 체장이 증감함에 따라 약간 감소하는 경향을 보였고, 그 평균치은 0.089이었다. 이상의 트롤조업 및 어탐조사, 또한 실험수조에서 측정한 어체의 반사강도를 종합적으로 고찰 할 때, 동중국해의 어업자원을 평가함에 있어 적용 할 수 있는 어군 1kg당에 대한 평균적인 반사강도는 25kHz와 100kHz의 주파수에 대하여 각각 -31.4dB/kg, -33.8dB/kg이라고 추정된다.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1993.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라에서 Korean lespedeza의 자생지에 대한 작물의 생육상태, pH, 무기 및 유기물 함량, 토양입자, 토성 등과 토양의 물리-화학성에 관한 기초자료를 얻고져 총 62개 지역을 조사하였으며 얻은 자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Korean lespedeza의 초장 및 건물량은 조사시기 및 지역에 따라서 큰 차이를 보였으며, 8월 하순 및 9월 상순에 조사한 수치가 높았다 2. 식물체내의 영양분 함량에 있어서 지상부는 지하부보다 N