
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,262

        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the electrochemical properties for Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films mixed with fatty acid (8A5H) and phospholipid (DLPE, DMPC, and DPPA). LB films of 8A5H monolayer and 8A5H-phospholipid mixture were deposited using the Langmuir-Blodgett method on the indium tin oxide(ITO) glass. The electrochemical properties measured using cyclic voltammetry with three-electrode system, an Ag/AgCl reference electrode, a platinum wire counter electrode and LB film-coated ITO working electrode at various concentrations(0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mol/L) of NaClO4 solution. A measuring range was reduced from initial potential to -1350 mV, continuously oxidized to 1650 mV and measured to the initial point. The scan rate was 50, 100, 150 and 200 mV/s, respectively. As a result, LB films of fatty acid and phospholipid (8A5H/DLPE and DPPA) appeared irreversible process were caused by only the reduction current from the cyclic voltammogram and LB film of 8A5H-DMPC mixture was found to be caused by a reversible oxidation-reduction process.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, alkali impregnated filter sampling method was considered for VFAs in ambient air. When KOH concentration was 0.5 N and sampling flow velocity was 5~10 L/min the sampling efficiency was higher than 90 percent. More than 3 minute shaking make the sampled filter to be suspended in the 22.3 mL Vial. Alkali impregnated filter sampling method showed more than 4 times higher response compared to alkali solution sampling method, when the sample was analysed by headspace-gas chromatography. Five kinds of volatile fatty acids (propionic acid, i-butyric acid, n-butyric acid, i-valeric acid, valeric acid) were detected within 1.0~9.8 ppbv in the cow shed by alkali impregnated filter method and headspace gas chromatography. The alkali impregnated filter method was the most suitable sampling method for ambient volatile fatty acids with headspace gas chromatography analysis.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대두유의 탈취과정에서 탈취온도, 진공도, cycle time 및 stripping steam 주입량의 4대 요소를 조정하여 탈취를 행한 후 탈취유의 산가, 과산화물가 및 trans 지방산 함량을 측정한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 즉, 탈취온도가 높을수록 AV, POV는 하락하였으나 trans 지방산 함량이 비례적으로 증가하였다. 진공도는 4torr 수준이 적정하였으며, CT는 길어질수록 효과가 우수하였다. SS주입량은 2.0%(w/w) 수준이 가장 적절한 조건이었다. 이러한 결과를 종합적으로 볼 때, 대두유에서 trans 지방산 함량을 상대적으로 낮게 할 수 있는 탈취조건은 최고 탈취온도 235℃, 진공도 4torr, CT 14~15분 및 SS주입량 2.0%(w/w)내외의 조건에서 trans 지방산 함량 0.31% 내외의 우수한 탈취유의 생산이 가능하였다. 결과적으로 탈취과정에서 trans 지방산 생성량을 극소화하기 위하여는 탈취온도가 가장 중요하였는데, AV, POV 등 다른 품질 요인들을 동시에 고려할 때, 더 이상의 탈취온도 하락은 어려운 것으로 판단된다.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 중부지방에서 각종 기후인자의 영향을 명확히 반영하여 중부지방의 날씨 및 기후 특성을 잘 나타내는, 탁월일기 및 강수현상의 하계 순별 출현 다소(강수 없음, 0.1-10.0mm/일, 10.1-30.0mm/일, 30.1mm 이상/일)와 그 변화에 대해, 정보이론을 이용하여 일기엔트로피와 정보비를 추출하고 응용하여, 그 공간 스케일의 시간적 변동을 살핀다. 그리고 본 연구는 하계 순의 중부 지방의 25개 관측 지점별 일기 및 기후 대표성의 특성을 규명하고 공간적 질서를 밝혀 일기예보 및 핵심 기후지역(기후대표성) 설정을 시도한 것이다. 그 결과 최대 일기엔트로피(제1위: 춘천, 1.870bits, 7월 하순)는 대부분 8월 초순에 나타나고, 최소 일기엔트로피(제1위: 강화, 0.960 bits, 9월 중순)는 6월 초순과 9월 하순에 나타난다.15개 기준지점(속초, 철원, 대관령, 춘천, 강릉, 서울, 인천, 원주, 수원, 충주, 서산, 청주, 대전, 보령 및 부여)의 정보비 분포와 일기대표성의 특성은 주로 9월 중순(제1위 충주 기준 시 청주 0.75, 6월 초순)에 가장 크며, 7월 하순(제1위 보령 기준 시 대관령 0.06, 7월 하순)에 가장 작다는 것을 밝혔다. 그리고 중부지방의 일기예보 및 기후대표성(기후지역)을 나타내는 핵심지역은 부여-인천-강릉지역을 잇는 삼각형내의 중부 내륙지방이 해당됨을 밝혔다.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find out the plan type of traditional folk housing in Jeoun-Nam Province. The building time of these houses is mainly from early 19C to early 20C and about 1,000 houses have been investigated. The conclusion of this research is 1. Small house is composed of kitchen, one or two rooms and Marae(the place of storage and sacrificial rite). Big house has one more room and one more storage in comparison with the small house. Marae and Jeoungjibang(a room which is in front of kitchen) are characteristic rooms of folk house in Jeoun-Nam Province. 2. The plan type varies in Jeoun-Nam Province. '-'type is a main type of layout and it is arranged a kitchen, a big room, a Marae and a small room in order. In the big house, jeoungjibang(the third room) is added. 3. In the southwestern Island area, no room is arranged beside Marae. Marae has characteristic confucian order because it is the place of sacrificial rite. Therefore there is a great difference in comparison with other area. 4. In the mountain area such as Gurae, there are some houses which have two rooms arranged up and down in one side; that is, upside is Marae and downside is small room. This type is called Kyump Jip.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to prove the correlations among various factors what determined to formation of front elevation proportion system through making an actual survey and investigating. According to the analysis of them, we make conclusions as follows; 1, On the assumption that average distance of 1Kan(間) is 1, the height of foundation is 0.21, the height of floor from foundation is 0.24, the height of normal column from floor is 0.85, the height of eaves from foundation is 1.10. 2. Southeast faced buildings are wider than southwest faced buildings in the distance of 1Kan (間) in the range of $110{sim}220mm$. The height of foundation and floor in the southeast faced buildings are higher than those in southwest faced buildings beside the height of normal column, eaves, high column in the southwest faced buildings are higher than those in southeast faced buildings. 3. As number of front Kan(間) increases, the distance of 1Kan(間) decrease and the height of eaves and high column(高柱) increases. This is cause of making a maximum needed inner space by increasing the distance of 1Kan(間). This is an wisdom for living from ancestors. 4. As number of Dori(道里) increases, the distances of 1Kan are nearly same but the height of eaves and high column(高柱) increases about 300mm, This is a natural result from an increasing of building scale. 5. The distance of 1Kan(間) in later 19C building is most wide but, the unit heights are minimal average values at year 1900 as a reference mark. After this, the height of normal column, eaves, high column are higher about $170{sim}330mm$. 6. The number of Kan in front elevation, Dori(道里), and direction of building have correlations each other in proportion system of traditional housing An-Chae with significant level, p<0.05.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate English education experts’ current general views on the college English curriculum at Korean provincial universities and elicit their consensus of opinion on the distinctive characteristics of the curriculum. For that purpose, two rounds of the delphi survey were presented to forty experts, with thirty one experts’ responses in the first round and nineteen in the second. Based on their responses, the following characteristics of the Korean college English curriculum for provincial universities were deduced as a consensus of opinion: the curriculum is supposed to be more intensive, practical, proficiency-based, and university-specific than the curriculum for the universities in the Metropolitan area; it is supposed to be English for Specific Purposes (ESP) rather than English for General Purposes (EGP) in order to promote the future career of the individual provincial university students and the competitiveness of the provincial universities themselves.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the electrochemical properties for Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films mixed with 4-octyl-4'-(5-carboxylpentamethyleneoxy)azobenzene (denoted as 8A5H) and phospholipid(L-α-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, denoted as DMPC). LB films of 8A5H monolayer and 8A5H-DMPC were deposited by using the Langmuir-Blodgett method on the indium tin oxide(ITO) glass. The electrochemical properties measured by using cyclic voltammetry with a threeelectrode system, an Ag/AgCl reference electrode, a platinum wire counter electrode and LB film-coated ITO working electrode at various concentrations(0.1, 0.5, and 1.0mol/L) of NaClO4 solution. A measuring range was reduced from initial potential to -1350mV, continuously oxidized to 1650mV and measured to the initial point. The scan rates were 50, 100, 150 and 200mV/s, respectively. As a result, LB films of 8A5H monolayer appeared irreversible process caused by only the oxidation current from the cyclic voltammogram and LB films of 8A5H-DMPC mixture were found to be caused by a reversible oxidation-reduction process.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carry out to investigate the quality comparison of ground Korean native black pork compared with modern genotype pork by different fat addition. The Korean native black pig and modern genotype pig were slaughtered at 75 kg and 105 kg of live weight, and for 240 days and 210 days of feeding periods, respectively. The ground lean pork (M. semimembranosus) mixed with ground fat (10, 20 and 30%, respectively) was stored for 9 days at 4℃. The crude fat increased as fat content increased. The pH of two porks increased significantly during storage. It was lower the Korean native black pork during storage than modern genotype pork. The WHC (water-holding capacity) of Korean native black pork was higher than modern genotype pork. The Korean native black pork maintained black reddish color because it had lower CIE L* value and higher CIE a* value than the modern genotype pork. CIE L, b*, C* and h values increased with increasing fat content in two samples but all CIE color values decreased during storage. TBARS (2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances), POV (peroxide value) and FOX (ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange) of ground pork during storage were increased as fat content increased. Lipid oxidation of Korean native black pork occurred more rapidly than modern genotype pig. The Korean native black pork tended to contain more saturated fatty acids compared with the modern genotype pork. Especially, stearic acid and total SFA (saturated fatty acid) content had significantly higher in Korean native black pork (p<0.05).
        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        모래하천의 물리적·생태적 특성을 분석하기 위해 자연환경이 유사한 청미천, 양화천, 복하천을 조사·평가하였다. 물리적 구조 평가결과 청미천과 양화천의 생태성은 "양호~보통", 복하천은 "보통"으로 평가되었으며, 대상하천은 공통적으로 사행과 퇴적작용이 활발한 반면 침식은 약한 것으로 나타났다. 3개 하천의 중점조사구에 대한 식물조사결과물과 가장 인접한곳(정수역)으로부터 갈풀→달뿌리풀→갈대→버드나무→물푸레나무→아까시나무→신나무 군락 순으로 발달하였다. 저서성대형무척추동물의 경우 공통종은 청정지 역에서 주로 출현하는 무의하루살이, 검은 물잠자리 등이며, 우점종은 실지렁이와 깔따구과 sp. 1이었다.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 국내에서 육성된 사료용 유채의 이용성을 증진시키기 위하여 질소 시비수준과 화본과 사료작물과의 혼파를 통하여 품질 및 생산성에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다 포장시험은 농촌진흥청 작물과학원 호남농업연구소 목포시험장 시험포장에서 수행되었고 혼파된 화본과 사료작물은 호밀, 귀리, 보리 및 이탈리안 라이그라스이었으며 질소시비 수준은 100, 150 및 200kg/ha이었다. 남부지방 봄 이용시 혼파로 인한 건물 함량 증가는 로 큰 효과는