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        검색결과 5,320

        2001.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리나라 황칠나무 주요 자생지인 남부도서지역의 완도지방에서 황칠나무의 적정 파종기를 구명하여 자생지 보호와 농가의 재배면적 확대 그리고 관상가치가 높은 실생 파종묘의 재배법을 체계적으로 확립 하고자 본시험을 실시한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 비닐하우스를 이용하여 황칠나무의 종자를 포트에 파종할 경우 3월 중순 파종이 출현율이 높고, 초기생육이 양호하여 알맞은 파종기로 판단된다. 2. 노지에 황칠나무 종자를 직파할 경우 4월 상순 파종이 종자의 출현율이 높고, 생육이 양호하여 알맞은 파종기로 생각된다. 3. 황칠나무의 적정 파종방법으로는 포트파종이 노지 파종보다 발아율이 높고, 묘목의 수고와 경직경이 커서 초기생육이 양호하여 알맞은 파종방법으로 생각된다.
        2001.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to the results of the groundwater quality investigation about 230 holes all over the country, the groundwater which was in excess of standard grows larger every year and closed holes increased to 23,457 holes in 1997 from 15,724 holes in 1996. This is the major reasons that water quality contamination, shortage of water quantity, increasing of salinity and so on. There are 7 groundwater salinization sources which are considered as most important on a regional level. And among theses the Cheju Island groundwater salinization sources are (1) halite solution, (2) natural saline groundwater, (3) sea-water intrusion. The method of taking an isotopes is one of research methods of the origin of groundwater salinization and is used in so many studies because it has very high confidence. 18O, 2H, 3H, 14C and so on in an isotopes are frequently used in the method of them. Consequently on this study we analyzed major ions and 3H in groundwater, sea-water and rain of the eastern part of cheju island known as contaminated site from long time ago to examine the origin of groundwater salinization. Relation ratios of the major ions versus chloride ion shows similar tendency to sea-water. This indicates that sea-water entered the groundwater layer. And amount of 3H in holes of the land side is higher than that of the sea side. Relation of chloride ion versus 3H indicates negative character. Therefore we can think that the reason of groundwater salinization of this part is natural saline groundwater and halite solution by relation.
        2001.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 개발활동에 의해 가속화되는 토사유출량의 발생규모를 토사유출량 산정모형을 이용하여 산정하고 현장에서의 토사발생량과 비교하여 모형의 적용성을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 토사유출량 산정시 주로 적용되는 범양토양유실량식(USLE) 혹은 TRB(Transport Research Board) 모형등은 외국에서 개발되어 국내에서는 모형에 대한 검증과 검정이 구체적으로 수행되지 않은 상태로 이용되고 있으며 모형의 적용절차 및 한계에 대한 검토도 이루어지지 않
        2001.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out estimating the dry deposition flux of SO2 at eight urban areas in Korea during one year of 1996. To calculate the deposition flux, deposition velocities were calculated by turbulence parameters estimated from routine meteorological data. Also, hourly averaged SO2 concentrations which calculated from air pollution monitoring data of each city were used. The dry deposition velocities were mostly higher in the coastal areas than the other areas, which would be caused by relatively strong wind. And, they were high in the daytime because of turbulence activities. The deposition flux of SO2 is mainly related to the atmospheric concentration. The annual average SO2 concentration and the deposition flux were 22.62ppb and 1510.52g/㎢/hr at Pusan respectively. Also, the flux was higher in winter than other season, which was a significant contribution of exhausted fuel for heating. While the deposition velocity was high to 0.688㎝/sec at Yosu in case of strong wind and small cloud cover, the deposition flux was high to 1597.4g/㎢/hr at Pusan in case of weak wind and small cloud cover.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the distribution characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were investigated on the seasonal basis across spring, summer, and fall during the year of 1998. According to this analysis, most VOC species investigated exhibited strong temporal trends. Over diurnal scale, there distribution characteristics were affected by seasonal factors strongly. While they showed high day/night ratio pattern during spring, the pattern was reversed during fall. When the seasonal mean values were compared between the two seasons, the spring values were systematically higher than their counterparts in most cases. In addition when our VOC measurement data were compared with those reported from elsewhere, we were able to conclude that the VOC levels in the study area are comparable to the level weakly impacted by the regional emissions of VOCs. Although our data are not sufficient enough to systematically explain the atmospheric distribution and behavior of VOCs, the findings of strong correlations among some of VOC species suggests strong need for investigating their interactions in the earth's atmosphere.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The traffic accidents in large cities such as Pusan metropolitan city have been increased every year due to increasing of vehicles numbers as well as the gravitation of the population. In addition to the carelessness of drivers, many meteorological factors have a great influence on the traffic accidents. Especially, the number of traffic accidents is governed by precipitation, visibility, humidity, cloud amounts and temperature, etc. In this study, we have analyzed various data of meteorological factors from 1992 to 1997 and determined the standardized values for contributing to each traffic accident. Using the relationship between meteorological factors(visibility, precipitation, relative humidity and cloud amounts) and the total automobile mishaps, an experimental prediction formula for their traffic accident rates was seasonally obtained at Pusan city in 1997. Therefore, these prediction formulas at each meteorological factor may be used to predict the seasonal traffic accident numbers and contributed to estimate the variation of its value according to the weather condition in Pusan city.
        2000.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        If a system such a port and regional economy has a large boundary and complexity, the system's substance is considered as a black box, forecast accuracy will be very low. Futhermore various components in a port and regional economy exert significant influence on each other. To copy with these problem the from of structure models were introduced by using SD model. This study has the issue of simplifying the regional economic effects of the port as contributing to raising the regional income. The regional economic effects of port have various indirect ones except for this. So, SD(System Dynamics) was presented, and applied to simulate port and regional economy.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        미계측지점에서의 일유출량 시계열을 합성하기 위한 도구로서 유황곡선과 공간내삽알고리즘을 이용한 지역화기법이 개발되었다. 본 연구에서는 낙동강 유역의 8개 유량 관측 지점들 중 일부를 미계측지점으로 가정하여 지역화 기법을 통해 미계측 지점의 유황곡선을 합성하였으며, 합성된 유황곡선을 공간 내삽 알고리즘에 적용하여 미계측 지점의 일유출수문곡선을 합성하였다. 미계측지점으로서 가정된 지점에서의 관측 수문곡선과 합성 수문 곡선을 비교한 결과는 상당히 좋은 값을 나
        2000.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to suggest the analytical framework for a spatial structure of a tourism destination master plan by the two types of the tourism development models: Tourist attraction System Model and Tourism Destination Region Design Model. The resort development plan is introduced as a planning tool for regenerating the eastern Pusan regions, but the economic and environmental impacts and the sociocultural dilemma accompanied by the development should be fully considered before launching the business. The development plan announced currently is traced and examined in comparison with the upper-leveled and related plans. The Tourist Attraction System Model based on the systems theory is applied to the designated regions. The Tourism Destination Region Design Model then is applied for analyzing the components of each region on the master plan. The results of the findings suggest that the tourism destination plan is basically different from a general master plan on the physical comprehensive plan, the destination is recognized as a subsystem of the whole tourism system, and thus tourism destination plan is considered as a spatial arrangement of tourism facilities and the inter- and intra-circulation.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        공주군 유구 일대의 화강암질편마암은 온대습윤기후의 지형적 영향에 기인한 산성환경 및 양호한 배수조건에서의 풍화작용으로 두께가 8m인 깊은 saprolite층과 50cm 이상의 두꺼운 토양층을 형성하였다. 풍화단면에서는 흑운모/질석혼합층 광물, 삼팔면체, 할로이사이트, 캐올리나이트, 일라이트, 이팔면체질식, 스백타이트, 깁사이트, 침철석 등의 풍화광물이 확인되었다. 흑운모의 변질은 질석화작용이 미약한 반면에 풍화단면 전반에서 고령토화작용이 매우 현저한 풍화양상을 보여주며, 흑운모-흑운모/질석 혼합층 광물-질석, 흑운모-할로이사이트, 캐올리나이트, 깁사이트 및 흑운모-일 라이트의 풍화과정을 나타낸다. 흑운모의 풍화작용으로 생성된 고령토광물은 주로 할로이사이트이며, 고령토화작용으로 방출된 Fe는 변질된 흑운모 주변에서 침철석을 형성한다 사장석은 용해-침전작용으로 관상의 할로이사이트를 형성한다. 할로이사이트의 산출양상은 사장석의 용해유형에 따라 방향성이 강한 할로이사이트 집합체와 매우 구불구불한 할로이사이트 집합체로 나타난다. 모암에서 철을 함유하고 있던 광물은 용해되어 모암광물의 가상을 유지한 채 또는 그 주변에서 침철석을 형성한다. 연구지역 화강암질편마암의 단면은 풍화도가 증가할수록 모암 구성광물이 감소하는 반면에 점토광물의 양이 증가하는 전형적인 풍화 양상을 보여주며, 광물의 풍화작용은 산성환경과 양호한 배수환경과 같은 지역적인 조건에 영향을 받아 복잡하고 다양한 풍화광물을 형성하였다.
        2000.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the characteristics of surface ozone concentration and occurrence of high ozone concentration using hourly ozone, nitrogen dioxide and meteorological data for 1997∼1998 in Pusan coastal area. Monthly mean ozone concentration was the highest at Dongsamdong in Spring(35.4ppb), at Kwangbokdong in Fall(25.lppb) and the lowest Dongsamdong(22.2ppb) and Kwangbokdong(16.0ppb) in Winter. Relative standard deviation indicating clearness of observation site was 0.42 at Dongsamdong and 0.49 at Kwangbokdong that is similar to urban area. The diurnal variation of ozone concentration of Dongsamdong and Kwangbokdong showed maximum at 1500∼1600LST and minimum 0700∼0800LST that typical pattern of ozone concentration. In ozone episode period(Sept. 10∼15, 1998), diurnal change of ozone concentration was very high, and ozone concentration was related to meteorological parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, cloud amount and radiation on a horizontal surface. During the episode days peak ozone concentrations are much higher than the normal values, wind speeds are always lower, and solar radiation is high with the exception of the September episode.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the physicochemical characteristics of salinization of groundwater at the estern area of Cheju island. For this purpose, the major ions of groundwater. spring water are analyzed. The concentration of Cl- and Na-+K- contained in the groundwater at near the coastline are higher than those at inland area away from the coastline. The water quality components of groundwater observed at this area can be classified into 4 types such as Na-Cl, HCO3, Na-Cl-HCO3 and Ca-HCO3. The concentration ratio of SO4- to Cl- is 0.1354(R2=0.972) at this area. This value is very similar with Dittomer's ratio of 0.13. For Na-, K-, and Mg2+ versus Cl-, their ratios also show a significant relationship between sea water and groundwater in this area. From the chloride-bicarbonate ratio, it can be estimated that the intrusion distance of seawater from coastline to inland area is 2.8km at Onpyung-Nansan, Sangdo and Pyungdae areas, and 5.4㎞ at Kosung-Susan area. The mixing ratio between seawater and fresh water by the intrusion of seawater is decreased with the distance toward inland from coastline. This ratio(fresh water : seawater) is 80:20 in spring water adjacent the coastlines, Onpyung area and 99.8:0.2 in the well at No.3 of Susan located at inland away from the coastline. The concentration of Na- observed at field is 25∼45% lower than that theoretically calculated by this mixing ratio. Based on the data of EC, the equipotential line of 500μmhos/㎝ is located at 4∼5㎞ point at Kosung-Susan area and 2.5㎞ point at the other area. The equation of correlation between Cl- concentration and EC values is Cl-=0.1927EC-16.683 for the area lower than 500μmhos/㎝ and Cl-=0.2773EC for the area beyond 500 μmhos/㎝.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Twenty-two water samples(fifteen groundwater and seven geothermal water samples) were collected to elucidate chemical characteristics of the ground and geothermal waters in the Haeundae hot-spring area and its vicinity. Major and minor elements were analyzed for ground and geothermal water samples. The concentrations of K-, Na-, Ca2+, SO42-, Cl-, F+ and SiO2 were higher in the geothermal water samples than the groundwater samples except HCO3 and Mg2+ ions. Based on the contents of Fe, Zn, Cu, Al, Mn and Pb, some of the ground and geothermal water samples are contaminated by anthropogenic sources. The ground waters shown on the Piper diagram belong to Ca-HCO3 type, while the geothermal waters Na-Cl type. The graphs of Cl- versus Na+, Ca2+ Mg2+, K-, SO42- and HCO3- indicate that the groundwater is related partly with mineral-water reaction and partly with anthropogenic contamination, while the geothermal water is related with saline water. On the phase stability diagram, groundwater and thermal water mostly fall in the field of stability of kaolinite. This indicates that the ground and geothermal waters proceed with forming kaolinite. Factor and correlation analyses were carried out to simplify the physicochemical data into grouping some factors and to find interaction between them. Based on the Na-K, Na-K-Ca and Na-K-Ca-Mg geothermometers and silica geothermometers, the geothermal reservoir is estimated to have equilibrium temperature between 125℃ and 160℃.