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        검색결과 594

        2006.02 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 비표준 단위를 이용한 길이 측정활동이 인지적 영역으로서의 길이 측정능력과 정의적 영역으로서의 수학 접근 태도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 유아의 길이 측정능력 검사는 전희영(2001)이 제작한 “길이 측정능력 검사도구”를 사용하였으며, 수학 접근 태도 검사는 Harter와 Pike(1984)가 개발한 척도를 Ward(1993)가 수정․보완하여 제작한 것으로써, 황정숙(1996)이 번안한 것을 본 연구에서도 사용하였다. 연구 결과 유아의 길이 측정능력과 수학 접근 태도 모두 비표준 단위를 이용한 길이 측정활동을 실시한 실험집단 유아와 통제 집단 유아 간에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to find and explain characteristics of diverse social groups' attitudes toward nuclear power plant. 7 hypotheses were constructed and statistically tested. In order to test 7 hypotheses, both Nuclear Energy Attitude Scale and Environmental Attitude Scale were distributed and field surveyed on 839 respondents representing a diverse range of subject groups. The results showed that 6 hypotheses were statistically accepted while 1 hypothesis statistically rejected. Contrary to the first hypothesis, this test found that people in close proximity to the nuclear power plant had more positive attitudes toward nuclear power than those living in distance from the nuclear power plant. Males had more positive nuclear energy attitudes than females. Academic backgrounds were not related to nuclear energy attitudes. Environmental attitudes showed negative relationship with nuclear energy attitudes. While anti-nuclear citizen action groups had the most negative attitudes, nuclear power plant workers had the most positive attitudes among responding groups. Finally, university students majoring in nuclear engineering had more positive attitudes than those of religious studies.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ess-under-ess sentences, where the so-called past tense marker -ess in the complement clause of propositional attitude verbs occurs under -ess in the matrix clause, can be interpreted differently in some contexts. To take account of the semantic difference between the ess-under-ess sentences, I argue in this paper that the semantic contrast is due to types of predicates associated with -ess. After pointing out some problems with the previous treatments of -ess, I claim that -ess shows duality in the sense that it is parallel to the past tense in some contexts and to the present perfect in other contexts. As a way of disambiguating --ess, this paper comes up with certain types of predicates. That is, the exact meaning of -ess in a given context is dependent upon the types of predicates it is combined with. The predicate types, together with the duality of -ess, bring out semantically different interpretations of ess-under-ess sentences.
        2004.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Regarding to the ecotourism for environmental conservation, tourists's consciousness and attitude on environment should be dealt with importantly more than the mass tourism. The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the tourist's environmental consciousness on the ecotourism attitudes. As a result, it was analysed that the more people had interested in environmental problems, positive activities in the environment, the more people had the ecotourism attitudes. This suggested that for development of the ecotourism, it were needed to change tourist's attitude to friendly environment, to make higher consciousness about environmental conservation.
        2003.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to design long and short forms of reliable and valid Likert-type scales to measure environmental attitudes of Korean junior high school students. 8 tests were applied to the construction of a 32-item long form and 8-item short form of the scale. Two scales were field tested on 469 respondents consisting of male and female students in urban and rural areas and students participating in environmental programs. The 32-item scale was revealed to be highly reliable, content and construct valid. Reliability and homogeneity of this scale were evidenced by 0.92 coefficient alpha and positive interitem correlation values ranging from 0.10 to 0.52. Factor analysis and known-group comparison showed the sufficient validity of long form scale. Reliability and validity of short form scale were also evidenced by good results of 8 test analyses. The long and short forms were strongly correlated, r-value of 0.90. Consequently, both long form and short form scales were evidenced very reliable and valid in measuring environmental attitudes of junior high school students in Korea. They can be useful for a variety of survey conditions and constraints and testing environmental attitude.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Jae-Suk Suh. 2003. The process-based writing activity framed on CALL: Its effect on writing attitudes and writing proficiency of EFL learners. Studies in Modern Grammar 32, 169-203. The paper investigated the effects of the process-based writing activity designed with the frame of CALL on both EFL learners` attitudes toward writing in English and their writing proficiency. 52 college students participated in a study in which they worked in pairs to write about a topic chosen by themselves by going through various stages of writing from the beginning to the end for six weeks. Data were collected via two differing methods: questionnaires and writing samples (i. e., first and final drafts). To find out the effect of the process-oriented writing activity within CALL on subjects attitudes toward writing in English, two differing kinds of questionnaires were administered to subjects before and after the writing activity. To determine whether the writing activity plays a facilitating role in the improvement of subjects writing activity plays a facilitating role in the improvement of subjects writing ability, 26 sets of the first and final drafts were compared analytically to each other in five aspects of writing. The results of the study indicated that though there existed some aspects of writing remaining unchanged irrespective of the writing activity, overall, subjects showed more positive attitudes toward writing in English after the writing activity than they did prior to the activity. Similarly, though subjects were not able to fully succeed in improving their writing ability in all the five aspects of writing, they did show the promotion of writing skill in such aspects of writing, as fluency, organization, and mechanics. Based on the findings, some suggestions were given for the creation of positive writing attitude and for the improvement of writing ability in EFL classrooms.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study wi1l examine the Eliot‘s reaction to the American Puritanism. One of the remarkable characteristics of American Puritan society was that it kept its balance between two contradictory doctrines. While the American Puritans had the Calvinistic notion of original sin, they emphasized their self-confidence and pride as the chosen people and believed that they had been already saved as New Israelites of the City of God. As a result, they paradoxical1y came to dilute the doctrine of original sin. It is the American Puritan jeremiad that reveals this paradox and has worked through American rhetoric as the ideology accelerating Americanization up to the present. Though it was a kind of reprimand and lamentation, the jeremiad was at the same time the rhetoric that directed an imperiled people of God to fulfill their destiny and guided them individually toward salvation and collectively toward the American City of God. This study examines Eliot’s reaction against such an optimistic progressive rhetoric. In a sense, E1iot as a Christian poet should be fundamentaIIy optimistic. Therefore it might be said that he is opposed not to optimism or progress itself, but to shallow such optimism and blind belief in progress without understanding of human life as Eliot thinks is Emerson’s Transcendentalism. And it is the transition from American Puritanism to Transcendentalism that Eliot pays attentlOn to. In the course of his reaction to American Puritanism inc1uding Unitarianism and Transcendentalism as a sequence of American Puritanism, Eliot in turn criticizes humanism for the be1ief in the goodness of human nature and the ignorance of original sin, which drives the modem world to what he regards as wrong, i. e., Romanticism, Democracy, and Protestantism. Therefore what concems Eliot the most about the modem world is the disappearance of the sense of sin, which, he argues, is another product of the American Puritan optimism.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to design a reliable and valid Likert-type scale to measure nuclear energy attitudes of various groups. 8 tests were applied to the construction of a 26-item long form, a 12-item middle form, and a 6-item short form of the scale. Three scales were field tested on 760 respondents representing a diverse range of subjects. The 26-item scale appeared to be reliable, content valid and construct valid. Scale reliability and homogeneity were evidenced by 0.95 coefficient alpha and positive interitem correlations ranging from 0.18 to 0.74. The results of factor analysis and known-groups comparison revealed that this scale had high validity. Reliability of the middle form and short form were evidenced by coefficient alpha of 0.92 and 0.90 respectively. The long and middle forms were strongly correlated, r-value of 0.98 and the long and short forms were also highly correlated, r-value of 0.93. Consequently, long form, middle form and short form scales were evidenced very reliable and valid in measuring nuclear energy attitudes of various groups in general. They can be used for a variety of purpose of measuring and testing nuclear energy attitude.
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to a series of massacres of Confucian scholars including 'Muosahwa(戊年土禍)' until the early part of the 16th century. many scholars gave up entering on an official career and secluded themselves from the world. Nammyeong(南冥) and Iljae(一齋) also led humble lives in a remote village. They devoted themselves to studying and practicing sacred books including Daehak(大學) The Great Learning-, which is the basic book for the realization of politics based on the rule of right, to cultivate their mind in the way of 'Geogyeonggibui(居敬集義)' and 'Geogyeonggungkyeong(居敬窮義)'. They were recommended as Yuil-those who don't enter into government service, but they were not positive. It is not because they didn't have any intention of government position, but because they thought that their sovereign was not worth working with. Nammyeong(南冥) didn't enter on an official career all life, but Iljae(一齋) did that a while. Nammyeong(南冥) is more complete than Iljae(南冥). However both Nammyeong(南冥) and Iljae(一齋) taught junior scholars through reading and lecture, and they practiced 'Kyeongui'. They always worried about the life of the people and the matters of the nation. Such things are their common points. Especially all of them suggested and practiced 'Kyeon(敬)' as a key point of cultivation and a learning method. When they met the king and advised him on the main point of statecraft. they emphasized that he had to deat with everything through 'Kyeong(經)'-oriented method We can know how positively they practiced 'Neo Confucianism(性理學)' through this. Though Nammyeong(南冥) and Iljae(一齋) won great popularity due to their studies and reputation in the right of Kyeongsang province(慶尙石道) and the north of Honam area(湖南北部), they didn't seem to associate with each other except the fact that they studied together in Seoul, went Seoul through recommendation and exchanged their thought about studies and official career. However it seems that they knew each other well, worried about their future, and had lots of interest and affection. At that time, the dispute on 'Liqi theory(理氣論)' was in full swing, and Nammyeong(南冥), who was positive in practice, didn't state particular opinion. He reconfirmed Zhuzi's viewpoint and expressed his opinion. He had a tendency of 'Liqi monism(理氣一元論)'. This is similar to Iljae(一齋)'s 'Liqi's Unity(理氣體論)' based on Na, HeumSun(羅欽順)'s theory. Many scholars, who secluded themselves from the world, tried to be learned and have interest in 'The Doctrines of Wang Yangming(陽明學)'. 'Liqi's Unity(理氣一元論)' was inclined to 'Neo Confucianism(性理學)'. If we consider the social background, which attached greater importance to theoretical studies than to practice, their theory deserves our attention.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was to assess Korean sailors' knowldege, attitudes and behaviors about AIDS. The subjects of this study were 379 safety-trainee sailors. Data were collected by self reporting on a questionnaire during February to March 1996. The results were as follows : The mean score on AIDS knowledge was 17.3 out of a possible maximum score of 24.0. With respect to diseas transmission , only 45.6-86.5percent of the sailors correctly indicated that causal contact does not lead to contraction AIDS. The younger, unmarried , and educated groups had a higher level of knowledge about AIDS. With respect t sailors' attitudes about ADIS, 85.2 percent of the sailors reported that the AIDS is as big a problem as the media suggested, and over half of the sailors(53.8%) reported that they are being afraid of getting AIDS. One attitude, which was most pervasive(903.1 percent agreeing) was that it is important for sailors to receive AIDS education as a part of social education classes. In attitudes , there was statistical significance by age group, marital statistical signifiacance by age group , marital status, and educational level. With respect to sailor's preventive behaviors about AIDS, the mean score was 7.1 out of a possible maximum score of 9.0. It was shown that the older age, married groups had a higher level of preventive behaviors about AIDS.