
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,552

        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried on the analysis of food and nutrient intake for elementary school foodservices in Seoul. The survey was conducted through the 200 menus submitted by the 5 elementary schools in Seoul. Energy and all nutrient intakes exceeded the Recommended Daily Allowances of Koreans. Carbohydrate provided 56.32% of total energy intake; protein accounted for 16.06%; fat provided 27.62%. Total intake of food was 549 g on the average, which consisted of 90.04 g cereals, 130.17 g vegetables, 31.56 g meats, 21.63 g fishes and 200.00 g milks. The basic menu patterns were Rice+Soup (or Stew)+Kimchi, and 2 other side dishes including milk. These data underscore the necessity of developing the 'Standard Menu' for elementary school foodservices.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To find out the reference data of the school food service system, I serveyed four primary schools in Seoul, Korea and Nara, Japan respectively. The school children and their parents of whom arbitrary selected two classes among each primary school, were taken the questionaire about the present school food service system and their favorate food. The results were as follows; 1) 74.8% of Korean and Japanese children, and 92.5% of their parents were in favor of school food service. 2) Korean childrin wanted more amount of food and less salty taste. 3) Korean and Japanese children and their parents believed that the school food service system correct children's unbalanced diet. 4) Korean children wished more kinds of foods, western-styled cooking and that the food would be served in warm state. 5) Korean parents wanted that school food service system should be natural and better quality food material, and teacher should educate good eating habit. 6) Korean school children prefer yogurt, cuttle-fish, chicken, bean-curd, tomato, orange, dried laver, sweet potato, pine-mushroom in each food group. In conclusion, school food service system should be enough to meet children's good nutrition status, and the menu would be selected with consideration of children's preference and Korean traditional diet habit. Good table manner and eating all kinds of foods should be targht by school food service system as well as preparing good quality of food.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The school food service system has been an important national policy in Korea. To find out the reference data of the school food service system, we surveyed four primary schools, one middle school, and one food service center in Nara, Japan. The results are as follows; 1. The school food service was carried out in 99.4% of primary school children and in 82.5% of middle school students. 2. The central commissary school food service system was utilized at 49.0% of primary schools and 68.5% of middle schools. 3. The expense of the system is supported partially by the student's parents and partially by the government, of which the support rate was noticed by the law of school food service. 4. The dietary content of school food service was laid down by 'The rule of the operation basis of school food service'. The menu was chosen by the 7 kinds of stepwise meetings. 5. The teachers emphasized on the food etiquette, the appreciation to the food and the personal relationship during meal, as well as on the nutritional balance. 6. We found other problems in Japanese food service system, such as the sanitary problems, the problems of the new tableware, and whether the central kitchen had less advantage than the individual school kitchen. We can conclude that the school food service system is becoming the essential part in school education, and hope to design not only economical but also educational system in Korea, with the consideration of Japanese system.
        1995.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This survey of 180 6th-grade students was focused on the differences of nutritional and anthropometric status according to calorie intakes. The results were summarized as followed: 1) All nutrient intakes of boys were higher than those of girls, and both groups had lower calcium and iron intakes compared with RDA. But all the nutrient intakes were showed significantly different among three groups divided by percentile of calorie intake(lower 25%, 25-75% and upper 25%), therefore it suggested that subjects had a large individual variance. 2) Mean height, weight, TSK, and blood pressure of boys were 145.5㎝, 40.6kg, 19.3mm, and 114.5/68. 4㎜Hg respectively, and girls were 148.4cm, 38.9kg, 16.7mm, 112.3/67.0mmHg. The differences in anthropometric status according calorie and calcium intake were not found. This study showed protein intake had influence on height and weight of boys.
        1995.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to investigate the dietary behavior and sugar intake of korean school children. The subject were 131 school lunch program children and 149 non school lunch program children lived in Soung Nam city. Sugar intake, food intake, dietary behavior and anthropometric measurement were studied through personal interview using 24-hour recall dietary data and records. Total daily energy and nutrient intake of children were higher than RDAs except for intake of Calcium and vitamin A. The nutrients intake of school lunch program children were significantly higher than that of non school lunch program children (p〈0.05). The range of daily sugar intake was 10 g to 220 g and the total daily sugar intake was 63.0±37.4 g. Sugar intake of school lunch program children (51.4±25.7 g) was significantly lower than non school lunch program children (73.1±42.9 g) (p〈0.0001). The more sugar intake increase more intake of Energy, Fat and Carbohydrate. The result of stepwise multiple regression analysis using the sugar intake of children as dependent variable, energy, vitamin B2, protein, niacin, calcium school lunch program, education of fathers are significant explanatory variables, explaining 44.8% of variation. Result of this study suggest that school lunch program is desirable for good dietary behavior and decreation of sugar intake of school children.
        1995.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료