
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,187

        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        William Butler Yeats’s poem “Among School Children” is a meditation on love, essence, and change. This paper attempts to relate the Buddhist theories of essence and change to the core philosophical premises of the poem itself. Furthermore, through two specific Buddhist texts, Milindapanho by Nàgasena and Mūlamādhyamikakārikā by Nagarjuna, the paper illustrates similarities in terms of imagery and philosophical ideas in the specific stanzas of the poem, highlighting a philosophical foundation in musings on love and essence as they emerge in the poem.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study sheds light on the learning experiences of simulation-based education in nursing, through a comparative analysis with clinical practice experiences. Methods: Participants were six nursing students who underwent simulation-based nursing education. In-depth focused individual interviews were conducted, and themes were extracted from the data through content analysis. Results: Two essential themes were extracted: 1) shift from being an observer to being active participants and 2) shift from unidimensional to multi-dimensional problem solving. Conclusion: These results indicate that simulation-based education was effective in enhancing learning attitude and problem-solving skills. These results can also guide nurse educators regarding the conditions under which simulation environments are more effective
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 숲체험을 학교 교과과정 중에 실시하였을 때 초등학생에게 미치는 환경교육의 효과를 파악하고자 학교에서 이루어지는 숲체험이 초등학생의 숲에 대한 인식의 변화를 분석한 것이다. 자료는 전주시내 2개 초등학교 2~3학년 311명을 대상으로 숲체험 전과 후에 설문 조사를 통하여 얻었으며, 이 자료들을 분석하여 얻은 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 숲체험에 참여한 학생들은 숲에 대한 인식, 숲에서의 행동인식, 숲해설의 필요성의 모든 영역에서 숲체험 후에 긍정적인 변화를 보였다. 특히 숲에서의 행동인식 영역이 숲에 대한 인식과 숲해설의 필요성에 대한 영역보다 유의적인 결과를 보였다. 숲에서의 행동인식의 세부항목에서 숲 속 생물에 대한 행동인식과 환경인식이 크게 향상되었다. 이와 같은 결과로 보아 초등학생의 숲체험은 생명존중의 의식을 갖게 하고 자연환경의 중요성을 인식하는 데에 큰 도움이 된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 초등학생에게 생명존중의식 및 환경의식을 향상시키고 자연에 대한 감수성을 길러주기 위해서 숲체험과 같은 자연체험이 필요하므로, 더 많은 초등학생이 학교의 창의적체험활동에서 숲체험을 할 수 있도록 확대 시행될 것을 제안하는 바이다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the awareness and attitudes for leftover foods and the relationship between gender/number of family members on the effect of leftover foods-free day in elementary school students. The reasons for school lunch leftover foods were ‘too much amount (38.3%)’ and ‘disliked menu (33.6%)’, and the preferred ways for reduction of leftover food was ‘to cook deliciously (34%)’. In the case of students who received nutrition education for reduction of leftover lunch, approximately 33.8% of subjects received nutrition education by administered by nutrition teachers during lunch time. The reason for reducing the amount of leftover foods was ‘not to waste the foods (35.5%)’. After a leftover food-free day, approximately 62.3% of subjects responded that they ate their whole meal, except for soup. The subjects wanted ‘twice per week for leftover food-free day’ and had positive attitudes for that program. Proportion of practicing reduction of leftover foods in families was 55.9% of subjects, and 40.5% of subjects preferred dietary education by nutrition teachers in the classroom. For effective reduction of leftover lunch in school, nutrition teachers should attract interest on the environment and foods through after-school activities.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 지질 전개도를 활용한 수업이 고등학생들의 공간 시각화 능력 및 지질 공간 능력에 미치는 효과를 살펴보고, 이 수업에 대한 학생들의 인식을 혼합연구 방법으로 조사함으로써 지질 전개도를 활용한 수업의 적용 가능성을 탐색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 10개의 지질 전개도(수평층 2개, 수직층 2개, 경사층 4개, 단층 1개, 습곡 1개)를 개발하였고, 지질 전개도를 활용한 수업 실시 전후에 학생들의 공간 시각화 능력과 지질 공간 능력을 검사하였다. 또한, 이 수업에 대한 학생들의 인식을 조사하기 위하여 인지적 영역과 정의적 영역으로 구성된 설문지를 이용하여 양적 연구를 실시한 후, 이를 보완하기 위한 질적 연구로 참가 학생에 대한 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 연구 결과, 지질 전개도를 활용한 수업은 공간 시각화 능력과 지질 공간 능력을 향상시키는 데 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 이 수업은 학생들의 지질 구조 공간 배치에 대한 인식 능력 및 시각 투시 능력을 향상시키는 데 도움을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 지질 전개도를 활용한 수업에 대해 학생들의 인식을 조사한 결과, 학생들은 인지적 영역과 정의적 영역 모두에서 상당히 긍정적으로 평가하고 있었다. 이 연구에서 개발된 지질 전개도는 ‘지질도의 작성과 해석’에 관한 수업을 위해 효과적인 도구로 사용될 수 있으며, 일반 고등학교의 지질 수업에서 과학 성취도가 높은 학생들을 대상으로 한 수업에의 적용 가능성이 높을 것으로 판단된다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many students can experience, such as for credit and social activities through field trips and participate in field trips. or on-site field training exercise participants currently in Gwangju University They take part in field trip 1, 2, 3 and 4 as the type.. ield Practice 1 type in summer and 2 in winter of 4-week period during vacation holidays with 3 credits, field trips 3 type of 8-week period during vacational holidays with 6 credits recognized for ₩ 400,000 in job training fee is also payable by the Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation Agency. 4 types of job training are fourth grade (Architecture Grade 5) can be employed in conjunction for more than 15 weeks and admitted to the second semester of 15 credits by participating in job training. For most schools, but to pay a fee-job training at the University of Hanyang University, Kyungpook National University has a student assistance in the field training participating companies. This establishment does not have a clear idea of the legal entities responsible in the event of industrial accidents. Academic research is also nonexistent state for them. n this paper, we distinguish the personality for it via the existing labor precedents with respect to the legal responsibility of an industrial accident. This aims at putting the means to establish the role of the University of job training support.
        2015.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 최근 스마트폰과 컴퓨터 등 다양한 매체의 발달로 인하여 근거리 작업이 증가하면서 성인에서 어린이인 초등학생까지 시력에 많은 문제점을 나타내고 있다. 초등학교 시기는 성장변화가 빠르고 시력 또한 변화가 많은 시기로 적절한 시기에 정확한 검사가 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구는 현재 목포시 소재 3개 초등학교의 초등학생들의 굴절이상안과 폭주근점 부분 실태를 파악하여 목포지역 초등학생들의 굴절이상 현황 파악의 기초 자료로 사용하고자 하였다. 방법: 목포시 3개의 초등학교 전교생 남학생과 여학생을 대상으로 대성초 293명 연동초 238명 용호초 281명 총 812명을 조사하였다. 굴절이상 측정은 A.R(Hubitz HRK-8000, 자동안굴절력계)로 측정하고 A.R 측정 결과 값에 구면 값의 오차는 ±0.50D 감안하여 −0.50D<~< +0.50D인 경우 정시로 구분하고 난시안은 원주 값의 오차 ±0.25D 감안하여 굴절 부분 이상으로 포함시켰다. 폭주근점 검사는 뽀쪽한 지시봉으로 실시하였다. 결과: 1. 굴절이상안 학교별 분류 :3개 초등학교 굴절이상안을 학교별로 나눈 결과 대성초등학교 293명 중 정상안 85(29.01%)명 굴절이상안 208(70.99%)명 연동초등학교 238명 중 정상안 87(36.55%)명 굴절이상안 151(63.45%)명 용호초등학교 281명 중 정상안 100(35.58%)명 굴절이상안 181(64.42%)명으로 나타났다[Fig 1].2. 굴절이상안 학년별 분류: 3개 초등학교 굴절이상안을 학년별로 나눈 결과 1학년 127명 중 정상안 54(42.51%)명 굴절이상안 73(57.49%)명, 2학년 114명중 정상안 55(48.24%)명 굴절이 상안 59(51.76%)명, 3학년 121명 중 정상안 44(36.36%)명 굴절이상안 77(63.64%)명, 4학년 147명중 정상안 46(31.29%)명 굴절이상안 101(68.71%)명, 5학년 총 144명 중 정상안 35(24.30%)명 굴절이상안 109(75.70%)명 6학년 총 159명 중 정상안 40(25.15%)명 굴절이상 안 119(74.85%)명으로 나타났다[Fig. 2].3. 굴절이상안 성별 비 : 3개 초등학교 굴절이상안을 성별의 비율로 나눈 결과 남자 총 384명 중 정상안 136(35.41%)명 굴절이상안 248(64.59%)명 여자 총 428명중 정상안 136(31.77%)명 굴절이상안 292(68.23%)명으로 나타났다[Fig 3].4. 폭주근점 이상 : 3개 초등학교 폭주근점 부족안을 남녀 성별로 나눈 결과 총원 812명 중 747(91.99)명 65(8.01)명으로 나타났다[Fig 4].결론: 본 연구는 목포지역 3개 초등학교 학생들의 굴절 이상 실태 파악을 위해 조사를 실시하였다. 3개 초등학교 굴절이상은 학교별 비율은 비슷하게 나왔고, 성별은 여자쪽이 더 높게 나왔으며, 학년 별로는 고학년으로 갈수록 굴절이상안 비율이 높아졌다. 목포지역 3개 초등학교의, 굴절이상안의 비율은 예상했던 결과 값 보다 높게 나타난 것으로 보아 사태의 심각성이 느껴졌다. 굴절이상의 경우, 고학년으로 올라갈수록 안경원에 주기적으로 방문하여 정확한 교정을 해주는 것이 필요하며, 시력검사는 적어도 6개월에 한번 씩은 실시하는 것이 요구되지만 본 조사 결과와 같이 고학년 일수록 굴절 이상안의 비율이 높게 나타나는 것은 현대사회의 다양한 매체의 발달과 컴퓨터 작업을 통한 학업증가와 대부분의 학부모가 눈에 관련해서는 무관심한 사항이 아울러져 굴절이상이 높게 나타난 것으로 나탔으며 안경을 착용하면 미용상 나쁘다와 안경을 착용하면 눈이 더 나빠진다는 잘못된 상식의 결과인 것으로 사료된다. 따라서 굴절 이상안 관련 문제는 규칙적으로 검사 해줄 필요가 있고, 폭주근점 검사에서 폭주부족의 비율은 적었지만 폭주 부족의 증상을 가지고 있는 학생들은 시기능 훈련을 통하여 폭주부족을 완화시키기 위해 안 보건 차원에서 학생들의 시력을 주기적으로 검사하고 지속적으로 관리하는 전담인력의 배치가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
        2015.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        목적: 안경광학과 학생들의 병역 유무를 조사하여 병역이 전공만족도에 미치는 영향을 알아보 고자 한다. 방법: 안경광학과 학생들 중 병역 미필, 병역 필, 해당사항 없는 학생으로 구분하여 병역에 따 른 전공만족도를 조사 연구하였다. SPSS(Ver18.0) 통계 프로그램을 통해 비교 분석하였으며, 유의수준 p<0.05로 처리하였다. 결과: 학생들 중 병역을 필한 학생들의 일반만족도는 3.68, 인식만족도는 3.52, 관계만족도는 3.58, 교과만족도는 3.80로 병역에 관한 다른 그룹의 학생들보다 모든 항목에서 전공만족도를 높게 나타내었다. 병역 미필 학생들은 병역에 해당사항이 없는 그룹보다 일반적 만족도와 인식 적 만족도가 낮았으며 전체 설문 대상의 평균 만족도보다 낮은 결과를 나타내었다. 결론: 본 연구 결과, 병역을 마치고 복학한 학생들의 전공만족도가 높았으며 이는 병역이 전공 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 확인되었다. 안경광학과 학생들의 대학생활을 지도할 때 이와 같은 병역의 긍정적인 영향을 활용하면 재학생들의 전공만족도를 높여서 중도탈락율 을 줄일 수 있으리라 기대한다.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to figure out current situation of safety education to improve safety awareness and practice in Korean school students. In order to do this, it is necessary to identify the current level of safety awareness and practice with the actual status of accident occurrence. Furthermore it is try to figure out the most influencing factors on the safety education for Korean middle and high school students. The 412 students were taken from a random sample. The samples were one class of 2nd grade students in five different middle schools and four different high schools in Seoul, Korea. The survey was conducted from 29 September 2010 through 15 October 2010. An additional samples for the questionnaires posted in web were collected. The 305 respondents from school students and 80 respondents from web survey were used to analyze for this study out of 800 respondents. SPSS was used to analyze the questionnaires. The overall safety-awareness score was relatively high at 4.56/5 for fire safety and 4.32/5 for traffic safety. Safety awareness was higher for girls than boys and also for high school students than middle school students. Safety education by parents at home gives a good impact on high safety practices. Safety awareness was improved by feeling of necessity for safety training. The safety prevention training provided during the class by teacher and home training by parents improved safety practice. The correct direction of safety education for younger students can be easier in future.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to examine English oral reading fluency of 5th and 6th grade students. Twenty three 5th graders and 22 6th graders at an elementary school in Daejeon participated in the study. Four texts were prepared: a 5th grade equivalent dialog text, a 5th grade equivalent narrative text, a 6th grade equivalent dialog text, and a 6th grade equivalent narrative text. The students were asked to read them aloud at the end of the first semester and the second semester. Comprehension check-up questions were given immediately after they read the texts. Their reading rate was measured in the number of words they read correctly per minute (WCPM). At the end of the school year, the 5th graders read their grade level dialog text at 103 WCPM on average, and the narrative text at 97 WCPM on average. The 6th graders read the dialog text 111 WCPM on average, and the narrative text at 99 WPCM on average. The correlations between reading rates and comprehension were moderate; .60 at the first administration and .58 at the second administration.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of nutrition education on elementary school students based on the theory of multiplex intelligence. Of the 56 elementary school students that participated in this survey, 37 (66.0%) had no siblings. The number of students whose mothers had jobs and those whose mothers did not work were 37 (67.9%) and 18 (32.1%), respectively. Food consumption with ordinary diets was normal in 23 students (41.1%) and the average frequency of snack intake and eating-out was determined to be twice a day (41 students, 73.2%) and once or twice per week (36 students, 64.3%), respectively. The most popular type of food consumed when eating-out was ‘fast foods’ in 28 students (50.0%). It was determined that on average, 39 students (69.6%) snacked between lunch and dinner time and 31 (55.4%) selected snacks based on information obtained through ‘mass media’. Analysis of the effects of nutrition education revealed an increase in the number of correct answers to the question ‘foods with high nutritional value are high calorie foods,’ with significant difference, but not in other questionnaires. In addition, the correct information for calcium (p<.05), good dietary habits (p<.001), food poisoning (p<.05), and six groups of nutrients in foods (p<.001) improved after nutrition education, with significant differences. As a result, the ratio of correct answers increased after nutrition education, with a significant difference (p<.001). After the education, the experimental group had a higher total score than the control group, with significant difference (p<.01).
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between prosody and reading comprehension of elementary school students in Korea. To achieve the purpose of the study, 114 fifth and sixth graders were selected from three schools of Seoul city and Gyeonggi province, and their prosody, word recognition and comprehension were assessed. In order to measure their prosody, students were asked to read a reading text orally for one minute, and the teacher checked their reading rate, decoding accuracy, and prosody. Students’ prosody was measured through Clay and Imlach’s (1971) method. The results of this study showed that while most students gained higher score in word recognition and reading rate, their prosodic features was found comparatively weak. It also revealed a correlation between the three sub-categories of prosody and reading comprehension. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that prosodic reading features of Korean EFL students have co-relations with comprehension, even if their prosodic feature is weak. Finally some ideas for enhancing prosody in L2 students’ reading instruction were suggested.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the dietary habits, snacks, and self-purchasing snacks (SPS) intake behaviors of 519 elementary school students (boys=239, girls=280). Obesity was significantly higher (p<0.05) in boys (24.8%) than in girls (14.7%) and the proportion of underweight subjects was higher compared to normal or other weight groups for both the boys and the girls. There were 7.5% of the subjects in the group that always skipped breakfast, and the main reason of skipping breakfast was insufficient time (51.9%). The snack intake frequency was once or twice per week for 23.1% of the subjects and three or four times per week for 25.1%. The SPS intake frequency was the subjects zero for 35.6% of the highest level of the responders, while 6.8% of the respondents took more than once SPS per day. 59.6% of the respondents consumed SPS due to hunger while 15.0% consumed SPS out of boredom. The SPS was purchased from supermarkets in 34.5% of the cases, from convenience stores in 24.1% and from snack corners in 20.0% of cases or from a store near school in 14.5% of the cases. Analysis of SPS behaviors according to obesity index showed that parent’s opinion of ‘permission to buy SPS as needed’ had a significant effect in 64.5% over weight subjects compared to only 53.7% in underweight groups. The subjects who used more than 3/4 of their pocket money to buy SPS was higher in the overweight groups (16.4%) than in the underweight groups (7.0%) and normal weight groups (9.8%). The favorite snacks and SPS were milk and yogurt for 45.7% of the subjects, fruits for 42.7%, ice cream for 26.4%, fruit juices for 23.8%, sweet stuff for 16.4%, frozen dessert for 8.9%, and chocolate or candy for 8.1% in descending order. The intake frequency of milk, yogurt, and fruit juices was higher in the underweight groups, but the intake frequency of sweet stuff, frozen dessert, and chocolate or candy was higher in over weight groups. The intake of frozen dessert was more than four times higher in the overweight groups than in the underweight groups. In conclusion, dietary habits, snacks, and SPS intake behaviors were similar between the boys and the girls and obesity groups, but most students appeared to have a high preference for intake snacks and SPS. Therefore, education for appropriate snacks intake habits will be beneficial for improving their dietary habits and health.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changes in perception concerning nutrition labeling and students' availability of processed foods and is to investigate parents' awareness of nutrition labeling through the 'Education program on safety management of children's dietary life' conducting directly to the fifth grade elementary school students (4,105 persons) by the nutrition teacher in each school. The part that checked when purchasing processed food before and after the students' education, the name of manufacturer (p<0.05), raw material and content (p<0.001), food additives (p<0.001), nutritive components (p<0.05) etc. were significantly improved. An idea about nutrition labeling has increased after the education, the question items in 'it is reliable' (p<0.001), 'satisfied' (p<0.01) were significantly increased particularly. In spite of one time education, it showed positive changes such as it can be possible to get desired nutrition information. Thus, although it was one time training conducted in the situation that can not be carried out formal education due to school environment, a variety of practical education of children's dietary life is required targeting comprehensive senior students, the education is considered to be conducted for children as well as parents.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to compare between Korean and Arabic in terms of phonology and seek effective ways of teaching Arabic for Korean students. Arabic as a Semitic language has 28 consonants and 3 basic vowels (each of which is short and long, and 2 diphthongs). Meanwhile, Korean has 19 consonants and 22 vowels. Due to the phonological differences between Korean and Arabic, it is somewhat difficult for Korean students to learn the correct Arabic consonant phonemes. In this paper, firstly, the consonants are grouped into two: one group common to both languages, and another unique to Arabic consonants. They are explained by phonological and phonetic methods to teach the correct pronunciation of Arabic consonants. Secondly, the Arabic vowels are explained through the examination of allophones in comparison with Korean. Thirdly, the syllables are explained by the structure, sorts, and characteristics. Lastly, it is suggested that professional training in phonology and phonetics fields be provided to instructors so that they can teach correct Arabic pronunciation.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated spelling errors in English stories written by 206 students in an elementary school implementing Korean/English immersion education. Errors were analyzed using crosstab and MANCOVA. Findings are as follows. Spelling errors occurred in 4 categories in order from the most frequent to the least: substitution, omission, addition, and transposition. The error occurrences differed depending on grade level changes: lower grades (Grades 1-3) vs. higher grades (Grades 4-6). The students in both grade levels made more errors in substitution and omission: these error types were significantly decreased as they progressed to the higher grade levels. Errors in addition and transposition showed much fewer occurrences for both grade levels, and these errors did not show a significant decrease because of their rarer occurrences. Overall, the students’ spelling ability increased remarkably as they progressed in grade levels in the immersion environment.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate elementary school teachers’ and students’ experience of teaching and learning English grammar and how they perceive English grammar education with regard to its role in learning English and the need and ways of including grammar instruction into the curriculum. Questionnaires were administered to 123 teachers and 1513 6th grade students. In addition, written interviews with 20 teachers were done through e-mail. Major findings from the analysis of this survey are three-fold. First, most of the teachers and the students had experiences of teaching and learning English grammar and they perceived that English grammar knowledge plays a positive role in learning English. Second, majority of both the teachers and the students believed that grammar instruction should start in 5th grade, but there is a gap between the teachers and the students with respect to grammar teaching approaches; the teachers prefer the inductive method, while the students prefer the deductive one. Third, many teachers considered that grammar instruction would not have a negative effect on English classes based on the communicative language teaching approach, but they believed that activities for grammar instruction should be well designed in order to keep students interested in learning English. Based on these results, several suggestions for improving English education in elementary schools are made.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ◉ 목적 : 국내에 운영되고 있는 정신건강의학과 병원학교의 현황을 파악하고 정신건강의학과 병원학교를 다니는 건강장애학생의 학업 참여와 주관적 만족도 조사를 통해 정신건강의학과 병원학교에 대한 작업치료사의 인식을 높이고, 이들을 위해 작업치료사가 제공할 수 있는 서비스에 대해 생각해보고자 한다. ◉ 연구방법 : 국내 6개의 병원학교 중 연구에 동의한 2개의 정신건강의학과 병원학교의 교사 2명과 입교중인 정신건강장애학생 29명을 대상으로 2014년 4월 28일부터 동년 7월 10일까지 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구대상자의 일반적인 특성 및 병원학교 현황을 빈도 분석하였고, 정신건강의학과 병원학교 학생의 수업참여와 병원학교 이용 만족도를 비교분석하였다. ◉ 결과 : 연구결과 정신건강의학과 병원학교 학생의 연령은 평균 15.41세(±2.16)이며 진단명은 지적장애(37.9%), 주요우울장애(24.1%), 품행장애(17.2%) 순이었다. 교사 평가에 의한 학생들의 전반적인 병원학교 생활에서 선생님과의 관계가 3.79점(±0.82)으로 가장 높은 점수를 보였고, 친구들과의 관계가 3.24점(±0.99)으로 가장 낮은 점수를 보였다. 학생이 평가한 병원학교의 전반적 만족도는 재량활동 4.24점(±0.83), 병원환경이 4.24점(±0.94)으로 높고 주요 교과목은 3.48점(±1.37)으로 가장 낮았다. 학생의 전반적인 병원학교 생활과 만족도는 시설물 배치편리에 대한 모든 하위항목과 선생님의 노력, 수업시간의 미래도움도, 선생님의 공평성, 수업시간 기대에 대한 대부분의 하위항목에서 유의한 정적상관을 보였다. ◉ 결론 : 본 연구를 통해 정신건강의학과 병원학교 학생들은 선생님과의 관계가 좋을수록 수업참여를 더 잘하고, 재량활동시간과 병원환경에 대해 가장 만족하고 있음을 확인하였다. 그러나 현재 국내에서 이러한 서비스를 받는 정신건강장애학생 수는 제한되어 있고 정신건강에 대한 폭넓은 이해에 기초한 커리큘럼이 정비되어 있지 않기 때문에 향후 다각적이고 체계적인 접근이 요구된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of Taekwondo training for 16 weeks on obese elementary school students’ growth hormone and bone mineral density(BMD). The study was conducted on male obese elementary school students who reside in D metropolitan city and have body mass index (BMI) higher than 25%. The whole subject group had no particular diseases and did not regularly exercise more than twice a week. Based on basal movement, low section, Taekwondo gym and form pattern, the Taekwondo train program was composed of total 16 weeks; 4 weeks of introductory phase, 4 weeks of maintenance phase and 4 weeks of improvement phase one and two, respectively. BMD was analyzed using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry standard protocol. As a result, growth hormone was not significantly difference in group and exericse effects. In BMD, there was a significant difference between the two groups in BMD lumber spine(LS). In BMD-femur, there was a significant difference in the group (p<0.01) and time (p<0.05). In body composition, there was no statistically significant difference between body mass, body mass index, body fat mass and muscle volume. In conclusion, since 16 weeks of Taekwondo training had a positive effect on elementary students’ metabolic syndrome index, BMD and postural balance. We can deduce that elementary students need constant physical activity for their growth, physical development and physical health.