
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 680

        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Macrolygus Yasunaga, 1992 is the genus includes two Asian species. This genus described by Yasunaga at 1992, with a single type species, M. viridulus. Thereafter, Zheng and Lu (2002) reported the second species, M. torreyae from China. In this poster, We report M. viridulus for the first time from Korea.
        2016.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is controversial to say just what kind of role the government bureaucracy actually had in the social conversions of the Korean society. By emphasizing the 'Growth First Belief' over everything else, the quality of life and happiness of the people have always taken a backseat. In the process of rapid industrialization the unattractive mingling of special privileges and rights with the blind worshipping and idolization towards power and riches which happened has led to the creation of new terms such as 'pariah capitalism' and 'bureaucratic mafia(bureaufia)'. Concentrating the state resources and consequent choices made by the developmental state have also led to the worsening of the inequality and concentration of wealth as a result. South Korea's authoritative bureaucracy is a centralized body of the state and can be seen as the party responsible for providing the seed of the present inequality of the Korean society. This paper will look at the evolution and the effects on how ‘the growth first’ public policy had on the inequality that exists within the Korean society and contemplate upon the measures that can alleviate these problems. The paper also attempts to offer several suggestions that will lead to a fairer and more equal society. First, there should be a conversion of the goal in public administration for the better quality of life which is not of a quantitative nature of the growth. Second, there should be an execution of ‘proper’ regulations that are deemed most necessary in the most effective positions which will heal the side effects of the growth. Finally, there should be a drastic embracement and investment on the part of the social welfare administration to respond to the inevitable low birth rate and aging society.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is recognized that the global apparel market of the twenty-first century is largely profit driven, and that the majority of producers and retailers have sourced products from the lowest cost locations. Purchase tickets of fashion goods available from ‘fast’ fashion retailers (at least within the UK) refrain from providing the consumer with details of the full circumstances of production. It seems that the majority of major retailers and producers are not willing to engage in levels of self-regulation which could ensure that the products offered to consumers are ethically produced and offer acceptable levels of sustainability. Meanwhile many fashion consumers have the desire to purchase sustainable products, produced ethically by workers paid fair wages in safe working environments. Consumer demand could be a powerful tool to adjust the behaviour of manufacturers and buyers. This paper proposes the introduction of international legislation demanding greater degrees of transparency than exist currently and that the full sourcing and production details of fashion products are stated clearly on the product’s purchase ticket within its retail setting. With the introduction of such legislation, consumers could thus be given the opportunity of purchasing goods which they feel accommodate their own views on ethical manufacture and sustainable products. In turn, consumer pressure could ensure indirectly that retail buyers consider all ethical and sustainable aspects of production when negotiating with garment producers/suppliers. Further to this, such a negotiating stance could ensure the improvement of the terms and conditions of employment of the numerous garment workers worldwide.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        반날개과(Staphylinidae)에 속하는 미기록아과인 입치레딱부리반날개아과(Megalopsidiinae)를 처음으로 소개하고, 그에 따른 입치레딱 부리반날개(Megalopinus japonicus (Nakane))를 보고한다. 성충 사진, 수컷의 생식기 및 9번째 복판에 대한 사진을 제공한다.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The properties of zinc oxynitride semiconductors and their associated thin film transistors are studied. Reactively sputtered zinc oxynitride films exhibit n-type conduction, and nitrogen-rich compositions result in relatively high electron mobility. Nitrogen vacancies are anticipated to act as shallow electron donors, as their calculated formation energy is lowest among the possible types of point defects. The carrier density can be reduced by substituting zinc with metals such as gallium or aluminum, which form stronger bonds with nitrogen than zinc does. The electrical properties of gallium-doped zinc oxynitride thin films and their respective devices demonstrate the carrier suppression effect accordingly.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Growth rate during rearing, which varies depending on provided nutrition, has been related with age at 1st calving (AFC). This study investigated the effect of upgrowth parameters during the rearing period on the reproduction of nulliparous Holstein heifers. The study comprised 77 successively born heifers from the same herd. Growth rate and fertility traits were measured during rearing and fertility parameters were recorded in lactations 1. Growth parameters (body weight, height, heart girth and body length) were measured at the approximate birth time, 270 and 450 d of age. Reproduction data collected included age at 1st breeding, number of services per conception (S/C), pregnancy rate to 1st artificial insemination, AFC. Animals were subsequently divided into 4 AFC groups for analysis: <23 mo, 23∼ 25 mo, 26∼30 mo and >30 mo. The AFC reflected both upgrowth rate and heifer reproduction, with later calving heifers smaller. Increased skeletal growth (at 270 and 450 d) was related with a reduced AFC (p<0.05). Early calving animals (<23 mo) had the best reproduction as nulliparous heifers, with most conceiving at first service (87.5%). Fertility in the first lactation was the worst in the oldest AFC group (>30 mo). In the 1st lactation period, a number of services per conception (3.1±0.3) increased with increasing AFC (>30 mo). Sub-optimal upgrowth related with an increased AFC could be mitigated by improved monitoring of replacement heifers during the rearing period.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine how reading motivation varies in its prediction of reading comprehension in Korean (L1) and English (L2) (with parental involvement being controlled for), and how reading motivation in each language is associated with language proficiency. Participants consisted of 289 EFL middle school students in South Korea. Three questionnaires and four language tests were employed to measure learners' reading motivation, parental involvement, language proficiency, and reading comprehension in their L1 and L2. Results indicated that L2 reading performance was positively predicted by both intrinsic motivation and grades/utility, whereas the only positive predictor of L1 reading comprehension was intrinsic motivation. Moreover, in both L1 and L2, the high-proficiency group was found to exhibit significantly stronger intrinsic and extrinsic motivation than the low group; the high group's intrinsic motivation was significantly stronger than the middle group; and the middle and low groups differed significantly in extrinsic motivation.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee Jee-won. 2015. “The interactional function of the first-person plural pronouns women and zanmen in naturally occurring conversation”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(3). 239~266. This study examines the use of first-person plural pronouns in spoken Chinese from a conversational-analytic perspective. Focusing on the pronouns, women and zanmen, this study shows that the use of first person plural pronouns systematically functions to create a membership category between participants. In particular, we investigate the exact categories that are enacted and how the participants in a conversation recognize and use them in the course of an interaction. We argue that participants produce and recognize categories in their talk and that these categories index aspects of a speaker's relationship with the other participants, such as social difference or intimacy. This study offers a new understanding of what motivates speakers' choice of discourse forms and patterns in the evolving sequence of talk.(123 words)
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한반도 하늘소과의 미기록 Parechthistatus속을 처음 확인하고, Parechthistatus gibber (Bates)의 한반도 분포를 보고한다. 성충 및 유충의 사진 및 서식처 등 형태학적 정보와 생태학적 정보를 함께 제공한다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        계곡산개구리는 2000년 형태적, 유전형질 분석결과를 토 대로 Rana속 유사종과 비교한 결과 별종으로 확인되어 계 곡산개구리로 명명되었다. 계곡산개구리는 주로 산간 계곡 하천의 돌 밑에서 월동하며, 번식기가 되면 웅덩이로 이동 하거나 계곡 물속에 잠겨 있는 바위나 계곡 가장자리에 다 수의 끈적끈적한 알덩어리를 붙여 산란한다. 국내 산개구리 류는 북방산개구리, 한국산개구리, 계곡산개구리 3종이 있 으나 계곡산개구리의 번식울음에 대한 연구는 미흡한 실정 이다. 따라서 본 연구는 계곡산개구리 번식울음의 일주기 및 시간주기 특성을 밝히는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구대상지는 치악산국립공원 구룡계곡 본류의 암반위 물울덩이로 하였다. 계곡산개구리 종 동정은 수컷 성체의 외형적 특징, 알의 특징, 올챙이 DNA 유전적 분석 3단계에 걸쳐 확인하였다. 성체의 외형 및 알 특징은 기존 문헌을 참고하여 현장에서 동정하였으며, 올챙이 DNA 유전적 분 석은 물웅덩이 내 올챙이를 채집하여 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen)를 이용하여 genomic DNA를 추출한 후, 미토콘드리아 cytochrome oxidate subunit I (COI) 유전 자 (641bp)를 증폭하여 nucleotide 데이터베이스(NCBI Genbank)에서 기존에 알려진 Rana속의 COI 염기서열과 함께 DNA 분자계통수 분석 (Neighbor joining method)을 시행하였다. 또한, 번식울음 녹음은 Idam PRO U11 Digital voice recorder를 이용하여 번식울음이 시작하기 전부터 종 료시까지 24시간 녹음하였다. 연구기간은 2015년 2월부터 3월까지이었다. 계곡산개구리 울음의 음향학적 특성은 울음의 우점주파 수를 분석하여 북방산개구리와 차이가 있는지 비교하였다. 계곡산개구리 울음의 일주기 및 시간주기 특성은 Adobe Audition CC (version 6.0)을 이용하여 1시간을 10분 단위로 구분한 후 울음 유무에 따라 점수화한 뒤 기상요인(기상청 국가기후자료센터, sts.kma.go.kr)과 상관관계분석을 실시하 였다. 이를 위한 통계분석은 IBM SPSS Statistics(Version 23) 프로그램을 이용하였다. 계곡산개구리 종 동정 결과, 생체는 발가락 끝이 둥글지 않으며, 물갈퀴가 매우 발달되어 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 턱 밑에 울음주머니가 없었고 앞다리 첫 번째 발가락 에 포접돌기가 있어 북방산개구리와는 구별되었다. 알은 바 위나 계곡 가장자리에 있는 돌 등에 서로 엉겨 붙어 있고, 작고 단단한 것을 특징으로 동정하였다. 올챙이 DNA 유전 적 분석 결과 각각의 북방산개구리, 계곡산개구리, 한국산 개구리의 명확한 계통 분기(clade)를 확인하였으며, 기존 데 이터베이스에서 동정된 종과 DNA 염기서열이 일치함을 확 인함으로써 분자유전학적인 방법을 통해 계곡산개구리 종 임을 판별하였다. 계곡산개구리와 북방산개구리의 우점주파수 비교분석결 과, 계곡산개구리 제1우점주파수는 최소 474Hz에서 최대 775Hz였고, 평균 637Hz이었다. 북방산개구리 제 1우점주 파수는 최소 609Hz에서 최대 844Hz였고, 평균 713Hz이었 다. 계곡산개구리 제 2우점주파수는 최소 1119Hz에서 최대 1543Hz였고, 평균 1273Hz이었다. 북방산개구리 제 2우점 주파수는 최소 1219Hz에서 1688Hz였고, 평균 1430Hz이 었다. 이러한 결과를 비교해 보면 제1우점주파수, 제2우점 주파수 모두 계곡산개구리가 북방산개구리보다 낮게 나타 났음을 확인할 수 있었다. 계곡산개구리 번식울음 기간은 3월 20일 오전 10시에 시 작해서 4월 5일 오전 7시에 종료되어 총 기간은 17일이었30 기경석 ․ 김지연 ․ 강지현 ․ 이혁제 ․ 이재윤 한국환경생태학회 학술대회논문집 25(2) 2015 다. 울음기간 중 3월 24일, 3월 26일은 울지 않았고, 3월 23일, 3월 25일은 거의 울지 않았다. 가장 활발히 운 기간은 3월 21일, 4월 1일, 4월 3일, 4월 4일이었다. 국내 산개구리 류의 기존 연구에 의하면 북방산개구리는 13시에서 14시, 18시에서 23시까지 두 번의 울음 피크를 이룬다고 하였으 나, 본 연구결과에 의하면 계곡산개구리 울음은 09시를 기 점으로 급격히 상승하였으며 13시부터 16시까지 피크를 이 루다가 22시까지 점진적으로 감소하였다. 또한 23시부터 09시까지는 급격히 감소하는 추세를 보였다. 일 울음 누적점수와 기상요인간 상관관계 분석결과, 평 균기온, 최고기온과 일최저기온이 번식울음과 고도 양의 상 관관계를 나타내었고, 일강수량, 평균습도 및 일조량과는 상관관계를 나타내지 않았다. 계곡산개구리의 시간대별 누 적울음과 기상 요인간 상관관계 분석결과, 기온과 습도와는 양의 상관관계, 일조량과는 음의 상관관계를 나타냈으며 강 수량과는 상관관계가 나타내지 않았다. 이상의 내용을 종합해 보면 계곡산개구리는 겨울이 끝나 는 이른 봄철에 가장 먼저 번식울음을 시작하는 양서류이면 서 17일 정도의 짧은 기간에 폭발적으로 번식하는 Explosive breeder의 유형에 속하였다. 단 짧은 번식기간임에도 불구 하고 이른 봄철이기 때문에 영하로 내려가는 시기에는 울음 을 멈추어 기온이 번식울음에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났 다.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus of Cinara (Aphididae: Lachninae) live on the roots, trunk, branches, twigs, shoots or foliage of Coniferae and can be easily distinguished in having the very big body, apterae up to 5-6 ㎜ in length and short antennae which are shorter than half the body length. Most of species are monoecious without host alternation and attended by ants. Based on body appearance and COI gene sequence, we report Cinara cuneomaculata (Del Guercio) on Larix kaempferi, C. largirostris Zhang G. & W. Zhang on Pinus thunbergii and P. dnesiflora, C. smaragdina (Pashtshenko) on Abies holophylla and C. piceae on Juniperus rigida, for the first time in Korea.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Subfamily Cryptolechiinae Meyrick 1883 (Depressariidae sensu Heikkila et al., 2014) is reviewed from Korea. The Cryptolechiinae comprising nearly two hundred species worldwide (Wang, 2006), is characterized by forewing broadly lanceolate, the male genitalia without gnathos and female genitalia with well-developed lamella antevaginalis. In the Korea fauna, only four species of two allied genera, Acryptolechia and Cryptolechia, were recognized with two new species. A full bibliography, diagnosis and descriptions for all known species including new species are provided with illustration. Keys to species are also given.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mirine plant bug genus Paramiridius, which has been known only by a single Taiwanese species, is reported from Indochinese Laos for the first time and redefined. Two additional species, P. indochinensis and P. laomontanus, are described as new to science. The female genitalic structures are from the first time figured for the genus. A key is provided for all three known Paramiridius species.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study is carried out to know the insect diversity at Gonggeomji wetland in Sangju city where the first designated as a rice paddy wetland protection area from Ministry of Environment of Korea. As the results, 330 species of 234 genera belonging to 90 families in 10 orders were collected and a total of 1,327 individuals were surveyed in this study. Among them, highest collection ratio was 54. 3% (162 species) of Coleoptera, next order was 22% (66 species) of Hemiptera. In seasonal variation, 28 species were surveyed in the first quarter, 81 in the second, 78 in the third, and 87 in the fourth. Ancylopus pictus asiaticus in Coleoptera, Nysius (Nysius) plebejus in Hemiptera were the most dominant species. As a diversity analyses, species diversity index (H'), dominance index(DI), species richness index and evenness index (EI) were provided in here.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the present study, Cydia kamijoi Oku is newly recognized in korean insect fauna. This tortricid moth was first found damaging the cones of Abies koreana in Jeju Island 2014. The moth can be a serious insect pest on A. koreana because of high damage rate on the cones, up to 71% average. The genus Cydia now was 11 korean species including C. kamijoi. Regarding this species, some basic information such as collection records, morphological characters, and ecology were provided
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Phyllonorycter is a small sized moth among the family Gracillariidae, comprising 401 described species in the world (De Prins & De Prins 2005, 2012). In this study, Phyllonorycter styracis Kumata is reported for the first time from Korea. Material examined for this study was collected from Mt. Palgong on October, 2014 in Korea, and it is known to emerge in winter from Japan. Adult and genitalic characters are described, and available information including the distributional ranges and host plants are provided. Also, DNA barcode for the exact identification of the species was conducted in this study.