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        검색결과 583

        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A level of dietary iron may play a role in colon carcinogenesis. The effect of dietary iron on colon carcinogenesis was investigated in male ICR mice. Five-week old mice were acclimated for one week and fed on iron-normal diet (35 ppm Fe), iron-deficient diet (3 ppm), or iron-overloaded diet (350 ppm Fe) for 8 weeks. Animals received three (0-2nd weeks after starting experiment) injections of azoxymethane (AOM; 10 mg/kg b.w.) to induce colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF). There were five experimental groups including normal control without AOM, AOM+iron-normal diet (AOM+NFe), AOM+iron-deficient (AOM+LFe), AOM+ironoverloaded diet (AOM+HFe) groups. The total numbers of ACF and aberrant crypt (AC) were measured in the colonic mucosa after staining with methylene blue. The blood and serum were analyzed with a blood cell differential counter and an automatic serum analyzer. The hepatic iron levels were significantly dependent on the presence of iron in the diets. Iron-deficient diet significantly decreased the several hematological values. The values of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) and glutamic pyruvate transaminase (GPT) were also significantly decreased in iron-overloaded or iron-deficient diet groups, compared with normal iron diet group. Dietary iron-deficiency decreased the numbers of ACF (64.9) and AC (79.8) per colon by 20.6 and 21.8%, respectively, compared with AOM+NFe group (72.4 ACF/colon and 90.3 AC/colon). However, ironoverloaded diet increased ACF (82.9) and AC (96.0) induction by AOM, compared with normal iron diet. These results suggest that dietary iron can affect the colon carcinogenesis in the animal model of mice.
        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Maillard Reaction Products (MRPs) such as Glucose-tyrosine (Glu-Tyr) and Xylose-arginine (Xyl-Arg) have antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antibacterial effects. However, to date, still little is known about the other biological effects of the MRPs. In this study, we investigated whether the fructose-tyrosine MRP, 2,4-bis(p-hydroxyphenyl)-2-butenal (Fru-Tyr), could modulate cell cycle progression and NF-κB activity, and thereby induce apoptotic cell death of colon cancer cells. Treatment with different concentrations (10-40 μg/ ml) of Fru-Tyr for 24 h inhibited colon cancer cell (SW620 and HCT116) growth followed by induction of G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. We also found that Fru-Tyr suppressed tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)-induced NF-κB transcriptional activity. Moreover, Fru-Tyr induced the expression of apoptotic gene, cleaved caspse-3. These results suggest that Fru-Tyr inhibited colon cancer cell growth through induction of G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and apoptotic cell death by modulating of NF-κB.
        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Notch signaling pathway regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell fate decision. Recent preclinical and clinical evidence supports a pro-oncogenic function for Notch signaling in several solid tumors including breast and prostate cancer. Consequently, there is increasing interest in targeting Notch signaling therapeutically in cancer patients. Notch inhibitors, particularly gamma-secretase inhibitors, are being investigated as candidate cancer therapeutic agents. However, rational targeting of Notch signaling in cancer will require a systematic exploration of several areas that remain incompletely understood. Therefore, a clear understanding of the Notch signaling and its cross-talk with other signaling cascade will increase our ability to design rational combination regimens for cancer therapy.
        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Flavonoids are a large family of polyphenolic compounds synthesized by plants that have a common chemical structure. Flavonoids may be further divided into subclasses, Anthocyanidins, Flavan-3- ols, Flavanones, Flavonols, Flavones, Isoflavones. Flavonoids have antioxidant and antiradical activities. The antiradical efficacy of flavonoids have established structure-activity relationships (SAR) of the antioxidant activity. Reactivity of flavonoids is highly dependent on the configuration of OH groups on the flavonoid B and C rings, there being little contribution from A ring to antioxidant effectiveness. This short article presents the current knowledge on structural aspects on their free radical reactions of flavonoids.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 14-year-old intact female, mixed dog was presented with hematuria and strangury. Mass in the abdominal cavity was seen on radiographs and ultrasound. On the cytological examination in the urethra, clusters of pleomorphic epithelial cell were found. Tissues of the urethra and the urinary bladder were obtained at the time laparotomy and determined the extent of the mass. Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder was found in histopathologic characteristics. Urinary diversion after removal of a complete full section of the TCC in bladder wall was performed. Piroxicam, as a medical therapy for TCC, was orally administrated. Surgical operation and chemotherapy were selected with the goal of maintaining and improving quality of life.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate effect of herbal extracts mixtures on hair growth in an alopecia model of C57BL/6 mice. There were 4 experimental groups including distilled water (DW, negative control), 25% ethanol(EtOH, vehicle control) and two herbal extract mixtures (HE-1 and HE-2). HE-1 included Polygonum and Brassica campestris extracts and HE-2 included Mulberry root and Gardenia extracts. The 6 weeks-old C57BL/6 male mice were shaved with an electric clipper and the test compounds were topically treated with 0.2 ml per mouse daily for 3 weeks. The hair re-growth was photographically determined at days 0, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, and 21. The number of mast cells which is an important modulator of hair growth was counted in 1 cm of dorsal skin section of mice. There were no clinical signs in all experimental groups. As the results of photometric analysis, the topical application of the herbal extracts (HE-1 & 2) for 2 weeks to dorsal skin accelerated hair re-growth remarkably faster than that of DW group (p<0.05). Activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was significantly increased in EtOH group compared to DW group (p<0.05). Both herbal extract mixtures also increased the ALP activity, but it was not significantly different from DW. Treatment of mice with HE-2 significantly increased mast cell population compared to EtOH. Taken together, these results suggest that herbal extract mixtures used in this study may have hair-growth promoting activities and can be useful for treatment for male pattern baldness or alopecia in humans.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Various acaricidal agents have been used to reduce the dust mite population. On the point of keeping people away from mite allergens, however, repelling mites from the living space of human is more effective than just killing them, because the dead bodies of mites still act as allergen. To examine the potential of Artemisia in controling house dust mites, Artemisia extract was evaluated for its repellency to Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. Repellency tests were performed using filter-paper circles cut in halves. The Artemisia extract was applied on each half at concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.8㎕/㎠. Proper repellent effects of Artemisia extract on house dust mites were observed at the concentrations of >0.4㎕/㎠. As a positive control, lavender essential oil was used at concentrations of 0, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1㎕/㎠. Lavender oil showed proper repellent effects at concentrations of >0.05㎕/㎠. These results suggest that Artemisia extract has potential to control the house dust mites, and might be useful as a dust mite repellent.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Immunohistochemical localization of vimentin, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), myelin basic protein (MBP), neuron-specific enolase (NSE) were performed to confirm the canine schwannoma diagnosed histologically. Biopsy samples from skin masses occurred on a 6 year old female dog and a 13 year old female dog were used for immunohistochemical analysis. Histologically, the tumor tissues showed the characteristics of schwannoma mainly composed of predominantly fusiform or spindle cells. The cells are arranged in small interwoven bundles with intervening fibrous and mucinous stroma that imitate a herringbone pattern. The cell nuclei have an elongated, wavy, buckled appearnce and closely bunched together. In high magnification, mitotic figure, nuclear hyperchromatism, pleomorphism and poorly defined cytoplasms were noted. the vimentin was highly expressed in the cytoplasm of all neoplastic cells. Positive reactions against NSE and GFAP, widely used to suggest a neural origin of cell types, are observed in cytoplasms of tumor cells. These results can be used as a reference data for definitive diagnosis of canine schwannoma.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dyed loess and charcoal fabrics are sold in market as bedding. They have a lot of functions so that people are getting to increase their expenditure for them. Thus we investigated a repellent effect of loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics against house dust mites. The evaluation of the repellent effect of dyed loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics was conducted by using Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus. We compared the repellent effect of dyed loess fabrics at different doses of 0.3, 1.0, 3.2, 10.0 ㎎/㎠ and dyed charcoal fabrics at different doses of 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 ㎎/㎠. Commercial loess fabrics did not have a repellent effect against house dust mites. but commercial charcoal fabrics had the repellent effect by 78% against them. In case of dyed charcoal fabrics added with charcoal powder over 0.6 ㎎/㎠, they showed the repellent effect by over 80%. These results suggest that loess fabrics and charcoal fabrics have a repellent effect of against house dust mites and they can be commercially used for the purpose.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Four-week repeated-dose toxicity of Misaengtang (MST) was evaluated according to Toxicity Test Guideline of Korea Food and Drug Administration using 6-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats. Based on the results of preliminary single-dose toxicity study, confirming safety up to an upper-limit dose, MST was dissolved in drinking water and orally administered at doses of 500, 1,000, or 2,000 mg/kg for 28 days. All doses including the upper-limit limited dose (2,000 mg/kg) of MST did not cause any abnormalities of rats, including mortality, clinical signs, body weight gain, feed/water consumption, necropsy findings, organ weights, hematology and blood biochemistry. Rather, high doses (1,000-2,000 mg/kg) of MST reduced the serum levels of alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, creatinine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase and triglycerides, in addition to an increase in glucose, indicative of protective effects on hepatic and muscular injuries. Both maximum-tolerable dose and no-observed-adverse-effect level were not determined. The results indicate that long-term intake of high-dose MST might not induce general adverse-effects.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to examine the promoting effect of herbal extracts on hair regrowth in C3H/HeJ mice. The herbal extracts were obtained from the Damo-cosmetics Inc. There were four experimental groups including distilled water (D. W., negative control), 20% ethanol (EtOH, vehicle control), 3% minoxidil (MXD, positive control), and herbal extract (Ext). The herbal extract included the mixture of water and alcohol extract from Pleuropterus multflorus, Lonicera japonica Thunberg, Phellinus linteus, and Phaseolus radiatus. Test compounds were applied to the shaved dorsal skin of mice mouse for 3 weeks. The photograph of hair regrowth was taken at day 0, 4, 7, 10, 14, 17, and 21. The herbal extract group showed faster hair regrowth than negative control group or 20% EtOH groups after 10 and 14 days of treatments. The elongation of hair follicles in MXD and the herbal extract groups were observed. The activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase were sfanificantly (γ-GT) increased in MXD and herbal extract groups compared with negative control group (p<0.05). The expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) were also sfanificantly hfaher in MXD and herbal extract group than negative control group (p<0.05), althouah there were no sfanificant differences amoularhe groups of 20% EtOH, MXD, and herbal extract. These results suagest that the herbal extract used in this study may have grpromoting effect on hair regrowth by increasing activities of ALP and γ-GT and expression of EGF and VEGF.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Anti-wrinkle effect of herbal extracts was investigated on the skin of in a model of animal irradiated by ultraviolet rey B (UVB). The female albino hairless mice (HR/ICR) were randomly allocated to the normal control group (NC-non irradiated-vechicle), positive control group (PC, UVB irradiated vehicle) and herbal extract (HE) group. The herbal extract included the mixture of water and alcohol extract from Pleuropterus multflorus, Lonicera japonica Thunbert, Phellinus linteus, and Phaseolus radiatus. The herbal extract was treated dorsally with 0.2 ml per mouse five times a week for 12 weeks. At fifth week of the treatment, the animals were exposed to UVB irradiation for subsequent eight weeks three times a week. The intensity of irradiation was gradually increased from 30 mJ/㎠ to 240 mJ/㎠ (1MED: 60 mJ/㎠). Dorsal skins were obtained and stained with H&E to examine histological changes and epidermal/dermal thckness. The collagen fiber was also observed in Masson-Trichrome staining. Hydroxyproline assay and western blot analysis were also carried out to detect the change of collagen amount and to investigate MMP-1 expression, respectively. The HE group showed a better appearance and weak wrinkling, compared to PC group, The treatment of herbal extract significantly increased the thickness of dermis and the amount of collagen fibers compared to PC group (p<0.05). The treatment of HE significantly increased the hydroxyproline amount compared to PC group (p<0.05). The chronic UVB irradiation to hairless mice skin increased expression of MMP-1 but the treatment of HE decreased the expression of MMP-1. These results indicate that the herbal extract used in this study have a preventive effect on the UVB-induced wrinkle in a hairless mice model, partly due to the reduction of MMP-1 expression and increment of collagen amount.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The acute and subacute toxicities of trichlorfon were evaluated in blacktetras (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi). Dipping of fishes for acute toxicity was performed for a period of 24 hrs, and TLm24h value (median tolerance limit=LC50) was 12 ppm. Severe damages were observed in various organs and among them, edema and hyperplasia of gill lamellas, and epithelial edema of renal tubules were relatively prominent. The most significant change was mild epithelial deema of renal tubules in subacute toxicity test which fishes were exposed to 1.2ppm of trichlorfon for 1 week.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Niemann-Pick type C disease (NPC), known an autosomal recessive disorder, is characterized by abnormal accumulation of cholesterol and glycolipid in late endosome/lysosome. The 95% case in NPC patients are caused by mutation of NPC1 gene, whose gene product is 13 transmembrane-domains and a sterol-sensing domain. The compensation of NPC1 by transgene expression in NPC1-deficient mouse recovered life span and sterility, but neurological correction incompletely, suggesting a possibility of gene therapy. Thus, in order to develop virial expression system for gene therapy of NPC, we isolated NPC1 cDNA and constructed Sindbis viral expression system for verification. NPC1 expression by Sindbis viral expression reduced the accumulation of cholesterol induced by treatment of U18666A and progesterone in both baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells and cultured hippocampal neurons. In addition, NPC1 expression increased the immunoreactivities of post-synaptic density protein 95kDa (PSD-95) in dendrites. On the basis of these results, we constructed a lentiviral vector for NPC1 expression and examined its expression in hippocampal cultured neurons.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The acricidal potency of some essential oils can be applied to the control of house dust mites. But it is more effective keeping the house dust mites away than killing them because they remain as allergens even after death. The most efficient repellent concentration of lavender and tea tree in 10㎕ against house dust mites (Dermatophagoides farinae and D. pteronyssinus) were experimented by direct contact bioassay method at various doses ; 2.5, 1.25, 0.625, and 0.3125% and at vairous exposure times ; 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes. The most effective dose of essential oils (lavender and tea tree) against house dust were 0.625% and the repellent effectiveness at the mowt effective dose of 0.625% were 95.6% for lavander and 96.2% for tea tree, respectively. These results suggest that lavender and tee tree can be effectively used in the control of house dust mites.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We tested the effects of roasted and non-roasted Zizyphi Spinosi Semen (ZSS) hot water extracts on pentobarbital-induced sleeping behavior, pentylentetrazole-induced convulsions, and locomotor activity in mice. Both ZSS extracts decreased locomotor activity and pentylentetrazole-induced convulsions. Both extracts alos dose-dependently shortened the sleep onset and prolonged the sleep time induced by pentobarbital, with roasted extract being more potent. In addition, chemical constituents in HPLC also were different. Thus, both roasted and non-roasted ZSS extracts potentiate the sleep onset and the sleeping time induced by pentobarbital, decrease locomotor activity, and reduce pentylentetrazole-induced convulsions, with roasting improving extract potency.
        2008.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Avian Influenza (AI) is an avian disease that break out by AI virus (AIV). As Hemagglutinin (HA) that is a main antigen surface protein of influenza virus that causes these influenza infection changes continuously, HA escapes bond of guided antibody by host"s immunity system. Specification region (HA91-261) of HA molecule that reconize receptor (sialic acid) of host cell is well-preserved without changing relatively, but is gotten buried on inside of trimer structure in natural conditions, is reported that development of effective vaccine or cure for HA protein is difficult because is not exposed to immunity system. Aptamer is relatively small strand DNA or RNA, and has high affinity to specific proteins. In this study, new aptamer DNAs were screened which can specifically bind to the receptor binding region of HA H9 protein.
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 13-year-old, male mixed breed dog was presented to Veterinary Medical Center, Chungbuk National University for diagnosis and treatment of enlarged mass in right inguinal region. On hematological test, monocytes and neutrophils were slight increased, but other hematological values were normal. On radiological finding, opacity and size of mass in right inguinal region were increased. The mass and testis were removed surgically. Removed mass was oval-shpae and bulky with 5.6×7.6×5.2 cm. Histopathological finding of the mass revealed large and round to polyhedral cells and it was diagnosed as malignant seminoma. That was diffuse type seminoma near to malignant tumor without metastasis. During the follow-up for 13 months, patient showed normal contition without recurrence.