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        검색결과 345

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Haemaphysalis longicornis는 사람과 동물에게 여러 심각한 병원체를 전달하는 주요 매개체로, 한반도에 널리 분포하고 있다. H. longicornis는 Rickettsia spp., Borrelia spp., Francisella spp., Coxiella spp., 그리고 중증열성혈소판 감소증후군 바이러스 (SFTS virus) 등을 매개하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 국내에 서식하는 H. longicornis의 미생물 군집과 관련된 연구는 많이 진행되지 않은 것으로 확인되었다. 이 연구는 한반도 내 다양한 지역에서 채집된 H. longicornis의 미생물군집 다양성을 지역별, 성장 단계 및 성별에 따라 분석하였다. 2019년 6월부터 7월까지 질병관리청 권역별기후변화매개체감시거점센터 16개 지역에서 채집한 H. longicornis의 16S rRNA 유전자 V3-V4 영역을 PCR로 증폭 후 Illumina MiSeq 플랫폼으로 시퀀싱하였다. Qiime2를 활용한 미생물 다양성 분석을 통해 총 46개의 샘플에서 1,754,418개의 non-chimeric reads를 얻었으며, 평균 126개 의 operating taxonmic unit (OTU) 을 식별하여 총 1,398개의 OTU를 확인하였다. 대부분의 지역에서 Coxiella spp.가 우점종으로 나타났으며, 특히 Coxiella endosymbiont는 가장 높은 우점도를 보이며, Coxiella burnetii와 계통 발생 학적으로 유사한 것으로 확인되었다. 이 연구를 통해 분석된 결과는 각 지역의 H. longicornis 미생물군집 데이터 베이스 구축에 활용되었으며, 이를 통해 지역별 미생물군집의 특이성을 식별할 수 있게 하였다. 이는 한반도의 H. longicornis에 의한 질병 전파 연구와 이를 통한 공중보건 개선에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To control western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), a significant pest of peppers, the control effects of eco-friendly agricultural materials were tested when treated alone and in combination. The control effects of yellow sticky roll traps installed on the stem, predatory natural enemy (Hypoaspis miles) inoculated on the stem, and plant extracts (50% custard apple seed oil + 10% cinnamon extract) sprayed on the foliage were 45.3%, 36.6%, and 50.2%, respectively, when treated individually. Meanwhile, when three eco-friendly agricultural materials were comprehensively applied, the control effect was maintained between 62.4% and 80.9% compared to untreated conditions during the pepper harvesting season. These methods can be utilized for the eco-friendly control of western flower thrips in pepper greenhouses.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study is to select various insect species for healing resources and develop a healing program in order to use insect as a healing agriculture. In this study, there are two kinds of breeding kit were developed, one for Gryllus bimaculatus and the other for Oxya chinensis sinuosa. Using these insect breeding kits, we conducted a survey of 60 children and the elderly. In the case of children, the results of the insect breeding satisfaction showed that 30.6% said that the sound of crickets was very good, and 11.1% said that it was good. In addition, the higher the child's awareness of insects, the higher the proportion of children who wanted to raise insects in the future. As a result of a survey of seniors, 45.2% do not like insects and 51.6% are not interested, meaning that most seniors are not very interested in insects. However, the emotions after breeding insects showed positive results, with 45.2% saying their personality became brighter, 48.4% reducing their anger, 48.4% relieving their irritation, 54.8% relieving loneliness, 58.1% feeling more responsible, and 51.6% developing intimacy.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        갈색거저리 유충의 사료인 밀기울은 대부분 수입에 의존하고 있는데 일부 국가의 식량 수출 중단 조치 등에 따른 국제 곡물가격 상승으로 밀기울 가격은 인상되고, 식용곤충 판매가격이 하락하면서 생산비 절감을 위한 사료 개발이 요구되고 있다. 농업부산물 3종을 50% 이상 급이하게 되면 유충 생육이 저하되었기 때문에 본 연구는 적정한 배합비율을 선정하기 위해 첨가사료 20, 30% 함량으로 밀기울과 혼합하여 사료를 급이하였을 때 갈색거 저리 유충의 생육 특성과 영양성분 변화에 대해 밀기울만 제공한 대조구와 비교하였다. 부산물 A와 B, C를 각각 30% 함유한 처리구에서 갈색거저리 유충 무게는 대조구와 차이가 없음을 확인하였다. 먹이소화율은 부산물B를 20% 함유한 처리구가 80.5%로 대조구에 비해 높았고, 부산물C 30% 처리구에서 72.6%로 가장 낮았다. 갈색거저 리 유충의 생육일수 100일 기준으로 부산물B 30% 처리구에서 용화율이 76.1%로 대조구보다 1.6배 높았으며, 부산물A 20% 처리구는 29.2%로 용화율이 가장 낮았다. 갈색거저리 유충의 조단백질 함량은 부산물 C 30% 처리 구에서 대조구보다 10.3% 증가하여 아미노산 분석을 진행한 결과 sarcosine과 ornithine이 2.5배 이상 증가하였다. 이를 통해 부산물 B나 C를 30% 함유한 사료를 급이하였을 때 사육 원가를 절감하여 유충을 생산할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive waste is typically disposed of using standard 200 and 320 L drums based on acceptance criteria. However, there have been no cases evaluating the disposal and suitability of 200 L steel drums for RI waste disposal. There has been a lack of prior assessments regarding the disposal and suitability of 200 L steel drums for the disposal of RI waste. Radioactive waste is transported to disposal facilities after disposal in containers, where the drums are loaded and temporarily stored. Subsequently, after repackaging the disposal drums, the repackaged drums are transported to disposal facilities by vehicle or ship for permanent disposal. Disposal containers can be susceptible to damage due to impacts during transportation, handling, and loading, leading to potential damage to the radiation primer coating during loading. Additionally, disposal containers may be subject to damage from electrochemical corrosion, necessitating the enhancement of corrosion resistance. Metal composite coatings can be employed to enhance both abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance. The application of metal composite coatings to disposal containers can improve the durability and radiation shielding performance of radioactive waste disposal containers. The thickness of radioactive waste disposal containers is determined through radioactive shielding analysis during the design process. The designed disposal containers undergo structural analysis, considering loading conditions based on the disposal environment. This paper focuses on evaluating the structural improvements achieved through the implementation of metal composite coatings with the goal of enhancing corrosion and abrasion resistance.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, young Chinese consumers have become more favorably inclined toward products relating to traditional culture. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a textile design that incorporates traditional Chinese patterns and cultural symbolism that will appeal to consumers from the MZ generation (millennials and Generation Z). Through a literature search for traditional Chinese patterns and symbols regarded as auspicious, our design concept and motives were established. We selected peony, lotus, and frog motifs as representative of a “wealth and eternal prosperity” design theme. In textile design work 1, we used hand drawing and watercolor techniques, color transformation with Adobe Photoshop, and colorway and end-use 3D simulation with TexPro. The 3D simulation work suggests that this textile pattern is suitable for women’s outerwear, mufflers, and tote bags. Textile design work 2 conveyed the ‘wealth and eternal prosperity’ design theme and had a graceful mood that embodied the nobility of the lotus flower whilst also encompassing the symbolism of money and status. The end design is a modern reinterpretation of traditional Chinese patterns and motifs. As such, it is hoped that it will satisfy the needs of young consumers for cultural values yet offer a unique new aesthetic distinct from existing textile designs. These qualities can be expected to enhance the competitive market value of textiles bearing this design.
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