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        검색결과 591

        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In our previous studies, the cardiac xenotransplantation from an alpha-1,3-galactosyltransferase knockout pig (GT-MCP-MCP) to cynomolgus monkeys showed a mean survival of 38 days. The objective of this study is to genetically upgrade the GT-MCP-MCP pig, to further enhance membrane cofactor protein (MCP) expression and to express an endothelial specific thrombomodulin (TBM). MCP is a complement regulatory protein and TBM is a coagulation inhibitor. As the dicistronic cassette for wild-type-based MCP and TBM concurrent expressions does not show any increase of MCP, we optimized the MCP codon usage (mMCP) and substituted mMCP for MCP. When the mMCP-TBM cassette was transfected to HeLa cells, we were able to find an increased expression of MCP and endothelial cell-specific TBM expression. The cassette was then transfected into ear-skin fibroblasts isolated from one-month-old #23-4 of a GT-MCP-MCP pig, and the cell populations expressing MCP were obtained by MACS cell sorting. We performed a single cell culture of the selected cells, and obtained clones over expressing 90% MCP. The cells of a clone were used as a donor for nuclear transfer and generated GT-MCP/-MCP/mMCP/TBM pig. The transgenic pig was confirmed to be carrying the cells expressing MCP and functioning as an inhibitor against the cytotoxic effect of normal monkey serum, comparable with donor cells. Thus, we believe that the GT-MCP/-MCP/mMCP/TBM transgenic pig would be potential for the prolongation of xenograft survival in the recipients.
        2018.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Variance of conceptus interferon tau (IFNT), produced by the embryonic trophectoderm, is known as a major conceptus protein that signals the process of maternal recognition of pregnancy in ruminants, essential for the maintenance of early pregnancy. Similar to other IFN genes such as IFNA and IFNB, multiple IFNT genes are present. However, some kinds of IFNT genes actively transcribed and regulated in bovine conceptuses have not been well characterized. In this study, during the course of bovine IFNT gene transcription through the use of next generation sequencer SOLiD3, revealed that among 38 IFN genes registered, only two transcripts, IFNT1 and IFNTc1, were found in conceptuses during early pregnancy. Also, to identify a transcription factor(s) involved in the regulation of IFNT genes, mRNAs for various known transcription factors were investigated by real-time PCR in conceptus tissues, respectively. Furthermore, compared to the IFNT genes, IFNT1 and IFNTc1 had same active levels, which were previously shown to correlate with the appearance of effective antiviral activity. However, the expression levels of these Luc activities differed. Bovine ear fibroblast (EF) cells were cotransfected with luciferase reporter constructs carrying upstream (–631 to -51) promoter regions of IFNT1 or IFNTc1 and various transcription factor expression plasmids, CDX2, AP1(JUN), ETS2 and/or cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB)-binding protein (CREBBP). CDX2, either alone with the other 2 transcription factors, was found to increase luciferase activity approximately 14- and 11-folds, respectively. The degree of transcriptional activation of the IFNTc1 gene was not similar to that IFNT1 gene by AP1, ETS2 or/and CREBBP, expression plasmid. These results suggest that two isoforms of bovine conceptus IFNT genes are regulated differently in conceptuses during early pregnancy.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Stored grain pests can cause reduction of grain quantity, quality, commercial value and germination rate. Susceptibility of three fumigants, methyl bromide, ethyl formate and phosphine, were assessed on Tribolium castaneum, which is an important stored grain pest. On susceptible insects, LCT50 of phosphine was 0.654mg h/L for egg, 0.127mg h/L for late larvae, 0.105mg h/L for pupae and 0.048mg h/L for adult stage, respectively. LCT50 of methyl bromide was 33.193mg h/L for egg, 14.585mg h/L for late larvae, 8.616mg h/L for pupae and 11.967mg h/L for adult stage, respectively. LCT50 of ethyl formate were 25.165mg h/L for egg, 80.912mg h/L for late larvae, 176.326mg h/L for pupae and 68.578mg h/L for adult stage, respectively. On resistant insects, LCT50 of phosphine were 82.325mg h/L for egg, 33.315mg h/L for late larvae, 73.546mg h/L for pupae and 55.707mg h/L for adult stage, respectively. LCT50 of methyl bromide were 19.250mg h/L for egg, 43.413mg h/L for late larvae, 76.842mg h/L for pupae and 19.387mg h/L for adult stage, respectively. LCT50 of ethyl formate were 87.552mg h/L for egg, 113.457mg h/L for late larvae, 200.122mg h/L for pupae and 85.394mg h/L for adult stage, respectively.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to identify the specific antigens for pine wood nematode (PWN), we confirmed that one of the genes commonly found in the transcriptome, proteome and secretory proteins of PWN belonged to the Aldose Reductase (AR) family protein. 36.5 kDa PWN-AR1 was expressed and purified using Baculovirus Expression System. Total 1,546 hybridoma fusion library was generated and screened for specificity to PWN-AR1 by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Nine clones showed strong immunoreactivity to PWN-AR1 were limited-diluted. Total 864 limited-diluted clones were further screened using PWN-AR1 by ELISA and 34 monoclonal antibody (Mab) clones were selected. 34 Mab clones were further screened using PWN extracts and a standard PWN-infected pine tree extract by ELISA. Finally nine clones were selected and their immunoreactivities to 4 different nematodes were examined by ELISA. Seven clones pecifically recognized PWN while two clones recognized 4 nematodes. Our data suggested that PWN-AR1 is a PWN secretory enzyme while PWN is invading pine trees, Thus, PWN-AR1-Mabs could be used to develop diagnosis tools for PWN and its infected pine trees. (This work was supported by National Institute of Forest Science)
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        소나무재선충(Pine wood nematode, PWN)은 아시아와 유럽의 소나무류들에 침입하여 고사시키는 심각해 병원성 선충이다. 가장 완벽한 방제 방법은 감염목을 소각/분쇄의 방법으로 PWN 감염목을 제거하는 것이다. 현재 PWN의 다른 종과 차이를 가지는 유전자서열을 이용한 진단 방법이 다양하게 개발되어져서 실험실에서의 종 판명은 가능한 실정이다. 하지만, 대부분의 분자진단방법은 소나무 목편에서부터의 시료 추출, 그리고 분자진단 시약과 혼합하고, PCR을 이용하여 증폭을 진행 한 후, 결과를 확인하는 과정이 필요하다. 그러므로, 분자진단법을 현장에 적용하기 위해서는 향 후 많은 노력이 필요하다. 이에 반하여 항원/항체 반응을 이용한 진단 방법의 경우는 항원 추출 후, 일정량을 신속진단키트에 떨어 뜨려서 반응을 확인하는 과정을 거치므로, 전문적인 지식이나 기술이 필요하지 않다. 하지만, PWN과 PWN 감염목에 특이적인 항원이 밝혀지지 않은 상황이다. 최근에 우리는 PWN단백질 중에서 분비되는 Aspartic peptidase 1 (ASP1)을 항원으로 선정을 하고, 전장단백질을 Baculovirus Expression System으로 발현을 하였다. PWN-ASP1을 항원으로 단클론항체를 분비하는 세포 주를 확립하였다. 이러한 단클론항체는 향후, PWN의 소나무 침입에 관한 연구와 신속진단키트의 개발에 활용될 수 있을 것이다. (본 연구는 국립산림과학원의 연구비 지원으로 진행되었음)
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trails of the convergence ladybird negatively affected the brown citrus aphid population. On 3 days after treatment of ladybird trails, the population growth rate of the brown citrus aphid on treatment and control swingle flushes in the test tube were –0.1848 and –0.0385, respectively. In pot experiments, there were no significant differences in population growth rates between treatment and control swingle plants on 3 and 7 days after treatment of ladybird trails. But, on 10 days after treatment, each population growth rate was -0.0415 and 0.1125, respectively so there was significantly different statistically. Thus, our result support the potential practical application of ladybird trails as an effective control agent for managing of herbivorous insect pests in citrus groves.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Opostegidae (Lepidoptera: Nepticuloidea) is a small group that is comprising 192 described species with eight genera in the world. In Korea, only one species, Opostegoides minodensis (Kuroko), has been recorded since Park made a report on the distribution of the species in 1983. As results of taxonomic studies on the family, we discovered a newly recorded species, O. omelkoi Kozlov, for the first time from Korea. All the available information including distributional ranges and host plants is provided with images of diagnostic characteristics of adult and male genitalia.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hymenoptera is one of four largest orders of insects, with over 150,000 described species, 132 families, 27 superfamilies, and 2 suborders. There are currently about 3,000 hymenopteran species in 65 families and 20 superfamilies known in South Korea, of which the majority of the families have been studied while some of them are still poorly studied. The present overview on South Korean Hymenoptera aims to provide brief taxonomic history of the studies, a complete bibliography, a list of South Korean hymenopteran species, and information on South Korean hymenopterists for each taxon.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of treating dairy cattle with exogenous human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), five (5) days post artificial insemination (AI) on serum progesterone (P4) concentration and pregnancy rate. In this experiment, five days after AI, cows were assigned randomly to two groups namely: a) treated group (67) which were administrered with 1500 IU hCG (Chorulon) and b) control group (61), which received no treatment. On day 5, 10, 15 and 20 after the artificial insemination, blood samples from a total of 8 cows (4 from each group) were collected and were analyzed for serum P4 concentration. Cows were detected for estrus according to standing heat by visual observation. Cows that were detected still in estrus after days 18-24 were re-inseminated and recorded as not pregnant (open). Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted by ultrasonographic examination and transrectal palpation of the uterus on approximately 60 days in cows that observed to be not in estrus. The conception rate in hCG treated and control groups were 52.5 and 36.1%, respectively. The results proved that there were no significant differences in conception rate between two groups (p=0.0568). However, pregnancy rates were reduced by hCG treatment. Average serum P4 concentrations did not differ between Hcg-treated and control groups on day 5 (0.377 versus 0.375 ng/ml). On day 20 serum P4 concentrations were greater in the treated group compared with the control group (3.085 versus 2.010 ng/ml). The treatment with hCG seemed to increase P4 level compared with the control. In conclusion, the results of this study showed that 1500 IU of hCG administered on 5 day post AI increased conception rate in dairy cows. This was supported by the results on serum P4 concentration which was greater in hCG treated group.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of various process conditions on the physical properties and digestibility of extruded fish feed at different barrel temperatures (120, 130, and 140oC) and moisture contents (35, 40, and 45%). The expansion ratio decreased with increasing the moisture content. The hardness was negatively correlated with the expansion ratio. The bulk density decreased by increasing moisture content. The water holding capacity increased by increasing the moisture content and barrel temperature. Soaking time significantly (p<0.05) affected water stability and the best water stability was observed in all samples soaked for 1 h, but water stability was also stable at 2 h and 3 h. There was a significant increase in the protein digestibility of extruded fish feed, compared to that of the raw material.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Green crowdfunding – fundraising for green initiatives – has become a growing source of alternative finance for sustainable entrepreneurs. The current paper explores the business model of green crowdfunding from three perspectives, i.e. funders, founders and platform. We pay special attention to how green crowdfunding extends consumers‘ involvement in sustainable economy.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Value creation is the purpose and end result of business relationships. However, there has been little research on the sources of relationship value in cross-border interfirm relationships. This is surprising given that value creation and delivery is arguably a more complex and difficult task in international markets than in domestic ones due to the differences in culture, language, management styles, and economic, social, and legal systems between exchange partners. This study investigates the drivers of relationship value in manufacturer–foreign distributor relationships. The focus is on distributor-perceived relationship value because it is typically the customer firm the final arbiter of value. The study develops a research model that consists of four different groups of predictors of relationship value: (1) exporter capabilities (i.e., marketing and technological); (2) importer capabilities (i.e., market-sensing and customer relationship management); (3) relational factors (i.e., relationship learning and cultural compatibility); and (4) market factors (i.e., competitive intensity and market growth). The identification and specification of these prognostic factors of relationship value formation was based on the review of extant literature and exploratory interviews with import and export managers. The study employs partial least squares-structural equation modeling to test model relationships. The results indicate that exporter marketing and technological capabilities, importer market-sensing and customer relationship management capabilities, relationship learning, cultural compatibility, and market growth are potent determinants of relationship value in manufacturer–foreign distributor relationships, while competitive intensity has no detectable effect. Several managerial implications are extracted from the study, as well as suggestions for future research.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Researchers have yet to investigate whether it is beneficial for exporters to engage in greater levels of product adaptation in their export operations, or whether there is some limit to the amount of adaptation exporters should engage in. We posit that customer value creation, a central marketing concept and a mechanism to achieving market and financial goals in business to business markets, is a core outcome of export product adaptation activities. In order to explore the routes by which adaptation may shape export customer value creation, we adopt a multi-faceted conceptualization of firm-level product adaptation, comprising export product adaptation (i) quantity, (ii) intensity and (iii) novelty. Drawing on survey data from 249 Finnish exporters involved in business-to-business activities, we find evidence to support the claim that the impact of export product adaptation on export customer value creation is contingent on various factors, and we identify instances where greater adaptation is beneficial for export customer value creation, and instances where greater export product adaptation is potentially harmful for export customer value creation.