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        검색결과 757

        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pure and stable YAG powders were synthesized by a PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) polymer solution technique. PVA was used as an organic carrier for the precursor ceramic gel. The precursor gels were crystallized to YAG at relatively a low temperature of . The synthesized powders, which have nano-sized primary particles, were soft and porous, and the porous powders were ground to sub-micron size by a simple ball milling process. The ball-milled powders were densified to 94% relative density at for 1h. In this study, the characteristics of the synthesized YAG powders were examined.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Solar Radio Burst Locator (SRBL) is a spectrometer that can observe solar microwave bursts over a wide band (0.1-18 GHz) as well as detect the burst locations without interferometry or mechanical scanning. Its prototype has been operated at Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) since 1998. In this study, we have evaluated the capability of the SRBL system in flux and radio burst location measurements. For this, we consider 130 microwave bursts from 2000 to 2002. The SRBL radio fluxes of 53 events were compared with the fluxes from USAF/RSTN and the burst locations of 25 events were compared with the optical flare locations. From this study, we found: (1) there is a relatively good correlation (r = 0.9) between SRBL flux and RSTN flux; (2) the mean location error is about 8.4 arcmin and the location error (4.7 arcmin) of single source events is much smaller than that (14.9 arcmin) of multiple source events; (3) the minimum location error usually occurred just after the starting time of burst, mostly within 10 seconds; (4) there is a possible anti-correlation (r = -0.4) between the pointing error of SRBL antenna and the location error. The anti-correlation becomes more evident (r=-0.9) for 6 strong single source events associated with X-class flares. Our results show that the flux measurement of SRBL is consistent with that of RSTN, and the mean location error of SRBL is estimated to be about 5 arcmin for single source events.
        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of washing medium, breed and washing temperature of fresh and frozen-thawed boar sperm on mitochondrial activity and membrane integrity by flow cytometry. More than 80% of fresh sperm washed with mTLP-PVA medium at 20℃ exhibited an intact membrane and a functional mitochondrion. With frozen-thawed samples, a large number of sperm showed both damaged membrane (36.4~46.9%) and nonfunctional mitochondrion (55.1~71.1%) in the mTLP-PVA and BTS washing media at 20℃. There were no breed effects of fresh and frozen-thawed sperm on mitochondrial activity and membrane integrity. The percentages of damaged membrane of fresh and frozen sperm, respectively, were higher at 4℃ washing temperature than at 20℃ washing temperature in the mTLP-PVA medium. We found that washing medium and washing temperature of fresh and frozen-thawed boar sperm were important for the analyses of mitochondrial activity and membrane integrity by flow cytometry.
        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, we investigated the effects of genotypes on in vitro maturation and fertilization in porcine fresh/frozen-thawed oocytes. The porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were divided into four groups according to whether they were: (1) in vitro matured; (2) cryopreserved and in vitro matured; (3) in vitro fertilized and (4) cryopreserved, and in vitro fertilized. Maturation of porcine COCs was accomplished by incubation in NCSU23 medium. Immature oocytes were cryopreserved by Open Pulled Straws (OPS) method according to Vajta et al., (1998). Oocytes stained by Acetic-Orcein method were observed under the microscope. DNA extracted from the ovaries was analyzed by RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and SSCP (single strand conformational polymorphisrrt) method. The rates of oocytes maturation and fertilization were significantly high in AA genotype. The results indicated that in vitro maturation and fertilization in porcine fresh/frozen-thawed oocytes may be affected by genotypes in pigs.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) is a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) treasury project. The COSMOS aims to perform a 2 square degree imaging survey of an equatorial field in I(F814W) band, using the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). Such a wide field survey, combined with ground-based photometric and spectroscopic data, is essential to understand the interplay between large scale structure, evolution and formation of galaxies and dark matter. In 2004, we have obtained high-quality, broad band images of the COSMOS field (B, V, r', i', and z') using Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope, and we have started our new optical multi-band program, COSMOS-21 in 2005. Here, we present a brief summary of the current status of the COSMOS project together with contributions from the Subaru Telescope. Our future Subaru program, COSMOS-21, is also discussed briefly.
        2005.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to examine the effect of EGF on meiotic maturation and pronuclear (PN) formation of porcine oocytes. Prepubertal gilt cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) aspirated from 2~6mm follicles of abbatoir ovaries were matured in TCM199 containing 0.1mg/ml cysteine, 0.5㎍/ml FSH and LH, and EGF (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 ng/ml) for 22 hr at 39℃ in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air. They were then cultured for an additional 22hr without hormones. In Experiment 1, to examine the nuclear maturation at 44hr of culture, the expanded cumulus cells were removed by vortexing for 1 min in 3 mg/ml hyaluronidase. The oocytes were fixed in acetic acid: methanol (1:3, v/v) at least for 48 hr and stained with 1% orcein solution for 5 min. Nuclear status was classified as germinal vesicle (GV), germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), prophase-metaphase I (PI-MI), and PII-MII under microscope. In Experiment 2, to investigate PN formation, oocytes were fertilized with Percoll-treated freshly ejaculated sperm (1 x10 5 cells/ml) in mTBM with 0.3% BSA and 2mM caffeine for 5hr, and cultured in NCSU-23 medium with 0.4% BSA. At 6hr of culture, the embryos were fixed in 3.7% formaldehyde for 48hr and stained with 10ug/ml propidium iodide for 30 min. PN status was classified as no or one PN (unfertilized), 2 PN (normal fertilized) and ≥3 PN (polyspermy). Differences between groups were analyzed using one-way ANOVA after arc-sine transformation of the proportional data. The rate of oocytes that had reached to PII-MII were significantly (P<0.05) higher in all groups added EGF than that of non-treated group (67%), but it did not differ among the all added groups (86%, 85%, 79% and 81%, in 5, 10, 20 and 40 ng/ml EGF, respectively). No differences on the incidence of 2PN were observed in all treated groups (25%, 30%, 33%, 29% and 29%, in 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 ng/ml EGF, respectively), however, in non-treated group, polyspermy tended to be increased (66% vs 58%, 54%, 52% and 55%, 0 vs. 5, 10, 20, 40 ng/ml EGF, respectively). These results suggest that EGF can be effectively used as an additive for enhancing oocyte maturation and reducing the incidence of polyspermy in pig.
        2005.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study were examined whether plasminogen activators (PAs) are produced by porcine fresh or frozen-thawed cumulus-oocytes complexes (COCs) and cumulus cell free-oocytes. In fresh or frozen-thawed COCs and oocytes for 0 hour cultured, no activity of PAs was detected. However, at 24 hours of culture urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) was detected in COCs and denuded oocytes. In the frozen-thawed COCs and cumulus cell free-oocytes cultured for 24 hours, no PAs were observed. After COCs were cultured for 48 hours, tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and tPA-PAI were observed in COCs only. In the frozen-thawed COCs and cumulus cell free-oocytes cultured for 48 hours, no PAs were observed. These results suggest that uPA, tPA and tPA-PAI are produced by porcine COCs, but only uPA by oocytes during maturation for 24 hours. Only tPA, and tPA-PAI are produced by COCs cultured for 48 hours, and no PAs are produced by denuded-oocytes cultured for 48 hours. In all of the frozen-thawed groups, no PAs are observed by COCs and denuded-oocytes.