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        검색결과 44

        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Riptortus-Burkholderia symbiosis is a newly emerging insect-bacterium symbiotic system. This symbiosis system has a good merit as an experimental model system to produce the non-symbiotic (apo) and symbiotic (sym) host insect. In recent reported papers, the symbionts play important biological roles for the host insects. Meanwhile, juvenile hormone (JH) is one of major hormone synthesized corpora allata(CA) to control many physiology of insect. However, the study for cross-talk mechanism between symbionts and host hormones to control important physiological phenomenon of insects is almost none. In this study, we found that Riptortus speed up adult emerging and increase egg laying on presence of symbiont Burkholderia. Also we found that hexamerin proteins, which were controlled the expression by JH, were accumulated in sym-Riptortus hemolymph compare with apo-Riptortus. According as combined results, we hypothesized that the gut symbiont Burkholderia can control JH titer to conclude out beneficial effects such as development and reproduction of R. pedestris. To verify this hypothesis, we examined measurement of JH titer, expression of hexamerins as JH response genes and RNAi for hexamerin protein during whole Riptortus life on presence or absence of symbiont Burkholderia. All results demonstrated that gut symbiont controlled JH titer of Riptortus. Controlled JH amount by symbiont Burkholderia in host midgut regulated hexamerin protein expression for speeding up adult emerging and increasing egg production.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, has played an important role as one of the alternative pollinators since the outbreak of honeybee collapse disorder. Recently, pathogens and parasites such as viruses, bacteria and mites, which affect the life span and fecundity of their host, have been discovered in B. terristris. In order to detect the microsporidian pathogen, Nosema Spp. in the field populations of B. terristris, we collected adults and isolated their genomic DNA for diagnostic PCR. The PCR primers specific for Nosema Spp. were newly designed and applied to gene amplification for cloning. Only small subunit ribosomal RNA(SSU rRNA) gene of N. ceranae was successfully amplified and sequenced among examined genes, which indicates that N. ceranae mainly infects the examined field population of B. terristris. To detect of SSU rRNA gene, two regions of SSU rRNA gene were selected by primary PCR analysis and further analyzed in quantitative real-time PCR(qRT-PCR). The qRT-PCR analysis demonstrated that SSU rRNA of N. ceranae was detected at concentrations as low as 0.85 ng/μl genomic DNA. This result suggests that the detection via qRT-PCR can be applied for the rapid and sensitive diagnosis of N. ceranae infection in the field population as well as risk assessment of B. terristris.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, total methanol extracts prepared from Alpinia katsumadai showed significant protective effects against the oxidative stress induced by hydrogen peroxide, UV-C or γ-ray irradiation. These protective effects were substantially increased by treatment with 20~100 μg/ml of the extract. The A. katsumadai total methanol preparation was further fractionated into n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethylacetate, n-butanol and water fractions. Among these five fractions, the ethylacetate and butanol fractions of A. katsumadai showed the strongest protective effects against oxidative stress induced by UV-C and γ-ray irradiation. These fractions also showed high DPPH radical scavenging and lipid peroxidation inhibitory activities. In addition, both fractions displayed cell proliferation activation effects, as evidenced by significant increases in colony formation. Our current data thus suggest that the mechanisms underlying the protective effects of A. katsumadai against oxidative damage may include radical scavenging, protection against cell membrane damage and stimulation of cell proliferation.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pleurotus citrinopileatus was successfully cultivated and commercially available in Korea. The antioxidant, xanthine oxidase, tyrosinase inhibitory activities and polyphenol contents of fruiting bodies of Pleurotus citrinopileatus extracted with acetone, hot water and methanol (hereinafter referred to Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH). The antioxidant activities on β-carotene-linoleic acid in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 96.12%, 94.21% and 96.52%, respectively at the concentration of 20 mg/ml. Xanthine oxidase inhibition activity in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 30.12%, 35.42% and 29.02%, respectively at the concentration of 5 mg/ml. Tyrosinase inhibition activity in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 58.78%, 49.25% and 63.29%, respectively at the concentration of 1.0 mg/ml. Total polyphenol contents in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 18.99 mgGAEs/g, 16.73 mgGAEs/g and 18.66 mgGAEs/g. These experimental results suggested that fruiting bodies of P. citrinopileatus contained good physio-chemical substances for promoting human health.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The antioxidant, xanthine oxidase, tyrosinase inhibitory activities and polyphenol contents of the fruiting bodies of Pleurotus cornucopae extracted with acetone, hot water and methanol (hereinafter referred to Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH). The antioxidant activities in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 93.23%, 89.55% and 92.58%, respectively at the concentration of 2.0 mg/ml. Xanthine oxidase inhibition activity in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 45.84%, 46.50% and 45.60%, respectively at the concentration of 5 mg/ml. Tyrosinase inhibition activity in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 52.11%, 50.12% and 55.81%, respectively at the concentration of 1.0 mg/ml. Total polyphenol contents in the Fr. Ace, Fr. HW and Fr. MeOH were 18.99 mgGAEs/ g, 16.73 mgGAEs/g and 18.66 mgGAEs/g. These experimental results suggested that fruiting bodies of P. cornucopae contained good physio-chemical substances for promoting human health.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood is a newly advent pest on citrus in Jeju. Both larvae and adult attack the new shoots and young and matured fruits of citrus. S. dorsalis is highly polyphagous with over 100 recorded species, but not known in Jeju. As a result from investigating the host plants in and/or around citrus orchards in Jeju during 2009 to 2010, they were 25 families 39 species. The total thrips examined on those plants were 13 species, and the richness thrips among them was S. dorsalis, Frankliniella occidentalis, Thrips tabaci and Thrips hawaiiensis. The widespread host plants of S. dorsalis were Mallotus japonicus, Paederia scandens, Hedera rhombea, Cayratia japonica and Clematis apiifolia and they can be also used for monitoring plants. On early May, the larvae of S. dorsalis were first investigated on the shoots of Mallotus japonicus, Lonicera japonica, Paederia scandens, Viburnum awabukira, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Celtis sinensis. The other thrips species except S. dorsalis and T. tabaci, especially F. intonsa, T. hawaiiensis, T. flavus and T. coloratus were just found on flower stalks during the blooming season.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Licorice has been used as a source of medicine and a food material in East-Asia. Recently, demand for licorice increased in market due to a growing interest in health. Thus we conducted breeding research to solve the problems associated with domestically cultivated licorice such as low productivity and low glycyrrhizin content. Methods and Results : We crossed European licorice (G. glabra L.; female parent) and Chinese licorice (G. uralensis Fisch; male parent) in the greenhouse in May 2007. In September 2007, crossed and germinated seeds were retrieved and sown in the greenhouse. In June 2008, stolons were separated from the F1 licorice seedlings and cultivated, resulting in 32 clonal lines of interspecific hybrids. Among them we selected good lines and then conducted the replicated yield trials (RYT) in 2012-2013 and local adaptability test (LAT) in 2014-2015. The results, GLYES9 showed that was elect of stem, oblong of leaf shape, red-brown of root color. Glycyrrhizin conten of GLYES9 (3.0%) was higher than G. uralensis (1.9%) at four regions from 2014 to 2015. GLYES9 was less than 10% in the desease of brown spot (G. uralensis was more than 30%). The root yield of GLYES9 was 4.31 ton per hectare, which was increased 193% compared with a check variety of G. uralensis. Therfore, we named GLYES9 as new cultivar ‘Dagam’. Conclusion : Depending on the above results, we have developed a new licorice cultivar ‘Dagam’ by the medicinal crop breeding team of National Institute of Horticulture and Herbal Science, RDA, in 2015. It showed brown spot disease resistant, high-glycyrrhizn content and high-yielding than colleted Glycyrrhiza spp.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Cucuma longa L., in the family Zingiberaceae, is distributed in tropical and/or sub-tropical regions mainly in India and China. This species is commonly called tumeric, powder is used as medicinal herbs and/or flavor enhancer. It has been cultivated in southern region mainly Jindo. However, it might be possible to extend cultivation region due to rise in average temperature. In order to select superior lines, agronomic characteristics is commonly used. Because this is not the ultimate solution, the DNA marker approach has benefited the modern plant breeding. Therefore an easy approach by using one kind of primer have been developed from random amplification of polymorphic DNA sequences (RAPD) to discriminate effectively between different cultivars of Cucuma species Methods and Results : DNAs were extracted from the harvested roots of Cucuma sp. using DNeasy plant Mini kit (Qiagen, Hilen, Germany). These plants cultivated from GARES (Hamyang) and used for PCR amplification. The relative concentration of the extracted DNA was estimated Nano Drop ND-1000 (NanoDrop Technologies, Wklmington, De, USA) and final DNA concentration was adjusted to 5.5 ng/㎕. In this study 9 primer pairs were tested on 8 Cucuma sp. These primers showed polymorphism in Cucuma sp. The cluster dendogram showed that the similarity coefficients ranged from 0.68 to 0.87, CUR02 turned out to be CUR11, and CUR16 is similar to CUR17. Conclusion : These finding could be used for further research on cultivar development by using molecular breeding techniques and for conservation of the genetic diversity of Cucuma species. These data on polymorphism difference based on RAPD will be give us invaluable breeding information by selection of superior lines.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is a major agricultural crop widely used for providing human and animal food owing to its high protein and oil content. For this reason, they have been consumed in Asia and world greatly and demand is ever increasing. Soybean is classified as a moderately salt-sensitive crop and its production is greatly affected due to increasing salinity stress. About 8 % of the world’s total land is salt-affected. In Korea, around 9 % of total agricultural land (approximately 130,000ha) was reclaimed since 1960's. In order to meet the demand for soybean and to solve arable land shortage problem, it is unavoidable to cultivate soybean in salt-affected soils. Fortunately, soybean germplasm has been shown to have salt-tolerant phenotypes, which have been used to identify the salt-tolerant genes. GmCHX1, a novel ion transporter, is one of the genes known to confer salt tolerance in soybeans. Present study was conducted to understand the effects of sequence variations of GmCHX1, on salt tolerance in wild and cultivated soybeans. A total of 1026 (301 lines of G. max and 725 lines of G. soja) lines were phenotyped for salt tolerance in greenhouse conditions. At the V1-V2 growth stage, the plants were treated with 100mM NaCl solution for two weeks and thereafter the response was measured depending on leaf scorch score (1-health, 3-mid, 5-dead). About 20 lines found to show tolerance to saline conditions and were selected for sequence analysis of GmCHX1. Most of the haplotypes detected in this study corresponded with the haplotype patterns in previous studies. However, several lines showed different patterns of polymorphism in the coding region, suggesting that sequencing of more lines and analysis for the polymorphism in GmCHX1 is needed in order to identify new haplotypes that could confer greater salt tolerance.
        2014.03 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Marked neutrophilia associated with neoplasia is a relatively rare finding and has been considered as a paraneoplastic manifestation. Thyroid cancer seldom presents with paraneoplastic leukocytosis. We report on a case of a 69-year-old man who presented with paraneoplastic leukocytosis seven months after undergoing total thyroidectomy and I-131 therapy for treatment of papillary thyroidcarcinoma. We found neither bone marrow involvement of malignant cells nor hematologic malignancy. Based on elevated levels of serum granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, we concluded that the cause was paraneoplastic leukocytosis. Another interesting point was the anaplastic transformation in the pleural metastatic site. It usually occurs in the intrathyroid or regional lymph node.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Inbred lines were gained from corn genetic resources collected by our lab and also deveolped by our Corn Breeding Lab. Materials used were eleven hybrids including yellow waxy corn hybrid CNU19 (applied as Daehakchal Gold 1 in 2007). These hybrids were harvested at 30th day after fertilization for antioxidants activity analysis; polyphenol compounds, inhibitory effect of xanthin oxidase activity, catalase activity, superoxide dismutase activity and DPPH radical scavenging activity. Daehakchal Gold 1 among hybrids were midseason variety and higher than check Chalok 1. The ratio of ear height to stem height was low as 50% below. Kernel set ratio was also higher than check hybrid. Among antioxidant analysis, Polyphenol compound was the highest in Daehakchal Gold 1 (CNU 19) as 3.77μg/ml, and CNU 21, CNU 93 and CNU153 including check were high trend compared to others. Xantine oxidase(OX) catalase activity, SOD activity and DPPH radical scavenging effect by using methanol extracts were also comparatively higher in CNU 19 hybrid than others. Besides, catalase activities of Daehakchal Gold 1 hybrid extracted by methanol and haxane were higher than other hybrids. From experiment results, this hybrid was superior to other used hybrids in botanical character, table quality and funtion.
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