
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1,152

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper investigates a theoretical and experimental evidence for a niche strategy for small and medium online shopping malls to survive against large famous shopping malls dominating the E-commerce market. The present study explored both theoretically and empirically how consumers’ preferences for alternatives in online shopping context are affected by their construal level and concentrated its efforts on the verification of the phenomenon under various frames and regarding various categories(Liberman and Trope 1998; Liberman, Trope, and Stephan 2007, Liberman Trope, and Wakslak 2007). For this, this study demonstrates how chronic construal levels of consumers may affect their alternative choice for online shopping via various contexts (Experiment 1-3) and categories (Experiment 3-5). This series of experiments suggests that consumers with high construal level can be defined as a group that is relatively less susceptible to reputation of the shopping malls. Thus, strategically targeting this group of consumers will help small online malls lacking store reputation to mitigate their competitive disadvantage. Based on both existing literature and the experimental results as above, this research discusses possible methods for small online shopping malls to target high-construal segmentation.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The key objectives of the research is to examine the impacts of consumption community and underlying motivations for joining consumption communities in consuming masculine products among Korean female consumers. This study is the first to link a consumption community to social identity theory. To find an answer to our research questions, the study uses Korean Harley Davidson female riders who ride the American heavy motorcycle in a consumption community to answer the research questions. Harley Davidson is an icon of masculine products due to the size and the powerful engine of the motorcycle. A hermeneutic approach is adopted to understand Korean female consumers’ motivations in joining consumption communities and their perceptions about riding a Harley Davidson motorcycle. A hermeneutic method uses personal in-depth interviews to elicit the behaviors, values, and motivations that researchers are trying to understand (Kozinets, 2001; Thompson et al., 1994). The hermeneutic method is appropriate when researchers are attempting to understand motivations, values and beliefs deeply embedded in a person’s mind (Thompson et al., 1994).
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        아케이드 슈팅게임은 과거 1970년대 후반부터 1990년 후반까지 대중적으로 큰 인기를 끌며 게임시장을 주도했다. 하지만 2000년대 이후 많은 PC와 콘솔의 보급으로 아케이드 게임이 급속도로 쇠퇴하기 시작했다. 하지만 최근 국내에서 하락세를 보였던 아케이드 게임이 크게 상승세를 보였고 앞으로도 점점 상승할 가능성이 높아 보인다. 따라서 본 논문은 아케이드 게임의 특징인 빠른 손동작을 최신 기술과 접목시켜 새로운 입력 방식을 개발함으로 더 높은 효용성을 끌어내어 검증 한다. 기존에 슈팅게임에서의 제스처 인터페이스 사용은 이미 그 효용성이 검증되었다. 다만 좀 더 복잡한 완성형 게임에서의 적용하기엔 미흡한 부분들이 있다. 이에 슈팅게임들의 요소를 좀 더 세분화하여 분석 후 각 요소들을 제스처에 매핑하였다. 기존 게임에선 조이스틱을 손으로 흔들며 진행하는게 일반적인 방식으로 본 게임에선 사용자가 직접 손을 상하좌우로 움직여 조작한다. 또한 진행에 필요한 스킬과 이벤트들을 각각의 매핑 된 제스처 로 인터랙션 한다. 개발된 인터페이스는 슈팅게임 'Cure'에 적용하여 G-Start, HCI creative Award 등에서 전시되었다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this paper is to optimize the cross-section of aluminum decking units used in the bass boats under operating conditions, and to verify the optimized model from the results via by ANSYS software. Aluminum decking unit is needed to endure specific loading while leisure activity and sailing. For a stiffer and more cost-neutral aluminum decking unit, optimization is often considered in the naval and marine industries. This optimization of the aluminum decking unit is performed using the ANSYS program, which is based on the topology optimization method. The generation of finite element models and stress evaluations are conducted using the ANSYS Multiphysics module, which is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). Through such a series of studies, it was possible to determine the most suitable case for satisfying the structural strength found among the phase-optimized aluminum deck units in bass boats. From these optimization results, CASE 1 shows the best solution in comparison with the other cases for this optimization. By linking the topology optimization with the structural strength analysis, the optimal solution can be found in a relatively short amount of time, and these procedures are expected to be applicable to many fields of engineering.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Among the 8,700 in-service bridges in national highway, the steel bridges cover the 1600 sites and make up approximately the 20 percentage of the total amounts. Due to recent rapid increase both in traffic volume and in frequency of overloaded vehicles, the need for re-evaluating the fatigue life of the steel bridges is increasing. However, the existing fatigue life assessment method are too complicate and difficult to apply to field directly. To improve such deficiency of the existing fatigue life assessment procedures, this study reviews the fatigue life assessment methods in Eurocode and then proposes an easier and simpler fatigue life assessment procedure that could evaluate the remaining fatigue life of the steel bridges using traffic data collected from a high-speed weigh-in-motion system installed in the national highway network. The Proposed fatigue life evaluation method is as follows; 1. Calculation of fatigue resistance 𝛾𝑀f and fatigue strength Δ𝜎𝑐 used in design, 2. Calculation of partial safety factor 𝛾𝐹f for equivalent stress range, 3. Calculation of stress range Δ𝜎𝐸2 using influence line, 4. Calculation of damage equivalent factor λ, 5. Review of Fatigue state and evaluation of fatigue life. The Proposed method can omit the existing complicated and repetitive calculation. Therefore, proposed method can estimate the fatigue damage and the theoretical fatigue life simply by comparing with the existing method.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The recent increase in truck traffic volume and overloading frequency causes a growing need to re-evaluation of fatigue life of steel bridges. However, the traditional fatigue analysis method, that is cumulative damage method(CDM), has limitation to apply to a number of bridges because the required calculation steps are very cumbersome and complicated. This study investigates the feasibility and applicability of proposed simple fatigue evaluation method based on the equivalent damage method (EDM) in Eurocode to estimate the remaining fatigue life for a highway bridge. The Proposed fatigue life evaluation method is as follows; 1. Calculation of fatigue resistance 𝛾𝑀f and fatigue strength Δ𝜎𝑐 used in design, 2. Calculation of partial safety factor 𝛾𝐹f for equivalent stress range, 3. Calculation of stress range Δ𝜎𝐸2 using influence line, 4. Calculation of damage equivalent factor λ, 5. Review of Fatigue state and evaluation of fatigue life. The specifications of the target bridge are as follows; Location : Gyeongbu Expressway, Design Life : 100yr, Construction year : 2006, Total length : 341m, Type of superstructure : continuous steel box girder. The resulting remaining fatigue life estimated by both EDM and CDM have been compared. Remaining fatigue life of target bridge in 2016 was calculated 365yr(EDM using WIM data in 2014), 334yr(CDM using strain gauge data in 2012 and reflecting 2% annual traffic volume increase, Gil and Kang(2012)). As a result of comparison, The remaining fatigue life using proposed method(EDM) was evaluated about 10% higher than the CDM. This result, because traffic volume increase had not reflected when calculation of remaining fatigue life using EDM. Proposed method(EDM) can evaluate remaining fatigue life more easily and simply than CDM.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examined the characteristics of research activities in the road sector via an analysis of patents and papers. For the text mining analysis, this study used keywords that contained the term “highway” and extracted data; 25,306 patents and 11,940 papers were used for the analysis. Along with a paper analysis, there is a 3P (paper, patent and patent) analysis method used to examine papers and patents. The 3P analysis method analyzes patent trends (time series, country, applicant, institution, and so on), original technology patents, the latest technology trends in the field of interest, and research trends by examining and evaluating key patent rights and their technology and utilization values. More specifically, analyzing patents owned by companies and papers published based on data obtained from text mining, allows researchers to compare intellectual property competitiveness by institution and identify a competitor’s research trends. Based on the results, commercialized tech areas and global research activity trends can be identified to establish a technology strategy. In this regard, this study used keywords only related to “highway” and acquired the following analysis results: To begin with, some of the most noteworthy research and development areas in the road and transport sector recently included “traction hybrid battery,” “information navigation date,” and “navigation determination.” This suggests great implications. Thus far, the road and transport section has traditionally researched “Construction of Roads, Railways, or Bridges” in Section E (Fixed Constructions) of the International Patent Classification and supporting works such as the installation of supports for the road or the construction of platforms, snow fences or similar arrangements. This study, however, found that lately, a lot of research is being conducted on systems such as transport control systems, transport safety, transport control radars or similar systems, sonar or Light Detection and ranging system, and anti-collision systems. In addition, as smart toll collection increasingly becomes available, a lot of research in the field of physics is being undertaken on transmission methods for measures, control signals or similar signs, and ticket dispensers or devices to collect tolls and admission fees. In conclusion, based on the above findings, this study was able to identify that more research in the road and transport sector is being conducted on smart toll collection and tech convergence such as physics and systems than traditional civil engineering as today’s world is heading towards the 4th Industrial Revolution.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 3차원 축대칭 몰수체에 대해 소스 코드가 공개된 OpenFOAM 4.0을 이용하여 첫 번째 격자의 높이와 레이놀즈 수에 따른 마찰저항 변화에 대해 연구하였다. 마찰저항 계산을 위해 경계조건, 수치조건을 정립하였다. 축대칭 물체의 3차원 효과로 인해 거칠 기가 매우 작은 12 μΜ에서도 부드러운 표면과 비교해 마찰저항이 다르게 계산되었다. 레이놀즈 수가 커질수록 경계층의 두께 증가가 감소되었으며 이로 인해 마찰저항의 증가량이 감소되었다. 첫 번째 격자의 크기인 y+에 대한 영향에 대해서도 검토하였다. 첫 번째 격자가 log layer에 위치하고 있지 않으면 마찰저항과 표면의 전단력이 과도하게 예측되는 것을 확인하였다. 이는 경계층이 두껍게 예측되어 난류 에너지가 과도하게 예측되었기 때문으로 판단된다. 표면의 거칠기가 커질수록 경계층이 두꺼워지고 표면의 난류에너지가 증가되는 것을 확인하였다. 마찰저항을 정확하게 예측하기 위해서는 y+ 값, 거칠기 및 벽함수가 적절한 영역에 위치해야 함을 알 수 있었다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study is Antimicrobial activity for bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus. Production of lactacin B was pH dependent, with maximum activity detected in broth cultures maintained pH 6. As a result of the antimicrobial activity against p. acnes in the pH culture, the clear zone was the largest at pH 6 and persisted for a long time.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The current protocols of methyl bromide (MeBr) fumigation on imported nursery plants, which are seriously infested with quarantine mealy bugs and scales, could be reevaluated because there were no limited uses of loading ratio, packing types etc. Another emerging issues is that the workplace health issues on MeBr fumigation are related with poor ventilation etc as well as well-known phytotoxic damages on them. In previous report, we have evaluated the efficacies of ethyl formate (EF) and phosphine (PH3) on different types of mealybugs. Herein, the phytotoxic damages of EF and PH3 on Alocasia, Sansevieria, Cactaceae and Croton genera were evaluated in terms of chlorophyll contents, color changes etc. This study showed that EF and PH3 fumigation on imported plants could be applicable to replacement of MeBr with further confirmation trials.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Toxicities of Carbofuran showed different patterns by three application methods, Drench(as systemic effect), Leaf dipping(as contact and systemic effects) and Topical(as contact effect) applications. LC50 dropping pattern was L-shape in Drench, low slope line in Topical and intermediate of them in Leaf dipping. Drench application was the most Carbofuran treatment method to Brown planthoppers. Dropping patterns of LC50 were almost same between resistant and susceptible strains. The checking time of Carbofuran toxicity was suggested to be 2nd day after application by SD analysis of mortality. Resistance ratios were peak on 3rd day after application in Drench, 4th day(Susceptible) and 5th day(Resistant) in Leaf dipping and showed steady increase line pattern in Topical application.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        환경부 지정 보호지역인 특정도서는 현재 249개소로 이들을 대상으로 지형․경관, 지질, 식생, 동・식물상 및 해안무척 추동물, 해조류 분류군 대상으로 1차 특정도서기본계획(‘05~’14) 이후 2차 특정기본계획(‘15~’24)에 따라 매년 10~15개 씩 정밀조사가 수행되고 있다. 특정도서의 곤충조사는 2006~2008년 3년간 39개 도서를 제외하고 전무하였다. 특정도서 의 지정사유 중 자연경관․지질의 우수성이 가장 높고 식생이 우수가 다음으로 높아 시간이 지남에 따라 식생과 관련된 해충 및 외래종의 기착지로도 이용될 수 있는 특성을 가지고 있어 2015년부터 곤충에 대한 조사가 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구는 2016년 인천광역시 옹진군 일대 소초지도, 신도, 어평도, 항도, 뭉퉁도, 서만도, 할미염 7개 특정도서에 대한 곤충상 및 군집분석 결과와 각 도서별 과거 2007년 보고된 곤충상을 비교한 결과를 보고하는 바이다.