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        검색결과 380

        2022.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the analysis of a planetary microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0362 with a shortduration anomaly (∼0.4 days) near the peak of the light curve, which is caused by the resonant caustic. The event has a severe degeneracy with Δχ2 = 0.9 between the close and the wide binary lens models both with planet-host mass ratio q ≃ 0.007. We measure the angular Einstein radius but not the microlens parallax, and thus we perform a Bayesian analysis to estimate the physical parameters of the lens. We find that the OGLE-2019-BLG-0362L system is a super-Jovian-mass planet Mp = 3.26+0.83 −0.58 MJ orbiting an M dwarf Mh = 0.42+0.34 −0.23 M⊙ at a distance DL = 5.83+1.04 −1.55 kpc. The projected star-planet separation is a⊥ = 2.18+0.58 −0.72 AU, which indicates that the planet lies beyond the snow line of the host star.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        마야의 교리는 삶의 본질을 구성하는 경험의 중요성을 설명한다. 경험은 삶의 실제를 구성하는데, 마야는 세상의 그런 당혹스러운 경험을 이해하는 능력과 관련하여 경험을 무지의 범위 안에 두어 존재의 가치를 평가하는 척도의 일환으로 삼는다. 두 번째로 마야는 앞서 말한 사건과 상황을 완전히 이해하고 있다면 해방을 제안하는 로고스를 창조한다. 이러한 관점에서 우리는 본질적으로 모순되는 피상적 경험의 출현을 겪지만 동시에 더 높은 수준에서 피상적 경험에게 변함없이 계속되는 실질적인 경험을 겪는다. W. B. 예이츠, T. S. 엘리엇과 W. H. 오든의 시에서 우리는 각 시인이 삶의 혼란스럽고 상충되는 경험을 이야기함으로써 마야 교리와 조화를 이루는 예술적 성장을 보여준다. 하지만 이들 시인들은 각 개성에 따라 큰 투쟁을 하면서 통합과 행복을 가져오는 궁극의 경험에서 구원의 가능성을 찾는다.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this work, we introduce a 100 kW class mobile plasma melting system designed for non-combustible radioactive wastes treatment. To ensure mobility, the designed system consists of two 24-ft commercial containers, each in charge of the plasma utilities and melting process. In the container for plasma utilities, a 100 kW class DC power supply is installed together with a chiller and gas supply system whereas the container for melting process has a transferred type arc melter as well as off-gas treatment system consisting of a heat exchanger, filtrations, scrubber and NOx removal system. As a heat source for a transferred type arc melter, we adopted a hollow electrode plasma torch with reverse polarity discharge structure. Detailed design for a 100 kW class mobile plasma melting system will be presented together with the main specifications of the components. In addition, the basic performance data of the melting system is also presented and discussed.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예술적 상황은 그것이 가져오는 이해가능성에 그 힘을 의존하며, 그런 이해가능성은 그 자체가 변형의 도구인 ‘정확하고’ 구체적인 양식을 통해 설명된다. 이와 관련하여 우리는 마힘바타(7세기 인도 이론가)와 아누마나와 관련된 그의 이론화 (추론)를 주목할 필요가 있다. 그에 따르면, 첫째, 자연 속에서 계속되는 모순되지 않 는 보편적 관계(vyapti)에 의해 객체와 주체가 함께 결합될 때, 이 둘은 변모한다. 둘 째, 마힘바타는 연역법칙에 의해 필요에 따라 일상적인 것에서 의미 있는 것으로 발전 한다는 사실을 고려할 때만 예술성이 보편화된다고 주장한다. 일상적인 것에서 의미 있는 것으로의 예술적 경험의 이 두 가지 탁월하게 빛나는 전제를 바탕으로 예술성의 동시성과 전시를 낳는 것이 가능해진다. 마힘바타의 추론 이론에서 발전된 개념적 구 조를 바탕으로 W. B. 예이츠와 T. S. 엘리엇의 시를 읽을 때 새로운 관점을 제공한 다. 예이츠의 시에서 육체와 영혼은 각각 작은 것과 큰 것이라는 의미를 내포하는 두 용어로 나타나며, 둘 다 퇴폐와 해방에 의해 결합되어 궁극적으로 보편적인 병존 (vyapti)을 하게 된다. 마찬가지로 엘리엇의 시에서 고통, 불임, 죽음은 육체와 관련되 는 용어이고 진리와 지식라는 용어는 영혼과 관련된다. 낮은 수준에 몸이 있고 높은 수준에 영혼의 내재가 있다. 하지만 그 사이에는 병존(모순되지 않은 보편적 경험)이 있는 반면 몸은 영혼으로 발전한다. 모든 사실은 필연적으로 마힘바타의 아누마나 (Anumana)에서 확립된 추론에 귀속된다.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a new nanostructure, a graphene is a compound of carbon atoms with a two-dimensional structure that has attracted the attention of many nanoscale researchers due to its novel physical and chemical properties. The presence of all graphene atoms in the surface and its unique electrical properties, as well as the ability to functionalize and combine with another nanomaterial, has introduced graphene as a new and suitable candidate material for gas sensing. Over the years, many researchers have turned their attention to carbon nanomaterial. The unique optical, mechanical, and electronic properties of these nanostructures have led them to use these nanomaterials to develop tiny devices, such as low-consumption sensors. Carbon nanomaterial poses a threat to another nanomaterial in terms of their use in gas sensors. This review article discusses the use of carbon nanoparticles and graphene in gas sensors, examines the nodes in the commercialization pathway of these compounds, and presents the latest achievements. Finally, the perspectives of the challenges and opportunities in the field of sensors based on carbon nanomaterial and graphene are examined.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aims of this study were to measure the ultrasonographic biometry of genitalia of the indigenous rams and observe the relationship of biometry on semen parameters. The epididymal volume was significantly reduced (p < 0.01) after semen collection compared with before collection for both left and right part in all rams. The cumulative results showed that although there was no significant difference in length, width and volume of epididymis between before and after semen collection, however the values were lower after collection. The epididymal length was significantly correlated with epididymal volume (p < 0.01), semen motility (p < 0.05) and semen morphology (p < 0.01). Epididymal width was only significantly correlated with epididymal volume (p < 0.01) not with the semen parameters. Epididymal volume had a significant correlation only with semen morphology (p < 0.01).The scrotal circumference had the significant correlation with semen density, mass activity, concentration and motility (p < 0.01). The epididymis had the similar or slightly increased echogenicity as compared to the normal testis. During whole study, some white spots were found on testis which did not affect the semen quantity and quality. Significant variation was observed only for semen concentration and motility among the rams (p < 0.05). The overall normal morphology was 90.5 ± 4.6% with highest percentage of coiled tail abnormalities.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the effect of a synthetic complement peptide C3a on the outcome of Brucella abortus 544 infection in a murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7 cell. First, we determined the highest non-cytotoxic concentration of the peptide in the cell line. We also found that the peptide significantly increased the growth of the bacteria at 8 and 24 h. Although the number of bacterial CFU was also elevated at 48 and 72 h, the increases were not significant as compared to controls. We further investigated the effect of C3a peptide on the growth of Brucella by pre-incubating the peptide at various temperatures and found that the effect was reversed at 24 h post-incubation suggesting that incubation of peptide at high temperatures including 65°C or 95°C could inactivate its action. This also could indicate the beneficial effect of high temperature during infection. Although several studies reported the inhibitory effect of different antimicrobial peptides including C3a, the present study preliminarily revealed that it had no positive contribution on the control of B. abortus 544 infection in vitro and indirectly to its receptor, CD88, which belongs to GPCR. Moreover, the encouraged further exploration of the effect of other similar peptides would be performed for the purpose of finding Brucella-host cell interaction for the control of disease progression.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the effects of exogenous succinic acid (SCA) on Brucella (B.) abortus infection in macrophage RAW 264.7 cells and ICR mice. Firstly, the in vitro experiment was conducted by MTT cytotoxicity and bacterial internalization assay to evaluate the uptake of B. abortus into macrophage cells. Two non-cytotoxic concentrations of SCA demonstrated attenuated invasion of Brucella into macrophages at 30 and 45 min post- infection (pi). Secondly, ICR mice were treated with SCA and infected with B. abortus. On day-14 pi, spleen and blood serum were collected to evaluate the bacterial burden and total spleen weight as well as the production of cytokine/chemokine, respectively. The results showed that SCA treatment promoted bacterial growth and reduced the total spleen weight in mice. Furthermore, SCA treatment increased the level of IL-10 cytokine in the sera, while dampening the production of MCP-1 chemokine compared to the control. The results of bacterial load in spleen and spleen weight together with cytokine/chemokine production profile in the sera indicated that SCA induced the host anti-inflammatory response which is beneficial for the survival of Brucella. Therefore, these findings suggest that SCA contributed to host immunity against Brucella infection and the emerging potential topic-immunometabolism should be invested for further investigations.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        몰개성은 경험의 진실을 가져오기 위해 예술가의 입장에서 행하는 실천 이다. 그러한 진실한 경험은 현실과 아름다움을 모두 포함한다. ‘실재적’인 능력 안에 서 우리는 몰개성의 경험이 충만함과 전체성을 가져온다면 몰개성의 미적 상태가 더 큰 이해를 암시한다는 것을 알 수 있다. T. S. 엘리엇, W. B. 예이츠와 존 키츠는 인 간 삶의 모든 의미를 ‘결집’하여 예술로 만듦으로써 ‘감수성의 메커니즘’을 고안하여 예술을 창조했다. 이 위대한 시인들에게 몰개성화의 과정은 궁극적으로 현상과 현실이 구별되는 방식에 기반을 둔다. 따라서 엘리엇은 일상의 경험을 단편, 무정부 상태 및 불규칙성과 동일시하지만 예이츠는 일상의 수준에서 나타나는 동일한 경험을 대립적 으로 본다. 한편 키츠는 탐닉이 최대 상태의 일상의 사건들과 상황들로 일상을 위치시 킨다. 전체성의 출현이 연기되는 분명한 현상에 대한 해결책으로 엘리엇, 예이츠, 키츠 는 경험의 진리를 실현하기 위한 확실한 조치인 ‘몰개성,’ ‘존재의 통일,’ ‘부정적 능 력’을 제시한다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The lack of short baselines, referred to as the short-spacing problem (SSP), is a well-known limitation of the performance of radio interferometers, causing a reduction of the ux detected from source structure on large angular scales. The very large number of antennas operated in the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) generates situations for which the impact of the SSP takes a complex form, not simply measurable by a single number, such as the maximal recoverable scale. In particular, extended antenna con gurations, complemented by a small group of closeby antennas at the centre of the array, may result in a double-humped baseline distribution with a signi cant gap between the two groups. In such cases one should adopt as the effective maximal recoverable scale the one associated with the extended array and use only the central array to recover missing ux, as one would do with single dish or ACA (Atacama Compact Array) observations. The impact of the missing baselines can be very important and may easily be underestimated, or even overlooked. The present study uses ALMA archival data of the 29SiO(8-7) line emission of the AGB star W Hydrae for a demonstration. A critical discussion of the reliability of the observations away from the star is presented together with comments of a broader scope. Properties of the circumstellar envelope of W Hya within 15 au from the star, many of which are not mentioned in the published literature, are brie y described and compared with R Doradus, an AGB star having properties very similar to W Hya.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the layered structures of immiscible Fe and Cu metals were employed to investigate the interface evolution through solid-state mixing. The pure Fe and Cu powders were cold-consolidated by high-pressure torsion (HPT) to fabricate a layered Cu-Fe-Cu structure. The microstructural evolutions and flow of immiscible Fe and Cu metals were investigated following different iterations of HPT processing. The results indicate that the HPTprocessed sample following four iterations showed a sharp chemical boundary between the Fe and Cu layers. In addition, the Cu powders exhibited perfect consolidation through HPT processing. However, the Fe layer contained many microcracks. After 20 iterations of HPT, the shear strain generated by HPT produced interface instability, which caused the initial layered structure to disappear.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) are the fastest developing materials for structural applications due to their high specific weight, modulus, resistance to corrosion and wear, and high temperature strength. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is known as the material of the twenty-first century for its various applications in structural components for their high specific strength as well as functional materials for their exciting thermal and electrical characteristics. The present study comprise a systematic literature review of Al/CNT nanocomposites fabricated through a solid state friction stir processing. The present review is primarily focussed on the dispersion and survivability of CNTs in the Al matrix because these are the key factors in deciding the mechanical properties of the fabricated composite. Additionally, the formability, weldability and machinability of the FSPed fabricated composites reinforced with CNTs are also summarised here. Based on the detailed literature review, following research gaps are identified which require a critical and more focussed attention of the scientific community working in this research area: (i) the presence of agglomeration or clustering of CNTs in the composite, (ii) survivability and shortening of CNTs during FSP, (iii) interfacial reactions or the formation of reaction products (such as Al4C3) between Al matrix and CNTs, and (iv) the unidirectional alignment of CNTs in the fabricated composite. Important suggestions for further research in effective dispersion of CNTs with its preserved structure by FSP are also provided.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to establish a selection process for high quality sperm in bovine semen using sperm separation by magnetic activation (MACS). For this, semen from 21 Nellore bulls was collected using an artificial vagina. To guarantee the presence of pathologies in the ejaculate, animals previously declassified in four consecutive spermiogram were used. Semen was analyzed in five statuses: (1) fresh semen (fresh); (2) density gradient centrifugation (DGC), percoll column; (3) non-apoptotic fraction after separation by MACS (MAC); (4) apoptotic fraction from the separation (MACPOOR); and (5) MAC followed by DGC (MACDGC). Using a computerized analysis system (CASA), motility was measured. The sperm morphology was evaluated by phase contrast, and the supravital test was completed with eosin/nigrosin staining. For DGC, 20 × 106 cells were used in a gradient of 90% and 45% percoll. MACS used 10 × 106 cells with 20 μL of nanoparticles attached to annexin V, and filtered through the MiniMACS magnetic separation column. Membrane integrity was assessed with SYBR-14/IP and mitochondrial potential with JC-1 by flow cytometry. Processing sperm by MACDGC, was more effective in obtaining samples with high quality sperm, verified by the total of abnormalities in the samples: 35.04 ± 2.29%, 21.50 ± 1.47%, 17.30 ± 1.10%, 30.68 ± 1.94% and 10.50 ± 1.46%, respectively for fresh, DGC, MAC, MACPOOR, and MACDGC. The subpopulation of non-apoptotic sperm had a high number of live cells (82.65%), membrane integrity (56.60%) and mitochondrial potential (83.98%) (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that this nanotechnological method, that uses nanoparticles, is efficient in the production of high-quality semen samples for assisted reproduction procedures in cattle.
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