
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 86

        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 지진격리장치의 일종인 마찰 단진자 시스템(FPS)의 교량에의 적용에 관한 연구이다. FPS에 의하여 지진 격리된 교량과 지진 격리되지 않은 교량의 지진하중 작용시의 응답을 비교하기 위하여 축소모델 교량을 이용한 진동대 실험을 수행하였다. 연구결과, 본 장치를 설치한 경우 지진하중에 대한 지지능력이 향상하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 활동면 곡류반경에 의해 조절이 가능한 F.P.S 베어링의 강성은 입력된 kwlsfur의 강도와는 무관하며, 활동면의 마찰계수에 따라 속도가 변화하여 약진시에는 활동면에서의 속도가 작으므로 강진시와 비교하여 지진하중에 의하여 발생하는 마찰력도 감소하게 되었다. 한편 F.P.S 베어링의 마찰특성은 반복된 실험에서도 변화하지 않았고, 영구변형은 약적으로도 작았을 뿐만 아니라 누적되지도 않았다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mushrooms have been widely cultivated and consumed as foods and herbal medicines owing to their various biological properties. However, few studies have evaluated the anti-inflammatory effects of mushrooms. Here, we investigated the effects of mushroom extracts (MEs) on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation in macrophages (RAW264.7 cells). First, we extracted MEs with either water or ethanol. Using LPS-treated RAW264.7 cells, we measured cell proliferation and NO production. Gene expression of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6 (IL-6), and IL-1β was assessed by RT-PCR, and protein abundance of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and phosphorylation of p65 were determined by immunoblotting. MEs prepared using both water and ethanol inhibited LPS-induced inflammation in RAW264.7 cells. Nitric oxide (NO) levels induced by LPS were reduced by treatment with MEs. Isaria japonica Yasuda water extracts and Umbilicaria esculenta (Miyoshi) Minks ethanol extracts significantly decreased the mRNA expression of inflammation-related cytokine genes including TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1β. Similarly, the protein abundance of iNOS and COX-2 was also decreased. The phosphorylation of p65, a subunit of nuclear factor-κB was at least partly suppressed by MEs. This study suggests that mushrooms could be included in the diet to prevent and treat macrophage-related chronic immune diseases.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        장 건강에 유익한 프리바이오틱스 소재를 개발하기 위하여 배변을 촉진하는 효능을 지닌 붉은팥을 식품 발효에 이용되는 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P로 발효하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 붉은팥의 일반성분은 회분 3.35±0.04%, 조단백질 21.1±0.19%, 조지방 0.35±0.02% 함 유되었다. 붉은팥 원물 1%, 3%, 5%와 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P 3% (v/v)를 접종하여 0, 24, 48, 72시간 배양 하였다. 배양액의 총균수를 측정한 결과 붉은팥 원물을 3% 첨가한 후 72시간 배양군에서 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P 발효가 가장 적합하였다. 발효 시간에 증가함에 따라 총 폴리페놀 함량과 DPPH 라디칼 소거활성이 증가하였다. Protease 활성은 붉은팥 원물 5% 첨가한 후 72시간 배양한 군(2.69±0.003 unit/mL)에서 활성이 가장 높았다. 발효시간과 붉은팥 원물 첨가 농도가 증가함에 따라 α -amylase 활성도 증가하였으며, 붉은팥 원물 5% 첨가한 후 72시간 배양한 군에서 0시간 배양군(1.0±0.1 unit/mL) 보다 26.0±0.2 unit/mL로 증가하였다. Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P로 72시간 배양한 후 유리아미노산을 측정한 결과 leucine은 붉은팥 원물 5% 첨가한 0시간 배양군 5.22 mg/L 에서 67.59 mg/L로 증가하였으며, 비필수아미노산인 tyrosine은 5% 첨가 0시간 배양군 10.08 mg/L에서 259.35 mg/L로 증가하였다. 이와 같이 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P로 붉은팥을 발효하면 항산화 활성, protease 효소활성, 및 α-amylase 효소 활성이 증가하였으며, 유리아미노 산과 유기산이 증가하였다. 붉은팥을 발효하는데 Bacillus subtilis KCCM 11965P가 적합할 것으로 판단되며, 붉은팥은 프로바이오틱스를 활성화시켜 장 건강을 증진시킬 수 있는 프리바이오틱스 소재로 개발할 수 있는 가능성을 시사 하였다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Present study aimed to determine the effect of ‘bitter melon’, a popularly used fruit in Bangladesh and several other Asian countries, on high-fat-diet-induced type 2 diabetes. To investigate the effect, ethanol extract from bitter melon (BME) as a dietary supplement with mouse chow was used. BME was found to significantly attenuate the high-fat diet (HFD) -induced body weight and total fat mass. BME also effectively reduced the insulin resistance induced by the HFD. Furthermore, dietary supplementation of BME was highly effective in increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing hepatic fat and obesity. These results indicate that BME could be effective in attenuating type 2 diabetes and could therefore be a preventive measure against type 2 diabetes.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, hair loss, which has been regarded as a mere means of middle-aged men due to stress and environmental pollution. The market for hair loss in Korea is about four trillion won and it is growing continuously. It is mainly made by mixing natural extracts such as medicinal plant. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ethanol extracts of Houttuynia cordata Thunb. whole plant and Calendula officinalis L. flower extracts on the growth of fibroblasts, dermal papilla cells and lipid precursors, I want to try to make a materialization. Methods and Results : The cytotoxicity of each sample extracts treated with 50%, 100%, and 500 μg to fibroblasts, cell-viability were 107.3%, 109.6%, and 128.2%, respectively. The cytotoxicity of each sample to the dermal papilla cells was not observed. And the lipid differentiation of the lipogenic precursor cells which regulates the hairegeneration by secretion of the platelet derived growth factor. The 70% ethanol extracts of H. cordata whole plant and C. officinalis flower were showed promotes the hair growth activity. The lipolysis rate was significantly increased with increasing treatment concentration Conclusion : As a result of this study, in-vitro hair growth activity of herbal medicines for hair treatment material development was not shown to be toxic to each cell. And 70% ethanol extract of H. cordata whole plant stimulated lipid precursor cells inducing differentiation. As a result, the 70% ethanol extracts of H. cordata whole plant and C. officinalis flower have potential to developing hair-related product.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ancanthopanax senticosus Fruits Extracts were studied in order to develop as functional pigment. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties and biological activity. Methods and Results : Ancanthopanax senticosus fruits extracts were extracted by the rate of ethanol and distilled water in 1% citric acid. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties by chromaticity, total sugar content, free sugar content, acidity, total anthocyanin contents. Total sugar and acidity were 0.10 brix and 0.44% respectively. Fructose and glucose were 1.54% and 0.36% respectively. The 60% ethanol extracts showed the highest extraction yield and total anthocyanin content. The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of 60% and 80% ethanol extracts higher than other extracts. Conclusion : These results suggest that Ancanthopanax senticosus fruits extracts may be useful purple pigment for anti-diabetes activity.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Aerial parts of Angelica gigas were studied in order to develop as functional pigment. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties and biological activity. Methods and Results : Aerial parts of Angelica gigas were extracted by the rate of ethanol and distilled water. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties by chromaticity, total sugar content, free sugar content, acidity, chlorophyll and carotenoids contents. Total sugar and acidity were 0.90 brix and 2.84% respectively. Chlorophyll and carotenoids contents were 0.24 and 0.04% respectively. The extracts were evaluated for biological activity by anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetes activity. Cell viabilities were measured by MTT assay. Effect of extracts on nitric oxide (NO) production from RAW264.7 cells was accessed by Griess reagent assay. Extracts to RAW 264.7 cells reduced amounts of nitrite by 76.0%. Conclusion : These results suggest that aerial parts of Angelica gigas Nakai may be useful pigment for anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetes activity.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : As a part of ongoing research to elucidate and characterize anti-inflammatory nutraceuticals, six kinds of plant extracts (aerial part of Nepeta cataria, leaves of Lonicera maackii, leaves of Platycarya strobilacea, flower of Fagopyrum dibotrys, flowers and fruits of Solanum nigrum, stem of Physostegia virginiana) were tested for their ability to suppress inflammation. The anti-inflammatory has been studied in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated RAW264.7 cells which cells synthesized nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). In this study, NO synthesis inhibitory activity of six kinds of plant extracts on LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 mouse macrophages was evaluated. Methods and Results : Six kinds of plant extracts were parceled out from RDA (Rural Development Administration). RAW 264.7 cells (1.5×105 cells/well) were seeded onto 96-well plates with DMEM media containing 10% FBS and 1% antibiotics. The cells were pretreated with the extracts and LPS-stimulated cells for 24 h. Cellular NO production was stimulated by adding 1 μg/mL of LPS. After incubation, Griess reagent was used to determine NO production. Absorbance was measured at 520 nm by microplate reader. NO synthesis inhibitory activity potential of these extracts was evaluated by assessing NO production by LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells in the presence. As a result, inhibition rate of NO production was about 40% of L. maackii, 33% of F. dibotrys, 23% of P. strobilacea and 17% of P. virginiana. Meanwhile, there was no significant results in aerial part of N. cataria and flowers and fruits of S. nigrum. Conclusion : From the above results, we be able to confirm that leaves of L. maackii and flower of F. dibotrys appeared dose-dependent NO synthesis inhibitory activity and leaves of P. strobilacea appeared NO synthesis inhibitory activity in low-concentration. As screening NO synthesis inhibition of six extracts, they may be a good candidate for delaying the progression of human inflammatory diseases and warrants further studies.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng berry(GB) is useful not only just in growing source but also in functional food source. The ingredients of crops varies with the maturity. So, GB ingredients need to be analyse for optimal harvesting stage of GB against appropriate use. Methods and Results : This study was carried out to determine optimal harvesting stage of GB. GB was harvested 5 day periods from July 12, started harvesting when pollination was 50 days old, until August 1. GB was analysed color, ginsenosides and fatty acids using colorimeter, LC and GC, respectively. As the majority of GB increase, color of freeeze drying GB powder were changed that lightness and yellowness was increased, redness was decreased. Ginsenoside Re, Rb1 and Rb2, major ginsenoside in GB, were increased and Ginsenoside F1, Rk1 and Rg5, minor ginsenoside, were increased for a time and then decreased. Oleic acid, the main fatty acid in GB, was decreased, and linoleic acid and total fatty acid content was increased to July 27 and then decreased. Conclusion : Total ginsenosides content was the highest on August 1 and total fatty acid content was the highest July 27. As the majority of GB increase, ratio of oleic acid on total fatty acid was decreased and linoleic acid was increased. Thus, GB is that the longer a harvest period and the more useful for food source.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Clematis trichotoma is a deciduous climber belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. This study was carried out to survey the effect of shading levels on growth characteristics in Clematis trichotoma seedling. Methods and Results : Seeds were collected from plants growing in the Mt. Kariwang Jeongseon, Gangwon-do in October 2013, and they were sown to 96 cell plug tray filled with Peatmoss (TKS-2) soil at March, 2015. The experiment was performed with four different shading levels (0, 30, 60, 90%) at July, 2015. According to the experiment, plant height was the highest under 90% of shading. It was found that fresh weight and dry weight of clematis trichotoma were the highest under 90% of shading. The leaf number was the highest under 30% of shading. The leaf number decreased as the shading level increased. Root number and length were the highest under 90% of shading. Conclusion : According to the results, Clematis trichotoma seedling showed the highest growth under 90% shading.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Scrophularia koraiensis is a herbaceous perennials belonging to the family Scrophulariaceae. This study was carried out to survey the effect of LED on root develop characteristics in Scrophularia koraiensis seedling. Methods and Results : Seeds were collected from plants growing in the Mt. Kariwang Jeongseon, Gangwon-do in September 2014, and they were sown to 128 cell plug tray filled with Peatmoss (TKS-2) soil at March, 2015. The experiment was performed with three different LED (Blue, Red, Blue + Red) at July, 2015. Morphological characteristics of root (total root length, root projet area, root surface area, root diameter and root volume) were analyzed with WinRHIZO software. Seedling root growth of scrophularia koraiensis was surveyed to be the highest at the Blue + Red LED in all measuring. Total root length was measured high in the order of Blue + Red, Red, Blue LED. Conclusion : According to the results, Scrophularia koraiensis seedling showed the highest root growth in Blue + Red LED.
        2015.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        DGCR8 is a RNA-binding protein working with DROSHA to produce pre-microRNA in the nucleus, while DICER does not only mature microRNA but also endogenous siRNAs in the cytoplasm. Here, we have produced Dgcr8 conditional knock-out mice using progesterone receptor (PR)-Cre (Dgcr8flox/flox; PRcre/+ mice, Dgcr8d/d) and demonstrated that canonical microRNAs dependent of DROSHA-DGCR8 complex are required for uterine development as well as female fertility in mice. Adult Dgcr8d/d females did not undergo regular reproductive cycle and produce any pups when housed with fertile males, whereas administration of exogenous gonadotropins induced normal ovulation with corpus luteal formation in these mice. Ovulated oocytes from Dgcr8d/d mice had comparable fertilization potentials and were normally developed to the blastocyst after fertilization as compared to those in control Dgcr8f/f mice. Interestingly, PR-Cre-dependent Dgcr8 deletion showed aberrant infiltration of acute inflammatory immune cells to female reproductive organs only when Dgcr8d/d mice were mated with male mice. With respect to uterine development, gross morphology, histology, and weight of Dgcr8d/d uterus were similar to those of control at 3-week-old age. However, multiple uterine abnormalities were noticeable at 4-week-old age when PR expression is significantly increased, and these deformities became severe onwards. Gland formation and myometrial layers were significantly reduced, and stromal cell compartment did not expand and became atrophic during uterine development in these mice. These results were consistent with aberrantly reduced cell proliferation in stromal cell compartments of Dgcr8d/d mice. Collectively, our results suggest that DGCR8 dependent-canonical microRNAs are essential for development and physiology of the uterus with respect to morphogenesis, proper immune modulation, reproductive cycle, and steroid hormone responsiveness in mice.
        2014.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to evaluate the role of D-dimer in terminal cancer patients. Among 343 incurable cancer patients, only 4 patients (2.8%) had normal D-dimer levels, and the majority (n=115, 81.0%) had levels >2.0 μg/mL. The survival time was significantly differed according to D-dimer levels with a median of 48 days when D-dimer levels were <2 μg/mL and 19 days when D-dimer levels were higher. D-dimer levels were negatively correlated with survival according to Spearman’s rank correlation analysis (coefficient -0.335, p<0.001). In terminal cancer patients, D-dimer concentrations did exhibit prog-nostic significance.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TCR subunits are members of membrane-bound receptors which allow the fast and efficient elimination of the specific fish pathogens have regulated function in adaptive immunity. Sequence structure of TCR subunits have been reported for various teleosts, but the information of each TCR subunit functional characterization through expression analysis in fish was unknown. In this study, we examined the gene expression of TCR subunits in the early developmental stages and observed transcript levels in various tissues from healthy adult olive flounder by RT-PCR. The mRNA expression of alpha subunit was already detected in the previous hatching step. But the transcripts of another TCR subunit were not observed during embryo development and increased after hatching and maintained until metamorphosis at the same level. It was found that all TCR subunits mRNAs are commonly expressed in the immune-related organ such as spleen, kidney and gill, also weak expressed in fin and eye. TCR alpha and beta subunit were expressed in brain, whereas gamma and delta were not expressed same tissue. The sequence alignment analysis shows that there are more than 80% sequence homology between TCR subunits. Because it has a high similarity of amino acid sequence to expect similar in function, but expression analysis show that will have may functional diversity due to different time and place of expression.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The innate immune system is the only defense weapon that invertebrates have, and it is the fundamental defense mechanism for fish. The innate immune response is important in newly hatched flounders because it is closely involved in the initial feeding phase, which is why it is essential for survival during the juvenile period. The expression analysis of genes involved in the innate immune response in the olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) in the days after hatching is incomplete. Therefore, we have begun to examine the expression patterns of genes specifically induced during the development of the innate immune system in newly hatched flounders. Microscopic observation showed that pronephron formation corresponded with the expression of perforin-encoding gene. These results suggest that perforin plays a vital role in the innate immunity of the kidney during developmental stages. Perforin expression was strong at the start of the development of the innate immune response, and continued throughout all the development stages. Our findings have important implications with respect to perforin’s biological role and the evolution of the first defense mechanisms in olive flounder. Further studies are required to elucidate the perforin-mediated innate immunity response and to decipher the functional role of perforin in developmental stages.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fish larvae are immediately exposed to microbes from hatching to maturation of their lymphoid organs, therefore effective innate mechanisms is very important for survival in such an environment. The key component of innate immune system, C3 is central protein of all activation pathways of the complement system, leading to inflammatory reactions, such as opsonisation, chemotaxis, and cell lysis of pathogens. Although, innate mechanisms is essential for survival in the early stage of development, little is known about defence mechanisms. In this study, the alignment analysis showed that amino acid sequence of C3 from olive flounder liver EST homologous to other known C3 sequences with 73-99% identity. Also, we examined the tissue distribution of olive flounder C3 and analyzed expression pattern from the fertilized egg until 28 days post hatching. As a result, olive flounder C3 mRNA was expressed only in the liver and the mRNA level more increased as developmental proceed during the early stage. These results may suggest that olive flounder C3 plays an important function in the early immune response of olive flounder larvae.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) is one of the commercial important flatfish species in Korea. The ocular signal transduction pathway is important in newly hatched flounders because it is closely involved in the initial feeding phase thus essential for survival during the juvenile period. However, the study of gene expression during ocular development is incomplete in olive flounder. Therefore we examined the expression analysis of specifically induced genes during the development of the visual system in newly hatched flounders. We searched ocular development-involved gene in the database of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from olive flounder eye and this gene similar to arrestin with a partial sequence homology. Microscopic observation of retinal formation corresponded with the time of expression of the arrestin gene in the developmental stage. These results suggest that arrestin plays a vital role in the visual signal transduction pathway of the retina during ocular development. The expression of arrestin was strong in the ocular system during the entirety of the development stages. Our findings regarding arrestin have important implications with respect to its biological role and evolution of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling in olive flounder. Further studies are required on the GPCR-mediated signaling pathway and to decipher the functional role of arrestin.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cathepsins are members of the multigene family of lysosomal cysteine proteinases and have regulated function in several life processes. The potential role of cathepsin F cysteine gene was expected as protease in the yolk processing mechanism during early developmental stage, but expression analysis was unknown after fertilization. The alignment analysis showed that amino acid sequence of cathepsin F from olive flounder liver expressed sequence tag (EST) homologous to cathepsin F of other known cathepsin F sequences with 87-98% identity. In this study, we examined the gene expression analysis of cathepsin F in various tissues at variety age flounder. Tissue distribution of the cathepsin F mRNA has been shown to be ubiquitous and constitutive pattern regardless of age in each group, although derived from cDNA library using liver sample. The mRNA level of cathepsin F more increased as developmental proceed during embryogenesis and early developmental stage, especially increased in the blastula, hatching stage and 3 days post hatching (dph). As a result, it may suggest that the proteolysis of yolk proteins (YPs) has been implicated as a mechanism for nutrient supply during early larval stages in olive flounder.
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