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        검색결과 116

        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Extravasation is the accidental injection or leakage of fluid into the subcutaneous or perivascular tissues. Some drugs can cause serious injury such as severe tissue injury, necrosis, and etc. Here we report a case of chemical burn by sodium bicarbonate extravasation due to accidental venous puncture during arterial cannulation. A 42-years-old woman has taken emergency laparotomy surgery due to a stab wound to the abdomen. Massive blood loss has developed, and consequently vital signs were unstable and metabolic acidosis has developed. Sodium bicarbonate has administered via a peripheral intravenous line on the dorsal vein of a right hand that runs to the cephalic vein. However, the cephalic vein that runs by the side of the radial artery has punctured accidentally during the attempt of right radial artery cannulation. Second degree superficial and deep chemical burn by sodium bicarbonate extravasation has developed. Skin lesion about 3 × 4 cm2 with erythema and bullae formation has developed. There were no necrotic changes and the digital sensation was intact. Wet dressing and silicon foam dressing were prescribed. After two weeks, she was discharged. Until then, dermis exposure about 1 × 1 cm2 remained although the skin lesions became getting well.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This experiment was carried out to investigate the occurrence of disease and pest and the yield depending on cultivation methods in Cynanchum wilfordii. Methods and Results : There were damages by anthracnose, aphid, mite, thrips, Gastrophysa atrocyanea, Tropidothorax cruciger and Metcalfa pruinosa. In the case of anthracnose, the number of damaged leaf in the untreated control plot per counting area (67.5 ㎡) was 8.6 times higher than that of chemical treated plot. As a result of investigation of shoot damage and leaf juice damage by Tropidothorax cruciger, which made the most obvious damage symptom, showed the significantly lower degree of damage in the treatments of insecticides (abamectin, suloxac flour liquid wettable powder). In addition to the pest damage, the yield of roots was investigated. As a result, it was found that the yields were 3.8 ㎏, 2.6 ㎏, 1.7 ㎏ and 1.4 ㎏ per 8.5 ㎡ respectively in vine scheme cultivation with chemical control, vine scheme cultivation with non-chemical control, non-vine scheme cultivation with chemical control and non-vine scheme cultivation with non-chemical control. Conclusion : The yield per 1,000 ㎡ was 449 ㎏, which was 1.9 times higher than the national average of three years in vine scheme cultivation with chemical control.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study aimed to determine the use of proper organic fertilizer through side dressing application in the environmental cultivation of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. to improve farming income. Methods and Results : In the cultivation of eco-friendly and environmental medicinal plant like Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara., it is necessary to use organic instead of chemical fertilizer. Organic fertilizers such as HL, CK, OK were applied three (3) times during the last ten days of July, August, and September. There was no significant difference between CF and NT, in terms of the number of rooting per 1㎡ which was 12.1 -12.9. There were also no significant differences in plant length, leaf length, leaf width and dry weight. The root length was 19.9 ㎝, which was the longest in CK, and 16.8 ㎝, the shortest in ST, but described as no significant difference. The root width was 14.8 – 5.5 ㎜, and the number of rootlet was 5.7 - 7.1, but was considered not a significant difference. The dry weight was 16.6 g in HL, 16.3 g in CK and ST, and 15.6 g in OK, but still there were no significant differences observed. However, it was 14.6 g in NT, which was considered the lowest, thus there was a significant difference. The number of dry root per 10 a was 149 ㎏ which is considered the most in HL, 141 ㎏ in CK, 140 ㎏ in ST, and 138kg in OK yet there were no significant differences observed. While NT only had 123 ㎏ hence, there was a significant difference on the number of dry root per 10a as compared with the group applied with the three organic fertilizers. Conclusion : In conclusion, it is proper to use Organic Fertilizer HL and CK through side dressing application in growing Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This project was conducted to determine proper seed harvest time and seed storage methods of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. Methods and Results : When Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. transplanted this year, seeding can only be done the following year. Therefore, the seeds harvested in the interval of ten (10) days were investigated for seed harvest amount, germination rate, seed storage temperature and storing on container, between the period late August and mid-October. It is when the seed fructification started and ended. The seeds harvested from the first ten (10) days of October to mid October were 87.9% in whole seeds. The proper seed harvesting time was mid October which has a germination rate of 75% in whole seed harvest time. The lowest germination rate of 27.3% was at the germination temperature of 15℃. As the temperature rises, the germination rate increases. In 29℃, the germination rate was at 79% which is the highest; and from 30℃, the germination rate decreased to 71%. When the storage temperature was at 0℃ after storage of 5 months, the germination rate was at 83%. However, after storage of 12 months, it decreased by 7% that was 76%. When in 4℃, after storage of 5 months the germination rate was at 85%. However, after storage of 12 months it decreased by 8% which was 77%. In room temperature after storage of 5 months, germination rate was at 77%, but after storage of 12 months it decreased by 22% which was 55%. When seeds were stored in vinyl container, it was observed that the germination rate was at 86% after 5 months of storage, which was 9% higher than seed stored in paper which was 77%. After 12 months storage, seed in vinyl container had a germination rate of 71%, which was 3% higher than seed in paper at 68%. Conclusion : It is concluded that the proper time of seed gathering of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. is during the first ten (10) days of October to mid-October. When the long time storage is needed, below zero temperature with vinyl container is more appropriate.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was carried out to provide the basic data for selection of excellent resources and true seeds of southern medicinal plant (Camellia japonica). Methods and Results : Camellia japonica seedlings (measure in October, seeding in May) were 7.4 leaves, 1.0 g leaf dry weight, 6.7 ㎝ stem length, 2.9 ㎜ stem diameter, 0.3 g stem dry weight, 17.3 ㎝ root length, 1.0 g root dry weight, 2.0 g plant dry weight and 1.4. T/R ratio. Leaf number, leaf dry weight, stem diameter and root dry weight were higher than average after 1.21 g of seed weight. Stem length was higher than average after 1.01 g of seed weight, plant dry weight was higher than average after 0.81 g of seed weight, and stem dry weight was higher than average after 0.61 g of seed weight. Seedling growth was good when the seeds were heavy, and T/R ratio tended to decrease when the seeds were heavy. Conclusions : In order to mass-produce of seedlings using Camellia japonica seeds, it was necessary to specify the weight and size of the seeds.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was carried out to provide the basic data for selection of excellent resources and true seeds of southern medicinal plant (Camellia japonica). Methods and Results : The germination rate at room temperature and 4℃ dry storage did not show a tendency according to seed weight. The germination rate of 4℃ wet sand storage increased with seed weight but showed very low germination rate at 120 days of storage. The germination rate at 4℃ wet filter paper storage was higher than 80% in 60 days, 90 days and 120 days storage, and there was no difference in germination rate with seed weight. The mean number of germination days was about 30 days in average at room temperature and 4℃ dry storage, but wet storage (sand, filter paper) was short as about 13 days. Conclusions : The seeding of Camellia japonica seeds (last autumn harvest) in the spring of the next year was evaluated as the most efficient way to 4℃ wet filter paper storage
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : In previous studies, adlay seeds showed a prevalence of diversified fungal flora with the predominant fungal genera being Fusarium (45.6%) and In vitro test showed that fungal toxins like Fumonisin and Zearalenone were produced by Fusarium fujikuroi, F. asiaticum and F. graminearum. Because of this we performed experiments to selecting disinfective chemicals for controlling the Fusarium contamination in the adlay seed. Methods and Results : We carried out the chemical efficacy test such as seed disinfectants selection test appling before planting and pesticides selection test using in the earing season. In the present study, eleven different commercially available seed disinfectant were applied to the adlay seeds. Among 11 seed disinfectants, Hexaconazole+Prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate (EC) and Prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate (EC) had control value of 80% or above against Fusarium species tested. In the pesticides selection test, seven different commercially available pesticides for Fusarium blight (Scab) control were applied and we observed that Metconazole suspension concentrate(SC) strongly inhibited the mycelial growth of 10 Fusarium species all. Conclusion : From the above results, we selected Hexaconazole+Prochloraz EC and Prochloraz EC as a seed disinfectants and Metconazole SC as a pesticide using in the earing season for Scab control.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This experiment was conducted to select GAP applying seed disinfectants in Astragalus membranaceus and Platycodon grandiflorum. Methods and Results : We carried out the chemical efficacy and injury test. For the efficacy test, we investigated fungal detection rate by seed disinfectants and for the chemical injury, we investigated germination rate and emergence rate by seed disinfectants in reference amount and fold amount. These experiments carried out two times. The results obtained are as follows. In the experiment for seed disinfectants selection of Astragalus membranaceus, all tested chemicals such as Tebuconazole emulsifiable concentrate(EC), Thiophanate-methyl + Triflumizole wettable powder(WP), Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole suspension concentrate(SC), Prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate(EC), Fludioxonil wetting liquid(WL) and Hexaconazol+Prochloraz emulsifiable concentrate(EC) had control value of 80% or above against seed contaminated fungi. However two chemicals such as Tebuconazole EC and Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole SC and two chemicals such as Prochloraz EC and Hexaconazol+Prochloraz EC exhibited chemical injury significantly in reference amount and in fold amount respectively, compared to non treated control. In the case of seed disinfectants selection of Platycodon grandiflorum, Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole SC, Prochloraz EC and Hexaconazol+Prochloraz EC had control value of above 80% against seed contaminated fungi except Thiophanate-methyl+Triflumizole WP and Fludioxonil WL. However Hexaconazol+Prochloraz EC and Prochloraz copper chloride complex+Tebuconazole SC exhibited chemical injury significantly in reference amount and in fold amount respectively, compared to non treated control. Conclusion : From the above results, we finally selected three items of seed disinfectants including Thiophanate-methyl+Triflumizole WP and Fludioxonil WL in Astragalus membranaceus and Prochloraz emulsion in Platycodon grandiflorum.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. is one of the important oriental medicinal herbs being used to cure lung/respiratory diseases. It belongs to the five Sam (ginseng) including Panax ginseng, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Sophora flavescens, and Scrophularia buergeriana. In 2015, Korea produced 72 tons of medicinal herbs in a 14-hectare area and imported 24 tons valued at US$95,000. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of several biopesticides to control leaf spot of A. triphylla var. japonica Hara. Methods and Results : One year plants at the Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA were used. The treatments used biopesticides such as plant extracts (BP), microbial agent (DM), microbial agent (PJ), sulfur powder (HS), and controlled chemicals (ST), while non treatment (NT) was used as control. After the early part of disease outbreak, the plants were treated four times with 7 days interval. The incidence of leaf spot, efficacy, phytotoxicity and control value were investigated. Based on the efficacy test, incidence of leaf spot is lowest at 15.6% in plant extracts (BP). Other biopesticides showed higher incidence - 16.7% for microbial agent (DM), 17.8% for microbial agent (PJ), 18.9% for sulfur powder (HS) and 71.1% for non treatment (NT), compared with 11.1% in controlled chemicals (ST). The microbial agent (PJ), sulfur powder (HS), plant extracts (BP) and microbial agent (DM) were not damaged in the phytotoxicity test. In the test of application dose, time and methods, the control value was highest in plant extracts (BP) at 78.1%, followed by microbial agent (DM) at 76.6%, microbial agent (PJ) at 75.0%, and sulfur powder (HS) at 73.4% , compared with controlled chemicals (ST) at 84.4%. Conclusion : It is possible to use biopesticides at the proper time to prevent leaf spot in Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. is used to cure respiratory/ lung diseases, which makes it an important oriental medicinal herb. It is one of the five Sam (ginseng), which includes Panax ginseng, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Sophora flavescens, and Scrophularia buergeriana. In 2015, Korea imported 24 tons of medicinal herbs worth US$95,000. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of several mulching materials on the growth and root yield of A. triphylla var. japonica using organic fertilizer. Methods and Result : Seeds of A. triphylla var. japonica were collected at the nursery of the Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA in 2015. Mulching materials used are black plastic, black woven fabric, and biodegradable plastic. Hand weeding was done to serve as control. The soil was fertilized two months before planting. Seeds of A. triphylla var. japonica were sowed in tray in early March and were allowed to grow for two months. It was planted in early May with planting density of 30 ㎝ x 15 ㎝ and was covered with various mulching materials. Parameters investigated are survival rate, aerial part and root growth characteristics, and yield at harvest time. Results showed that biodegradable plastic is most favorable for plant growth with height of 17.2cm, leaf length of 13.4cm and leaf width of 5.6 ㎝. Dry plant weight was heaviest in biodegradable plastic treatment at 2.8 g, and lightest at 2.5 g when planted without mulch. Biodegradable plastic has the highest dry root weight of 19.3 g, followed by black vinyl (18.4 g), woven fabric (18.3 g) and without mulch (17.9 g). The yield obtained per 10 a was highest in biodegradable plastic treatment at 174 ㎏, while black vinyl and woven fabric treatments produced 169 ㎏ and 160 ㎏, respectively. Plants without mulch had the lowest yield of 157 ㎏. Conclusion : In the above results, biodegradable plastic and woven fabric are considered suitable mulching materials for the cultivation of A. triphylla var. japonica.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Curcuma longa L., in the family Zingiberaceae, is distributed in tropical and/or sub-tropical regions mainly in India and China. This species is commonly called turmeric, powder is used as medicinal herbs and/or flavor enhancer. It has been cultivated in southern region mainly Jindo. However, it might be possible to extend cultivation regions due to rise in average temperature. In order to select superior lines based on agronomic characteristics, we analyzed multivariate and estimated selection effects from C. longa germplasm. Methods and Results : The C. longa germplasm were cultivated in an experimental field located in Eumseong, NIHHS, RDA. The harvested roots were investigated in agronomic characteristics included in yield and then considered its relationship among the 9 germplasm by multivariate analysis method. Results from principal component analysis (PCoA) showed that it represented 70.00% and 80.44% accumulated explanation from four and five principal compounds (PC). PCoA was conducted from 9 agronomic characteristics and then correlation coefficient has been showed by analysis between each main component value and agronomic characteristics. Value of the first PC was 2.25, 24.96% explanation of total dispersion, plant height, number of rootlet and weight of rootlet were correlated with a somewhat higher level as 0.41, 0.43 and 0.52. Value of the fifth PC was 0.94, 10.43% explanation of total dispersion, the number of shoots was correlated with a higher level as 0.87. Selection effects with outstanding candidate lines including higher lines were estimated at 126.13% in yield. Conclusion : These data on multivariate based on agronomic characteristics will be give us invaluable breeding information by selection of superior lines.
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Cirsium japonicum seeds is the high price, less than 40% germination rate is low. There is a need for a method developed to increase seed germination rate increases consumption. Also, by measuring the harvest season each functional ingredients contents was performed to investigate the optimal timing harvest of ingredients that target. Methods and Results : Test materials were used Cirsium japonicum seeds harvested from late May until mid-June in medicinal testing ground. GA3(0, 25, 50, 100 ppm), Kinetin(0, 25, 50, 100 ppm) and KNO3(0, 25, 50, 100 ppm) of Growth regulator were treated, it examined the population grew more than 1 ㎜. Contents of functional components to harvest season analyzed by HPLC after pre-treatment harvested and drying the leaves and roots in late august until early November. Germination rate of the growth regulator treatment was higher by 52% from the full ripening brown seeds GA3 100 ppm, 56% in the Kinetin 50 ppm, KNO3 treatment in 52% germination in 25 mM. The white seed germination rate was low at less than 10% of all growth regulator treatment. Functional ingredient content of leaf according to harvest time were higher respectively Rutin is 8.61 ug/g in late october, apigenin is 59.6 ug/g in beginning november, quercetin is 8.61 ug/g in beginning september, kaemferol is 32.9 ug/g in late september. Very low content in roots, there was no significant difference. The main ingredient silymarin was highest 4.36 ㎎/g at the late september in case of leaf, and syringin was maintained at a high level from mid-september to early october. Conclusion : Seed germination is thought to be able to increase the germination through the growth regulator treatment and assort brown seed. Functional components according to the harvest time is determined to be able to improve effective component when processing harvest to select a high yield by the component for the purpose.
        2015.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Harmonized actions of ovarian estrogen (E2) and progesterone (P4) regulate cell proliferation and differentiation in the uterus with a spatiotemporal manner. Imbalance between the actions and levels of two major regulators often lead to infertility and gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis and endometrial cancer. While numerous works have shown that reduced expression and/or deletion of uterine factors associated with P4 signaling could disturb uterine physiology, local factor(s) to mediate E2 actions has not been extensively studied yet. Here we demonstrate that early growth response 1 (Egr1), a transcription factor which is rapidly induced in the uterus by E2, is required to maintain coordinated actions of E2 and P4 for uterine receptivity for embryo implantation. Given exogenous gonadotrophins to overcome LHβ deficiency in the pituitary of Egr1(-/-) mice, ovulation, fertilization and embryo development normally occurred in these mice. However, they showed complete failure of embryo implantation with reduced uterine responses to artificial decidualization stimuli. While serum levels of E2 and P4 in Egr1(-/-) mice were comparable, genes regulated by E2 and/or P4 in uterine epithelial cells (ECs) were aberrantly expressed on day 4 of pregnancy. Impaired P4 signaling along with absence of PR in ECs caused hypersensitive E2 responses shown as enhanced expression of E2-responsive genes such Muc1 and Ltf as well as reduced levels of P4-dependent genes, such as Ihh and Areg, in ECs of Egr1(-/-) mice. This is consistent with persistent proliferation in ECs and severely impaired proliferation in stromal cells (SCs) in Egr1(-/-) mice treated with E2+P4. Furthermore, primary co-culture of Egr1(-/-) ECs with Egr1(+/+) SCs and vice versa supported a notion that Egr1 itself is required for proper responses to two major regulators, E2 and P4, in both uterine cell compartments. Collectively, our results show that E2-induced Egr1 participates in P4-dependent modulation on E2 activities in the uterus by regulating a spectrum of genes essential for uterine receptivity and embryo implantation.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is the most frequently used serum for the cultivation of mammalian cells. However, since animal-derived materials might not be appropriate due to safety issues, allogeneic human serum (HS) has been used to replace FBS, particularly for the culture of human cells. While there has been a debate about the advantages of HS, its precise effect on human adult stem cells have not been clarified. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of HS on the human eyelid adipose stem cells (HEACs) in vitro. When HEACs were cultivated in a medium containing 10% HS, many cells moved into several spots and aggregated there. The phenomenon was observed as early as 9 days following 10% HS treatment, and 12 days following 5% HS plus 5% FBS treatment. However, the aggregation was never observed when the same cells were cultivated with 10% FBS or bovine serum albumin. To examine whether cell density might affect the aggregation, cells were seeded with different densities on 12-well dish. Until the beginning of aggregation, cells seeded at low densities exhibited the longest culture period of 16 days whereas cells seeded at high densities showed the shortest period of 9 days to form aggregation. The number of cells was as the least for the low density group, and as the greatest for the high density group. When human cord blood serum or normal bovine serum was examined for the same effect on HEACs, interestingly, cord blood serum induced the aggregation of cells whereas bovine serum treatment has never induced. When cells were cultivated with 10% HS for 9 days, they were obtained and analyzed by RT-PCR. Compared to FBS-cultivated HEACs, HS-cultivated HEACs did not express VIM, and less expressed GATA4, PALLD. On the other hand, HS-cultivated HEACs expressed MAP2 more than FBS-cultivated HEACs. In conclusion, human adult stem cells could move and form aggregates by the treatment with human body fluids.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The antioxidant potential and enzyme activities in Salicornia herbacea, Corylopsis coreana, Erythronium japonicum, Phragmites communis, Momordica Charantia, Nelumbo nucifera, Salvia plebeia, Portulaca oleracea, Ficus carica, Citrus junos and Cornus officinalis were determined. Their antioxidant activities were measured using DPPH radical scavenging and nitrite scavenging activity. Enzyme activities in investigated plants were evaluated as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX). The DPPH scavenging rate from 100 to 2500 mgL-1 was the highest in the flower of Corylopsis coreana. However, it was not detected in most of the samples at concentration below 100 mgL-1. The nitrite scavenging activity according to each kind of resource plants was significantly higher in the stem of Corylopsis coreana and leaf of Nelumbo nucifera. The root extract of Erythronium japonicum had the highest SOD enzyme activity of 94.0% while leaf of Salvia plebeia showed the lowest SOD enzyme activity of 30.4%. The activity of CAT and APX showed higher values in the stem of Corylopsis coreana, root of Erythronium japonicum and root of Phragmites communis in comparison with other plants. The activity of POD showed significantly high values in stem of Corylopsis coreana, Momordica Charantia and pericarp of Citrus junos extracts. The antioxidant enzyme activities differ significantly in different plants. In conclusion, we showed that Corylopsis coreana, Erythronium japonicum Cornus officinalis, and Momordica Charantia had the potent biological activities. Therefore, these plant resources showing antioxidant activity could be good materials for development of source of functional healthy food.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Human eyelid adipose-derived stem cells (hEAs) and amniotic mesenchymal stem cells (hAMs) are very valuable sources for the cell therapeutics. Both types of cells have a great proliferating ability in vitro and a multipotency to differentiate into adipocytes, osteoblasts and chondrocytes. In the present study, we evaluated their stem cell characteristics after long-time cryopreservation for 6, 12 and 24 months. When frozen-thawed cells were cultivated in vitro, their cumulative cell number and doubling time were similar to freshly prepared cells. Also they expressed stem cell-related genes of SCF, NANOG, OCT4, and TERT, ectoderm-related genes of NCAM and FGF5, mesoderm/endoderm-related genes of CK18 and VIM, and immune-related genes of HLA-ABC and 2M. Following differentiation culture in appropriate culture media for 2-3 weeks, both types of cells exhibited well differentiation into adipocyte, osteoblast, and chondrocyte, as revealed by adipogenic, osteogenic or chondrogenic-specific staining and related genes, respectively. In conclusion, even after long-term storage hEAs and hAMs could maintain their stem cell characteristics, suggesting that they might be suitable for clinical application based on stem cell therapy.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ethanol treatment during the brain growth spurt period has been known to induce the death of Purkinje cells. The underlying molecular mechanisms and the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in triggering ethanol-induced Purkinje cell death are, however, largely unresolved. We undertook TUNEL staining, western blotting assay and immunohistochemistry for the cleaved forms of caspase-3 and -9, with calbindin D28K double immunostaining to identify apoptotic Purkinje cells. The possibility of ROS-induced Purkinje cell death was immunohistochemically determined by using anti-8-hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), a specific cellular marker for oxidative damage. The results show that Purkinje cell death of PD 5 rat cerebellum following ethanol administration is mediated by the activation of caspase-3 and -9. However, unexpectedly, TUNEL staining did not reveal any positive Purkinje cells while there were some TUNEL-positive cells in the internal and external granular layer. 8-OHdG was detected in the Purkinje cell layers at 8 h, peaked at 12-24 h, but not at 30 h post-ethanol treatment. No 8-0HdG immunoreactive cells were detected in the internal and external granular layer. The lobule specific 8-OHdG staining patterns following ethanol exposure are consistent with that of ethanol-induced Purkinje cell loss. Thus, we suggest that ethanol-induced Purkinje cell death may not occur by the classical apoptotic pathway and oxidative damage is involved in ethanol-induced Purkinje cell death in the developing cerebellum.
        2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In particular, maternal prostacyclin (PGI2) is critical for embryo implantation and the action of PGI2 is not mediated via its G protein-coupled membrane receptor, IP, but its nuclear receptor, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ (PPARδ). Recently, several studies have shown that PGI2 enhances blastocyst development and/or hatching rate in vitro, and subsequently implantation and live birth rates in mice. However, the mechanism by which PGI2 improves preimplantation embryo development in vitro remains unclear. Using molecular, pharmacologic and genetic approaches, we show that PGI2-induced PPARδ activation accelerates blastocyst hatching in mice. mRNAs for PPARδ, RXRs (heterodimeric partners of PPARδ) and PGI2 synthase are temporally induced after zygotic gene activation and their expression reaches maximum levels at the blastocyst stage, suggesting that functional complex of PPARδ can be formed in the blastocyst. Carbaprostacyclin (cPGI, a stable analogue of PGI2) and GW501516 (a PPARδ selective agonist) significantly accelerated blastocyst hatching but did not increase total cell number of cultured blastocysts. Whereas U51605 (a PGIS inhibitor) interfered with blastocyst hatching, GW501516 restored U51605-induced retarded hatching. In contrast to improvement of blastocyst hatching by PPARδ agonists, PPAR antagonists significantly inhibited blastocyst hatching. Furthermore, deletion of PPARδ at early stages of preimplantation mouse embryos caused delay of blastocyst hatching, but did not impair blastocyst development. Taken together, PGI2-induced PPARδ activation accelerates blastocyst hatching in mice.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        멜론과 참외의 국내 소비 시장이 확대됨에 따라 다양한 F1 품종이 개발되고 있다. 멜론과 참외의 F1 품종의 순도를 검정하기 위해 포장재배 등의 순도검정법이 이용되고 있으나 시간과 노력이 매우 많이 소요되기 때문에 분자마커를 이용한 순도검정법의 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 멜론의 EST 염기정보로부터 30개의 SNP 프라이머 조합을 고안하여 멜론과 참외의 순도 검정을 위한 HRM분석방법을 개발하였다. 멜론 두 품종과 참외 한 품종의 양친 사이에 HR
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