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        검색결과 3,628

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Once decommissioning begins, it is expected that large amount of radioactive wastes will be produced in a short period of time. The expected amount of radioactive wastes from Kori unit 1 NPP are approximately 80,000 drums (base on 200 L). By minimizing the amount of radioactive wastes generated through decontamination and reduction, KHNP has set the final target for the amount of radioactive wastes to be delivered to the disposal site at approximately 14,500 drums. Here, plasma torch melting technology is an essential technology for radioactive wastes treatment during nuclear power plants decommissioning and operation, because of its large volume reduction effects and the diversity of disposable wastes. KEPCO KPS was able to secure experience in operating Plasma Torch Melter (PTM) by conducting a research service for ‘development of plasma torch melting system advancement technology’ at KHNP-CRI. This study will compare kilo and Mega-Watt class PTM, largely categorized into facility configurations, operating parameters, and waste treatment. Based on this study, it would be desirable to operate PTM with approximate capacity according to the frequency and amount of waste production, and suggest volume for a kilo and Mega-watt class plasma torch in the melting furnace respectively. This plays to its strengths for both a kilo and Mega-watt class PTM.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In light of recent significant seismic events in Korea and worldwide, there is an urgent need to reevaluate the adequacy of seismic assessments conducted during facility construction. This study reexamines the ongoing viability of the Safety Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) criteria assessment for the Combustible Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility (CRWTF) site at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI), originally established in 1994. To validate the SSE assessment, we delineated 13 seismic structure zones within the Korean Peninsula and employed two distinct methodologies. Initially, we updated earthquake occurrence data from 1994 to the present year (2023) to assess changes in the site’s horizontal maximum earthquake acceleration (g). Subsequently, we conducted a comparative analysis using the same dataset, contrasting the outcomes derived from the existing distance attenuation equation with those from the most recent attenuation equations to evaluate the reliability of the applied attenuation model. The Safety Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) criterion of 0.2 g remains unexceeded, even when considering recent earthquake events since the original evaluation in 1994. Furthermore, when applying various assessment equations developed subsequently, the maximum value obtained from the previously utilized ‘Donvan and Bornstein’ attenuation equation is 0.1496 g, closely resembling the outcome derived from the recently employed ‘Lee’ reduction equation of 0.1451 g. The SSE criteria for CRWTF remain valid in the current context, even in light of recent seismic occurrences such as the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake. Additionally, the attenuation equation employed in the evaluation consistently yields conservative results when compared to methodologies used in recent assessments. Consequently, the existing SSE criteria remain valid at present. This study is expected to serve as a valuable reference for confirming the SSE criterion assessment of similarly constructed facilities within KAERI.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Dry active wastes (DAWs) are combustible waste generated during the operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and are known to be generated in the amount of approximately 10,000 to 40,000 drums (based on 200 L) per unit. It consists of various types of protective clothing, paper, and plastic bags, and is stored in radioactive waste storage facilities. Therefore, reducing the volume of DAWs is an important issue in order to reduce storage costs and utilize the limited space of waste storage facilities. Heat treatment such as incineration can dramatically reduce the volume of waste, but as the waste is thermally decomposed, CO2, a global warming gas, is generated and there is a risk of emissions of harmful gases including radionuclides. Therefore, a heat treatment process that minimizes the generation of CO2 and harmful gases is necessary. One of the alternatives to incineration is to carbonize DAWs, dispose of carbonized materials below the release standard as non-radioactive waste, and selectively separate and stabilize inorganic components, including radionuclides, from carbonized DAWs. In this study, 13 types of DAWs generated from nuclear power plants were selected and their thermal decomposition characteristics were investigated to design a heat treatment process that replaces incineration. As a result of TGA analysis, the temperature at which thermal decomposition of each waste begins is 260-300°C for cotton, 320-330°C for paper, 315-420°C for synthetic fiber, 350°C for latex gloves. The mass of most samples decreased to less than 1 % of the initial weight after heat treatment, and dust suit and latex gloves had residues of 13.83% and 13.71% of the initial mass, respectively. The metal components of the residue produced after heat treatment of the sample were analyzed by EDS. According to the EDS results, cotton contains Ca and Al, paper contains Ca, Al and Si, synthetic fiber contains Ca, Cu and Ti, latex gloves contain Ca and Mg. Additionally, ICP analysis was performed to quantify the inorganic components. These results are expected to be applicable to the processing of DAW generated at nuclear facilities in the future.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Concentrated effluent and spent ion exchange resins (IERs) from nuclear power plants (NPPs) were generated prior to the establishment of a disposal facility site and waste acceptance criteria have been temporarily stored at the NPPs because their suitability for disposal has not been confirmed. In particular, at the Kori Unit 1, which was the first to start the commercial operation in South Korea, the initially generated concentrated effluent and IERs are repackaged in large size of concrete containers and stored without provided regulation standard. The concentrated effluent is package as cementitious form in 200 L drums and repackaged in concrete containers, case of the IERs were solidified or dehydrated and repackaged in round concrete container. In this study, we review and propose a disposal plan for concentrated effluent and IERs repackaging drums that have not been confirmed to be suitable for disposal from the first operating nuclear power plant, Kori Unit 1, 2. First, the concentrated effluent was stored in four 200 L drums respectively, and then, it was again stored in concrete container and which was poured on top using grouted concrete. Therefore, the process was required by cutting concrete container for extracting the internal drums at first. Internal radioactive waste should be crushed to the suitable waste criteria and solidified, finally disposal in to the polymer concrete high integrity container (PC-HIC). IER was repackaged and disposal in square type of 200 L concrete drums respectively covered the cap. So, extracting the internal drums should be extracted after removing the cap of external concrete container. Cement solidification drums can be crushed and re-solidified or disposed in the PC-HIC. Stored IER after dehydrated can be disposal in PC-HIC. In conclusion, the container was used as a package that repackaging the concentrated effluent and IER was separated into two different types of waste depending on the level of contamination of radioactivity, the polluted area is disposed of as radioactivity contamination or the unspoiled area will be treated as self-disposal waste.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive waste is typically disposed of using standard 200 and 320 L drums based on acceptance criteria. However, there have been no cases evaluating the disposal and suitability of 200 L steel drums for RI waste disposal. There has been a lack of prior assessments regarding the disposal and suitability of 200 L steel drums for the disposal of RI waste. Radioactive waste is transported to disposal facilities after disposal in containers, where the drums are loaded and temporarily stored. Subsequently, after repackaging the disposal drums, the repackaged drums are transported to disposal facilities by vehicle or ship for permanent disposal. Disposal containers can be susceptible to damage due to impacts during transportation, handling, and loading, leading to potential damage to the radiation primer coating during loading. Additionally, disposal containers may be subject to damage from electrochemical corrosion, necessitating the enhancement of corrosion resistance. Metal composite coatings can be employed to enhance both abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance. The application of metal composite coatings to disposal containers can improve the durability and radiation shielding performance of radioactive waste disposal containers. The thickness of radioactive waste disposal containers is determined through radioactive shielding analysis during the design process. The designed disposal containers undergo structural analysis, considering loading conditions based on the disposal environment. This paper focuses on evaluating the structural improvements achieved through the implementation of metal composite coatings with the goal of enhancing corrosion and abrasion resistance.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The development of existing radioactive waste (RI waste) management technologies has been limited to processing techniques for volume reduction. However, this approach has limitations as it does not address issues that compromise the safety of RI waste management, such as the leakage of radioactive liquid, radiation exposure, fire hazards, and off-gas generation. RI waste comes in various forms of radioactive contamination levels, and the sources of waste generation are not fixed, making it challenging to apply conventional decommissioning and disposal techniques from nuclear power plants. This necessitates the development of new disposal facilities suitable for domestic use. Various methods have been considered for the solidification of RI waste, including cement solidification, paraffin solidification, and polymer solidification. Among these, the polymer solidification method is currently regarded as the most suitable material for RI waste immobilization, aiming to overcome the limitations of cement and paraffin solidification methods. Therefore, in this study, a conceptual design for a solidification system using polymer solidification was developed. Taking into account industrial applicability and process costs, a solidification system using epoxy resin was designed. The developed solidification system consists of a pre-treatment system (fine crush), solidification system, cladding system, and packing system. Each process is automated to enhance safety by minimizing user exposure to radioactive waste. The cladding system was designed to minimize defects in the solidified material. Based on the proposed conceptual design in this paper, we plan to proceed with the specific design phase and manufacture performance testing equipment based on the basic design.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mobility of uranium (U) in various disposal environments of a deep geological repository is controlled by various geochemical conditions and parameters. In particular, oxidation state of uranium is considered as a major factor to control the mobility of uranium in most of geological environments. In this study, therefore, we investigated the geochemical behaviors of uranium in grounwater samples from natural analogue study sites located in the Ogcheon Metamorphic Belt (OMB). Groundwater samples were taken using a packer system from Boeun Hoenam-myun site and Geumsan Suyoung-ri site where several boreholes were dilled with various depths. The geochemical properties and parameters such as temperature, pH, Eh, EC, and DO were directly measured in the site using an in-line measurement method. The concentrations of major cations and anions in the groundwater samples were measured by using ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry) and IC (Ion Chromatography), respectively. The concentrations of trace elements including U and Th were measured by using ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry) The concentrations of U in the groundwater samples are very low for the Hoenammyun site (0.03~0.69 ppb) and Suyoung-ro site (0.39~1.74 ppb) even though the two sites are uranium deposits and redox conditions are weakly oxidizing. The speciation, saturation index (SI), pH-Eh (Poubaix) diagram were calculated using the Geochemist’s Workbench (GWB 9.0) program and the recent OECD/NEA thermochemical database for U. Calculation results for U speciation in the groundwater samples show that major dissolved uranium species in the groundwater samples are mainly as calcium uranyl carbonate complexes such as Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) and CaUO2(CO3)3 2- for almost all groundwater samples. The calculated results for SI and Poubaix diagram also show that the dominant uranium solid phase is a uranyl silicate mineral, uranophane (Ca(H2O)(UVIO2)2 (SiO2)2(OH)6), not uraninite (UIVO2). Since the determination of Eh values for natural groundwater samples is very difficult and uncertain work, we analyzed and discussed the effect of Eh on the geochemical behaviors of U in the groundwater. However, these calculation results are not consistent with the observation for U minerals in rock samples using electron microscopic techniques. Thus, we need further studies to explain the discrepancy between calculation and observation results.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Raman characteristics of various minerals constituting natural rocks collected from uranium deposits in Okcheon metamorphic zone in Korea are presented. Micro-Raman spectra were measured using a confocal Raman microscope (Renishaw in Via Basis). The focal length of the spectrometer was 250 mm, and a 1800 lines/mm grating was installed. The outlet of the spectrometer was equipped with a CCD (1,024256 pixel) operating at -70°C. Three objective lenses were installed, and each magnification was 10, 50, and 100 times. The diameter of the laser beam passing through the objective lens and incident on the sample surface was approximately 2 m. The laser beam power at 532 nm was 1.6 mW on the sample surface. Raman signal scattered backward from the sample surface was transmitted to the spectrometer through the same objective lens. To accurately determine the Raman peak position of the sample, a Raman peak at 520.5 cm-1 measured on a silicon wafer was used as a reference position. Since quartz, calcite, and muscovite minerals are widely distributed throughout the rock, it is easy to observe with an optical microscope, so there is no difficulty in measuring the Raman spectrum. However, it is difficult to identify the uraninite scattered in micrometer sizes only with a Raman microscope. In this case, the location of uraninite was first confirmed using SEM-EDS, and then the sample was transferred to the Raman microscope to measure the Raman spectrum. In particular, a qualitative analysis of the oxidation and lattice conditions of natural uraninite was attempted by comparing the Raman properties of a micrometer-sized natural uraninite and a laboratory-synthesized UO2 pellet. Significantly different T2g/2LO Raman intensity ratio was observed in the two samples, which indicates that there are defects in the lattice structure of natural uraninite. In addition, no uranyl mineral phases were observed due to the deterioration of natural uraninite. This result suggests that the uranium deposit is maintained in a reduced state. Rutile is also scattered in micrometer-sizes, similar to uraninite. The Raman spectrum of rutile is similar in shape to that of uraninite, making them confused. The Raman spectral differences between these two minerals were compared in detail.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Uranium (U) is a hazardous material that can lead to both chemical and radiological toxicity, including kidney damage and health issues associated with radiation exposure. In South Korea. In Korea, where shallow weathered granitic aquifers are widespread, several previous studies have reported high levels of radioactivity in shallow groundwater. This ultimately led to the closure of 60 out of 4,140 groundwater production wells in South Korea. In this study, we examined aquifers currently dedicated to drinking water supply and investigated a dataset of 11,225 records encompassing 103 environmental parameters, based on the random forest classifier. This dataset comprises 80 physical parameters associated with the hydraulic system and 23 chemical parameters linked to water-rock interactions. Among the hydraulic parameters, the presence of a coarse loamy texture in the subsoil displayed a notable positive relationship with the concentration of uranium, implying that it plays a significant role in forming redox conditions for the leaching of uranium from host rocks. Fluorine (F), a major product of water-rock interaction in granitic aquifers, exhibited a positive correlation with the distribution of uranium concentrations. The positive relationship between F concentration and uranium levels suggests that the dissolved uranium originates from groundwater interacting with granites. In conclusion, our findings indicate that two key factors, namely the infiltration capacity of soil layers and the aqueous speciation in groundwater resulting from interactions with local solids, play important roles in determining uranium concentrations in granitic aquifers.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Deep borehole drilling is essential not only to select the host rock type for deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), but also to identify the characteristics of the disposal site during the site selection process. In particular, since the disposal depth of HLW is considered to be over 300 m, deep borehole drilling must be performed. In deep borehole drilling, drilling design, excavation, and operation may vary depending on the rock type, drilling depth, and drilling purpose etc. This study introduced cases in which Korea was divided into four geotectonic structures and four representative rock types and conducted with a goal of 750 m drilling depth. Prior to this, a review of deep drilling cases conducted at domestic and abroad was presented. If sufficient time and cost are available, several drilling holes can be excavated for various purposes, but if not, one or two drilling holes should be used to achieve the objectives of various fields related to HLW disposal. The presence of bedding, strata or fault zones depending on the type of rock, etc. may affect drilling deviation or circulating water management. In addition, unlike drilling in general geotechnical investigation drilling, the use of polymers or grouting agents is limited to determine hydraulic and geochemical characteristics. This report introduces the experience considered during the design and drilling process of deep drilling in granite, gneiss, sedimentary rock, volcanic rock, etc., and is expected to be used as basic data when carrying out future HLW projects.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power generation is expected to be enlarged for domestic electricity supply based on the 10th Basic Plan of Long-Term Electricity Supply and Demand. However, the issues on the disposal of spent nuclear fuel or high-level radioactive waste has not been solved. KBS-3 concept of the deep geological disposal and pyroprocessing has been investigated as options for disposal and treatment way of spent nuclear fuel. In other way, the radionuclide management process with 6 scenarios are devised combining chlorination treatment and alternative disposal methods for the efficient disposal of spent nuclear fuel. Various scenarios will be considered and comprehensively optimized by evaluation on many aspects, such as waste quantity, radiotoxicity, economy and so on. Level 0 to 4 were identified with the specialized nuclide groups: Level 0 (NFBC, Hull), Level 1 (Long-lived, volatile nuclides), Level 2 (High heat emitting nuclides), Level 3 (TRU/RE), Level 4 (U). The 6 options (Op.1 to 6) were proposed with the differences between scenarios, for examples, phase types of wastes, the isolated nuclide groups, chlorination process sequences. Op.1 adopts Level 0 and 1 to separate I, Tc, Se, C, Cs nuclides which are major concerns for long-term disposal through heat treatment. The rest of spent nuclear fuel will be disposed as oxide form itself. Op.2 contains Sr separation process using chlorination by MgCl2 and precipitation by K2CO3to alleviate the burden of heat after heat treatment process. U/TRU/RE will be remained and disposed in oxide form. Op.3 is set to pyroprocessing as reference method, but residual TRU/RE chlroides after electrorefining will be recovered as precipitates by K3PO4. Op.4 introduces NH4Cl to chlorinate TRU/RE from oxides after Op.2 applied and precipitates them. TRU/RE/Sr will be simultaneously chlorinated by NH4Cl without MgCl2 in Op.5. Then, chlorinated Sr and TRU/RE groups will be separated by post-chlorination process for disposal. But, chlorinated Sr and TRU/RE are designed not to be divided in disposal steps in Op.6. In this study, the mass flow analysis of radionuclide management process scenarios with updated process variables are performed. The amount and composition of wastes by types will be addressed in detail.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear power is responsible for a large portion of electricity generation worldwide, and various studies are underway, including the design of permanent deep geological disposal facilities to safely isolate spent nuclear fuel generated as a result. However, through the gradual development of drilling technology, various disposal option concepts are being studied in addition to deep geological disposal, which is considered the safest in the world. So other efforts are also being made to reduce the disposal area and achieve economic feasibility, which requires procedures to appropriately match the waste forms generated from separation process of spent nuclear fuel with disposal option systems according to their characteristics. And safety issue of individual disposal options is performed through comparison of nuclide transport. This study briefly introduces the pre-disposal nuclide management process and waste forms, and also introduces the characteristics of potential disposal options other than deep geological disposal. And environmental conditions and possible pathways for nuclide migration are reviewed to establish transport scenarios for each disposal option. As such, under this comprehensive understanding, this study finally seeks to explore various management methods for high-level radioactive waste to reduce the environmental burden.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radionuclide management process is a conditioning technology to reduce the burden of spent fuel management, and refers to a process that can separate and recover radionuclides having similar properties from spent fuels. In particular, through the radionuclide management process, high heat- emitting, high mobility, and high toxicity radionuclides, which have a significant impact on the performance of disposal system, are separated and managed. The performance of disposal system is closely related to properties (decay heat and radioactivity) of radioactive wastes from the radionuclide management process, and the properties are directly linked to the radionuclide separation ratio that determines the composition of radionuclides in waste flow. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute have derived process flow diagrams for six candidates for the radionuclide management process, weighing on feasibility among various process options that can be considered. In addition, the GoldSim model has been established to calculate the mass and properties of waste from each unit process of the radionuclides management process and to observe their time variations. In this study, the candidates for the radionuclide management process are evaluated based on the waste mass and properties by using the GoldSim model, and sensitivity analysis changing the separation ratio are performed. And the effect of changes in the separation ratio for highly sensitive radionuclides on waste management strategy is analyzed. In particular, the separation ratio for high heat-emitting radionuclides determines the period of long-term decay storage.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recently, the status of North Korea’s denuclearization has become an international issue, and there are also indications of potential nuclear proliferation among neighboring countries. So, the need for establishment of nuclear activity verification technology and strategy is growing. In terms of ensuring verification completeness, sample collection-based analysis is essential. The concepts of Chain of Custody (CoC) and Continuity of Knowledge (CoK) can be defined in the process of sample extraction as follows: CoC is interpreted as the ‘system for managing the flow of information subjected by the examinee’, and CoK is interpreted as the ‘Continuity of information collection through CoC subjected by the inspector’. In the case of sample collection process in unreported areas for nuclear activity verification, there are additional risks such as worker exposure/kidnapping or sample theft/tampering. Therefore, the introduction of additional devices might be required to maintain CoC and CoK in the unreported area. In this study, an Environmental Geometrical Data Transfer (EGDT) was developed to ensure the safety of workers and the CoC/CoK of the samples during the collection process. This device was designed for achieving both mobility and rechargeability. It is categorized into two modes based on its intended users: sample mode and worker mode. Through the sensors, which is positioned in the rear part of device, such as radiation, gyroscope, light, temperature, humidity and proximity sensors, it can be easily achievable various environmental information in real-time. Additionally, GPS information can also be received, allowing for responsiveness to various hazardous scenarios. Moreover, the OLED display positioned on the front gives us for checking device information such as the current status of the device such as the battery level, the connectivity of wifi, and etc. Finally, an alarm function was integrated to enable rapid awareness during emergency situations. These functions can be updated and modified through Arduino-based firmware, and both the device and the information collected through it can be remotely controlled via custom software. Based on the presented design conditions, a prototype was developed and field assessments were conducted, yielding results within an acceptable margin of error for various scenarios. Through the application of the EGDT developed in this study to the sample collection process for nuclear activity verification purposes, it is expected to achieve a stable maintenance of CoC/CoK through more accurate information transmission and reception.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear Forensics is recognized as a essential component in the nuclear non-proliferation verification sector by the international community. It is being advanced under the leadership of the IAEA, the U.S., and the EU. Both the U.S.’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the international collaborative organization, the Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group (ITWG), have proposed to establish a relationship between the production timing and radiochronometry of nuclear materials or samples to utilize in the field of nuclear forensics. Radiochronometry of nuclear materials is calculated based on the Bateman equation, incorporating factors with uncertainties derived from tests, experiments, and analyses. The results from the nuclear activity radiochronometry also encompass uncertainties, affecting their reliability. This study examined the mathematical uncertainty calculations related to the results of nuclear activity radiochronometry, focusing on calculation methods, contribution rates per factor, and sensitivities. Uncertainty factors for the Bateman equation-based radiochronometry were observed in the decay constants for each nuclide type and the uncertainty in the radioactive ratio of the tracer nuclide. The sensitivity for each factor revealed that the uncertainty in the radioactive ratio of the signature nuclide contributed more significantly than the uncertainty in decay constants for each nuclide type. Each factor displayed a distinct sensitivity curve relative to the radioactive ratio. As it approaches a radioactive equilibrium, the sensitivity tends to increase infinitely, indicating a corresponding trend of infinite increase in uncertainty. Because the time and curve shape to reach radioactive equilibrium vary depending on the signature nuclide, it’s essential to choose an appropriate signature nuclide based on the anticipated period and analysis requirements for nuclear activity radiochronometry. However, radiochronometry using mathematical methods is limited to the relationship between parent and daughter nuclides, presenting the potential for underestimation of uncertainty factors like decay constants. Future research will need to focus on uncertainty calculation methods through computational simulations, especially using the Monte Carlo method, to overcome the limitations of mathematical approaches and potential underestimations.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The National R&D Innovation Act emphasizes the improvement of the quality of R&D activities. The research institute is making efforts to improve the quality of research and effectively manage research implementation. KINAC has conducted various R&D projects regarding nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security, and their scope and scale have been gradually more widened and increased. It consequently becomes important how to successfully manage research projects and ensure their qualification with the growth and complexity of research in KINAC. Unfortunately, no attempt was made to introduce and apply project management methodologies. Therefore, the objective of this study is to introduce project management standards and guidelines as an initial step towards improving the overall research quality of the institute. Project management is the well-organized application of knowledge and techniques to efficiently and effectively initiate, plan, control, and close projects, in order to achieve specific goals and meet success criteria. There are some guidelines regarding project management, including PMBOK (the Project Management Body of Knowledge), PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments), ISO 21500 (Guidance on Project Management), and PMP (Project Management Professionals), etc. They are international standards that consist of processes, guidelines, and best practices for project management. They provide structured processes and approaches to plan, execute, monitor, control, and complete projects. By reviewing the guidelines, the commonly important factors, including schedule, cost, quality, resources, communication, and risk management were introduced to apply to KINAC R&D project implementation. In addition to the management standards, systematic efforts are also continued to enhance the R&D qualities of the institute. These efforts include the implementation of a quality management system (ISO 9001:2015), development of an integrated research achievements management system, regulation development, and distribution of guidebooks for project managers and researchers. These efforts have been evaluated as improving the quality of the research.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        ISO 9001:2005 is the international standard for implementing a Quality Management System (QMS), which provides a framework and principles for managing an organization’s quality management. The aim is to ensure that the organization continuously provides products and services that satisfy regulatory requirements. The “process approach” in ISO 9001 is defined as a systematic method of achieving organizational goals by comprehending and managing the interconnected processes as a cohesive system. Recently, KINAC has decided to develop standard processes in the field of R&D and performance management based on the framework of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. The objective of this study is to establish standardized processes for conducting research and development, as well as managing the outputs and performance of R&D activities. It involves identifying, designing, implementing, monitoring, and continually improving processes to ensure consistency, efficiency, and effective management of KINAC R&D and its achievements. Firstly, R&D and the research performance management process were defined, and the processes were categorized by function according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Second, the ISO 9001 requirements were compared to the institute’s existing regulations and documents in order to identify any additional processes and procedures needed to meet the quality management requirements. Finally, the lists of quality documentation were determined for the institute’s QMS. As a result, a total of 30 QMS documents were listed, including 1 manual, 12 quality processes and procedures, and 17 quality instructions. The documents can be categorized into four process groups: the management and planning process group, the R&D and achievements management process group, the analysis and improvement process group, and the support process group. All input and output information of each process are connected and interrelated. The implementation of quality management standards and procedures for R&D in KINAC could lead to improved research practices, more reliable data collection and analysis, and increased efficiency in conducting R&D activities. For further study, it is planned to create detailed, high-quality documents that adhere to standard requirements and guidelines.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aurantii Fructus Immature (AFI) and Aurantii Fructus (AF) are two important traditional Chinese herbs. As the harvesting time varies, the medicinal value of the plants is not uniform. Consequently, it has been difficult to quickly recognize them within the realm of traditional Chinese medicine. Separation and detection technologies are employed in combination to create fingerprints for identification. We proposed the utilization of graphene-assisted electrochemical fingerprint technology to acquire fingerprints of two varieties of medicinal materials. Simultaneously, we also obtained their fingerprints through HPLC. Two fingerprint recognition technologies were compared for their effectiveness. The findings demonstrate that the signals obtained through electrochemical fingerprinting have a higher recognition rate.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Characteristics and useful effects for human health of antioxidant carbon nanodots contained in microwave-assisted Opuntia humifusa extract (MA-OHE(CD)) were investigated in this work. MA-OHE(CD) was characterized using transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering analysis, X-ray diffraction, UV–vis spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy. Besides, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of MA-OHE(CD) were measured. It was revealed that the MA-OHE(CD) increases aquaporin-3 expression in human epidermal keratinocytes cell with hydrophilic characteristics. Moreover, the bio-active compound extraction efficacy and antioxidant activity of microwave-assisted extraction were great when compared to maceration.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The flaw of low dispersibility in the metal matrix brought on by graphene's full crystal structure can be improved by the application of ion beam radiation to the surface of the material. Copper atoms are uniformly dispersed on the modified graphene oxide ( GOM) surface after being irradiated to a copper ion beam, and during the sputtering modification, the valence state of copper is changed, resulting in the formation of a new CuO phase on the graphene oxide (GO) surface. Therefore, after copper ion beam irradiation of graphene, the interfacial adhesion between GOM and copper matrix is enhanced, and the wear resistance is significantly improved. When the GOM content is low, it can withstand most of the load during the friction and wear test, which reduces the wear of the copper matrix and the occurrence of fatigue cracks at the interface of the composite material.