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        검색결과 339

        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To profile the proteome in porcine plasma, blood samples were collected from adult male barrows and those plasma were retrieved. For the depletion or pre-fractionation of high-abundance proteins, plasma samples were treated with commercial kits. Then, protein profiling was initiated using one and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Proteins were spotted and then identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF and LC-MS-MS. In the results, more than forty six proteins were identified and the reference map was constructed. The pre-treatment for the removal of high-abundance proteins caused the changes in 2-DE images and some of the proteins were newly uncovered after the most of high abundant proteins were removed. However, it is expected for further steps necessary to identify more low-abundance proteins that may contain potential bio-markers.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Here, we present an approach of blood plasma proteome profiling and their comparisons between the young and the adult pigs as prerequisite for the identification of bio-markers related to the health conditions, growth performance and meat quality. To profile the proteome in porcine plasma, blood samples were collected from 19 young piglets and 20 adult male barrows and the plasma was retrieved. Then, protein profiling was initiated using one and two-di-mensional electrophoresis. Proteins were spotted and then identified by MALDI-TOF-TOF and LC-MS-MS. In the re-sults, more than thirty-six and twenty eight protein spots were selected in young piglets and adult pigs, respectively and twenty three proteins were identified. The proteome profile images were compared between those ones using Image Master Version 7.0. The image of expressed proteome showed that most of proteins from plasma of young pig-let separated clearly and concentrated in 2DE display compared to ones from adult. Image analysis in detail was car-ried out to look for the specific proteins related to age progression. It demonstrated that the characteristics of proteome expression could be distinct to their age stages. Further investigations needed to proceed to understand the age de-pendent change of protein conformation and biological meaning of those differences in proteome expression between young and mature adult pigs.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Muscle satellite cell (SC) is responsible for postnatal muscle growth, repair, and regeneration. Satellite cell is an im-portant source of multi-potent stem cell process and differentiation into adipogenic, myogenic, and osteoblastogenic. The objective of this study was to identify alter of transcriptome during differentiation in porcine satellite cell and to elevated transcriptome at different stages of postnatal development to gain insight into the differences in differ-entiated PSC. We used RNA-seq technique to investigate the transcriptomes during differentiation in pig muscle. Sequence reads were obtained from Illumina HiSeq2000. Differentially expressed genes (DEG) were detected by EdgeR. Gene ontology (GO) terms are powerful tool for unification among representation genes or products. In study of GO biological terms, functional annotation clustering involved in cell cycle, apoptosis, extracellular matrix, phosphoryla- tion, proteolysis, and cell signaling in differences stage. Taken together, these results would be contributed to a better understanding of muscle biology and processes underlying differentiation. Our results suggest that the source of DEGs could be better understanding of the mechanism of muscle differentiation and transdifferentiation.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Satellite cells were derived from muscular tissue in postnatal pig. Satellite cell is an important to growth and development in animal tissues or organs. However, the progress underlying induced differentiation is not clear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphologic and the transcriptome changes in porcine satellite cell (PSC) treated with insulin, rosiglitazone, or dexamethasone respectively. PSC was obtained from postnatal muscle tissue. In study 1, for study the effect of insulin and FBS on the differentiated satellite cells, cells were cultured at absence or presence of insulin treated with FBS. Total RNA was extracted for determining the expression levels of myo-genic PAX3, PAX7, Myf5, MyoD, and myogenin genes by real-time PCR. Myogenic genes decreased expression levels of mRNA in treated with insulin. In study 2, in order to clarify the relationship between rosiglitazone and lipid in differentiated satellite cells, we further examined the effect of FBS on lipid accumulation in the presence or absence of the rosiglitazone and lipid. Significant differences were observed between rosiglitazone and lipid by FBS. The mRNA of FABP4 and PPARγ increased in rosiglitazone treatment. In study 3, we examined the effect of dexame-thasone on osteogenic differentiation in PSC. The mRNA was increased osteoblasotgenic ALP and ON genes treated with dexamethasone in 2% FBS. Dexamethasone induces osteoblastogenesis in differentiated PSC. Taken together, in differentiated PSCs, FABP4 and PPARγ increased to rosiglitazone. Whereas, no differences to FBS and lipid. These results were not comparable with previous reports. Our results suggest that adipogenic, myogenic, and osteoblasto-genic could be isolated from porcine skeletal muscle, and identify culture conditions which optimize proliferation and differentiation formation of PSC.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Muscular satellite cell (SC), which is stem cell of postnatal pig, is an important for study of differentiation into adipogenesis, myogenesis, and osteoblastogenesis. In this study, we isolated and examined from pig muscle tissue to determine capacity in proliferate, differentiate, and expression of various genes. Porcine satellite cells (PSC) were isolated from semimembranosus (SM) muscles of 90∼100 days old pigs according to standard conditions. The cell proliferation increased in multi-potent cell by Masson’s, oil red O, and Alizarin red staining respectively. We per-formed the expression levels of differentiation related genes using real-time PCR. We found that the differentiation into adipocyte increased expression levels of both fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) and peroxisome proliferator- acti-vated receptor gamma (PPARγ) genes (p<0.01). Myocyte increased the expression levels of the myosin heavy chain (MHC), myogenic factor 5 (Myf5), myogenic regulatory factor (MyoD), and Myogenic factor 4 (myogenin) (p<0.01). Osteo-blast increased the expression levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (p<0.01). Finally, porcine satellite cells were indu-ced to differentiate towards adipogenic, myogenic, and osteoblastogenic lineages. Our results suggest that muscle satellite cell in porcine may influence cell fate. Understanding the progression of PSC may lead to improved strat-egies for augmenting meat quality.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most traditional genome sequencing projects involving infectious viruses include culturing and purification of the virus. This can present difficulties as an analysis of multiple populations from multiple locations may be required to acquire sufficient amount of high-quality DNA for sequence analysis. The electrophoretic method provides a strategy whereby the genomic DNA sequences of the Korean isolate of Pieris rapae granulovirus (PiraGV-K) were analyzed by purifying it from host DNA by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, thus simplifying sampling and labor time. The genomic DNA of infected P. rapae was embedded in agarose plugs, digested with a restriction nuclease and methylase, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used to separate PiraGV-K DNA from the DNA of P. rapae, followed by mapping of fosmid clones of the separated viral DNA. The double-stranded circular genome of PiraGV-K encodes 120 open reading frames (ORFs), covering 92% of the sequenced genome. BLAST and ORF arrangement showed the presence of 78 homologs to other genes in the database. The mean overall amino acid identity of PiraGV-K ORFs was highest with the Chinese isolate of PiraGV (~99%), followed up with Choristoneura occidentalis ORFs at 58%. PiraGV-K ORFs were grouped, according to function, into 10 genes involved in transcription, 11 involved in replication, 25 structural protein genes, and 15 auxiliary genes. Genes for Chitinase (ORF 10) and cathepsin (ORF11), involved in the liquefaction of the host, were found in the genome. The recovery of PiraGV-K DNA genome by pulse-field electrophoretic separation from host genomic DNA had several advantages, compared with its isolation from particles harvested as virions or inclusions from the P. rapae host. We have sequenced and analyzed the 108,658 bp PiraGV-K genome purified by the pulsed field electrophoretic method. The method appears to be applicable to the analysis of genomes of large viruses. The chitinase, identified by PiraGV-K genome sequence, was functionally characterized by quantitative PCR, Western blot analysis, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The centipede Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans has been a medically important arthropod species by using it as a traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases. In this study, we derived a novel lactoferricin B like peptide (LBLP) from the whole bodies of adult centipedes, S. s. mutilans, and investigated the antifungal effect of LBLP. LBLP exerted an antifungal and fungicidal activity without hemolysis. To investigate the antifungal mechanism of LBLP, a membrane study with propidium iodide was first conducted against Candida albicans. The result showed that LBLP caused fungal membrane permeabilization. The assays of the three dimensional flow cytometric contour plot and membrane potential further showed cell shrinkage and membrane depolarization by the membrane damage. Finally, we confirmed the membrane-active mechanism of LBLP by synthesizing model membranes, calcein and FITC-dextran loaded large unilamellar vesicles. These results showed that the antifungal effect of LBLP on membrane was due to the formation of pores with radii between 0.74 nm and 1.4 nm. In conclusion, this study suggests that LBLP exerts a potent antifungal activity by pore formation in the membrane, eventually leading to fungal cell death.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We carried out DNA barcoding of five Korean Lymantria species to establish identification references library for quarantine inspection. Total of 118 samples including 34 samples obtained through quarantine inspection, two from USDA, and one collected from Philiphine were used for this study. And 30 sequences of 10 species from GenBank of NCBI were used as reference sequences. In a result of DNA barcoding of the Korean Lymantria species, sequence divergence of 148 DNA barcodes ranged from null to 17.0%, intraspecific divergence from null to 1.0%, and interspecific divergence from 5.1 to 17.0%. In NJ tree, L. dispar contained three clusters, which were identified as L. dispar asiatica, L. albescens, and L. xylina, respectively. L. xylina was collected through quarantine inspection on a foreign merchant ship in Yeosu port, and L. albescens was obtained by pheromone trap on L. dispar installed in Busan port. And L. monacha known as single species in Korea was revealed as species complex with three species, L. monacha, L. minomonis, and L. sugii. In subspecies level, L. dispar dispar (EGM) built single cluster, but L. d. asiatica (AGM) and L. d. japonica showed as multiple cluster. Therefore, DNA barcoding lead to rapid and accurate identification in species level, but in subspecies level, only a taxon showing geographically far distance was discriminated from the others. And the results could provide a taxonomic outline of the Korean Lymantria fauna and might be used as identification reference for Lymantria species in quarantine inspection.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most insects possess two different acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) (i.e., AChE1 and AChE2). It has been recently reported that both AChEs are equally active in a damselfly species, providing a unique example of the incomplete specialization of one AChE function after duplication (Kim and Lee, 2013). In this study, we investigated the tissue distribution patterns and the molecular and inhibitory properties of two AChEs (i.e., VgAChE1 and VgAChE2) from the Vestalis gracilis damselfly. VgAChEs exhibited almost identical catalytic activity and were expressed in the central nervous system (CNS). The most predominant molecular form of both VgAChEs was a disulfide-bridged dimer, which is associated with the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. In an inhibition assay, however, VgAChE1 and VgAChE2 exhibited different sensitivities to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides depending on the structure of the inhibitors. These findings suggest that both VgAChEs have neuronal functions. In addition, soluble monomeric and cleaved molecular forms were detected in both the CNS and peripheral nervous system tissues by an AChE2-specific antibody, implying that VgAChE2 probably shares both neuronal and non-neuronal physiological functions in V. gracilis. Our results support the notion that both VgAChEs, paralogous of each other, are involved in synaptic transmission, with VgAChE2 being in the early stage of acquiring non-neuronal functions.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A taxonomic review on the Korean Lymantria Hübner, 1819 was conducted. In a result, a total of nine species under four subgenera including two new recorded species were detected as followings: L. dispar asiatica Vnukovskij, 1926, L. xylina Swinhoe, 1903, L. monacha (Linnaeus, 1758), L. minomonis Matsumura, 1933, L. sugii Kishida, 1986, L. lucescens (Butler, 1881), L. mathura Moore, 1865, L. fumida Butler, 1877, and L. bantaizana Matsumura, 1933. Of the two unrecorded species, L. minomonis was found only in Is. Bogildo of Jeollanam-do, the southern part of Korea, and the other one, L. sugii was collected in the middle part of Korea. On the two species, L. xylina and L. fumida, the Korean specimens could not be examined through this study. Therefore, we considered that the two species might be excluded from the Korean Lymantria fauna. Each species was identified on the basis of wing pattern and genitalia of male/female adult. We provided diagnosis, male/female adult habitus photos, male genitalia photos, and female ovipositor photos.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analysis of muscle fatigue in the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles according to therapy table height variation. The subjects were consisted of 15 healthy adults(10 males, 5 females) who had no medical history of neurological and musculoskeletal problems. In experiment, wireless electrode EMG system was measured for each the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles during the treatment performed on table. the differences in the muscle fatigue was compared for 4 types of table height(-6cm, -3cm, 0, +3cm from elbow in 90° flexion position). Muscle fatigue according to therapy table height were significant difference except for left upper trapezius. And muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis showed significant decrease in +3cm table height compared to -6cm table height(p<.05). Muscle fatigue of right upper trapezius and splenius capitis were the highest in -6cm table height, but those were the lowest in +3cm table height. This study propose to change therapy table height higher than +3cm from elbow in 90° flexion position, if you hope to reduce muscle fatigue.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover), is one of the most serious pests in various vegetable crops. In Korea, some field populations of A. gossypii especially in greenhouse showed high resistance against neonicotinoids. The imidaclopridresistant strain (IR) selected from one of the greenhouse strains was found to be about 3,800 folds more resistant to imidacloprid, compared to the susceptible strain (S), as judged by LC50 values. To identify differentially expressed genes in IR, an isogenic strain, reverse susceptible strain (IRS) was generated from IR and comparative transcriptome analyses based on GS-FLX were conducted using total RNAs extracted from both IR and IRS. Also we confirmed protein expression patterns by 2DE and detoxification enzyme over-expression by synergist test. However there was no significant variation among IR, IRS and S. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of seven nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit (alpha 1-5,7 and beta 1) genes from S and IR strain revealed a point mutation causing an arginine to threonine substitution (R81T) in the loop D region of the nAChR beta 1 subunit of the IR. These mechanisms were also reported in M. persicae and this amino acid change confers a vertebrate-like character to the insect nAChR and results in reduced sensitivity to neonicotinoids. Moreover an extra point mutation, L80S (leucine to serine substitution) was also detected nearby R81T mutation in nAChR beta 1 subunit variant. These mutations can be an additive factor in imidacloprid resistance in A. gossypii. This is the first report of imidacloprid resistance mechanism in A.gossypii. Further, this would be helpful in managing A. gossypii resistant populations in field.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most insect possess two AChEs (i.e., AChE1 and AChE2 encoded by ace1 and ace2 gene, respectively). Due to its higher transcription level and responsibility for insecticide resistance, it is believed that AChE1 is likely the main catalytic AChE, between two AChEs of the insects having both AChE1 and AChE2 studied to date. However, Cyclorrhaphan flies have only AChE2, suggesting the evolutionary scenarios for the takeover of ace2 and the loss of ace1 during Diptera evolution (Huchard et al., 2006). Therefore, it is essential to investigate the evolutionary distribution of AChE1 and AChE2 in Insecta. In this study, among 100 insect species examined, we found 33 species expressing AChE2 as the catalytic major enzyme by Western blotting using AChE1- and AChE2 specific antibodies. These findings are contrary to the common expectation that AChE1 is dominant synaptic enzyme in all insect species with the exception of Cyclorrhapha. In this study, we compared the characteristics of both AChE1 and AChE2 from the German cockroach and the honey bee, in which AChE1 and AChE2 were expressed as major catalytic enzyme, respectively. In addition, we presented a unique case of a damselfly, which expresses both AChEs exhibiting almost identical enzymatic activities, along with the fruit fly, where AChE1 is not present but multiple forms of AChE2 appear to replace the function of AChE1. The current study will provide valuable insights into the evolution of AChE.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigated the molecular and kinetic properties of two acetylcholinesterases (AmAChE1 and AmAChE2) from the Western honey bee, Apis mellifera. Western blot analysis revealed that AmAChE2 has most of catalytic activity rather than AmAChE1, further suggesting that AmAChE2 is responsible for synaptic transmission in A. mellifera, in contrast to most other insects. AmAChE2 was predominately expressed in the ganglia and head containing the central nervous system (CNS), while AmAChE1 was abundantly observed not only in the CNS but also in the peripheral nervous system/non-neuronal tissues. Both AmAChEs exist as homodimers; the monomers are covalently connected via a disulfide bond under native conditions. However, AmAChE2 was associated with the cell membrane via the glycophosphatidylinositol anchor, while AmAChE1 was present as a soluble form. The two AmAChEs were functionally expressed with a baculovirus system. Kinetic analysis revealed that AmAChE2 has approximately 2,500-fold greater catalytic efficiency toward acetylthiocholine and butyrylthiocholine than AmAChE1, supporting the synaptic function of AmAChE2. In addition, AmAChE2 likely serves as the main target of the organophosphate (OP) and carbamate (CB) insecticides as judged by the lower IC50 values against AmAChE2 than against AmAChE1. When OP and CB insecticides were pre-incubated with a mixture of AmAChE1 and AmAChE2, asignificant reduction in the inhibition of AmAChE2 was observed, suggesting a protective role of AmAChE1 against xenobiotics. Taken together, based on their tissue distribution pattern, molecular and kinetic properties, AmAChE2 plays a major role in synaptic transmission, while AmAChE1 has non-neuronal functions, including chemical defense.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most insects possess two different acetylcholinesterases (AChE1 and AChE2) but it remains unknown which AChE plays the major role in synaptic transmission. To investigate the evolutionary distribution of AChE1 and AChE2, the AChE with the main catalytic function in several insect species belonging to 18 representative orders was determined by native-PAGE in conjunction with Western blotting using AChE1- and AChE2-specific antibodies. Among the 98 insect species examined, AChE1 was expressed as the main enzyme in 65 species across diverse taxa. In the remaining species, however, AChE2 was expressed as the major enzyme. These findings are contrary to the common expectation that AChE1 is major enzyme in most insects, with the exception of Cyclorrhapha, and further demonstrate that the specialization of AChE2 as the main enzyme or the replacement of AChE1 function with AChE2 function were rather common events, having multiple independent origins during insect evolution. It was hypothesized that the generation of multiple AChE2 isoforms via alternative splicing has allowed the loss of ace1during the functional replacement of AChE1 with AChE2 in Cyclorrhapha. However, the presence of AChE2 as the main AChE in higher social Hymenoptera provides an example of the functional replacement of AChE1 with AChE2 without the loss of ace1. The current findings should provide valuable insights into which AChE has evolved to perform synaptic functions and to become the main insecticide target in different species
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover), is one of the most serious pest in seed potato and various vegetable cultivation. The imidacloprid-resistant strain (IR) was over 300-fold more resistant to imidacloprid compared to a susceptible strain (S) as judged by LC50 values. A highly imidacloprid-resistant local field population (L) was collected from cucumber at Gangwha island in 4th August 2011. Even though neonicotinoid insecticides especially imidacloprid were sprayed six times during June and July, aphid density was too high to be counted. To identify differentially expressed genes in IR or L, comparative transcriptome analyses based on GS-FLX were conducted using total RNAs extracted from IR, L and S strains. Futhermore, to search the resistance associated proteins in IR or L, comparative proteome analyses based on 2DE were conducted using total proteins extracted from IR, L and S strains. Few common candidate genes detected among IR and L such as ABC genes. Comparison of the nucleotide sequence of six nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit (alpha 1-5, beta 1) genes from IR, L and S strain revealed a point mutation in the loop D region of the nAChR beta 1 subunit of the IR, causing an arginine to threonine substitution (R81T). These mechanisms also reported in Myzus persicae and this amino acid change confers a vertebrate-like character to the insect nAChR and results in reduced sensitivity to neonicotinoids.