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        검색결과 47

        2023.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 아그니와 효소의 종류와 기능을 고찰하고 활성화를 위한 섭생 요법에 대해 소개하였다. 음식 소화에 있어서 아그니와 효소의 불균형은 인체의 신진대사에 악영향을 주어 질병에 노출을 증 가시킨다. 섭생 요법은 소화와 대사를 촉진하고, 독소를 제거하고, 면역력을 높이는 기초이며 건강하 기 위한 중요한 요법이다. 아유르베다 의학의 섭생 요법은 개인의 도샤(doṣa)에 따라 다른 효과를 나 타낼 수 있으며, 일상생활의 규칙성, 식사 시간이나 양, 조리방법 등을 고려해 도샤에 맞는 음식을 섭 취해야 한다. 현대 의학 효소는 화학적인 분자이며 과학적인 근거를 바탕으로 수치화되고 정밀화되고 있다. 효소 활성화를 통해 음식의 칼로리와 영양소가 인체에 흡수되는 정도를 파악할 수 있고 다양한 조리방법으로 흡수 효율을 높이기 위해 노력하고 있다. 또한 세계보건기구(WHO)는 건강한 식사와 생 활 방식을 통해 만성 질환과 감염병을 예방하고 건강을 증진하기 위해 섭생 요법을 권장하고 있다. 이 논문을 통해 우리는 아유르베다 의학과 현대 의학이 공통적으로 강조하고 있는 섭생 요법이 건강 을 유지하는 기본임을 알 수 있을 것이다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 예이츠와 테드 휴즈의 시 작품을 통해 자연과 문명에 대한 관점을 각기 어떻게 형상화하는지를 논하려는 것에 목적을 두고 있다. 예이츠의 경우 후기 작품으로 갈수록 자연은 인간이 이루는 문명의 세계와는 다른 곳으로, 독자적인 특징을 지닌 세계로 보지만 문명에서 떼어낼 수 없는 중요한 요소로 그린다. 테드 휴즈의 작품에서는 초기에서부터 자연의 강렬한 존재성을 형상화하여 그것이 지닌 힘과 에너지를 드러낸다. 이를 통해 휴즈 작품의 자연과 문명은 서로 대조되면서도 어느 지점에서 서로 상대를 융화시키거나 통합한다. 휴즈는 예이츠와는 완연히 다른 자연을 묘사하지만 자연이 문명과 맺는 관계를 시적 영감의 틀로 본다는 점에서 그의 연장선에서 읽을 근거를 제시한다.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        셰이머스 히니는 여러 비평적 산문을 통해 시와 시인에 대한 자신의 관점을 드러내고 있다. 그에 따르면 시는 복잡다단한 현실에 목소리를 부여하여 결국 다른 어떤 것으로도 규명할 수 없는 현실의 복잡한 실체를 드러낸다. 그리고 그 과정에서 시인은 언어가 지닌 다중적인 의미 전달의 특성을 통해 결코 단순화할 수 없는 현실의 내면을 진실에 가깝게 제시한다. 특히 히니는 자연과 인간이 맺는 상호 관련성을 자신의 시의 주요한 틀로 삼는데, 이를 통해 시인은 자연의 생명력을 고취시키는 존재임을 암시한다. 시와 시인에 대한 그의 관점은 점점 더 실용성과 경제성을 강조하는 요즘의 풍토에서 시의 대사회적 역할을 제시하는 한편, 예술로서의 존재성을 강조하여 시와 시인에 대한 본래적 의미를 성찰하게 한다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, catalytic decomposition of chlorobenzene, a model compound of dioxin, was investigated. Catalysts made of a mesoporous material SBA-15 were used. The effect of Pt impregnation on the catalytic activity was evaluated. The catalysts were characterized using BET and NH3-TPD. The catalytic activity for chlorobenzene removal reaction was shown to increase with the acid amount of catalysts. Addition of Pt to Al-SBA-15 was also shown to enhance the catalytic activity.
        2009.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, toluene catalytic oxidation was investigated using various metal components (Cu, Ce, Ni, La and Zr) supported on Used FCC zeolite for the application of the waste recycling and odor reduction. Among the metals, 5 wt% Cu/zeolite showed the best catalytic activity. 100 % conversion was achieved at 300℃ which was 50℃ lower than that of other metal components. As increasing the amount of doped Cu, the CuO was formed and the surface area and pore size were decreased. By the reduction treatment before toluene oxidation, the catalytic activity of the oxidation below 250℃ was improved. No decrease of conversion was observed during the continuos reaction at 300℃ for 48 h.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Any Irish writer can hardly liberate his mind sufficiently from the questions of public duty to form and influence the opinion in Irish politics. And for the same reason almost all the contemporary Northern Ireland poets are under the pressure to lead his readers through the psychic hinterland to emerge from the Northern Ireland crisis. But the demands made on Paul Muldoon result to his persistent belief that poetic language is an abstraction of everyday discourse. Muldoon claims and testifies that poet's word can be used to the particular function of expressing the poet's intention: the poet's task is to control the meaning of the words in relation to the other words in the poetic text. Thus his poetry is to some extent full of fantastic and disconnected languages which, he seems to argue, comprise the actual experiences in the contemporary Northern Ireland. In this perspective his poetic languages tend to be the fragments of the continuous narrative and have different tones and styles. And his early poems seem to the readers to shift between different levels of meaning which keeps the poet's attitude toward the material and the context of the work. In this process his poetry is to create his own poetic world as a paradise free from the violent and corrupted real world as well as to draw links between poetry and politics. That means that his early works repeatedly figure out the relation between social and poetic significances of poetry and at the same time investigate the nature of poet's word as a way to form his own world. This seesawing attitude to the responsibilities toward the contemporary Northern Ireland makes his poetry tend to be oblique by detaching the poet himself from the society.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 비침습적으로 압력 맥파를 검출하는 토노메트리 방식의 맥파 측정 장비인 SphygmoCor(AtCor, Australia)를 사용하여 측정자세에 따라 맥파를 측정하였다. 측정 결과를 통해 선 자세, 앉은 자세, 누운 자세에 따른 맥파의 분석 지표들의 변화를 분석하였다. 또한 측정된 데이터를 저혈압군, 정상혈압군, 고혈압군으로 구분하여 혈압군에 따른 맥파의 비교를 수행하였다. 그 결과 자세에 따른 요골동맥의 파형에서 유의차를 보인 분석지표는 맥파의 진폭에 해당되는 압력 보다 주요 피크가 발생되는 시간에서 나타났다. 맥압의 경우 맥파증대계수(AI)나 중심동맥압과 요골동맥압의 비율과 같이 맥압 간의 비율이 자세에 따른 변별력이 있었다. 사후검정에 따라 각 자세별로 상호 간에 모두 유의한 차이를 보인 분석지표는 주파(PT1)와 반사파(PT2)의 시간, 심박출지속시간(ED), 심박수(HR)로 나타났다. 혈압군에 대한 비교에서 대부분 맥파의 시간에 해당되는 지표보다 주요 피크의 진폭에 해당되는 맥파의 압력을 나타내는 지표가 혈압군에 따른 유의차를 보였다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yeats began his career as a poet elaborating the Celtic legends and stories about the life and politics of the Irish people: Irishness was a source of his poetic inspiration. Later he moved to formulations that complicated his own attitudes toward his contemporary politics in Ireland and caused misunderstanding of his works among his readers. Because he emphasized violence embodied in the struggles of political conflicts and historical events. For Yeats, history steps to another stage with violence. In other words, he focused on the violent moment in historical events. In describing the process or movement of memorable event in history he distances himself and keeps his views or judgments on it with ambivalent words. He does not support for or oppose to the only one side in the political event, to show his interest in the significances of the moments. Thus he is far from the passionate politics in his contemporary Ireland. Rather he sees the violence as a power to change in history, as his poem "Leda and the Swan" shows. In the myth of Leda and Zeus he reads the destructive act of rape on Leda by Zeus within the frame of destruction of the nation-state. And Yeats focuses on Leda's tragic experience with powerful and violent Zeus as an event toward the violent and tragic history afterwards. In short, he shows the violence as one committed to change in the history of a state.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The application of gas sensors for the measurement of environmental odor was investigated. The test chamber systems were consist of three parts, as it were, sample injection, odor sensing and data process parts. Four type of sensors were tested with regard to sensor performance like baseline stability, sensitivity and reproducibility to H₂S, CH₃SH, NH₃, and (CH₃)₃N gases. As the results, two kinds of sensors were content with the circuit conditions used in this study. In addition, the influence of relative humidity to the selected two types sensors was tested. The [mal sensor, which was appeared to be the most stable sensor against relative humidity, was selected, and applied practically to measure the real odor from the manure odor source.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eavan Boland finds her poetic identity in the significances of her birthplace of Ireland and her gender of an Irish woman. with this identity she shows a keen awareness of the fundamental sense of poetic ethics - to de-and re-construct the traditional literary frame imposed by male points of view, witnessing to the truths and facts of Irish women's experiences in the history of Ireland. In the broad sense of the Irish matter, Boland concerns with the artistic image and its relationship to the facts of women's lives in Ireland and she tries to find the poetic place of women in pointing the loss of women in Irish history and literary tradition. In this aspect Boland tries to find the proper images to suggest the true identity of women just in history not outside of history. So her dependence on the power of language and on the objective attitudes to the common lives and trivial things of women's lives is the proof for her poetic ethics. Some poems of Boland's blast the muse who helps men to write women as a queen to Ireland as a mother to the children and husband. Instead she urges the muse to keep her place beside women poets in creating the homely images. In creating the true images of women the common is present and she suggests the woman's potentiality as a subject and a viewer and as a mother and a poet. So Boland destabilizes the images of woman as a grand mythic queen and as an abstract composite of femininity. In this process Boland keeps her tone cold and cool even in showing her powerful views on the female identity. She achieves this attitude through 'looking' and 'watching.' She suggests to look into the mirror towards the general readers as well as poets herself even in her rage to the Irish literary tradition. So she keeps her own characteristic voices in finding and reintroducing the perspectives that run counter to the traditional Irish male views on woman and history.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yeats and Keats differently introduced their notions of time circulation and eternal life. One expressed limitations of human which could be overcome by art. And the other introduced time flowing in harmony and peace. And in one poem, we can see something lively such as young people, birds, trees, salmon-falls, and in the other poem we can find laziness and leisure. However, there is some similarity in that they introduce the subjects of circulation of life and eternal life. Yeats shows the passage of time by the Great Wheel or gyre which develops in the course of formation, fullness, decline. And Keats also presents the passage of time by using the phrases such as “swell the gourd,” “plum the hazel shell,” “warm day will never cease.” These symbolize swelling and continuance of time. So we can find the way how time is flowing in their poems. In Yeats's “Sailing to Byzantium,” time travels from a youth to an old age, and in “To Autumn,” time travels from summer to autumn. In this circulation Yeats's immortality can be reached by the media of art. And Keats gets it by the circulation of seasons. So one continues to voyage with eagerness for Byzantium in which he could find his everlasting life through the mosaic of 15th century, and the other comfortably waits for next seasons. Two poets respectively develop their poems in different ways, but they finally achieve the same subjects of ever-lasting life in the passage of time. In conclusion, Yeats pursued immortality by separating spirit from the body, because the flesh would be decayed. On the other hand, Keats thought that the immortality could be acquired by being one with time. Unlike Yeats's “Sailing to Byzantium”, Keats's “To Autumn” has a tendency to keep harmony and reconciliation, instead of confrontation. Therefore, autumn enjoys “sitting,” and “asleep” without haste.
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