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        검색결과 16

        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 기후변화 및 국제교역량, 여행객, 외국 이주민 증가 등으로 국내 농작물에 큰 피해를 입힐 수 있는 고위험 식물병의 유입이 꾸준히 증가하고 있다. 검역 대상인 병원체의 수가 증가함에 따라 검역기관 및 연구원의 업무량이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 지역별 주요 수출대상 과수인 포도, 단감, 감귤의 국내 미기록 병과 원인병원체에 대한 예찰조사를 수행하였다. 이를 위해 전국을 경기-강원, 충청, 전북, 전남, 경북, 경남 그리고 제주 등 7개 권역으로 나누고 각 권역 소재 대학에서 예찰조사를 수행하여 예찰네트워크를 구축하고자 하였다. 포도 대상 병은 모두 4종으로, Pierce’s disease (Xylella fastidiosa), brown rot (Monilinia fructigena), anthracnose (Greeneria uvicola), 그리고 esca (Phaeomoniella chlamydospora)을 조사하였고 경기-강원, 충청도, 전라북도, 그리고 경상북도 권역을 중심으로 각 권역당 3개 지역 그리고 지역당 3개 지점을 두고 조사하였다. 단감은 모두 3종으로, brown spot (Fusicladium levieri), black leaf spot (Adisciso kaki), 그리고 black spot (Phoma kakivora)을 조사하였고 국내 단감 주생산지인 경상남도와 전라남도 권역을 중심으로 각 권역당 3개 지역 그리고 지역당 3개 지점을 두고 조사하였다. 감귤 대상 병은 모두 2종으로, citrus scab (Elsinoë australis), Septoria spot (Septoria citri)을 조사하였고 감귤 주생산지인 제주권역을 중심으로 조사하였다. 모두 9종에 대한 예찰조사는 2019년 4월부터 10월까지 2주간격으로 실시하였다. 예찰조사결과 주요 수출대상 과수인 포도, 단감, 감귤의 국내미기록병 9종에 대한 원인병원체는 발견되지 않았다. 이 연구를 통해 식물병을 조기에 탐지할 수 있는 전국적인 모니터링 시스템을 구축하였고, 국외 외래유입병들의 예찰조사를 위한 지역 거점을 확보하였다고 평가된다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The giant water bug, Lethocerus deyrollei which is the largest aquatic insect in Korea, has been designated as an endangered species by the Ministry of Environment of Korea since 1997 and is also recorded as “Vulnerable” on red Data Book of Japan (Japan Environment Agency, 2000). The populations of L. deyrollei have decreased dramatically in Korea because of loss of wetland habitats, road kill and artificial lighting. Since 2007 Holoce Ecosystem Conservation Research Institution (HECRI) has been reared L. deyrollei through breeding in captivity and 90 pairs individuals were released from 2012 to 2013. On the basis of previous field monitoring which was considered sufficient food such as fish, tadpoles and frogs and emergent plants such as Phragmites communis, Phragmites japonica, Typha angustifolia and Acorus calamus, Hyeon-cheon(E128°09’38“, N37°30’23“, 556m) was selected as a release site. After release on July 16, 2013 and carried out monitoring twice. We observed several egg clusters on July 25 and 1st larvae on July 30 respectively. Hyeon-cheon seems to be appropriate and expected to be as a major natural wet habitats for L. deyrollei.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was carried out to investigate whether giant water bug, designated as an endangered species by the Ministry of Environment of Korea since 1997, can control American bull frog tadpole which has been designated as an Invasive Alien Species(IAS) by the Ministry of Environment of Korea since 1998. The experiment was conducted through food preference between fish (Crucian carp, Carassius auratus) and American bull frog tadpole(Rana catesbeiana) in laboratory condition (25±1°C) in HECRI. Potential food such as fish(weight: 8.2±0.6, length: 87.4± 1.6mm) and American bull frog tadpole(weight: 6.8±0.4g, length: 92.3±1.6mm) were inserted 5 individuals respectively in the nineteen acrylate cages with one pair of L. deyrollei simultaneously. Twice(10:00, 18:00) per a day was monitored. Once we confirmed prey was consumed by L. deyrollei, removed and replaced with same species to maintain same number immediately. Preference for American bull frog tadpole was significantly higher(93.6%) than fish(6.4%) (F=30.65, df=1, 18, P<0.0001).
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Caterpillars, the larvae of butters and moths(Lepidoptera), are enormously important in terrestrial food webs. They are not only the preferred grub for insects, birds, fishes, reptile and amphibian but also engineers of nutrient cycling processes and are the largest natural consumers of vegetation. Even though their major role in the ecosystem, details of biology are poorly known for most species. HECRI(Holoce Ecosystem Conservation Research Institution) has been carried out to identify larvae and to acquire useful biological information of primary endemic insect larvae through rearing from 1997 to 2013. Of these this study is the result about special caterpillars feeding on the foliage Oak Trees (Quercus spp.) which composed 60-70% of broad-leaved forest thereby important component for forest in the Korean Peninsula. Total 297 species belonging to 23 families were collected and identified 101 species belonging to 21 families. Among them Oak Trees-dependent monophagous caterpillars are 247 species belonging to 20 families and polyphagous caterpillars are 50 species belonging to 11 families. The dominant family is Noctuidae(83 species), second is Geometridae(67 species) and followed by Notodontidae(33 species).
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Temperature is one of important factors to determine insect phenology. Based on the bioclimatic law, the relationship between climate change and ecosystem change was studied from 2008 to 2013 in HECRI by monitoring the spring emergence patterns of three Papilionidae species (Papilio xuthus, P. machaon, and Sericinus montela). The overwintering pupae were set on the wood plate and adult emergence were monitored and recorded in every morning. The first spring emergence of P. xuthus, P. machaon and S. montela in 2013 were Apr 19th, May 1st and Apr 22th, respectively. And peak time of three species were May 7th, May 11th and May 9th, respectively. Study on temperature-dependent development was conducted to investigate the temperature effect on adult emergence of overwintering S. montela pupae at four different constant temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C) with photoperiod 10:14(L:D). The low temperature threshold of female, male and both sexes combined were 12.39, 12.16, and 12.37°C, respectively. Developmental period of overwintering pupae to adults decreased with increasing temperature from 15 to 30°C. Thermal constant of female, male and both sexes combined were 220.26, 192.31, and 200.18DD, respectively. The relationship between thermal constant and cumulative adult emergence was predicted by temperature-dependent development. Estimate through 7 times on the highest temperature was equal and results were distinctively divided into two pattern(2008~2010 and 2011~2013). The relationship between observed and estimated values was presented by linear regression (r2=0.97)
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Actias artemis is a members of the family Saturniidae, also known as wild silkmoths, have impressive color and size. In 2012, estimation of Actias artemis (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) abundance in HECRI was conducted using the mark-release-recapture (MRR) method (Jolly, 1965) from mid to late May. Seven sampling events were accomplished from 19 May, 21 May, 22 May, 24 May, 26 May, 28 May and on 30 May, during the main flight of the species. Marking was made by writing numbers in the hind wing of each individual moths. Most collections were undertaken by a team of experienced four or six researches of HECRI using light trap (mercury lamp: 250W). Seven female and 58 male moths were captured in study site. The effective population size of Actias artemis was 24.9 and heterozygosity was more than 97%. Seven marked moths were recaptured, resulting in 9.7% of recapture rate. The estimated population size of A. artemis showed a peak by 133 individuals on 22 May and then declined. The estimated adult numbers of A. artemis using MRR method from minimum 168 to maximum 5,332 (p<0.05).
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to investigate the impacts of male incubating behaviour on hatching rate of giant water bug from May 2, 2011 to September 2, 2012 in the laboratory(24.1±0.2℃) in HECRI. The giant water bug, Lethocerus deyrollei, is the largest aquatic insect in Korea (length, Female: 63.5±0.4mm, Male: 54.0±0.3mm). L. deyrollei has been designated as an endangered species by the Ministry of Environment of Korea since 1997. L. deyrollei lay eggs as clusters on stems or vegetation of aquatic plants above the water. Males do not leave the stems which eggs are sticked until eggs hatched because they protect eggs against predators and supply water to eggs. The incubating behavior of male L. deyrollei was observed three times a day, 06:00, 13:00 and 19:00 respectively and 32 egg-clusters were used. Three treatment - presence of male incubation, absence of male incubation, and artificial removing male - were manipulated to observe the hatching rate of egg masses. There were different hatching rates between presence (67.2%) and absence (1.9%) of male incubatng behavior. In case of artificial removing male, eggs could not hatch. The mean diameter of eggs(2.87±0.03mm) which male incubated was bigger than that of eggs(2.18±0.03mm) which male did not care.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Papilio xuthus is known as the Asian swallowtail, Chinese yellow swallowtail, or as the Xuthus swallowtail. It overwinters in pupae stage. The study was conducted to investigate the temperature effect on adult emergence of overwintering P. xuthus pupae at four different constant temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C) with photoperiod 10:14(L:D). The lower developmental thresholds of female, male and both sexes combined were 9.71, 11.03, and 10.49°C, respectively. Developmental period of overwintering pupae to adults decreased with increasing temperature between 15 and 30°C. Degree-days for adult emergence to female, male and both sexes combined were 227.27, 175.44, and 200.80DD, respectively. The relationship between the developmental rate and temperature was fitted by linear and five nonlinear developmental rate models (Logan 6, Lactin 1, 2 and Briere 1, 2). The variation of overwintering pupae development was described by the two-parameter Weibull distribution model. The adult emergence of overwintering P. xuthus pupae in spring can be explained and predicted by using developmental rate models and developmental distribution model. The effect of climate change on phenology and distribution of P. xuthus may be presented by the model.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Papilio macilentus is the longest tail butterfly of Papilionidae found in Japan, China and Korea and has distinctive morphological differences between male and female. P .macilentus feeds on Zanthoxylum schinifolium and has three generations per year. The lower developmental threshold and thermal constant for adult emergence of P. macilentus overwintering pupae were estimated at four different constant temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C) with photoperiod 10:14 (L:D). The lower developmental threshold of both sexes combined was 7.95°C. The development of overwintering pupae decreased with increasing temperature between 15 and 30°C. Thermal constant of both sexes combined was 251.26DD. The relationship between the developmental rate and temperature was fitted by linear and five nonlinear developmental rate models (Logan 6, Lactin 1, 2 and Briere 1, 2). The development of overwintering P. macilentus pupae was described by the two-parameter Weibull distribution model. The temperature-dependent adult emergence model of P. macilentus developed in this study could be used to predict the full-cycle phenology model of P. macilentus and applied to understand the effects of climate change on the emergence distribution of overwintering pupae.
        2011.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Our society is changing rapidly to a multicultural society, but if we disrespect migrant workers, married immigrants and multicultural family children, who came from foreign countries and have been incorporated as our society members, only because of their different skin color, appearance and language and treat their culture with prejudice, such racial discrimination will cause cultural conflicts and undermine the stability of Korea society. In order for them to be the true members of our society, we need to give much consideration not only to national policies but also to social consensus and school education for minimizing their social and psychological conflicts with our culture and reduce social consumption resulting from such conflicts. Culture refers to internal ways of thinking, external behaviors, etc. shared by a specific group through a long process of life experience. Traditional culture is formed and developed collectively by a life community, and reflects their production activities and sentiments, so it has unique characteristics distinguished from the culture of other groups. Traditional culture defines the order and sentiment of life in the group members, and gives a sense of belonging to the community so that the members have identity. Multi‐culture originally meant the coexistence of diverse native cultures retained by minority races and people with their originality preserved rather than being integrated into the dominant culture in multi‐racial and multi‐ethnic countries like the U.S. These days, however, it has an expanded meaning, that is, respecting the originality of minority cultures and pursuing the coexistence of such cultures in the native culture of the mainstream society. In the process that a nation develops its culture, it may receive foreign cultures and change its traditional culture. What is important in this process is developing new culture without losing traditional culture. If traditional culture declines and fades away, overwhelmed by powerful foreign culture, it cannot be desirable succession and development of culture. Multicultural education originated from education for understanding the national background and cultural contributions of American immigrants in the late 1920s, and is also related to the term ‘national studies’ for enhancing the self‐identity of minority peoples in the early 1960s. From the late 1960s, the term ‘multiethnic education’ was used to mean that all children should learn various cultures in the U.S., and in the 1970s, the term ‘multicultural education’ began to be used as its meaning today. Banks, a representative scholar in multicultural education, defined multicultural education as “A reform movement for giving peoples from diverse genders, languages, social classes, races and groups equal opportunities for learning,” and Bennett explained it as “an approach to teach and learn based on democratic values and beliefs in order to promote cultural diversity in a culturally diverse society or an independent world.” Moreover, Morrison said that multicultural education is education for preparing students to understand, perceive correctly and respect others from different races, genders, socio‐economic statuses, languages and cultural backgrounds, and ultimately to live, communicate, and act for common goals in multicultural society.In this way, multicultural education is a concept based on diversity and pluralism as well as on democracy, equality, human rights, social justice, etc. Furthermore, targeting not only children from migrant worker, married immigrant and multicultural families with minority culture but also all students from mainstream culture, it aims to help them recognize that our society is now entering into a multiethnic and multicultural society and be able to develop harmonious relations in the multiethnic and multicultural society. In other words, multicultural education is to emphasize and teach that, in the present age of globalization, groups of different culture, race and society should maintain their own native language and culture and, at the same time, coexist with the mainstream culture and make various contributions to the society. Multicultural education can be divided into ‘multicultural education for mutual understanding among cultures,’ ‘education responding culturally,’ ‘cross‐cultural education,’ ‘cultural pluralism of education,’ ‘multicultural education as human experience,’ etc. Moreover, multicultural education has been developed through processes such as multiple culture education, international understanding education, anti‐prejudice education, and globalization education, and may share conceptual denotations with human right education, anti‐war peace education, and ecological environment education. In other words, multicultural education intends to help students understand the diversity of people with various backgrounds in terms of culture, race, gender and social class, have positive attitude and perception toward the diversity, admit cultural differences from the viewpoint of cultural relativism, and acknowledge values in other cultures. It was from the 7th National Curriculum that Korea began to take interest in multicultural education. At that time, people began to recognize the importance of international understanding education and global citizen education and the necessity to understand culture diversity in other countries. In response to these demands, the 7th National Curriculum introduced some contents for international understanding and multicultural understanding mainly in subjects related to foreign languages and social studies. Later the 2007 Revised National Curriculum reflected multicultural education in all the subjects. That is, the Generals of the 2007 Revised National Curriculum suggest multicultural education as one of 35 interdisciplinary themes of learning, and furthermore, direct that it should be reflected in the development of textbooks. The Korean government is executing various multiculturalist policies to cope with transition to multicultural society and resultant problems. That is, as the number of multicultural family children attending elementary and secondary schools is increasing with the expansion of married immigrants and migrant workers and there should be strengthened educational support to them, the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development made Plans to Provide Educational Support to Multicultural Family Children but most of the contents aim to help foreign workers and married immigrants adjust themselves to racially homogeneous Korean society by learning Korean language and traditional culture. This suggests that while our society is changing rapidly to a multicultural society but multiculturalist policies and multicultural education are still insisting on Koreanization through infusing the myth of homogeneous race and culture and forcing assimilation to Korean national culture. What is more, through its Study on Teaching‐Learning Support for Multicultural Education, Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation suggested the objectives of multicultural education as follows: first, to understand cultural diversity and differences and strengthen cultural identity; second, to develop tolerance of understanding and respective native culture as well as other cultures and the attitude of contributing to the recreation of culture; and third, to promote a sense of community, the qualities of democratic citizen, peaceful settlement of conflicts, cooperative attitude, respect for human rights, and social justice. In order to achieve these goals, in addition, it proposed programs: first, to provide opportunities to experience other cultures; second, to understand the own traditional culture; and third, to promote international understanding. However, these proposals focus on education for multicultural family children, so are not sufficient for giving multicultural education to ordinary students. In multicultural society resulting from globalization, our education should seek mutual understanding and coexistence of different languages and cultures of diverse races and people rather than the transfer of traditional culture based on our homogeneous language and race. Moreover, education in multicultural society should place emphasis more on the majority’s understanding and tolerance of minorities’ race, people, and culture than on assimilation of immigrants from foreign countries to the mainstream society. Accordingly, though already late, Korean people should also admit ‘multiculturalism’ as a basic attribute of the society instead of clinging to the purity of language and people, and receive and respect cultural diversity for the coexistence of multiple cultures in one society or one country. That is, school education should include not only education for multicultural family students to understand our language and culture as the mainstream but also education for the majority of our society to understand and tolerate the cultures of minorities including immigrants from foreign countries, half‐blooded children from them, and North Korean defectors. The fundamental objective of Korean education is “to build up the people’s character under the ideology of Hongikingan (devotion to the benefits of mankind) and to equip individuals with abilities for independent life and qualities as a democratic citizen so that they may be able to lead a noble life and to contribute to the development of democratic state and the realization of the co‐prosperity of mankind.” Co‐prosperity of mankind is impossible without overcoming nationalism, which gives the top priority to the superiority and benefits of my own country. That is,the true co‐prosperity of mankind is possible only when we acknowledge and respect differences in history, culture, religion, language and customs between my people and others. This means that, in order to educate people required in the age of globalization, even the education of traditional culture should concentrate on raising global citizens from the viewpoint of multiculturalism.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng berry(GB) is useful not only just in growing source but also in functional food source. The ingredients of crops varies with the maturity. So, GB ingredients need to be analyse for optimal harvesting stage of GB against appropriate use. Methods and Results : This study was carried out to determine optimal harvesting stage of GB. GB was harvested 5 day periods from July 12, started harvesting when pollination was 50 days old, until August 1. GB was analysed color, ginsenosides and fatty acids using colorimeter, LC and GC, respectively. As the majority of GB increase, color of freeeze drying GB powder were changed that lightness and yellowness was increased, redness was decreased. Ginsenoside Re, Rb1 and Rb2, major ginsenoside in GB, were increased and Ginsenoside F1, Rk1 and Rg5, minor ginsenoside, were increased for a time and then decreased. Oleic acid, the main fatty acid in GB, was decreased, and linoleic acid and total fatty acid content was increased to July 27 and then decreased. Conclusion : Total ginsenosides content was the highest on August 1 and total fatty acid content was the highest July 27. As the majority of GB increase, ratio of oleic acid on total fatty acid was decreased and linoleic acid was increased. Thus, GB is that the longer a harvest period and the more useful for food source.
        2015.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Left ventricular (LV) thrombi may be caused by various conditions, particularly myocardial infarction. In most cases, LV thrombus occurs in patients with a significantly reduced ejection fraction. A LV thrombus is extremely rare in patients with normal LV function. We report a case of LV thrombus initially detected on transthoracic echocardiography and confirmed using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in a patient with normal LV wall motion. We highlight the rarity of this condition and the usefulness of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of LV thrombus.
        2015.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Mannitol is commonly used to reduce intracranial and intraocular pressures and to prevent dialysis-disequilibrium syndrome. However, intravenous mannitol infusion in various cases has the potential to result in acute kidney injury (AKI). We present a case of mannitol-induced AKI that developed after low dose mannitol infusion and resulted in recovery after hemodialysis. A 66-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of left middle cerebral artery infarction. On hospital day 5, cerebral edema was observed on a follow-up MRI. D-mannitol 35 g was given intravenously every 8 hours. Four days later, serum creatinine levels were elevated from 1.2 mg/dL to 3.5 mg/dL. The serum osmolal gap was found to be 52.4 mosm/kg H2O and urine output was reduced from 2.78 mL/kg/h to 0.69 mL/kg/h over three days. Hemodialysis over 2 hours was performed and renal function subsequently improved to baseline function. A potential risk of AKI exists even with low dose mannitol infusion in patients with advanced age, underlying renal impairment, and concomitant use of nephrotoxic agents. Mannitol-induced AKI may be rapidly reversed by short-term hemodialysis.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A six-rowed naked barley cultivar, Donghanchal (Hordeum vulgare L.), with low-amylose, winter hardiness, viral disease resistance and good quality, was developed from the cross between the advanced line “Masangwamac/Kangbori*7” and Naehanssalbori in 1993.