지능형 컴퓨팅의 등장으로 빅데이터를 활용한 패션 브랜드 의미 마이닝과 가치 홍보에 초점을 맞춘 새로운 연구 트렌드가 등장하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 인기 여성복 브랜드 5개를 대상으로 다양한 종류의 의류에 대한 소비자 감성 트렌드를 조사하는 것이다. 유니클로, 에이치스타일, 베로모다, 피스버드, 온리. 이를 위해 총 93,550건의 소비자 평가를 수집하고, 키스멧 감성 분석 엔진을 활용하여 의류 유형별 감성 극성도를 분석하였 다. 그 결과, 브랜드에 따라 감정 극성이 크게 다르다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, HSTYLE 후드티, ONLY 니트웨 어, 피스버드 순면, 유니클로 니트가 각각 소비자들에게 가장 강한 긍정적 감정을 불러일으켰다. 또한 이번 연 구에서는 각 브랜드에서 가장 인기 있는 의류 유형과 착용 효과를 밝혀 패션 기업이 효과적인 마케팅 전략을 수립하고 제품 제공을 강화하는 데 중요한 인사이트를 제공했다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 게임 업계에서 는 감성 분석을 적용하여 다양한 게임 브랜드, 장르, 게임 플레이에 대한 플레이어의 감정 반응을 이해하고 게임 프로모션 전략과 제품 디자인 개발에 도움을 줄 수 있다. 전반적으로 이 연구 결과는 디자인 분야에서 빅데이터의 잠재력을 입증하고 업계에서 경쟁 우위를 확보하기 위해 빅데이터를 활용하는 것이 중요하다는 점을 강조할 수 있다.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were added into the self-healing polyurethane materials as conductive filler, the mass fraction of carbon nanotubes was adjusted, and 1% polyaniline was doped. The conductive self-healing polyurethane composites with different carbon nanotubes content (PU)-1/3/5/8/10 were prepared, and analyzed and tested. The result shows that the permeability threshold value of the composite material is 8wt%, and the comprehensive performance of the composite material PU-8 is the best; the resistance of PU-8 is 1278Ω, PU-8P has a resistance of 1400Ω; using an infrared camera, it can be seen that the material can reach 143.3 °C under the DC current of 0.1A, reaching the temperature condition when the material is repaired; the swelling test shows that the PU-8P equilibrium swelling rate is 177%, the gel content is 52.67%, and there is no dissolution in dimethyl sulfoxide. Solvent stability is better than PU-8;DSC test shows that the glass transition temperature of the soft segment of PU-8P is 43 °C, and the glass transition temperature of the hard segment is − 55 °C, which is not much different from that of PU-8; TG test shows that the epitaxial starting temperature of PU-8P is 365 °C; the observation photo is magnified by a stereo microscope at ten times and the PU-8P sample is cut of in the middle at room temperature, applying a constant voltage of 30 V, the cracks disappeared. The material cracks realized self-healing with electricity, and the repair efficiency reached 20.5%.
Rose is one of the most economically important ornamental crops worldwide. Although rose products are widely used, limited genetic and genomic data from this species is available. Fundamental genetic knowledge can accelerate the development of superior rose germplasms. In the present study, we explored the genetic data (e.g., chromosome numbers, total chromosome length, and ploidy level) of 39 rose cultivars using conventional cytogenetic methods. Of the 39 rose cultivars tested, 36 (92.3%) were tetraploid (2n = 4x = 28). ‘Rosada,’ ‘Rosemarin,’ and ‘Hanmaum’ were diploid (2n = 2x = 14), triploid (2n = 3x =21), and tetraploid-based aneuploid (2n = 4x = 28 + 2), respectively. The total chromosome length ranged from 46.03 ± 0.55 μm in ‘Rosada’ (2x) to 138.51 ± 0.92 μm in ‘Christoper’ (4x). The chromosome information obtained in this study will be useful for rose breeding and germplasm evaluation.
The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics and cultural values of the headdress among Chinese minorities with diverse ethnic cultures, and to provide various data on the design of clothing accessories. Theoretical considerations about ethnic minorities were addressed through literature and prior research, with data being collected using literature and websites. The results are as follows. First, the most common type of headdress is the horizontal type, which includes the head style, headband, and head scarf. The second most common is the cylinder type, which is a headdress with variations in the shape of a round hat, and has is evident among various minorities. Third, the pagoda type is decorated with ornaments mounted on top of a round shape. Fourth, the square crown type is a piece of wood as a material for a form of the material and for a variety of jewelry and the production of up to meet the women’s head of the jewelry. Fifth, head belt-type ornaments consist of a headband and fancy bead ornaments from the bottom of the head. Mongol women usually wear an exaggerated form of this type. Sixth, the head cover type is a head decoration influenced by the dress code of Muslim women. Seventh is the disc type of crown shape worn by the Dai. Next, the ogival type is a cone-shaped headdress hat most commonly seen as head ornament hat among the Dai. Lastly, the sailboat type is the most exaggerated form of hair ornaments found among ethnic minorities.
This experiment was conducted to a comparison of the productivity according to variety and forage quality by plant parts of imported silage corn (Zea mays, L) in Pyeongchang. The corns evaluated in this experiment were 8 varieties (P1184, P1151, P1194, P1543, P1345, P1429, P1443, and P2105) introduced from the United States, Pioneer Hybrid Co. The harvested corn was divided into 5 plant parts (leaf, stem, cob, husk, and grain), and the ratio of each part was calculated using dry weight and the feed value was analyzed. The emergence rate of corn was generally good except for the P1151 and P2105 varieties. The average tasseling date was July 24th and the silking date was July 27th, but the P2105 variety was late to July 28th and August 1st, and the remaining varieties were similar. P1345 was the highest (289 and 123 cm), and P1151 varieties were the lowest (267 and 101 cm) in the plant and ear height. Disease resistance was low in P1184, P1443 and P1429, and P1197 and P1345 were high. In the case of stover, the dry matter (DM) content was the lowest at 19.6% in the P1151 and the highest at 24.9% in the P1429. DM content of ear was the highest in the P2105 (55.5%), and P1184 (54.2%) and P1345 (54.3%) were also significantly higher (p<0.05). The DM yield of stover of P2105, P1429 and P1194 varieties was significantly higher (p<0.05), and ear yield of P2105, P1345 and P1443 was higher. The proportions of each part of plants (leaf, stem, cob, husk, and grain) divided by 5 was high, with 50-60% of the ear(grain+cob) ratio. The ratio of husk and cob was roughly similar, and the leaf and stem part showed a ratio of about 20%. The crude protein (CP) content was highest in leaf, followed by grain. The CP content of the stem was the lowest, and the husk was not significantly different among the varieties (p>0.05). The acid detergent fiber (ADF) content was similar to the rest parts except grain, but the leaf part tended to be lower, and other parts except the stem and leaf showed no significant difference between varieties (p>0.05). There was no significant difference in NDF (neutral detergent fiber) content in husk, but there was a difference between varieties in other parts (p<0.05). In addition, there was a special difference by plant parts for each variety, P2015 on the stem, P1197 on the leaf, P1151 on the cob, P1197 on the husk, and P1197 on the grains with high NDF content. IVDMD (in vitro dry matter digestibility) was not significantly different between stems and grains, but there was a difference between varieties in cobs and husks. According to the results, DM yield of P2105 variety was the best in the experiment, and the ratio of grain was excellent in P1543 and P1345. In addition, it was found that the feed value was higher in the leaves and grains, and the leaf and stem had higher feed values than husk or cob.
Carbonaceous materials are considered as potential adsorbents for organic dyes due to their unique structures which provide high aspect ratios, hydrophobic property, large efficient surface area, and easy surface modification. In this work, graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) were prepared by atomic hydrogen-induced treatment of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNTs), which inspire the idea of cutting and unzipping the SWCNTs carpets with the modified in molecules prevent because of the unfolding of the side-walls. The unfolded spaces and uniform vertical arrangement not only enhance the active surface area, but also promote the electrostatic and π–π interactions between dyes and GNRs. The improved adsorption capacity of GNRs beyond original SWCNTs can be determined by the adsorption kinetics and isotherm, which are evaluated through adsorption batch experiments of the typical cationic methylene blue (MB) and anionic orange II (OII) dye, respectively. It is shown that the adsorption kinetics follow a pseudo second-order model while the adsorption isotherm could be determined by Langmuir model. The results reveal that the maximum adsorption capacities of GNRs for MB and OII are 280 and 265 mg/g, respectively. The GNRs present the highly efficient, cost effective, and environmental friendly properties for the commercial applications of wastewater treatment.
This study was conducted to compare the agronomic characteristics and productivity according to the species and varieties of winter forage crops in reclaimed land. Winter forage crops used in this study were developed in National Institute of Crop Science, RDA. Oats (‘Samhan’, ‘Jopung’, ‘Taehan’, ‘Dakyung’ and ‘Hi-early’), forage barley (‘Yeongyang’, ‘Yuyeon’, ‘Yujin’, ‘Dacheng’ and ‘Yeonho’), rye (‘Gogu’, ‘Jogreen’ and ‘Daegokgreen’) and triticale (‘Shinyoung’, ‘Saeyoung’, ‘Choyoung’, ‘Sinseong’, ‘Minpung’ and ‘Gwangyoung’) were planted in the reclaimed land of Sihwa district in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi-do in the autumn of 2018 and cultivated using each standard cultivation method, and harvested in May 2019(oat and rye: 8 May, barley and triticale: 20 May.) The emergency rate was the lowest in rye (84.4%), and forage barley, oat and triticale were in similar levels (92.8 to 98.8%). Triticale was the lowest (416 tiller/㎡) and oat was the highest (603 tiller/㎡) in tiller number. Rye was the earliest in the heading date (April 21), triticale was April 26, and oat and forage barley were in early May (May 2 and May 5). The plant height was the highest in rye (95.6 cm), and triticale and forage barley was similar (76.3 and 68.3cm) and oat was the lowest (54.2 cm). Dry matter(DM) content of rye was the highest in the average of 46.04% and the others were similar at 35.09∼37.54%. Productivity was different among species and varieties, with the highest dry matter yield of forage barley (4,344 kg/ha), oat was similar to barley, and rye and triticale were lowest. ‘Dakyoung’ and ‘Hi-early’ were higher in DM yield (4,283 and 5,490 kg/ha), and forage barley were higher in ‘Yeonho’, ‘Yujin’ and ‘Dacheng’ varieties (4,888, 5,433 and 5,582 kg/ha). Crude protein content of oat (6.58%) tended to be the highest, and TDN(total digectible nutrient) content (63.61%) was higher than other varieties. In the RFV(relative feed value), oats averaged 119, while the other three species averaged 92∼ 105. The weight of 1,000 grain was the highest in triticale (43.03 g) and the lowest in rye (31.61 g). In the evaluation of germination rate according to the salt concentration (salinity), the germination rate was maintained at about 80% from 0.2 to 0.4% salinity. The correlation coefficient between germination and salt concentration was high in oat and barley (-0.91 and -0.92) and lowest in rye (-0.66). In conclusion, forage barley and oats showed good productivity in reclaimed land. Adaptability is also different among varieties of forage crops. When growing forage crops in reclaimed land, the selection of highly adaptable species and varieties was recommended.
A novel, unique, and effective method for carbon nanotube (CNT) dispersion by the free arc stimulation is proposed. CNTs are introduced as an aerogel into the air space via the dispersion method and can be utilized as a solution by adding it to solvents. The volume of the original generated CNT aerogel with a high-volume expansion ratio displays a performance two orders of magnitudes better than that of raw CNTs, which is considered a powerful characterization of the dispersion effect. The CNT aerogel, which was observed by scanning electron microscopy also showed a satisfactory dispersion morphology. Its structure and properties were tested before and after dispersion by Raman spectroscopy and great consistency was observed, which proved that the CNTs were undamaged. This approach may greatly promote the large-scale application of CNTs.
Tour application have a lot of information to offer. Because smart phones’ screen is small, it is necessary to efficiently organize user interface(UI). To have a quantity analysis on human's' attention affected by layout position in tour application UI design, an experiment was proposed and then the data analysis was done. Thirty subjects took part in our experiment and 20 tour application layout images divided into four area of interest (AOI) were taken as the stimulus randomly. Data was recorded by the Tobi Pro X2-30 eye tracker system. The heat maps and gaze plot results were analyzed. And then One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) statistical method was applied to finding out the significant difference in factor levels. Results show that the active area and eye movements tracking roads within statistic meaning. Moreover, ANOVA (F = 24.28, p = 2.21267e15 < 0.01) shows that the different positions have significance difference effect on subjects' attention and mean of AOI (4) is a significant difference from other three area. And then the influence degree of AOI (4) (F = 13.90, p = 0.098 > 0.05) is weaker than other regions through the simple test. In conclusion, the tour applications should be considered the layout position effects on improving the attraction for corresponding users.
The article first introduces key education policies in China, revolving around the National Medium- and Long-Term Education Reform and Development Guideline (2010-2020), a blueprint for education reform up to 2020. Then it elaborates on the educational issues and challenges confronted by China. The article examines the lessons and gaps in educational cooperation in the APEC in light of international cooperation which is regarded as an important approach to seeking inspiration for policymaking in the process of education reform. Finally it concludes with a number of recommendations for international cooperation in the context of enhancing "regional economic integration ".