To optimize initial cooling conditions, forced-air cooling was applied to freshly harvested oak mushrooms at 2 levels (0oC for 30 minutes, at 0oC for 1 hour) followed by room cooling at 3 levels (-3oC for 1 day, 0oC for 1 day, 3oC for 1 day). After initial cooling, the oak mushrooms were packaged with PVC film, then held in a storage room at 1oC for 6 weeks. Quality characteristics and percentage marketability were then investigated. As a control, Mushrooms were placed in storage with no initial cooling. The quality factors impacting marketability of fresh oak mushrooms were color change and appearance of decay. Off-odor did not occur or developed only slightly, so it did not affect oak mushroom quality within 6 weeks of low temperature storage. In all treatment groups, the shelf life in which 100% marketability was maintained was up to 3 weeks. At week 5, percent marketability of the 3 treatment groups 1 hour room cooling treatment at 0°C, 1 hour forced air cooling, and control was 100%. 80% In the group that underwent 30 min forced air cooling retained 80% marketability, and the group exposed to 1 day in room cooling at -3oC retained 86.7% marketability. At week 6 of 1oC storage, the marketability ratio was 80% in the 1 day room cooling at 0oC group, 66.7% in the 1 day room cooling at 3oC group, 46.7% in the 1 hour forced air cooling group, and 33% or less in all other treatment groups. Therefore, the most suitable initial cooling parameter to extend shelf-life of oak mushrooms is 1 day of in room cooling at 0oC immediately after harvest.
신선 버섯의 수확 후 관리 기술은 2000년대까지 출원의 증가와 감소를 반복하는 경향을 보이다가 2010년대에 들어서 꾸준한 증가세를 나타내고 있어, 신선 농산물의 수확 후 관리 기술이 시대의 흐름에 부합하는 기술임을 알 수 있다. 주요 출원인에 대한 특허출원은 일본이 전체 출원 중에서 가장 많은 특허를 출원하였으며 대부분의 국가에서 내국인의 특허출원 비중이 높게 나타나 자국 중심의 출원 경향을 보이고 있다. 신선 버섯의 수확 후 포장 기술은 초반에 출원인 및 출원 건수가 감소하였다가, 최근 출원인 및 출원 건수가 증가하여 회복기 단계에 있으며, 저장기술은 최근 출원인 수와 출원 건수가 대폭 증가하여 성장기의 단계로 평가된다. 신선 버섯의 수확 후 관리 기술은 주로 다국적 기업과 국가 연구기관에서 다수의 특허를 보유하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 이는 해당 기술의 연구개발 및 상업화가 활발하게 이루어지고 있음을 시사하였다.
본 연구는 몇가지 전처리제 및 보존용액 처리가 국내 육성 절화 프리지아 ‘Gold Rich’의 수확후 절화수명과 개화 품질에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 10% sucrose, 200mg・L-1 Al2(SO4)3, 200mg・L-1 GA3, 150mg・L-1 citric acid가 혼용된 전처리 용액에서 절화 관상 기간 동안 수분 흡수량과 생체중은 유의적으로 증가한 것으로 조사되었지만 절화수명에는 큰 영향을 미치지 않았다. 보존용액으로 5% sucrose와 살균제인 300mg・L-1 8-HQ를 혼용 처리하였을 때 절화수명 연장(1일 이상), 높은 개화율(82.3~89.1%) 및 만개율(71.5~84.2%) 등의 개화 품질이 향상되었다. 이러한 결과들을 통해 10% sucrose, 200mg・L-1 Al2(SO4)3, 200mg・L-1 GA3, 150mg・L-1 citric acid를 혼합한 전처리제와 5% sucrose, 300mg・L-1 8-HQ를 혼합한 보존용액 처리는 절화수명 연장, 개화율 및 만개율 증가에 효과적일 것이라고 판단된다. 특히, sucrose가 포함된 보존용액은 절화 프리지아 ‘Gold Rich’ 의 상품성 향상에 있어 매우 유용할 것이다.
The present study was conducted to control Botrytis growth of cut roses during transport by applying hot water dipping. Water temperatures ranging from 40 – 70℃ and dipping time from 10 – 90 s were evaluated in vitro and in vivo. Hot water dipping at 50℃ inhibited mycelial growth depending on dipping time. Water temperature over 60℃ completely inhibited the pathogen growth even at exposure of 10 s while water below 40℃ did not have any effect. However, temperature over 60℃ rapidly damaged the tissue of rose petals. Dipping time below 40 s at 55℃ showed no significant difference on electrolyte leakage compared to control. In vivo, dipping flower heads in hot water reduced the severity of Botrytis rot. Dipping for 20 – 90 s at a temperature of 50℃ was more effective than at higher or lower temperatures. Heat treatment increased respiration rate and decreased slightly solution uptake, transpiration, fresh weight of flowers but dipping below 50℃ for 20 s did not affect vase life.
This study was conducted to investigate optimum processing procedure of fresh-cut button mushrooms. The experiments were done with different processing parameters including washing method, washing time, sanitation, and cutting time. Fresh mushrooms were washed by swirling water (SW), lift type-immersion washing (LIW), or combined LIW and water spray (LI+WS). Mushroom samples were washed by LIW for 0, 1, 3, and 5 minutes separately. Mushrooms were sanitized with 0, 50, or 100 ㎕L-1 chlorine solution (pH 7) for 60 seconds. Mushrooms were sliced at different times (before washing, after washing, or after drying). The combined washing treatment, LIW+WS was effective in maintaining better appearance and higher Lightness color value among treatments. Optimum washing time to remove foreign materials and maintain color was 3 minutes when mushrooms were washed by LIW. Samples sanitized with 50 ㎕L-1 chlorine reduced initial aerobic bacterial population and had only slight residual chlorine odor. Fresh-cut mushrooms sliced after washing had the lowest loss among samples. The optimized washing, sanitation, and cutting time parameters can be used for sequential processing of fresh-cut button mushrooms.
봄수확 수삼의 항공 및 선박의 모의수출 유통 중 손실유형을 조사하기 위해 수삼을 기능성 LDPE 필름에 5 kg 대포장 또는 500 g 소포장으로 포장하고 각기 다른 모의수출 유통 온도 및 모의수출 기간 즉 항공 모의수출 유통은 15℃와 25℃로 설정된 저장고에 4일 동안 저장하고, 선박모의수출 유통은 1℃와 5℃로 설정된 저장고에 14일 동안 저장한 뒤 유통실험을 위해 최종 10℃로 설정된 저장고에 수삼을 옮기고 수삼의 품질 변화를 조사하였다. 수삼의 품질 조사는 포장단계부터 10℃유통기간까지 총 기간 수행하였다. 조사결과 수삼의 유통 중 손실률에 가장 크게 영향을 미치는 것은 물러짐과 곰팡이 발생에 의한 부패로 나타났다. 물러짐과 곰팡이에 의한 부패를 합한 종합 손실률에서 손실률 20%를 유통한계 기간으로 정했을 때 항공 모의수출유통 조건인 25℃에서 5 kg 대포장은 10일, 500 g 소포장은 6-7일에 20%에 도달했으며, 15℃는 5 kg 대포장은 17일, 500 g 소포장은 12-13일에 20%에 도달했다. 선박 모의유통 조건인 5℃는 5 kg 대포장은 21일, 500 g 소포장은 28일경에 20%에 도달했고, 1℃는 5 kg 대포장은 24일, 500 g 소포장은 29일 경에 20%에 도달하는 것으로 나타나 수삼의 유통은 모의수출 유통 방법뿐 아니라 포장용량도 손실률에 상당한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 수삼의 부패에 관여하는 병원균 중 곰팡이 균은 대부분Fusarium sp., Botrytis sp., Penicillium sp. 균들로 동정되었고, 25℃에서는 Fusarium sp. 균이 우세종이고, 그 이하의 온도에서는 Botrytis sp. 균이 우세종으로 나타났다.
Red-ripe ‘Betatiny’ jujube-shaped cherry tomato fruits via stem maintenance or stem removal were stored at 20℃ for 12 days. Their quality and microbial safety parameters like their respiration rate, weight loss, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), firmness, hue value, aerobic microflora, coliform, yeast and mold count, and decay were evaluated during their storage. The jujube-shaped cherry tomato fruits whose stems were removed lost less weight than the fruits whose stems were maintained during their 12 days of storage. The stem removal lowered the respiration more significantly than the stem maintenance, and the formation of novel tissues at the stem scar that resulted from the stem removal was observed morphologically. The SSC, TA and hue value of the skin color decreased after eight storage days, but showed no difference between the stem maintenance and removal. The stem had higher microbial counts like aerobic microflora, coliform, and yeast and mold counts. The stem maintenance showed a short shelf-life because molds grew on the attached stem after five storage days. The shelf-life of the jujube-shaped cherry tomato fruits whose stems were removed was about eight days, but that of the fruits whose stems were maintained and that were stored at 20℃ was only about six days.
With the rapid growth of fresh-cut produce market, the South Korean fresh-cut industry is facing the challenge of ensuring food safety. As the estimation of the microbial numbers in fresh-cut produce processing lines (tools, and equipment) using the conventional microbiological techniques takes days, so there is a need for faster and easier monitoring methods. This study was conducted to investigate the use of ATP bioluminescence assay to measure the degree of microbial contamination from three actual fresh-cut processing lines. The samples collected from frech-cut vegetables, and fresh-cut fruits processing plants were tested for the estimation of the bacterial number, using the ATP bioluminescence and microbiological methods. The result of former was transferred to log RLU/100 cm2, and that of the latter was transferred to log CFU/100 cm2. A positive linear correlation between the ATP bioluminescence assay value and aerobic-plate count was found for fresh-cut processing lines, with a correlation coefficient of 0.8772 (n=50). The results of this study indicate that ATP bioluminescence assay can be used to monitor microbial contamination in fresh-cut produce processing plants, and can help improve the hygiene therein.