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        검색결과 27

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        비모란 선인장 ‘Ahwang’ 품종이 2016년에 국립원예특작과 학원에서 육성되었다. 증식력이 우수한 밝은 황색 ‘Ahwang’ 품종 육성을 위해서, 황색 ‘Hwangun’품종을 모본으로, 황색 ‘0930001’ 계통을 부본으로 하여 2012년 6월 25일에 교배하였다. 어린 비모란 선인장을 2014년 이전에 삼각주에 2번 접목하여 계통을 양성하였으며 2014년부터 2016년까지 총 3회에 걸쳐 생육특성을 조사하였다. ‘Ahwang’ 품종의 모구는 편원형 모양에 황색 구색(Y9A)이다. 모구는 평균 8.6개의 능(rip)과 2.7mm의 짧은 직립형 회색 가시를 가지고 있고 혹(tubercle)이 돌출된 형태를 띠고 있다. 10개월 재배 후 ‘Ahwang’ 품종의 구직경은 44.5mm였으며 자구는 평균 26.9개가 생성되었다. ‘Ahwang’ 품종은 모구 능마다 황색의 자구가 3-4개가 착생되었다. 2016년 육성계통 평가회에서 ‘Ahwang’ 품종은 기호도 점수 3.9을 받았다. 이 품종은 2018년 5월 16일 국립종자원에 등록되었으며 식물신품종보호법에 의해 품종보호(등록번호 7193)를 받게 되었다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Phalaenopsis ‘Blanc Rouse’ 품종은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2013년도에 육성한 신품종이다. 이 품종은 2007년에 백색 바탕에 분홍색의 소형 P. ‘KV 600’ 품종을 모본으로 하고 진한 핑크색의 P. ‘Kang 1’ 품종을 부본으로 교배시킨 후대 계통 중에서 선발하였다. 2010년에 화색, 초장, 화경 및 식물체의 생육상태 등을 고려하여 1차 선발 후 2013년에 2차 특성검정을 통하여 품종의 안정성과 균일성을 확인하고 ‘Blanc Rouse’로 명명하였다. 이 품종은 흰색바탕에 자주색 순판을 가졌으며 꽃 가운데 분홍색의 줄무늬가 크게 형성되어 있는 품종이다. 화형은 꽃잎과 꽃받침이 평편한 모양이고 꽃의 길이와 폭은 4.3cm, 4.8cm로 소형이다. 꽃대가 평균 2개 발생하며 복총상 화서로 화서당 꽃 수가 39.4개로 볼륨이 있어 소형분화에 적합하다. 자연 개화시기는 11월 하순으로 개화가 빠른 조생종 이다. 잎의 길이와 폭은 각각 17.3, 6.2cm이며 엽형은 수평이다. 기내 증식력이 높고 변이가 거의 없으며 내병성이 강하여 재배관리가 용이하다.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        DNA methylation is the most common and well-characterized epigenetic change in human cancer. Recently, the association between GATA-binding protein 5 (GATA5) methylation and carcinogenesis of various types of tumors was investigated. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of GATA5 methylation status on clinicopathological features and prognosis in primary non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) patients with a long-term follow-up period. The GATA5 methylation status was determined for 171 human bladder specimens (eight normal controls [NCs] and 163 primary NMIBC patients) using quantitative pyrosequencing analysis. The primary NMIBC tissues were obtained from patients who underwent transurethral resection (TUR) for histologically diagnosed transitional cell carcinomas between 1995 and 2012 at Chungbuk National University Hospital. GATA5 methylation was significantly higher in NMIBC patients than in NCs and was significantly associated with higher grade and more advanced stage of cancer. Kaplan-Meier estimates showed significant differences in tumor recurrence and progression according to GATA5 methylation status (each p<0.05). Our results show that increased methylation of GATA5 was significantly associated with not only aggressive characteristics but also poor prognosis in primary NMIBC patients. Alteration of GATA5 methylation might be used as a biomarker for prognosis of NMIBC patients. However, prospective and functional investigations are necessary to clarify the role of GATA5 methylation in future clinical management of patients with NMIBC.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Al though the changes in tooth morphology and hardness by hydrogen peroxide(H20 z) have been r‘epor‘.ted .‘ the pαr。o야t뻐ec야tive role of heme oxygenase-l(HO-l) against the cytotoxic effects of H202 has not been clarifïed i n human pulp cells ln this st udy. we investigated whether HO-l is involved in Hz0 2-induced cytoLox icity a nd examined the production 0 1' dentin sia lophosphoprotein(DSPP) and other mineralization markers‘ in hllman pu lp cells H202 decreased cell viabi lity, but increased HO-l and DSPP expression in a concentra tion and time dependent manner . Inhibitors of gllanylate cyclase. PI3K, ERK. and p38 MAP kinase blocked H202-indllced cytotoxicity and the expression of HO-l and DSPP mRNAs in pulp cells. These data suggest that the induction of HO-l by H202 in plllp cells plays a protective role against the cytotoxic effects 0 1' HzOz and stimulates DSPP expression‘ reslllting in prematllre odontoblast dilTerentiation throllgh pathways that involve cGMP‘ p38. and ERK.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Al t hough substance P(SP) , a potent pro- inflammatory peptide, is involved in inflammation and immune responses‘ t he eff'ect of SP on t he expression of macrophage inflammatory protein 3a (MIP- 3α CCL20) in periodontal liga ment(PDL) cell s a re unknown, Equally as enigmatic is the link between SP, t he stress protein heme oxygenase- l(HO-l) ‘ and CCL20 procluction, We investigated whether SP induces the release of chemokine CCL20 from immortal ized PDL(IPDL) ceJJ s‘ and fur ther c l a꺼 SP mediated pathways, We also examined the relationship between HO-l a ncl CCL20 by t reating PDL cells with SP, Incubating IPDL cells with SP increased expression of CCL20 mRNA a nd CCL20 protein in a dose-time dependent manner Highly selective p38 and ERKl/2 inhibitors abrogated SP-induced expression of CCL20 in IPDL cell s, SP is a lso responsible for ini t iating phosphorylation of I/C B, degradation of Iκ B‘ ancl activat ion of NF'-/C B, SP induced expression of HO-l in both a concentration- and time-dependent man nel ‘ and CCL20 refl ected s imilar patterns, The inductive effects o[ SP on HO- l and CCL20 wer e enhanced by HO- j inducer hemin and the membrane-permeable cGMP analog 8-bromo-cGMP, Conversely, this pathway was inJübited by t he 1-10난 inhi bitor zinc protoporphyrin IX(ZnPP IX) and the selective inl뼈itor of guanylate cyc1ase‘ lH-[l , 2, 4Joxad iazole[4‘ 3-aJquinoxal in-l-one (ODQ) , We report herein the pathway that connects SP along with other modulators 。f neuroimmunoregulationto the induction of HO-l and t he inflammatory mediator MIP-3a /CCL20 in IPDL cell s‘ which play an important role in the development 01' periodontitis or inflamrnation during orthodontic tooth movem
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is a highly effective approach for studying genetically complex forms of plant shattering. With QTLs mapping, the shattering loci can be described. SSR marker is based on the imformation of Simple Sequence Repeat and easy to analyze using PCR and has high reproducibility. For analyzing QTLs associated with shattering, we selected 219 SSR markers from 254 SSR markers and used them for implementing Mapmaker(Ver. 3.0) and Mapchart(Ver. 2.2). Mapmaker help to calculate distances between each markers and Mapchart is a program for drawing Genetic map. This Genetic map of rice (Oryza sativa L.) covering 2082.4 cM with 9.5 cM between makers in the Kosambi function has been constructed using 120 F1 DH plants from a single cross between the indica variety Chungchung and the japonica variety Nagdong.
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