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        검색결과 19

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pyrolysis of methane is a carbon-economic method to obtain valuable carbon materials and COx- free H2, under the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. In this work, we propose a methane pyrolysis process to produce graphite and H2 using bubble column reactor containing NiO/Al2O3 and NaCl–KCl (molten salt). The process was optimized by the different amounts of NaCl–KCl, the CH4/ Ar ratio and temperature, indicating that the CH4 conversation rate could reach 92% at 900 °C. Meanwhile, we found that the addition of molten salt could obtain pure carbon materials, even if the conversation rate of CH4 decreases. The analysis of the carbon products revealed that graphite could be obtained.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon dots (CDs) with tunable fluorescence emissions have been developed from a wide range of small organic molecules with various bottom-up syntheses. However, most of them were prepared under high temperatures and high pressures with long reaction times and tedious purification processes. In addition, previously reported carbon dots frequently displayed excitation-dependent emissions, which restrict their further applications. Herein, we present a simple and rapid microwaveassisted solvothermal synthesis of multicolour carbon dots with excitation-independent emissions. In ethylene glycol, the green (G)-CDs emitting at 537 nm with a quantum efficiency (QY) of 15% were obtained by using a single precursor of phloroglucinol, and blue (B)- and yellow (Y)-CDs emitting at 436 nm and 557 nm with QYs of 55% and 28% were derived with additives of o- and m-phenylenediamine, respectively. Analyses of their chemical structures and optical processes suggest that highly polymeric carbon dots were uniformly formed from the small molecules and their fluorescences were predominantly originated from rapid direct recombination. Furthermore, emissions at different wavelengths were mainly attributed to different degrees of oxidation (13.9%, 15.2% and 16.4% oxygen in B-, G- and Y-CDs, respectively) and different proportions of pyrrolic nitrogen (10.4% and 1.40% in B- and Y-CDs, respectively). To demonstrate the application feasibility, the obtained carbon dots were utilized for ion detection and anti-counterfeiting. Based on static quenching of the carbon dots’ fluorescence, micro amounts of ferric ion in water samples were detected selectively and reproducibly. Moreover, the anti-counterfeiting pattern constructed by the carbon dots emitted fluorescence under ultraviolet illumination, but concealed perfectly under daylight. This achievement is of great potential for developing multicolour carbon dots of high qualities.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        How high-mass stars form is currently unclear. Calculations suggest that the radiation pressure of a forming star can halt spherical infall, preventing further growth when it reaches 10 M⊙. Two major theoretical models on the further growth of stellar mass have been proposed. One model suggests the merging of less massive stellar objects, and the other is through accretion, but with the help of a disk. In ow motions are key evidence for how forming stars gain further mass to build up massive stars. Recent developments in technology have boosted the search for in ow motion. A number of high-mass collapse candidates were obtained with single dish observations, and mostly showed blue pro les. Infalling signatures seem to be more common in regions which have developed radiation pressure than in younger cores, which is the opposite of the theoretical prediction and is also very different from observations of low mass star formation. Interferometer studies so far confirm this tendency with more obvious blue profiles or inverse P Cygni profiles. Results seem to favor the accretion model. However, the evolution of the infall motion in massive star forming cores needs to be further explored. Direct evidence for monolithic or competitive collapse processes is still lacking. ALMA will enable us to probe more detail of the gravitional processes.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The novel serogroup of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar mogi (H3a3b3d) was isolated from fallen leaves, sampled in a forest region of the city of Mungyeong, Korea. Plasmids from B. thuringiensis have been implicated in pathogenicity as they carry the genes responsible for different types of diseases in mammals and insects. In this study, the genome sequence of the strain was determined. The 6.0-Mb genome of B. thuringiensis mogi contains three replicons: a circular chromosome (5.40-Mb) encoding 5,652 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), and two megaplasmids, pMOGI364 (364 564 bp) and pMOGI222 (222 348 bp). The G+C contents of these replicons ranged from 31.3% to 34.2% for pMOGI364 and pMOGI222, respectively. There are six putative cry genes, cry19Bb1, cry73Aa, cry20Bb1, cry27Ab1, cry4Aa and cry56Ba1, distributed on these two megaplasmids. To investigate the role of these genes in crystal production, the expression profiles of these toxin genes were analyzed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) from the wild type strain. Also, these cry genes were cloned to the Escherichia coli-B. thuringiensis shuttle vector, pHT1K under the control of its own promoter and then introduced into an acrystalliferous B. thuringiensis Cry-B strain for further molecular characterization.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plasmids are crucial for determining the pathogenicity and host range of organisms of the Bacillus thuringiensis strains. In this research, a novel serogroup of B. thuringiensis serovar mogi (H3a3b3d), which showed mosquitocidal activity against Anopheles sinensis and Culex pipiens pallens, was isolated from fallen leaves in Mungyeong city, Republic of Korea. In contrast to the complicated plasmid profiles of B. thuringiensis H3 serotype strains, the B. thuringiensis serovar mogi contained two megaplasmids (> 30 MDa) on which the toxin genes were occasionally located. Sequence analysis using 454-pyrosequencing revealed that there are 7 putative cry genes, cry19Bb1, cry73Aa, cry40orf2, cry20Bb1, cry27Ab1, cry56Ba1 and cry39orf2, distributed on the two different megaplasmids, respectively. These cry genes were cloned to the Escherichia coli-B. thuringiensis shuttle vector, pHT1K under the control of its own promoter and p1KSD, which is a recombinant expression vector containing cyt1Aa promoter combined with the STAB-SD sequence, and then introduced into an acrystalliferous B. thuringiensis Cry-B strain for further molecular characterization. To investigate the role of these genes in crystal production, the expression profiles of these toxin genes were analyzed by quantitative PCR (qPCR) from the wild type strain. These results clearly indicate that the cry39orf2 was the dominant ingredient in the crystal. This novel 3a3b3d type strain, B. thuringiensis serovar mogi, could be used as a good resource for studying unknown mosquitocidal cry genes.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bacillus thuringiensis serovar mogi of a novel serogroup (H3a3b3d), which showed mosquitocidal activity against Anopheles sinensis and Culex pipiens pallens, was isolated from fallen leaves in Mungyeong city, Republic of Korea. In contrast to the complicated plasmid profiles of B. thuringiensis H3 serotype strains, the B. thuringiensis serovar mogi contained only megaplasmid (> 30 MDa) on which the toxin genes were occasionally located. Sequence analysis using 454-pyrosequencing revealed that the megaplasmid harbored at least seven putative cry genes, showing about 84%, 75%, 73%, 58%, 84%, 39% and 75% similarities in amino acid sequences with Cry27Aa, Cry19Ba, Cry20-like, Cry56Aa, Cry39ORF2, Cry8Ba and Cry40ORF2, respectively. These cry genes were cloned to the Escherichia coli-B. thuringiensis shuttle vector, pHT1K, and then introduced into an acrystalliferous B. thuringiensis Cry-B strain for further molecular characterization. To investigate the role of these genes in crystal production, the expression profiles of these toxin genes were analyzed by quantitative real-time PCR (qrtPCR) from the wild type strain as well as transformant strains. The results clearly indicate that the cry39orf2 was the dominant ingredient in the crystal. This novel 3a3b3d type strain, B. thuringiensis serovar mogi, could be used as a good resource for studying unknown mosquitocidal cry genes.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plasmids from Bacillus thuringiensis have been implicated in pathogenicity as they carry the genes responsible for different types of diseases in mammals and insects. B. thuringiensis serovar mogi of a novel serogroup (H3a3b3d), which showed mosquitocidal activity against Anopheles sinensis and Culex pipiens pallens, was isolated from fallen leaves in Mungyeong city, Republic of Korea. In contrast to the complicated plasmid profiles of B. thuringiensis H3 serotype strains, the B. thuringiensis serovar mogi contained only megaplasmid (> 30 MDa) on which the toxin genes were occasionally located. Sequence analysis using 454-pyrosequencing revealed that the megaplasmid harbored at least seven putative cry genes, showing about 84%, 75%, 73%, 58%, 84%, 39% and 75% similarities in amino acid sequences with Cry27Aa, Cry19Ba, Cry20-like, Cry56Aa, Cry39ORF2, Cry8Ba and Cry40ORF2, respectively. These cry genes were cloned to the Escherichia coli-B. thuringiensis shuttle vector, pHT1K, and then introduced into an acrystalliferous B. thuringiensis Cry-B strain for further molecular characterization. This novel 3a3b3d type strain, B. thuringiensis serovar mogi, could be used as a good resource for studying unknown mosquitocidal cry genes.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Plasmids from Bacillus thuringiensis have been implicated in pathogenicity as they carry the genes responsible for different types of diseases that in mammals and insects. A novel serogroup (H3a3b3d), B. thuringiensis strain K4 which showed mosquitocidal activity against Anopheles sinensis and Culex pipiens pallens, was isolated from fallen leaves in Mungyeong city, Republic of Korea. In contrast to the complicated plasmid profiles of B. thuringiensis H3 serotype strains, the strain K4 (designated as serovar mogi) had only one large plasmid (>200kb) on which the toxin genes were occasionally located. A 454 pyrosequencing was used for the complete sequencing of the large plasmid. The sequence analysis showed that k4 plasmid had at least seven putative cry genes, ending up to showing 84%, 75%, 73%, 58%, 84%, 39% and 75% homology with Cry27Aa, Cry19Ba, Cry20-like, Cry56Aa, Cry39ORF2, Cry8Ba and Cry40ORF2 toxins in amino acids, respectively. This novel 3a3b3d type strain, B. thuringiensis serovar mogi, can be used as a good resource for studying unknown mosquitocidal cry genes. The E. coli-B. thuringiensis shuttle vector, pHT1K was used to clone these cry genes for characterization. In each clone, the level of transcription and production of crystal proteins will be investigated in near the future.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strain K4 was isolated from fallen leaves which had been collected at a forest stand in Mungyeong city, Republic of Korea. The flagellated vegetative cells of Bt K4 were agglutinated with the H3 reference antiserum among 55 reference H-antisera. In a further test to identify subfactors, 3b and 3d monospecific antisera were reactive to the cells, followed up with introducing a novel serogroup of 3a3b3d, designated as serovar mogi. The strain K4 had mosquitocidal activity against Dipteran larvae, Anopheles sinensis and Culex pipiens pallens, with no Lepidopteran toxicity observed. The SDS-PAGE profile of K4 crystal protein, ovoidal-shaped, included several bands ranging from 30-75 kDa. Four putative peptides, Cry19Ba, Cry40ORF2, Cry27Aa and Cry20Aa were detected from the bands by a nano-LC-ESI-IT MS analysis. Through a thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR, cry19Ba, cry40ORF2 and cry27Aa genes were partially cloned from K4 strain. Three cry genes were further found in the strain by a 454 pyrosequencing, ending up to showing 58%, 39% and 84% homology in amino acids with Cry56Aa, Cry8Ba and Cry39ORF2 toxins, respectively. This novel 3a3b3d type strain, B. thuringiensis subsp. mogi, can be used as a good resource for studying unknown mosquitocidal cry genes.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Bacillus thuringiensis strain K4 was isolated from fallen leaves, sampled in a forest region of the city of Mungyeong, Korea. The flagellated vegetative cells of B. thuringiensis strain K4 were agglutinated with the H3 reference antiserum and further, agglutinated with 3b and 3d monospecific antisera but non-reactive for 3c and 3e factor sera. These results create a new serogroup with flagellar antigenic structure of 3a3b3d, designated serovar mogi. The strain K4 showed high activity against dipteran larvae, Anopheles sinensis and Culex pipiens pallens while no lepidopteran toxicity. It produced a single ovoidal-shaped parasporal crystal whose SDS-PAGE protein profile consisted of several bands ranging from 75 to 30 kDa. Through the protein identification by nano-LC-ESI-IT MS analysis, the putative peptides of Cry19Ba, Cry40ORF2, Cry27Aa and Cry20Aa were detected. In contrast to the plasmid profile of B. thuringiensis H3 serotype strains, the strain K4 contained only a large plasmid (~100 kb) and we cloned partial cry27Aa, cry19Ba and cry40ORF2 genes from it by thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR. Sequencing analysis showed 87%, 88% and 88% homologous with known cry27Aa, cry19Ba and cry40ORF2 genes, respectively. The new type strain, B. thuringiensis subsp. mogi (H3a3b3d) will be a good resource for new mosquitocidal cry genes.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bacillus thuringiensis 1-3 (Bt 1-3) which was isolated from a Korean soil sample showed high insecticidal activity against Aedes aegypti as well as Plutella xylostella. The isolate was determined to belong to ssp. aizawai (H7) type by an H antiserum agglutination test and produced bipyramidal-shaped crystal proteins with a molecular weight of 130 kDa. PCR analysis with cry gene specific primers showed that Bt 1-3 contained cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1C, cry1D and cry2A gene, differing from spp. aizawai (reference strain) which contains cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1C and cry1D. We modified the plasmid capture system (PCS) to clone plasmid from Bt 1-3 through in vitro transposition. Fifty-three clones were acquired and their sizes were approximately 10 kb. Based on the sequence analysis, they were classified according to similarities with four known Bt plasmids, pGI3, pBMB175, pGI1 and pGI2, respectively. One of pGI3-like clones, named as pBt1-3, was fully sequenced and its 20 putative open reading frames (ORFs), Rep-protein, double-strand origin of replication (dso), single-strand origin of replication (sso), have been identified. The structure of pBt1-3 showed high similarity with pGI3 which is one of rolling-circle replication (RCR) group VI family.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bacillus thuringiensis 1-3 (Bt 1-3), belonging to subsp. aizawai (H7), showed different characteristics in plasmid profiles from type strain and had cry2A gene in addition to cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1C and cry1D. To clone its plasmids and construct E.coli-Bt shuttle vector, we constructed the plasmid capture system (PCS) by inserting attB sites including lacZ between transposable elements (designated as pPCS-Troy). Through in vitro transposition with total plasmids DNA of Bt 1-3, 53 clones were acquired and their sizes were approximately 10 kb. Based on the sequence analysis, they were classified in four groups showing similarities with four known Bt plasmids, pGI3, pBMB175, pGI1 and pGI2, respectively. One of pGI3-like clones, named as pBt1-3, was fully sequenced and its putative open reading frames (ORFs), Rep-protein, double-strand origin of replication (dso), single-strand origin of replication (sso), have been identified. The structure of pBt1-3 showed high similarity with pGI3 which is one of rolling-circle replication (RCR) group VI family. As a donor for construction of shuttle vector, pDonr-attPEm vector harboring erythromycin resistant gene between attP sites was constructed. Through BP recombination with pPCS-Troy-cloned Bt plasmids and pDonr-attPEm, erythromycin resistant gene was transposed to Bt plasmids. This scheme proposes that in vitro transposition using pPCS-Troy and BP recombination using pDonr-attPEm can easily clone Bt plasmids and construct novel shuttle vectors.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bacillus thuringiensis 1-3 (Bt 1-3), belonging to subsp. aizawai (H7), showed different characteristics in plasmid profiles and had cry2A gene in addition to cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1C and cry1D. This strain exhibited dual insecticidal activity against Aedes aegypti as well as Plutella xylostella. Recently, we improved the donor-s of plasmid capture system (PCS) by inserting attB sites including lacZ between transposable elements (designated as pPCS-Troy), to construct E.coli-Bt shuttle vector. Through in vitro transposition with total plasmids DNA of Bt 1-3, 53 clones were acquired and their range of sizes were approximately 10 kb. Based on the sequence analysis, they were classified in 4 groups showing similarity with 4 known plasmids, pGI1, pGI2, pGI3 and pBMB175, respectively. One of pGI3-like clones was fully sequenced and its open reading frames were analyzed. As a donor for construction of shuttle vector, pDonr-attPEm vector harboring erythromycin resistant gene between attP sites was constructed. Through BP recombination with pPCS-Troy-cloned Bt plasmids and pDonr-attPEm, erythromycin resistant gene was transposed to Bt plasmids. This scheme proposes that in vitro transposition using pPCS-Troy and BP recombination using pDonr-attPEm can easily construct novel shuttle vectors with any Bt plasmids and this combined procedure can introduce foreign gengs into various circular DNA molecular.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bacillus thuringiensis 1-3 (Bt 1-3), isolated from Korean soil sample, showed high insecticidal activity against Plutella xylostella. Recently, we improved plasmid capture system donor-s (PCS-S) by inserting attB sites including lacZ between transposable elements (designated as pTroy), to reduce background and construct E. coli-Bt shuttle vector. Through in vitro transposition with total plasmid DNA of Bt 1-3, at least 6 different size plasmids of Bt 1-3 were cloned. Among them, 47 clones which have approximately 10 kb plasmid in size were sequenced and 5 contigs were assembled. These contigs showed partial similarity with two known plasmids, pGI3 or pBMB175, separately. These cloned plasmids will acquire erythromycin resistance by BP recombination reaction with pDonrattPEm vector. After transformation into Bt cells, final erythromycin resistant Bt cell might contain novel E. coli-Bt shuttle vector. This scheme proposes that pTroy and pDonr-attPEm system can easily construct new shuttle vector by in vitro transposition, BP reaction, and erythromycin selection with any Bt plasmids.
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A strain of Bacillus thuringiensis, named Bt 1-3, was isolated from Korean soil sample and it showed high insecticidal activity against Plutella xylostella. Bt 1-3 was deterimined to belong to ssp. aizawai (H7) by an H antiserum agglutination test and produced bipyramidal-shaped crystal proteins. PCR analysis with specific cry gene primers showed that Bt 1-3 contained cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1C, cry1D and cry2Ab genes. In addition, this isolate showed high uptake rate of foreign plasmid by electroporation. Based on these characteristics of Bt 1-3, we tried to construct a spore-free Bt 1-3 mutant by knock-out sigG gene, which is known as a key transcription factor during sporulation. First, we constructed a basal vector, named pDST, consisting of erythromycin resistant gene (EmR), partial polyhedrin gene and temperature sensitive origin of replication gene (Orits). Subsequently, according to the chromosomal DNA sequence of Bt subsp. konkukian 97-27, we amplifed upstream and downstream regions of Bt 1-3 sigG, and cloned into pDST (pDST-G). So far, several EmR colonies were obtained by electroporating into the wildtype Bt 1-3 and crossover by homologous recombination is going on.