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        검색결과 35

        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 다양한 유기재배 작물의 뿌리를 가해하는 굼벵이류의 피해가 증가하고 있으나, 굼벵이류는 토양 내 발생하는 특징으로 인해 발생시기 및 그 종류에 대한 확인이 어려운 해충이다. 피해를 끼치는 굼벵이의 발생을 파악하기 위해 고구마 유기재배지에 페로몬 트랩을 이용하여 굼벵이의 성충의 종류 및 발생 동향을 조사하였다. 조사지는 무안 유기재배농가와 국립농업과학원 완주군 포장에서 이루어졌다. 3종의 풍뎅이 페로몬 루어를 유인제로 사용하였으 며 6월 초부터 8월 말까지 조사지에 트랩을 설치하여 포획된 풍뎅이를 수집하여 동정을 하였다. 유기재배포장에서 포획된 종은 큰검정풍뎅이, 콩풍뎅이, 청동풍뎅이, 녹색콩풍뎅이, 별줄풍뎅이 등의 풍뎅이와 흰점박이꽃무지 등이 주로 채집되었다. 유기재배 고구마포장에서 풍뎅이 발생소장을 조사한 결과 최대로 발생한 시기는 7월초였다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To assess a potential possibility of Deoduck as functional food resources, this study was performed to determine the changes in chemical components and antioxidant activities on Deoduck with various aging conditions; aging temperatures were 60, 70, and 80°C, and aging periods were 5, 10, 15, 30, and 50 days. We determined pH, total acidity, browning index, 5-hydroxymethyl-furfural, total phenolic contents, DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of aged Deoduck. Total acidity of aged samples increased during aging treatment, at higher temperature and longer time. The pH value of aged Deoduck ranged from 4.97 to 3.76. Aged Deoduck at 60℃ decreased slowly than 70 and 80℃, and these results were similar in total acidity. 5-HMF and total phenolic contents increased when increased aging temperature and periods. The DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities of Deoduck were ranged from 0.374 to 1.560 mg TEAC eq/g and from 0.302 to 1.745 mg trolox eq/g, respectively.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to investigate the properties of recycled asphalt binders with five different rejuvenators, in order to evaluate the applicability of the recycled asphalt binders compared with the original asphalt binder. METHODS: In order to simulate recycled asphalt binders, fresh asphalt binders are aged by various Superpave aging procedures, such as the rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) and the pressure aging vessel (PAV). Then, selected rejuvenators are added to the aged asphalt binders in the amount of 5%, 10%, and 15%. The asphalt binder properties are evaluated by the dynamic shear rheometer (DSR), the rotational viscometer (RV), and the bending beam rheometer (BBR). In this study, AP-5 (penetration grade 60-80, PG 64-16) asphalt binder is used. A total of five types of rejuvenators are employed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : When considering aged asphalt without a new asphalt binder, it seems that the percentage of rejuvenator used in Korea is a bit too low, and that it fails to possess the characteristics of the original binder. From the current practice of evaluating the properties of recycled binder based on penetration ratio only, the amount of rejuvenator required is similar for the long-term-aged binder, but is excessive for the longest-term aged binder, causing deterioration of workability and stiffness of the recycled binder.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study employed the first-person shooter task(FPST: Correll, Park, Judd, & Wittenbrink, 2002) paradigm to examine racial bias toward Blacks in a population unrelated to the Black-White racial context. We tested whether having Korean participants play the role of a White police officer portrayed as nonracist (vs. racist) would attenuate the bias to shoot Black suspects. Participants were told that they would perform a police simulation task as a White police officer, who was described as racist or nonracist, or was presented without a description. They then performed the FPST. Although nonracist description lowered shooter bias, racist description weakened it even more, contrary to our prediction. The latter result is interpreted as due to activation of an egalitarian goal after reading about racism-related description, especially as the description was about someone who was to be incorporated to the self. Supporting this interpretation, a mediation analysis involving Racist and Control conditions revealed that the racist description was associated with stronger perception of the officer’s racial bias, which in turn was correlated with weaker shooter bias.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sweet potato whitefly (SPW), Bemisia tabaci, is the most serious pest of greenhouse tomato as a vector of tomato yellow leaf curl virus since 2008 in Jeju. This study was conducted for within-plant distribution of SPW nymphs on leaves and the characteristic of spatial distribution of SPW adults using by yellow-color sticky trap in greenhouse-grown tomato plants. The nymphs of SPW were mainly distributed on leaves of mid-lower stratum in three stratum of tomato plant. They were also more distributed on three to four leaflets from basal part in a leaf. Ten plots and three plants per plot were appropriated to estimate of mean density of SPW nymph using by visual inspection in a tomato greenhouse. The more SPW adults were caught on horizontally placed sticky trap above 50~80 cm than vertically placed sticky trap above tomato canopy. The horizontal direction trap should be placed in opened site. SPW adults were shown the aggregated distribution pattern using by Taylor’s power law (TPL) and Iwao’s patchiness regression (IPR) model which are commonly used for spatial distribution pattern analysis. TPL was showed better description than IPR for spatial distribution pattern of SPW adults. The required number of trap tended to decrease according to increase the mean density of SPW adult
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Beet armyworm (BAW), Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), is a polyphagous lepidopteran pest mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. BAW are known to migrate long distances to find suitable host plants and environmental condition. The possibility of its overwintering in temperate regions has been suspected. This study was conducted for investigating overwintering and phenology of BAW using by sex pheromone trap in Jeju during 2007 to 2011. BAW was able to overwinter at pupae stage regardless of temperature of winter season in Jeju. The times of BAW caught first on traps were different by surveyed years - early March in 2007, middle March in 2008 and 2011 and early April in 2009 and 2010. The times of BAW caught on trap tended to be more dependent on temperature variation during on November and December than on mean temperature of winter season. The peak season of adults of the overwintering generation was early to middle of May. The results of seasonal periodicity of BAW monitored by sex pheromone trap during 2009 and 2010 indicated that five generations were passed in Jeju. The peak season of 1st generation was on middle of April, 2nd generation on middle of July, 3rd generation on early of August, 4th generation on late of August and 5th generation on middle of September. There were similar patterns by different above sea levels except the season of overwintering generation adults occurrence (March to May).
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis, is a serious scale insect pest of citrus in Jeju. The sticky taping of 1.0 cm diameter twig was a good survey method for arrowhead scale crawler. There are three times crawler occurrence season - late May to early July, late July to middle September and late September to late October. But the third occurred crawlers are all died during overwintering in open-field groves. This study was conducted to provide information on efficient sampling plan for arrowhead scale within the tree. Twig and fruit was fit for secondary sample unit by two-stage variance analysis. Both sample number per tree (primary sample unit) was eight twigs or fruits. Taylor’s power law was better described the distribution characteristic of arrowhead scale than Iwao’s patchiness regression. The slope of both linear regressions was greater than “1” which means aggregative distribution pattern. Minimum sample size to estimate the density was calculated using by two parameters of Taylor’s power law. To estimate the mean density on twig and fruit by binomial sampling plan, the optimum tally threshold was 5 and 7, respectively.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood is a newly advent pest on citrus in Jeju. Both larvae and adult attack the new shoots and young and matured fruits of citrus. S. dorsalis is highly polyphagous with over 100 recorded species, but not known in Jeju. As a result from investigating the host plants in and/or around citrus orchards in Jeju during 2009 to 2010, they were 25 families 39 species. The total thrips examined on those plants were 13 species, and the richness thrips among them was S. dorsalis, Frankliniella occidentalis, Thrips tabaci and Thrips hawaiiensis. The widespread host plants of S. dorsalis were Mallotus japonicus, Paederia scandens, Hedera rhombea, Cayratia japonica and Clematis apiifolia and they can be also used for monitoring plants. On early May, the larvae of S. dorsalis were first investigated on the shoots of Mallotus japonicus, Lonicera japonica, Paederia scandens, Viburnum awabukira, Fraxinus rhynchophylla and Celtis sinensis. The other thrips species except S. dorsalis and T. tabaci, especially F. intonsa, T. hawaiiensis, T. flavus and T. coloratus were just found on flower stalks during the blooming season.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The males of cryptic mealybug, Pseudococcus cryptus, were attracted on trap baited with or without a synthetic sex pheromone. The attractiveness of sex pheromone trap was higher than yellow-color sticky trap, but both phenologies were similar. There was a positive relationship between mean density of 2nd nymph to adult cryptic mealybug and the density of the male caught on trap. The density of cryptic mealybug per tree was higher correlated with yellow-color sticky trap than sex pheromone trap. The pattern of cryptic mealybug male occurrence had two to three cohorts in a generation resulted from overwintering stage. The maximum occurring time of 1st to 2nd nymph stage could be estimated from the peak time of trap catch by effective temperature accumulation. The higher and lower threshold temperature was estimated as 10.9 and 32.6℃, respectively and its thermal constant was 360 degree-day. The cryptic mealybug parasitoid, Anagyrus sp., which was first recovered in Jeju in 2009, was well attracted on yellow-color sticky trap. There was a high correlation between the density of Anagyrus sp. and of cryptic mealybug males caught on trap.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The damage of citrus fruit by yellow tea thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, was first confirmed in 2008, and has since been one of the serious pests of citrus in Jeju. This was reported on damage symptom on tangor cultivar, Setoka (Tangor Norin No. 8) fruits cultivated in a greenhouse and the characteristic of spatial disttribution of S. dorsalis caught on yellow sticky traps was conducted in three commercial citrus orchards. The feeding habits by S. dorsalis cause rind blemishes on the navel part of fruit. The damage is characterized by being scarped and figure like covered cloud on satsum mandarine fruit, but on by a brown ring of rough russeting that occurs on navel part of Setoka fruit. The season of damage occurrence was from middle of June to late of July. There was a highly significant relationship between the average number of thrips per trap and the maximum number caught on a trap. The overall differences between the linear regression models obtained from mean-variance relationship for each surveyed fields were tested by type Ⅲ error and contrast method. The characteristic of spatial distribution of S. dorsalis was better described by Taylor's power law than Iwao's patchiness regression, and the dispersion index which is the slope (=1.72) of linear regression model showed the aggregated distribution pattern. The sequential sampling stop lines at fixed precision level of 0.20, 0.25 and 0.30 were calculated.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Some responses of cryptic mealybug, Pseudococcus cryptus, for a sex pheromone, [(1R,3R)-3-isopropenyl-2,2-dimethylcyclobutyl]methyl 3-methyl-3-butenoate, were studied to develop the applying strategy of sex pheromone trap for efficient monitoring and control-time decision in citrus orchards grown in greenhouse for 2 years (2007-2008). The optimal concentration of a sex pheromone was 1.0㎎ per hexane 100㎕ in a using pheromone lure. There was no significant effect of the attraction of male adults among different colours (white, blue and yellow) of plate-type trap baited with sex pheromone. The more male adults were attracted, as the distance of a pheromone trap form a citrus tree infested with cryptic mealybug was closer. The male adults were caught to sex pheromone trap from middle April to late November, and its peak period was the middle of July. The thermal constant for the next attraction was about 640 degree-days (lower threshold temperature=12℃) after confirmed the first attraction of male adults. The optimum control time for cryptic mealybug after the first attraction of male adults were confirmed was estimated as 450 to 500 degree-days.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        AtRabG3b and CaMsrB2 genes incorporated into pPZP vetor were transformed to Korean soybean cultivar Kwangan using highly efficient transformation system. AtRabG3b gene plays a positive role in xylem development in Arabidopsis and 64 transgenic plants were produced. CaMsrB2 gene is known to confer drought tolerance in rice and 63 transgenic plants were produced. As a result of PPT leaf painting assay, about 20% of transformation efficiency was observed from 2 times of inoculation. These transgenic plants were confirmed for gene introduction using PCR. Currently, the copy number and the gene expression is investigating using qRT-PCR and RT-PCR. Moreover, 62 lines and 53 lines of T1 seeds from AtRabG3b and CaMsrB2, respectively, were sown in GMO field.
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