Two spider species of the genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805, Pholcus muju sp. nov. and Pholcus yeongheung sp. nov. in the family Pholcidae C. L. Koch, 1850 are newly described from Korea. These two new species belonging to phungiformes-group in the genus can be distinguished from their congeners by the shape and structure of genital organs of both males and females. They are found on rock walls in mountainous mixed forests. This work provides diagnoses, detailed descriptions, and taxonomic photographs for these new species.
Many spiders belonging to Enoplognatha Pavesi, 1880 and Parasteatoda Archer, 1946 of Theridiidae were collected with sweep net between shrubs and bushes in the mountain forest during a survey of the mountain spider fauna. Among the spiders collected, male Enoplognatha gramineusa Zhu, 1998 and female Parasteatoda ryukyu (Yoshida 2000) were recognized as newly recorded spiders to Korean spider fauna. The present work describes these two spiders with measurements and morphological illustrations.
The present study was conducted to investigate the differences in managed farming practices, including low-intensive farming, duck farming, and golden apple snail farming, in a rice ecosystem by comparing terrestrial arthropod communities. A total of 75 species from 70 genera belonging to 43 families in 11 orders were identified from 9,622 collected arthropods. Araneae, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera were the richest taxa. Collembola was the most abundant, followed by Diptera, Hemiptera, and Araneae. Bray- Curtis similarity among the farming practices was very high (76.7%). The biodiversity of each farming practice showed a similar seasonality pattern. The richest species group was the predators, followed by the herbivores. The species richness and diversity of ecologically functional groups among the farming practices were not statistically significant, except for the abundance of predators in golden apple snail farming. The biodiversity seasonality of ecological functional groups in each farming practice showed similar patterns. The biomass of Araneae, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera was greater than the other taxa, in general. The biomass of each ecological functional group showed little difference and the biomass fluctuation patterns in each farming practice were almost the same. Collectively, the community structures and biodiversity of terrestrial arthropods among the farming practices in the present study were not different. The present study may contribute to sustain rich biodiversity in irrigated rice fields and to advanced studies of food webs or energy flow structures in rice fields for ecological and sustainable agriculture.
흰가루병에 저항성이 있는 절화장미 품종을 육성하기위하여 2007년 수량이 많고 절화수명이 긴 다홍색의 스탠다드 ‘Aladin’ 품종과 화형이 우수하고 흰가루병에 저항성이 있는 적색 스탠다드 ‘Red Queen’ 품종을 각각모본과 부본으로 인공교배를 실시하였다. 2008년 획득한종자를 파종하여 219개의 실생 개체를 얻었으며 꽃잎수가 5개 미만인 것을 제외하고 2009-2011년까지 3차에 거쳐 특성평가를 실시한 후 ‘원교 D1-179’를 최종 선발하여 ‘Antique Curl’로 명명하였다. ‘Antique Curl’은 복색으로 노랑색(Y2C) 분홍색(R49A)이 혼합되어 있으며, 화형은 고심형, 꽃잎수는 56.7장으로 대조품종인 ‘MoonLight’보다 약 20장 더 많다. 화폭은 12.3cm로 대조품종보다 약간 작았다. 1m2당 연간 채화 가능한 수량은 135.5본이며 절화장은 65.8cm, 절화경경은 5.8mm의 절화 특성을 보였다. 또한 절화수명은 16.8일이며 흰가루병 저항성을 가지고 있으며 기호도 평가에서도 4.0을 획득하여 대조품종 보다 1.0 높은 기호도를 보였다. ‘Antique Curl’의품종보호권(품종보호: 제4456호)은 2013년 4월에 국립종자원을 통해 정식 등록되었다.
This study highlights the theme of human error of train drivers, conducting empirical analysis on the relationship between organizational culture, safety climates, safety behavior, and accident. The empirical test results based on questionnaires received from 223 train drivers working at A subway firm indicated that relationship conflict and psychological reward as the elements of organizational culture variables showed a significant positive effect on CEO philosophy, communication, and boss's leadership. And only boss's leadership showed a positive influence on safety behavior, which in turn showed a significant negative relationship with accidents.
In recent, habitat fragmentation is one of the major factors to threat to biodiversity loss, because habitat fragmentation caused by urbanization and land-use change affect reducing of habitat amount and changing of environmental condition. In particular, increasing of forest edges by habitat fragmentation cause changing of microclimate and distribution of organisms in forest. This study was conducted to examine the distributional patterns of ground beetle assemblages along forestedge- crop gradients in Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do. We selected 8 study sites as line gradients from forest interior to crop (+80m, +40m, +20m, 0m, -20m, -40m, -80m). Ground beetles were collected by pitfall traps from May to October in 2012. A total of 61 species were identified from 3,739 collected beetles. Species richness was the highest at forest edge (GLM with Tukey’s test, F6, 49=2.56, P=0.031). Although abundance was higher at both forest interior and edge, but not showed statistical significance (F6, 49=2.06, P=0.076). Species composition of forest interiors were significantly different from forest exteriors (crops) by non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and cluster analysis with similarity profile test (SIMPROF), while forest edges showed intermediate characteristics. Although our study sites may not represent the overall Korean forest, we confirmed that forest edges are important habitats for generalists and open-habitat species as well as forest specialists. In conclusion, management of both forest edge and its surroundings are needed to conserve biodiversity in forest,
Environmental changes such as land-use change including reclamation cause effects on the ecosystem seriously. Present study investigated community structure of hemipterans in several reclaimed lands from western coast of South Korea in 2010, because among arthropods, hemipterans are more influenced by land-use change which caused the change of dominant plants. Six reclaimed lands were selected for our study based on the ages of reclaimed land (0, 5, 12, 16, 20, and 31 years). Dominant plant species of reclaimed lands were belonging to Poaceae, Phragmites communis and Oryza sativa in Yeongsangan II, Sabkyocheon, Geumgan I and Gyehwado, Secale cereale in Seokmun, and Imperata cylindrica and Calamagrostis epigeios in Sihwa. A total of 31 species in 10 families were identified from 4475 collected hemipterans. In Sihwa, Shannon’s diversity was very low compared to other 5 reclaimed lands due to dominance of Paromius exiguus. Because I. cylindrica and C. epigeios were 1st and 2nd host plants of P. exiguus (2824 individuals only collected from Sihwa). In multivariate analysis, 6 reclaimed lands grouped into 2 major groups showing 49.8% in Bray-Curtis similarity between 2 groups. From these results, land-use change such as reclamation project may cause the outbreak of insect pests by destruction of ecosystem functions and simplification of plant community, although community structure of hemipterans may be stable over age of land reclamation.
The developmental time of immature stages of Paromius exiguus (Distant) was studied at eight different constant temperatures (17.5, 20, 22.5, 25, 27.5, 30, 32.5 and 35°C) with a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h on two host plants, Imperata cylinderica and Calamagrostis epigeios. On both host plants, the developmental time decreased with increasing temperatures. A significant difference in the developmental times was observed between two host plants for each nymphal stage and for the total nymphal stage as well. For completion of the total nymphal stage, the development time at 17.5 and 35°C were 69.6 and 16.6 days on I. cylinderica and 38.6 and 13.8 days on C. epigeios, respectively. The relationship between developmental rate and temperature was fitted to a linear regression model and the six nonlinear models (Lactin 1, Lactin 2, Briere 1, Briere 2, Logan 6 and Taylor). Except for the Taylor model, all of the five nonlinear models fitted the data for the total nymphal stage of the current study well, according to the high r2 value, on both host plants. The distribution of completion of each development stage was well described by the two-parameter Weibull function.
일본의 근대 ‘천황제’ 국가는 ‘천황제’ 이데올로기에 의해 형성된 절대군주제 국가였다. 이 ‘천황제’ 이데올로기는 일본의 고래의 신도사상(神道思想)과 충효의 윤리를 바탕으로 한 전제적이고 가부장적인 유교사상을 근간으로 하여 ‘천황’의 권위를 신성시하고 절대시함으로써 국민의 일상은 물론 정신세계까지 지배하여 국가 권력에 대한 국민들의 절대적인 복종과 충성을 얻어내려는 것이었다. 그리고 거기에는 종교적, 반민중적, 반이성적 성격이 들어있었다. 일본 메이지시대 전반기에 형성된 이러한 ‘천황제’ 이데올로기는 의무화된 근대교육 기관과 군대, 교화기구를 통해서 자국민에게 체계적으로 주입되었으며, 청일전쟁, 러일전쟁 등 침략전쟁을 통해서 해외 식민지를 강점․지배하면서 더욱 강화되고 정교화되어, 지배이데올로기로 활용되었다. 일본의 종교정책은 메이지유신기에 형성되었는데 그 기조는 국가신도 내지 신사신도(神社神道)를 정점으로 하여, 그 하위에 교파신도와 불교, 기독교를 국가의 공인종교로 삼고 국가 시책에 충실히 따르도록 통제․이용하면서, 그 외의 종교는 ‘유사종교단체’라 하여 불법화하고 경찰력을 동원하여 통제․탄압하는 것이었다. 일본에서 기독교는 전래 초기부터 사회적인 비난과 배척을 받아 교세가 크게 발전하지 못했으며, 국가와의 관계에 자신을 적응하여 자신의 유용성을 변증하고자 하였다. 일본 기독교는 초기부터 국가의 종교정책에 저항하기보다는 순응하고 협력하는 길을 선택하였던 것이다. 일본 기독교는 천황숭배와 신사참배를 인정하고, 침략전쟁에 협력하였으며, 대륙침략을 재개한 1930년대 이후에는 일본적 기독교라고 하여 교리와 신앙의 본질적인 부분까지 변질시켰다. 1939년 4월 종교단체법이 공포된 이후에는 개신교 교파들이 통폐합하여 일본기독교단을 만들고, 적극적으로 침략 전쟁에 협력함으로써 국가의 교화단체의 하나로 전락하고 말았다.
This study was conducted to examine the community structure of ground beetles between coniferous and deciduous forest in rural landscapes along latitudinal gradient, such as Miryang-si, Yeongdong-gun, Icheon-si, and Cheolwon-gun from April to October in 2009. A total of 19 species belonging to 15 genera of 9 subfamilies were identified from 6,253 collected ground beetles. Between forest stands, 14 species belonging to 10 genera of 7 subfamilies were identified from 2,874 ground beetles in coniferous forests and 14 species belonging to 11 genera of 7 subfamilies were identified from 3,379 ground beetles in deciduous forests. Dominant species from 4 regions were Synuchus nitidus (59.4% of total) and Synuchus cyloderus (28.5%) respectively. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed no difference between forest stands, but it was significantly different among regions. Non-metric multidimensional scaling showed that 8 study sites were divergence to 2 major groups between Miryang-si and the others. Overall, community structure of ground beetles showed no difference between forest stands. In conclusion, rural forests is being discussed about important role in biodiversity conservation such as refuge from human activity, and thus, studies on the community structure of ground beetles in the rural forests will be important to manage the biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, because ground beetles are well known for general predator groups in the ecosystems.
2004년도에 화형이 우수하고 연핑크색의 스프레이 ‘Macarena’ 품종을 모본으로 수량이 많은 핑크색 스프 레이 ‘Million Pink’ 품종을 부본으로 인공교배하여 2005년에 744개체의 실생묘를 획득하여 이들을 대상으 로 2007-2009년까지 3차에 거쳐 특성을 검정한 후최종 선발된 ‘원교 D1-143’을 ‘Glory Purple’이라고 명명하였다. ‘Glory Purple’의 화색은 짙은 분홍색으로 RHS 칼라챠트번호 66B이다. 화형은 고심형이고 향기는 없다. 꽃잎수는 25.7개로써 ‘Pinky’와 같았고, 화폭은 5.9 cm로 ‘Pinky’ 보다 작았다. 평방미터당 년간 절화수 량은 157.1본으로 ‘Pinky’ 보다 많았으며 절화장은 63.5 cm 절화경경은 6.3 mm로 ‘Pinky’와 비슷하였다. 또한 절화수명은 10.2일로 ‘Pinky’ 보다 약간 길었으며, 흰가루병 저항성과 기호도 평가에서도 각각 ‘Charming’ 과 ‘Pinky’ 보다 우수하였다.
Members of Sparassidae of Araneae are small to large sized (3-25mm) huntsman spiders (Jäger 1999). In Korea, there have been recorded 5 species, Heteropoda venatoria (Linnaeus, 1767), Micrommata virescens (Clerck, 1757), Sinopoda koreana (Paik, 1968), Sinopoda stellatops Jäger & Ono, 2002 and Thelcticopis severa (L.Koch, 1875), belonging to 3 genera (Paik, 1968, 1978, Namkung, 2002, 2003, You and Kim, 2002). In the course of survey for the spider fauna of Mt. Sobaek (1,439m elevation) located in Punggi-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do during 2007 to 2008, one of the 16 National Parks in Korea, 2 matured females of Sinopoda forcipata (Karsch,1881) which has been known to distribute in China and Japan were collected by pitfall traps. S.forcipata is a newly recorded species for the Korean spider fauna. Female of S.forcipata was described with some natural history including vertical distribution at mountain and seasonal fluctuation, and compared distribution and habitat of 3 Korean Sinopoda species referring former reports from Korea.
‘Grace’는 국립원예특작과학원에서 2009년도에 육성한 포인세티아 품종이다. 이 품종은 2006년에 복숭아색의 ‘PC-025’를 모본으로, 착색이 빠른 밝은 적색의 ‘Ichiban’을 부본으로 인공 교배하여 양성된 실생 개체를 선발하여 계통화하였다. 2007~2008년 2차에 거쳐 특성검정을 하여 ‘원교 D5-53’을 육성하였고 2009년에 3차 특성검정과 품평회를 실시하여 최종선발 하였으며, 농작물 직무육성 신품종선정위원회를 거쳐 ‘그레이스(Grace)’로 명명하였다. ‘Grace’의 포엽의 형태는 타원형이며, 포엽의 엽맥 사이에 약한 주름이 있고, 포엽의 색상반점무늬로 이루어진 복숭아색이다. ‘Grace’의 엽신은 난형이며 진한 녹색이고, 엽절이 적으며, 엽병의 길이는 중간 정도이다. ‘Grace’의 줄기 색은 녹색계이며 적심을 하지 않은 상태에서도 분지가 발생한다. 초장은 짧으며 단일처리 후 약 7주일이 경과하면 완전히 착색되어 출하가 가능하다.
A new spray rose cultivar ‘Red Zen’ was bred from the cross between dark pink spray cultivar ‘Dollina’ and orange spray cultivar ‘Alegria’ at the National Institute of Horticulture & Herbal Science. The cross was made in 2007 and ‘Red Zen’ was finally selected in 2011 after investigating characteristics for four years from 2009 to 2011. ‘Red Zen’, a red spray cultivar grows vigorously and has good and big shape. The major characteristics of this cultivar are 116.0 stems/㎡/year in yield, 72.5±7.0 cm in length of cut flower, 6.0±0.1 cm in flower diameter, 22.5±2.5 in petal number, and 11.8±1.2 days in vase life. This cultivar can be propagated by both cutting and grafting. The consumer’s preference of this cultivar is relatively higher than that of control cultivar, ‘Little Mable’.
A new spray rose cultivar ‘Peach Zen’ was bred from the cross between yellow spray cultivar ‘Sunny Lady’ and red spray cultivar ‘Madonna’ at the National Institute of Horticulture & Herbal Science. The cross was made in 2007 and ‘Peach Zen’ was finally selected in 2011 after investigating characteristics for three years from 2009 to 2011. ‘Peach Zen’, a light pink spray cultivar grows vigorously and has good shape and good vase life. The major characteristics of this cultivar are 128.4 stems/㎡/year in yield, 76.4±6.3 cm in length of cut flower, 5.8±0.6 cm in flower diameter, 39.3±4.2 in petal number, and 12.6±1.2 days in vase life. This cultivar can be propagated by both cutting and grafting. The consumer’s preference of this cultivar is relatively higher than that of control cultivar, ‘Little Mable’.
A new standard rose cultivar ‘Big Bang’ was bred from the cross between Yellow standard cultivar ‘Landora’ and Yellow standard cultivar ’Birdy’ at the National Institute of Horticulture & Herbal Science. The cross was made in 2005 and ‘Big Bang’ was finally selected in 2011 after investigating characteristics for three years from 2009 to 2011. ‘Big Bang’, a red standard cultivar grows vigorously and has Crown Gall Resistnat. The major characteristics of this cultivar are 119.8 stems/㎡/year in yield, 99.0±12.6 cm in length of cut flower, 13.5±0.3 cm in flower diameter, 40.0±3.2 in petal number, and 9.0±0.4 days in vase life. This cultivar can be propagated by both cutting and grafting. The consumer’s preference of this cultivar is relatively higher than that of control cultivar, ‘Vital’.
A new standard rose cultivar ‘ink holic’was bred from the cross between pink standard cultivar ‘yvia’and red standard cultivar 'Sioux' at the National Horticulture Research Institute. The cross was made in 2002 and ‘ink holic’was finally selected in 2007 after investigating characteristics for three years from 2005 to 2007. ‘ink holic’ a light pink standard cultivar grows vigorously and has powder mildew resistant. The major characteristics of this cultivar are 185.4 stems/m2/year in yield, 83.9cm in length of cut flower, 11.0cm in flower diameter, 42.9 in petal number, and 22.4 days in vase life. This cultivar can be propagated by both cutting and grafting. The consumer's preference of this cultivar is relatively higher than that of control cultivar, 'Moon light'.