
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 751

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내외적으로 기후변화, 이상기상 등 다양한 요인이 新문제 병해충의 발생을 가속화하고 있으나, 반대로 국제 기구에서 2030년까지 화학농약의 사용 및 위해도를 50%로 낮출 것을 요구하고 있다(생물다양성협약 COP15. 2022.12). 따라서 화학농약을 줄이면서 효과적으로 병해충을 방제할 수 있는 대안을 찾아야 한다. 화학농약의 대안으로 생명과학에 공학적 기술개념을 도입하여 인공적으로 생명체의 구성요소·시스템을 설 계·제작·합성하는 학문분야로 합성생물학이 주목받고 있다. 코로나19 백신개발과정에 합성생물학을 활용하여 개발기간을 단축한 사례(mRNA 백신)도 있다. 미국 농업분야에서는 dsRNA를 이용한 천연식물보호제(생물농 약)의 개발은 이미 상용화 단계로 넘어서고 있다. 이에 우리나라도 합성생물학을 활용한 농약의 개발과 상용화를 지원할 수 있는 제도적 기반을 마련할 시점이다. 본 발표에서는 합성생물학 기술을 이용한 新천연식물보호제의 개발과 상용화에 필요한 등록기준 마련 필요성과 고려할 사항에 대해 다각적으로 논의하고자 한다. 현재 우리나라에서 농약은 「농약관리법」에 따라 관리되며, 유효성분으로 쓰이는 원료의 종류에 따라 화학 농약과 천연식물보호제로 구분되고 있다. 화학농약은 “화학적으로 합성한 유효성분으로 제조한 것”을 말하며, 천연식물보호제는 “살아있는 미생물 또는 자연계에서 생성된 유기화합물 및 무기화합물”을 유효성분으로 제조 한 것“을 말한다. dsRNA 농약 등록을 위해서는 dsRNA 등 합성생물학 기술을 이용한 농약이 “자연계에서 생성된 유기화학물”로 분류될 수 있는 지에 대한 검토가 필요하며, dsRNA를 활용한 농약의 등록 기준이 마련되어야 한다. 기준을 마련하기 위해서는 합성생물학 기술에 대한 정확한 이해가 선행되어야 하고, 안전성에 대한 다각적 인 검토는 물론, 사회적 합의와 공감대 형성이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 우선 가장 중요한 이슈는 역시 유전자변형생물체(이하 ”LMO“) 문제이다. 국내에서는 LMO 작물의 재배 자체 에 대한 논란이 많은 상황이라는 점과 LMO일 경우 농약으로 등록시 기준 적용에 차이가 크기 때문이다. 천연식물 보호제는 화학농약보다는 등록시 요구되는 자료가 많이 간소화되어 있지만, LMO에 해당되면 그렇지 않다. 실제 미국에서 등록된 dsRNA 농약에는 LMO에 해당되는 것과 해당되지 않는 것이 있다. 따라서 국내에서 천연식물보 호제로 등록하기 위해서는 먼저 dsRNA를 활용한 기술이 LMO에 해당되는 지 여부가 먼저 정립되어야 하고, 해당 dsRNA 원제(Technical) 또는 해당 dsRNA 제품(Item)이 LMO 기술이 적용되지 않았음을 입증할 수 있는 체계 의 정립이 필요할 것이다. 또한 국제기준과 조화의 문제를 고려해야 한다. OECD 발간 문서(ENV/CBC/MONO(2023)26, ENV/JM/MONO (2020)26)에 따르면 dsRNA 농약은 dsRNA의 변이가 인체, 환경은 물론, 표적/비표적 유기체에 어떠한 영향을 미칠수 있는지에 대한 시험이 필요하고 이는 각 국가별 규제요건에 따라 달라질 수 있다고 밝히고 있다. 국내 기준을 마련하기 위해서는 외국 사례를 정밀하게 조사분석한 후 국내 여건에 맞도록 기준을 정립해야 할 것이다. 마지막으로 새로운 기술은 항상 부작용에 대한 우려가 따르기 마련이므로 전문가에 의해 과학적 근거에 기반 한 기준안이 마련함은 물론, 해당 기준안에 대한 대국민 소통/공감을 형성하는 과정도 필요하다. dsRNA농약은 우리나라에 새로운 도전이자 기회가 일 수 있다. 농약원제 개발에 뒤처져 수입에 의존하는 산업 에서 벗어나, 세계를 선도하며 수출하는 농약산업으로 바꿔야 할 시점인 것 같다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Jeju Island has been facing to threat of high-risk invasive pests from tropical areas. To protect domestic agriculture from those invasive pests, APQA has conducted a regular monitoring program on Jeju Island. We collected especially phototactic heteroceran pests by light bucket trap and identified them using their superficial appearances, and also mitochondria COI gene. As a result, a total of 24 families, 136 genera, 193 species, and 819 individuals were collected from around Jeju Island in 2023. Among them, two unidentified epidopteran pests, Palpita sp. (Crambidae) and Xyrosaris sp. (Yponomeutidae) were collected. In the present study, we report two unidentified micro-lepidopteran pests using superficial characteristics and mitochondria COI gene.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        식물에 전기장을 처리하면 식물의 생장속도가 빨라지거나 영양학적으로 긍정적인 변화가 생긴다고 알려져 있다. 최근 음이온 처리 시 식물에 전기장을 처리한 것과 유사한 효과가 나타난다고 보고되었고 본 연구에서는 이러한 음이온을 온실해충인 점박이응애와 목화진딧물에 처리하여 방제효과 여부를 확인하였다. 그 결과 음이 온 처리 시 점박이응애와 목화진딧물에서 살충효과와 기피효과가 나타났다. 또한, 점박이응애 알에서도 음이온 처리가 부화율에 영향을 주는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 시험 결과를 바탕으로 온실에서 밀도실험 결과, 700,000 ion/cm3 농도에서 무처리구에 비해 밀도가 감소함을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서, 본 연구는 음이온 처리 시, 부가적인 효과로 온실해충(점박이응애, 목화진딧물)에 대해 친환경적 방제 가능성을 보여준다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we introduce a novel TiN/Ag embedded TiO2/FTO resistive random-access memory (RRAM) device. This distinctive device was fabricated using an environmentally sustainable, solution-based thin film manufacturing process. Utilizing the peroxo titanium complex (PTC) method, we successfully incorporated Ag precursors into the device architecture, markedly enhancing its performance. This innovative approach effectively mitigates the random filament formation typically observed in RRAM devices, and leverages the seed effect to guide filament growth. As a result, the device demonstrates switching behavior at substantially reduced voltage and current levels, heralding a new era of low-power RRAM operation. The changes occurring within the insulator depending on Ag contents were confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. Additionally, we confirmed the correlation between Ag and oxygen vacancies (Vo). The current-voltage (I-V ) curves obtained suggest that as the Ag content increases there is a change in the operating mechanism, from the space charge limited conduction (SCLC) model to ionic conduction mechanism. We propose a new filament model based on changes in filament configuration and the change in conduction mechanisms. Further, we propose a novel filament model that encapsulates this shift in conduction behavior. This model illustrates how introducing Ag alters the filament configuration within the device, leading to a more efficient and controlled resistive switching process.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Silage inoculants, crucial in modern silage production, comprise beneficial microorganisms, primarily lactic acid bacteria (LAB), strategically applied to forage material during ensiling. This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of various inoculants produced by different companies. Five treatments were evaluated, including a control group: T1 (Lactobacillus plantarum), T2 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus), T3 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus + Lactobacillus buchneri), T4 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Lactobacillus acidophilus + Lactobacillus bulgaricus), and T5 (Lactobacillus plantarum + Pediococcus pentosaceus + Enterococcus faecium). Italian ryegrass was harvested at the heading stage and treated with these silage inoculants. Samples were collected over a 60-day ensiling period. Co-inoculation with L. plantarum and P. pentosaceus (T2) resulted in significantly higher CP compared to the control group co-inoculation exhibited with resulted in Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus in the T2 treatment exhibited higher CP content of 106.35 g/kg dry matter (DM). The T3 treatment, which included heterofermentative bacterial strains such as Lactobacillus buchneri, exhibited an increase in acetic acid concentration (11.15 g/kg DM). In the T4 treatment group, which utilized a mixed culture of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the NH3-N/TN content was observed to be the lowest (20.52 g/kg DM). The T5 containing Enterococcus faecium had the highest RFV (123) after 60 days. Expanding upon these findings, the study underscores not only the beneficial effects of particular inoculant treatments on silage quality but also underscores the potential of customized inoculation strategies in maximizing nutrient retention and overall silage preservation.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since rice is the main food in Korea, there are no regulations on corn milling yet. Corn is known as one of the world's top three food crops along with wheat and rice, and it is known that 3.5 billion people worldwide use corn for food. In addition, corn mills are not developed or sold in Korea, but the use of corn mills is increasing significantly in many countries in Southeast Asia. In the Philippines, as Korea's rice mill import increases, Korea's KAMICO (Korea Agricultural Machinery Industry Cooperative) and domestic company A agreed to develop a corn mill jointly with PHilMech, an organization affiliated with the Philippine Ministry of Agriculture. However, research on corn milling was very insignificant, so the development was carried out based on the technology of Korea's rice mill. Rice milling is performed by peeling off the skin of rice and producing brown or white rice, so it is carried out by removing the skin and cutting the skin. On the other hand, in the corn mill, the skin of the corn is peeled, pulverized and selected to produce main products suitable for edible use. Therefore, in order to develop a corn mill, processes such as peeling, transfer, grinding, sorting, and by-product separation are required, and suitable parts must be developed. In addition, the performance must be gradually improved through experiments in which corn is repeatedly milled. The Philippines produces 7.98 million tons/year of corn, which is about 100 times that of Korea, and is mostly consumed as a staple food. This is about 10% of the total crop production in the Philippines. In addition, the main cultivation complexes of corn are the mountainous regions of Tarlac or Pangasinan, and the produced corn is 72.4% of the so-called yellow corn called Arabel and Sarangani, and the remaining 27.6% are known as white corn. In this study, it was intended to produce grains of 2.5 mm or less suitable for food for yellow corn and to develop a corn mill for 200 kg per hour. Detailed conditions for development are stipulated as more than 55% of the main product recovery rate, more than 31% of the by-product recovery rate, less than 5% of the raw material loss rate, and more than 80% of the embryo dislocation rate. In this study, to achieve this, the overall process of the corn mill was developed, and the optimal conditions for the corn mill were obtained through the development of parts and empirical tests to improve performance. In addition, it was intended to achieve the development goal by evaluating and analyzing the performance of each part so that it did not conflict.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hypertension is characterized by excessive renin-angiotensin system activity, leading to blood vessel constriction. Several synthetic compounds have been developed to inhibit renin and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). These drugs often have adverse side effects, driving the exploration of plant protein-derived peptides as alternative or supplementary treatments. This study assessed the phenolic compound and amino acid content and the antioxidant and antihypertensive activity of 5 South Korean staple crops. Sorghum had the highest phenolic compound content and exhibited the highest antioxidant activity. Millet grains, particularly finger millet (38.86%), showed higher antihypertensive activity than red beans (14.42%) and sorghum (17.16%). Finger millet was found to contain a large proportion of branched-chain, aromatic, and sulfur-containing amino acids, which are associated with ACE inhibition. In particular, cysteine content was positively correlated with ACE inhibition in the crops tested (r=0.696, p<0.01). This study confirmed that the amino acid composition was more correlated with the antihypertensive activity of grains than the phenolic compound content. Finger millet mainly contained amino acids, which have higher ACE inhibitory activity, resulting in the strongest antihypertensive activity. These findings underscore the antihypertensive potential of select crops as plant-based food ingredients, offering insight into their biological functions.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A transfer cask serves as the container for transporting and handling canisters loaded with spent nuclear fuels from light water reactors. This study focuses on a cylindrical transfer cask, standing at 5,300 mm with an external diameter of 2,170 mm, featuring impact limiters on the top and bottom sides. The base of the cask body has an openable/closable lid for loading canisters with storage modules. The transfer cask houses a canister containing spent nuclear fuels from lightweight reactors, serving as the confinement boundary while the cask itself lacks the confinement structure. The objective of this study was to conduct a structural analysis evaluation of the transfer cask, currently under development in Korea, ensuring its safety. This evaluation encompasses analyses of loads under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, adhering to NUREG-2215. Structural integrity was assessed by comparing combined results for each load against stress limits. The results confirm that the transfer cask meets stress limits across normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, establishing its structural safety.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Air conditioner filters purify the air of indoor environments by removing air pollutants and supporting the efficiency of the unit’s cooling function. However, an air conditioner filter can become a microenvironment in which some fungi can grow as dust continues to accumulate and favorable humidity conditions are formed. Fungal growth in air conditioner filters could lead to fungal allergies or fungal diseases, in addition to emitting a foul odor. In an effort to understand what species causes this malodorous problem, we investigated the diversity of fungi found in air conditioners. Fungi were sampled from the collected air conditioner filters and grown on DG18 agar media. After purification for pure isolates, species identification was undertaken. Colony morphology was observed on PDA, MEA, CYA, and OA media. Microstructures of fruiting body, mycelia, and spores were examined using a light microscope. Molecular identification was performed by PCR and sequencing of PCR amplicons, and molecular phylogenetic analysis of sequenced DNA markers, including the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS), the 28S large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA (LSU rDNA), the β-tubulin (BenA) gene, the Calmodulin (CaM) gene, and the DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit 2 (RPB2) gene. Through this identification process, we found two fungal species, Aspergillus miraensis and Dichotomopilus ramosissimus, which are unrecorded species in Korea. We will now report their morphological and molecular features.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently, non-volatile nuclides such as 94Nb, 99Tc, 90Sr, 55Fe, and 59/63Ni are used a sequential separation. In this study, we developed a separation for 99Tc and 90Sr by a carbonate precipitation. Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) was inserted in the aqueous sample from a Dry Active Waste (DAW) and a carbonate precipitation was produced. The precipitate is composed of di- or tri-valent element such as Co, Sr, Fe, Ni and the supernatant is composed of mono-valent element (Cs) and anion materials (ReO4 -, TcO4 -). In DAW, it was confirmed that the recovery of 90Sr (precipitate) and 99Tc (supernatant) were > 90%, respectively. The precipitate and supernatant separated by using a Sr-resin and an anion-exchange resin, respectively. The separated samples were measured by a Liquide Scintillation Counter (LSC, 90Sr) and Induced-Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectroscopy (ICPMS, 99Tc).
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        One of the important components of a nuclear fuel cycle facility is a hot cell. Hot cells are engineered robust structures and barriers, which are used to handle radioactive materials and to keep workers, public, and the environment safe from radioactive materials. To provide a confinement function for these hot cells, it is necessary to maintain the soundness of the physical structure, but also to maintain the negative pressure inside the hot cell using the operation of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The negative pressure inside the hot cells allows air to enter from outside hot cells and limits the leakage of any contaminant or radioactive material within the hot cell to the outside. Thus, the HVAC system is one of the major components for maintaining this negative pressure in the hot cell. However, as the facility ages, all the components of the hot cell HVAC system are also subject to age-related deterioration, which can cause an unexpected failure of some parts. The abnormal operating condition from the failure results in the increase of facility downtime and the decrease in operating efficiency. Although some major parts are considered and constructed in redundancy and diversity aspects, an unexpected failure and abnormal operating condition could result in reduction of public acceptance and reliability to the facility. With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, prognostics and health management (PHM) technology is advancing at a rapid pace. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, Siemens, and other companies have already developed technologies to constantly monitor the integrity of power plants and are applying the technology in the form of digital twins for efficiency and safety of their facility operation. The main point of PHM, based on this study, is to monitor changes and variations of soundness and safety of the operation and equipment to analyze current conditions and to ultimately predict the precursors of unexpected failures in advance. Through PHM, it would be possible to establish a maintenance plan before the failure occurs and to perform predictive maintenance rather than corrective maintenance after failures of any component. Therefore, it is of importance to select appropriate diagnostic techniques to monitor and to diagnose the condition of major components using the constant examination and investigation of the PHM technology. In this study, diagnostic techniques are investigated for monitoring of HVAC and discussed for application of PHM into nuclear fuel cycle facilities with hot cells.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The treatment process for Spent Filter(SF) of Kori-1 was developed that includes the following : 1) Taking out by robot system 2) Screening by ISOCS 3) Collection of representative samples using a sampling machine 4) Compression 5) Immobilization 6) Packaging and nuclide analysis and 7) Delivery/disposal. Although the robot system, ISOCS, sampling machine and immobilization facility are essentially required for building the above processing but decision to build the compression system and nuclide analysis system must be made after reviewing the need and cost benefit for their construction. In addition, for effcient SF treatment, it is necessary to determine the nuclide concentration range of the SF to which immobilization will be applied. In this study, a cost benefit analysis was performed on existing and alternative methods for processes related to compression treatment, nuclide analysis and immobilization methods, which are greatly affected by economics and efficiency according to the design. First, although the disposal cost is reduced with reducing the number of packaging drums by compressed and packaged but the expected benefits not be equal to or greater than the cost invested in building a compression system. As a result, non-compressed treatment of SF is expected to be economical because the construction cost of compression system is more expensive than the benefits of reducing disposal costs by compression. Second, a cost benefit analysis of direct and indirect nuclide analysis methods was performed. For indirect analysis, scaling factors should be developed and the drum scanner suitable for the analysis for DAW should be improved. As a result, direct analysis applied grouping options is expected to be more economical than indirect analysis requiring the cost for developing scaling factors and improving the scanner. Third, it is timeconsuming and inefficient to distinguish and collect filters that are subject to be immobilized according to the waste acceptance criteria among the disorderly stored SFs in the filter rooms. If the benefits of immobilization of the SFs selectively are not greater than the benefits of immobilization of all SFs, it can be economical to immobilize all SFs regardless of the nuclide concentration of them. As a result, it is more economical to immobilize all SFs with various nuclide concentrations than to selectively immobilize them. The conclusion of this study is that it is not only cost-effective but also disposal-effective to design the treatment process of SF to adopt non-compressed processing, direct analysis and immobilization of all SFs.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Wolsong Unit 1 nuclear power plant, which was permanently shut down in 2019, has a 678 MWe calandria vessel of the CANDU-6 type pressurized heavy-water reactor model. The calandria inside the vault is a horizontal cylindrical vessel made of stainless steel with a length of 7.8 m and a thickness of 28.6 mm. For the entire dismantling processes of a nuclear power plant, dismantling works cannot be performed using only one cutting technology and method, and when performing dismantling of a calandria vessel, various systems and components can be used for cutting and dismantling. The calandria vessel is located in a concrete compartment called a vault, and in order to safely dismantle the calandria vessel, the spread of radioactive contaminants from inside of the vault to the outside must be prevented. We designed dismantling processes using the laser cutting method to dismantle the calandria vessel and end shields. We must minimize the risk of internal radiation exposure to workers from aerosols derived from the thermal cutting processes. Therefore, we need a way to prevent secondary contamination from spreading outside the vault and within the reactor building. The path through which radioactive contaminants move is that the flying airborne products generated during the cutting process inside the vault where the calandria is located do not stay in place but spread outward through the opening of the RM-Deck structure at the top. Therefore, facilities or devices are needed to effectively prevent the spread of radioactive contaminants by blocking the expected movement path. By using these facilities or devices, it is possible to prevent the movement of radioactive aerosol particles between the location of the worker and the location of the cutting area where the calandria is located, thereby preventing internal exposure through the worker’s breathing. In addition, by using these, the cutting area where airborne pollutants are generated can be designed as an isolated work space to prevent the spread of radioactive contaminants. In this study, we propose a method of facilities for confining radioactive aerosol particles and preventing the spread of contamination when thermal cutting of the calandria vessel within the vault.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the acceptance criteria for low-intermediate-level radioactive waste cave disposal facilities of Korea Radioactive Waste Agency (KORAD) were revised, the requirements for characterization of whether radioactive waste contains hazardous substances have been strengthened. In addition, As the recent the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notice (Regulations on Delivery of Low- Medium-Level Radioactive Waste) scheduled to be revised, the management targets and standards for hazardous substances are scheduled to be specified and detailed. Accordingly, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) needs to prepare management methods and procedures for hazardous substances. In particular, in order to characterize the chemical requirements (explosiveness, ignitability, flammability, corrosiveness, and toxicity) contained in radioactive waste, it must be proven through documents or data that each item does not contain hazardous substances, and quality assurance for the overall process must be provided. In order to identify the characteristics of radioactive waste that will continue to be generated in the future, KAERI needs to introduce a management system for hazardous substances in radioactive waste and establish a quality assurance system. Currently, KAERI is thoroughly managing chelates (EDTA, NTA, etc.), but the detailed management procedures for hazardous substances related to chemical requirements in radioactive waste in the radiation management area specified above are insufficient. The KAERI’s Laboratory Safety Information Network has a total periodic regulatory review system in place for the purchase, movement, and disposal of chemical substances for each facility. However, there is no documents or data to prove that the hazardous substances held in the facility are not included in the radioactive waste, and there are no procedures for managing hazardous substances. Therefore, it is necessary to establish procedures for the management of hazardous substances, and we plan to prepare management procedures for hazardous substances so that chemical substances can be managed according to the procedures at each facility during preliminary inspection before receiving radioactive waste. The procedure provides definitions of terms and types of management targets for each characteristic of the chemical requirements specified above (explosiveness, ignition, flammability, corrosiveness, and toxicity). In addition, procedure also contains treatment methods of radioactive waste generated by using hazardous substances and management methods of in/out, quantity, history of that substances, etc. As the law is revised in the future, management will be carried out according to the relevant procedures. In this study, we aim to present the hazardous substance management procedures being established to determine whether radioactive waste contains hazardous substances in accordance with the revised the notice and strengthened acceptance criteria. Through this, we hope to contribute to improving reliability so that radioactive waste could be disposed of thoroughly and safely.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radwaste repository consists of a multi-barrier, including natural and engineered barriers. The repository’s long-term safety is ensured by using the isolation and delay functions of the multi-barrier. Among them, natural barriers are difficult to artificially improve and have a long time scale. Therefore, in order to evaluate its performance, site characteristics should be investigated for a sufficient period using various analytical methods. Natural barriers are classified into lithological and structural characteristics and investigated. Structural factors such as fractures, faults, and joints are very important in a natural barrier because they can serve as a flow path for groundwater in performance evaluation. Considering the condition that the radioactive waste repository should be located in the deep part, the drill core is an important subject that can identify deep geological properties that could not be confirmed near the surface. However, in many previous studies, a unified method has not been used to define the boundaries of structural factors. Therefore, it is necessary to derive a method suitable for site characteristics by applying and comparing the boundary definition criteria of various structural factors to boreholes. This study utilized the 1,000 m deep AH-3 and DB-2 boreholes and the 500 m deep AH-1 and YS- 1 boreholes drilled around the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. Methods applied to define the brittle structure boundary include comparing background levels of fracture and fracture density, excluding sections outside the zone of influence of deformation, and confining the zone to areas of concentrated deformation. All of these methods are analyzed along scanlines from the brittle structure. Deriving a site-specific method will contribute to reducing the uncertainties that may arise when analyzing the long-term evolution of brittle structures within natural barriers.
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