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        검색결과 26

        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구팀은 피아노제조산업에서 대표적인 기업인 ㈜야마하가 국제화 과정에서 제품 전략과 시장 전략을 동시에 적용하는 사례를 통해서 국제경영에 관한 새로운 모델인 국제경영의 4가지 본원적 메커니즘(4 Generic Mechanisms in Global Management: 4GMGM)의 현실적용가능성을 다루었다. 야마하 피아노가 초기에 현으로 소리를 내는 전통적인 건반악기인 피아노를 일본이라는 현지 시장에서 개발 판매하는 현지화(Localization) 전략에서 출발했다가, 디지털 피아노를 개발 하면서 현세화(Loc-balization) 전략으로 나아갔고, 최상위 품질을 갖춘 그랜드피아노를 개발하 면서 세계화(Globalization) 전략의 정점을 찍었다가, 현지 음악 소리를 내는 맞춤형 피아노를 일 렉트릭 파이노의 한 영역으로 개발하면서 세현화(Glocalization) 전략으로 변신한 과정을 검토했 다. 이 연구를 통해 기업이 국제화하는 과정에서 제품전략과 시장전략을 동시에 개발해야 한다는 논리를 제시한 4GMGM이 현실을 설명하는데 적절하다는 검토 의견을 도출했다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 글로벌 회사채 포트폴리오의 신용위험(부도확률지표)에 대한 신용스프레드(OAS: 시장지표)의 선행성 여부 및 선행성 정도를 분석하였다. 두 지표를 회귀변수로 하는 시차상관성 분석 및 패널 회귀분석 결과 회사채 신용위험에 대해 시장지표가 유의한 선행성을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 시장을 통해 신용위험 변화를 실시간 반영하는 시장지표가 해당 회사채의 신용위험 변화를 빠르게 포착하기 때문으로 풀이된다. 일일 데이터로 측정한 시장지표의 신용위험 시그널링 효과는 신용스프레드가 대체로 0.5개월 이후의 부도확률 악화를 가장 잘 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 시장상황에 따라서도 선행성의 크기가 달리 나타났는데, 시장스트레스 시기일수록 높 은 변동성으로 인해 신용위험 변화에 시장지표가 더 민감하게 반응함으로써 동 시그널링 효과가 더 큰 것으로 분 석되었다. 금융복합성 증가 등으로 시장위험과 신용위험간 경계가 모호해지는 최근 흐름을 감안할 때 시장지표의 활용을 통해 신용리스크관리의 선제적 대응력을 높일 필요성이 더욱 커졌으며, 특히 시그널링 효과가 큰 시장스 트레스기 일수록 시장지표의 활용에 무게를 둘 필요가 있다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite being one of the world's largest coffee exporters, Indonesia's coffee output for the international market has recently been dropping. Smallholder coffee growers and their cooperatives faced production challenges due to a lack of market demand knowledge, financial assistance, cultivation and processing equipment, and business practice expertise, according to a case study investigation of these groups. The research then conducted a quantitative survey of 84 international customers from 29 countries and enhanced it by speaking with ambassadors of the Indonesia Trade Promotion Centre in nine different nations. These global players' insights produce helpful information, such as product details, pricing ranges, and quality standards. The results show that for smallholder farmers and cooperatives to fulfil the demands of the global market, relevant commercial actors must assist them. As a result, this study creates a model of the coffee value chain that demonstrates how market demand data motivates cooperatives and smallholder coffee farmers to increase coffee output in a diverse business environment. Marketing might contribute to smallholder farmers' and cooperatives' economic prosperity and well-being by using varied insights from foreign consumers.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A turbo engine is used to improve engine volumetric efficiency by using the energy of exhaust gas with a device such as a turbocharger. Recently, it has been attracting attention as a solution for responding to environmental issues such as exhaust gas regulation, and its use is being expanded to gasoline and CNG engines as well as diesel engines. However, as electric and hydrogen vehicles enter the automotive market more rapidly, traditional turbo engines also confront many challenges. In this paper, to examine the current status and prospects of the turbo engine, we analyze the related patents in the turbo engine field applied to patent offices in seven major countries, including Korea, USA, China, Japan, Germany, France, and the European Union Patent Office, and analyze the patent application trend. Using ‘the pie’ system of Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), family patents were refined, patent application trends were diagnosed, and the technology and market competitiveness of major applicants were compared and analyzed. Even within the turbo engine market, where traditional automakers and turbocharger manufacturer participate, it was possible to examine the dynamic changes in the market through the analysis of technology and market competitiveness. The main companies leading the technology and market aspects and the companies specialized in the technology and market aspects were observed.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A non-pneumatic tire (NPT), unlike a pneumatic tire, is a tire that acts as air pressure with spokes, and has the advantage of not requiring maintenance of air pressure and the risk of puncture of the pneumatic tire. Recently, many technological advances are taking place in non-pneumatic tire (NPT) using artificial intelligence technology, and non-pneumatic tire manufacturers are actively conducting research and development. Here, in order to compare and analyze the technological competitiveness of major patent applicants, non-pneumatic tire-related patents that have been applied for Japan, the United States, China, Korea, Germany, France, and the European Union Patent Office are reviewed through the patent applications of global tire manufacturers.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 기업들의 해외시장진출이 활발해지면서 글로벌 시장에서의 신제품개발속도에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구는 신제품개발속도를 글로벌 관점에서 살펴보고, 더 나아가 기업특성과 시장 환경 특성이 글로벌 시장에서의 신제품개발속도에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하고자 한다. 이를 위해 한국 제조업체들을 대상으로 신제품개발 및 제품 성과에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과, 기업 및 시장 환경 특성 중에서도 기업 규모, 제품특성, 시장불확실성이 글로벌 시장에서의 신제품개발속도에 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 본 연구는 글로벌적 관점에서 신제품개발속도에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 검증함으로써 학문적 및 실무적 관점에서 의미있는 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 중국 전자상거래기업의 해외진출이 활발한 원인을 진출방식을 통해 확인하는 것이다. 중국의 전자상거래기업은 중국 국내시장의 폭발적 성장에 힘 입어 세계적인 기업으로 성장하였고 이를 바탕으로 글로벌시장에 진출하고 있다. 전자상거래의 핵심은 신속한 배송이다. 그러나 전통 국제물류는 배송시간이 길고 물류 원가가 비싸며 반품 등 서비스가 낙후되어 전자상거래에 적합하지 못하다. 이러한 단점을 보완하기 위한 새로운 물류시스템이 등장하였는데 대표적인 것이 해외창고방식이다. 해외창고방식은 4차 산업혁명 기술을 이용하여 현지 소비자의 수요를 미리 예측하여 제품을 현지에 설립된 창고에 배송함으로써 판매기회를 확보할 수 있다. 또한 비수기에 제품을 미리 해외창고로 배송함으로써 배송 성수기를 피하고 저렴한 비용에 해외창고로 보낼 수 있다. 특히 반품이나 교환, 제품 추적에도 4차 산업혁명 기술이 융합되어 전통 국제물류가 가진 단점을 보완하였다. 비록 판매예측이 빗나갔을 경우 리스크가 발생하지만 해외창고방식은 이러한 장점을 바탕으로 중국 전자상 거래기업이 글로벌시장에 영향력을 확대하는데 큰 역할을 하고 있다. 중국 전자상 거래기업은 해외창고방식을 바탕으로 중국 국내시장이 아닌 세계의 시장으로 그 영 역을 확대하고 있는 것이다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The goal of the current research is to conduct a comparative analysis of marketing models of Russian and global companies localized in Russia. Our research experience confirms an existence of a significant difference in the implementation of market orientation and in marketing activities of global companies compared to the local ones. The focus of the present research lies in the development and support mechanisms of customer oriented organizational culture as well as the role of marketing in decision making processes on all managerial levels. Literature review The attitude of top management to marketing changes consistently both in the developed and emerging markets (Webster, 1992; Webster, Malter, & Ganesan, 2005; Yuldasheva & Pisareva, 2015). Modern marketing is increasingly a part of the managerial and decision making system. It is being integrated into the system of company management through a diffusion of marketing competencies (Webster et al, 2005) becoming a locus of integration and coordination of inter-functional processes in a service dominating business model (Vargo & Lush, 2004). Literature review makes it possible to highlight several most important directions of research that formed the basis for our comparative analysis of marketing models. Customer oriented culture (COC) The literature review allows differentiating between three approaches to the definition of customer orientation (CO): ⦁ CO as an element of market orientation (Narver & Slater, 1990; Kohli & Jaworski, 1990) and in some cases its synonym; ⦁ CO as behavioral aspect of sales or frontline personal (Saxe & Weitz, 1982). In this case an operational level of CO implementation is considered; ⦁ CO as an advanced level of organizational culture development that has been shaped under enhancing of marketing influence on the decision making processes in the companies on all managerial levels (Deshpande & Webster, 1989). Thus, CO can be considered as an organizational culture creating new values for the personnel and transforming all business processes in terms of customer centricity to achieve higher customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. The research of COC should be conducted from the perspective of CO settings (values) and from the perspective of CO implementation. Marketing competencies and capabilities Dissemination of COC influences on the development of marketing capabilities and competencies in the organizational learning process which involves all departments and all managerial levels. In this context marketing capabilities can be understood as integrative processes whereby the collective knowledge, skills, and resources of a firm are applied to the market-related needs of the business (Day, 1994; Vorhies, 1998). As a result of repetitive actions, more or less sustainable patterns of behavior arise (Grant, 1991). These patterns determine the type of the customer oriented business models in which the marketing models is one of the sub elements reflecting the role and the status of marketing in decision making process. The previous research results (Webster, 1992; Webster et al, 2005; Wiersema, 2013) showed the evolutionary changes of marketing in corporations on three levels of management – corporate, business and operational (functional) (Hofer & Schendel, 1978). Taking into account these three strategy levels, Webster (1992) suggests to consider marketing as culture (on the corporate level), as strategy (on the strategic business unit level) and as tactics (on the functional level). In this research, we compare the changes in marketing models on the different managerial levels in Russian and global companies under the pressure of emerging COC. Theoretical model and research design We understand the marketing models as consisting of COC and a set of marketing competencies and capabilities on the different managerial levels. COC creates the values and the behavioral norms in the company which are transformed in the customer oriented business processes setting. COC has to bring not just CO values but CO business processes supported by the control and motivation system. In this context, COC establishment and implementation should be considered. COC establishment is based on the understanding of CO importance by top management. COC implementation leads to the dissemination of CO values and transforming them into CO behavior of personnel. That is why the measuring scales of market orientation (MARCOR: Kohli & Jaworski, 1993) and CO (MORTN: Deshpande & Farley, 1998; SOCO: Saxe & Weitz, 1982) include the statements about the regular using or the effective performance of CO business processes. To investigate the corporate marketing competence dispersion, we also use the concept of intangible marketing assets (Webster et al, 2005) (fig.1). Research goal and proposition The goal of this research is description and comparative analysis of marketing models of companies localized in Russia, which are shaped differntly under the influence of COC development. We suppose that dissemination of COC in the company changes the role and status of marketing in the managerial system as well as the level of its influence on decision making processes. Two groups of companies are compared: ⦁ large Russian companies possessing brands well-known in Russia; ⦁ global companies (their units) localized in Russia and possessing globally known brands. As this research is an exploratory one, a preliminary proposition was formulated: the process of marketing model changing in Russian and global companies proceeds in a different way. The typical level of COC development and marketing influence on decision making processes on all managerial levels in large Russian companies is lower than in the global companies localized in Russia. Sample This research is making use of the database of 40 semi-structured interviews with company managers (Trefilova, 2017; Yuldasheva & Pisareva, 2015). Out of these, 5 interviews with large Russian companies and 8 interviews with daughter companies of global corporations were selected. To increase the size of the sample of Russian companies, 5 interviews with managers were organized additionally. Thus, the total sample consisted of 18 interviews (10 Russian and 8 global companies) The interview guide consisted of six open questions. Data analysis and research results The primary analysis of interviews was conducted applying the techniques of content analysis and meanings compaction (Ilyin, 2006). The primary content analysis showed a significant differentiation between the respondents’ answers to all questions, especially inside the sub-set of Russian companies. The further analysis of the qualitative research data was carried out according to the grounded theory methodology applying the procedures of data conceptualization, concept categorization, identifying the category attributes and ways to measure them (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The results of the comparative analysis of the marketing models of Russian and global companies allowed formulating several conclusions. The managers of Russian and global companies show different understanding of COC. The global companies promote service proposition and sustainable consumption models while Russian companies continue to sell products and try to keep quality and price on the competitive level. We labeled this phenomenon as “the fight between product and service dominant logic”. The gap between the declared CO values and their implementation in business processes in Russian companies is higher than in global ones. We connect it with lower quality of management in Russian companies as well as low level of market competition encountered by large companies. Global companies are aimed at supporting long-term brand value to a much higher extent than Russian companies. All business processes on the business and functional levels are subordinated to providing long-term brand value. Global companies are characterized by a stronger COC, which is supported not only by the service standards but also by the customer-centric motivation of the whole staff. Moreover, internal and HR branding carried out by the HR department are well developed in the global companies. It reveals a much more developed personnel management function than in the Russian companies. Up to now, it is believed in the Russian companies that customer centricity can be ensured just by the work of marketing and sales personnel. The research confirmed also the results received by Webster et al (2005) and Wiersema (2013) on the dispersion of marketing competencies on the business and corporate levels, on the growing importance of marketing performance measurement and on the growth of the marketing’s strategic role, especially for companies involved in innovations. As for the dominating marketing strategy, most informants use both attraction and retention strategies simultaneously. An interesting finding turned out to be that many informants differentiate between the models of product marketing and relationship marketing. The latter is understood as the interaction and value co-creation using a digital platform. Our research showed that on the functional level (marketing department level) the dominating share of companies develop competencies and capabilities in the sphere of marketing communication and customer involvement. Such marketing competencies as product management (including price management), customer relationship management or key account management have been transferred to the inter-functional (business) level. Channel management is carried out by the sales departments. The major finding is the confirmation of marketing knowledge equity formation in the most advanced companies (Yuldasheva, Pisareva & Khalikov, 2016). Marketing knowledge equity mostly consists of market and customer needs knowledge, ability to forecast market changes and customer reactions. Conclusion Thus, the proposition about the different ways of marketing model changing and a lower level of COC and lower influence of marketing in the decision making processes on all levels of the large Russian companies compared to the global companies is confirmed. However, a trend is apparent to enhance the strategic influence of marketing on the decision making processes in the large Russian companies. It requires the continuation of a longitudinal research. In whole, the comparative analysis of the Russian and global companies marketing models showed that in spite of the existence of some peculiarities mainly connected with the backwardness of Russian companies compared to foreign ones (particularly, there is a lower customer centricity and lower management quality), the Russian marketing replicates the development of the Western marketing, copying its models and practices.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Over the last decades, the global luxury business has become dominated by large conglomerates. Backed by the financial power of their parent companies, formerly small and often family-owned brands have expanded their presence around the globe. They have established themselves in some of the most expensive shopping districts, acquired illustrious testimonials, and sponsored prestigious events. Almost overwhelmed by the omnipresence of luxury, consumers are said to have begun looking for the “genuine” and “unique,” favoring smaller, less homogenized and more intimate luxury brands not necessarily known to the larger public. This study thus looks beyond the well-known players in the luxury market and explores the differentiating strategies used by independent niche luxury companies. It aims to identify factors contributing to their success in a global market otherwise dominated by ever-growing luxury giants.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1998년에 국내 주식시장이 전면 개방됨에 따라, 외국인자본이 국내 주식시장에 거대한 투자주체로 등 장하게 되었다. 일반적으로 외국인투자자는 정보비대칭으로 말미암아 국내 주식시장에 대한 투자에 있어 서 열위를 가질 수 있는 동시에, 반대로, 선진화된 분석기법과 투자기법으로 투자수익에 있어서 우위를 보일 수 있다고 연구되고 있다. 본 연구는 국내 주식시장이 전면 개방된 초기의 시점에서 외국인투자자들 은 어떤 투자행태를 보였고, 그들이 보인 투자행태가 국내 기관투자자 및 개인투자자들의 투자행태와 차이점을 보이는지에 대해 고찰하고 있다. 또한, 투자성과에 있어서 우위를 보인다고 연구된 외국인투자자 들의 투자행태를 국내 기관투자자들이 추종했을 것인지에 대해 탐색적 접근을 시도하였다. 이를 위해 주식시장 전면개방의 초기단계로서 1999년의 자료와 일정시간이 흐른 단계로서 2003년의 자료를 통해 투자주체별로 각각 실증하였다. 실증결과에 따르면, 1999년 외국인투자자는 자산규모, 평균 주가와 정(+)의 관계를 나타냈다. 기관투자자는 기업규모, 총자본순이익률과 정(+)의 관계를 보였고, 주당 순이익과는 부(-)의 관계를 보였다. 개인투자자의 경우, 주당순이익과 정(+)의 관계, 기업규모와 총자산순 이익률 및 평균주가와 부(-)의 관계를 보였다. 예상한 바와 같이, 전면개방 초기단계에서 외국인투자자와 기관투자자, 개인투자자는 선호하는 주식의 특성에 있어서 차이점을 드러내었다. 2003년 외국인투자자는 기업규모와 부채비율 및 PBR값과 정(+)의 관계를 나타내었다. 기관투자자의 경우, 기업규모, 평균주가, 배당률, PBR값, 수출비중과 정(+)의 관계, 부채비율, 주당순이익, PER값과는 부(-)의 관계를 보였다. 개인투자자는 기업규모와 PBR값과 부(-)의 관계를 확인하였다. 이를 통해, 일정 시간이 흐른 단계에서 기관투자자가 외국인투자자의 투자행태를 추종하였다고 판단하기는 어려웠고, 따 라서, 개인투자자와 달리 기관투자자들은 외국인투자자의 투자행태를 추종할 것이라 기대한 가설은 지지 되지 않았다.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Globally, there is an increase in demand for organic products which has boosted the organic food industry. There has been a continuous incease in th organic agricultural land due to the aforementioned reaseons which has been in fluencing the use of chemical-free pesticides, fertilizers, and other agricultural inputs for cultivation. Also, the increasing per-capita expenditure income and high purchasing power of consumers in developing countries such as India, Brazil, South Africa, Korea, Japan, and China have forced the manufactures to offer a wide range of organic products to sustain competition. Agricultural biologicals are a group of products which are derived from natural sources such as microorganisms, plant extracts. or other biological matter, which can be used as a substitute for agriculture chemical products. Farmers can depend on these agricultural biologicals along with the biotechnology and variety of agronomic practices, in order to grow healthy and nutritious crops.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find an expression method for Korean fashion design that can have competitiveness in the global fashion market. For this, fashion specialists at home and abroad were interviewed, focusing on their opinions on the Korean motifs outlined in existing literature studies. First, aesthetic sense and expression characteristics that have appeared in existing studies on Korean art, Korean traditional costume, and Korean fashion were explored. As a result, they were categorized into: Modesty/plainness, freewheelingness, religion/custom, and humor/joke. During this process, Korean design motifs were extracted based on the aesthetic characteristic and expression method of aesthetic sense. According to the opinions on Korean design motifs and Korean fashion design works drawn from the interviews with fashion specialists at home and abroad, Changhomun was the favorite design motif to be utilized in Korean fashion design. The Korean specialists thought that visual design motifs were important, while the overseas specialists had more interest in abstract design motifs, which embody the background and story behind the motif. Regarding the fashion design associated with the Korean design motif, all specialists at home and abroad favored the design using ceramics and wrapping cloth. Regarding the choice of fashion image, Korean specialists chose the design utilizing Hangeul as the most Korean, while the foreign specialists chose designs reflecting the design motifs of Hangeul and Hanbok for women. The Korean specialists chose relatively more Korean images, while the foreign specialists chose more eastern images or other images than Korean images.
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