
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 239

        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to identify the aquatic and riparian factors associated with the presence/absence of the Eurasian otter in the Nakdong river basin, where the species is relatively more abundant than other otter species. Environmental factors and presence records were collected. Geographical Information System technology and chi-square test were used to compare environmental gradients in aquatic and riparian factors between presence and absence sites. Aquatic habitat attributes were evaluated with natural riverside sandbars and channel crossing artificial structures, the ratio of channel width to alluvial plain width, riverbed substrate, and flow diversity. Riverbank characteristics, bank materials, man-made embankment types, and land use/land cover of inland and riverside areas were selected as riparian habitat attributes. Compared to the aquatic attributes, riparian attributes were highly significant when assessing otter presence and absence sites, suggesting that conservation of suitable riparian areas to provide maternity and resting areas for otter species is essential in the Nakdong river basin. None of the aquatic attributes examined were statistically significant when evaluating otter presence or absence. These results indicate that the presence of suitable riparian area for resting and reproduction habitats is more critical to the presence of Eurasian otter than food availability in aquatic areas. To inform implementation of effective conservation action
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - This study attempted to discover the impact of the Korea-China FTA(Free Trade Agreement) on electronic products distribution industry. Strategies will be provided to expand both countries' trade after the Korea-China FTA. Research design, data, and methodology - This study analyzed the differences before and after the Korea-China FTA, using an RCA(Revealed Comparative Advantage) index, TC(Technology Sophistication Index) index and TSI(Trade Specialization Index) that considered the FTA tariff situation. Data was collected from the International Trade Statistics Database and Korea, China Customs Service. Results - The results indicate that following the Korea-China FTA, China and Korea’s bilateral trade of electronic products is expected to expand, and both countries will experience net welfare gains from the markets’ expansion. Korea is competitive in several key products, although it faces competition from China. China's electronic products' competitiveness have indicated an increasing trend. Conclusions - The two countries should closely cooperate and communicate with each other. Ultimately, Korea should focus on high-tech, sophisticated techniques to gain market advantage. On the other hand, with the tariff decrease as well as the labor cost and labor force base, China will greatly be able to benefit from the manufacturing of medium- to low-end products in the future.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzes the impacts of agricultural water shortages in Korea using a combined top-down and bottom-up model. A multi-region multi-output agricultural sector model with detailed descriptions of production technologies and water and land resource constraints has been combined with a standard CGE model. The impacts of four different water shortage scenarios were simulated. It is shown that an active adaptation of crop choices occurs in even the regions with relatively abundant water resources in order to respond to the change in relative output prices caused by water shortages. We found that although the losses in production values are not quite large despite water shortages due to the price feedbacks, the loss in GDP is substantial. We show that our combined approach has advantages in deriving region and product specific production effects as well as the overall GDP loss effect of water shortages.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently severe drought caused the water shortage around the western parts of Chungcheongnamdo province, South Korea. A Diversion tunnel from the Geum river to the Boryong dam, which is the water supply dam for these areas has been proposed to solve this problem. This study examined hydraulic impacts on the Geum river associated with the diversion plan assuming the severe drought condition of 2015 would persist for the simulation period of 2016. The hydraulic simulation model was verified using hydrologic and hydraulic data including hourly discharges of the Geum river and its 8 tributaries, fluctuation of tidal level at the mouth of the river, withdrawals and return flows and operation records of the Geum river barrage since Feb. 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015. For the upstream boundary condition of the Geum river predicted inflow series using the nonlinear regression equation for 2015 discharge data was used. In order to estimate the effects of uncertainty in inflow prediction to the results total four inflow series consisting of upper limit flow, expected flow, lower limit flow and instream flow were used to examine hydraulic impacts of the diversion plan. The simulation showed that in cases of upper limit and expected flows there would be no problem in taking water from the Geum river mouth with a minimum water surface level of EL(+) 1.44 m. Meanwhile, the simulation also showed that in cases of lower limit flow and instream flow there would be some problems not only in taking water for water supply from the mouth of the Geum river but also operating the diversion facility itself with minimum water surface levels of EL(+) 0.94, 0.72, 0.43, and 0.14 m for the lower limit flow without/with diversion and the instream flow without/with diversion, respectively.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since the late 20th century, the urbanization in Korea has been rapidly increasing, especially in major cities like Seoul, as a result of industrialization. One of the aspects of urbanization is coating the surfaces with impervious concrete or asphalt that water cannot penetrate. In addition, various urban, such as urban heat islands, which also have a great impact on the urban environment, occur within the cities. Therefore, the urban environment is gradually becoming hot and dry, and the need for more urban parks to compensate for these negative impacts is growing. Thus, several numerical studies have been conducted to assess these problems using coupled Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In this study, an experiment was conducted to determine the accuracy of the area of the input field using Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, and applying the more accurate input field to a numerical simulation using ENVI-met, in order to investigate the effect of urban parks on the thermal comfort. The results showed that an input field with a larger area is more accurate than that with a smaller area, because the surrounding terrain and cities are considered in details in the experiment with the larger area. Subsequently, the more accurate input field was used in ENVI-met, and the results of this simulation showed that the presence of the urban park increased the thermal comfort and improved the humidity conditions.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Based on a simultaneous-equation model consisting of aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supply, this paper estimates a reducedform equation specifying that the equilibrium real GDP is a function of the real effective exchange rate, the government deficit as a percent of GDP, the real interest rate, foreign income, labor productivity, the real oil price, the expected inflation rate, and the interactive and intercept binary variables accounting for a potential change in the slope of the real effective exchange rate and shift in the intercept. Applying the exponential GARCH technique, it finds that aggregate output in Australia has a positive relationship with the real effective exchange rate during 2003.Q3 – 2013.Q2, the government deficit as a percent of GDP, U.S. real GDP, labor productivity and the real oil price and a negative relationship with the real effective exchange rate during 2013.Q3 – 2016.Q1, the real lending rate and the expected inflation rate. These results suggest that real appreciation was expansionary before 2013.Q3 whereas real depreciation was expansionary after 2013.Q2 and that more government deficit as a percent of GDP would be helpful to stimulate the economy. Hence, the impact of real appreciation or real depreciation on real GDP may change overtime. Keywords: Exchange Rates, Government Deficit, Interest Rates,
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국가물류경제의 중축산업인 항만의 지속가능한 운영과 개발을 위해서는 인프라 확충을 통한 경쟁력확보와 더불어 대기오염, 수질 오염, 소음 및 생태계 파괴 등의 항만환경문제로 인한 지역커뮤니티와의 갈등해소가 더 중요한 요소로 부각되고 있다. 우리나라 부산 신항만 개발사업의 경우도 신항만 공사용 바다모래 채취로 인한 어민들과의 갈등 때문에 항만공사가 중단된 경험이 있으며, 그 주요 원인으로 현행 어업피해조사제도를 포함한 항만환경피해에 대한 정량적인 영향성 평가법의 부재와 한계라 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 주목적은 우리나라 항만의 지속가능한 항만운영 및 개발을 위한 효율적인 항만환경관리에 필수적인 정량적 환경영향성평가 방안의 제시에 있다. 이를 위해 국내 외 항만의 환경정책과 사례분석을 통해 전반적인 항만환경문제와 그 영향(피해)에 대해서 살펴보고, 피해를 입은 환경재와 서비스의 전체적 경제적 가치를 평가할 수 있는 경제적 가치평가법을 제시하였다. 제시된 방법론 중에서 부산 신항만 개발로 따른 정박지 지정으로 인한 해양 생태계 서비스 피해 사례에 대해 보다 과학적으로 추정할 수 있는 Habitat Equivalency Analysis(HEA)를 적용하여, 예시적인 피해액을 추정 하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로, 제시된 항만환경피해에 대한 경제적 영향성평가방법론의 제도적 도입을 통하여 보다 효율적인 항만환경관 리방안을 제시하였다.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since World War II nations have formed alliances for reasons of security and trade. Countries have seen international integration as an appropriate approach to resolving domestic and international political issues, improving their welfare by both transforming their infrastructures and increasing their foreign trade. While the majority of these relationships are straightforward d Turkey’s relationship with the European Union is more complex due to differences in religion and, at times, political ideology from other Union members. As a candidate country Turkey has made advances towards the full membership of the European Union with the customs union being the most significant. The impact of customs union membership is discussed and the effects of the customs union on Turkey’s trade and economy are examined from a perspective of different economic theories.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study identified the impact of the service quality of local food stores on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention of the customers as the interest into local foods is increasing. The main outcomes are as follows: First, many of the respondents said that they use the local food stores based on the trust in the origin of the products and good quality. Second, reliability and validity were suitable for factor analysis and the correlation had a positive (+) directivity. Third, reliability, assurance, empathy and tangibles were analyzed to have a positive (+) impact among the 5 aspects of service quality except for responsiveness. Fourth, customer satisfaction had a positive (+) impact on the intention to revisit the local food stores, and reliability, assurance and empathy had a positive (+) impact on revisiting intention at the statistical significance level except for responsiveness and tangibles among the 5 service quality aspects. Therefore, it is thought to be required to keep having interests into service quality to gain a competitive edge as a sustainable management system since the service quality of local food stores has impacts on customer satisfaction and intention to revisit.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Breeding and cultivation techniques are being treated very severely regarding ecological and physiological development in buckwheat. This study was conducted to focus on the diversity occurring in the cultivated and tartary buckwheat and provide an overview of the characteristics and genetic resources activities. Morphological results showed that the height of common buckwheat ranges from 82-90cm, common buckwheat induced by 200Gy ranges from 52-75cm, common buckwheat induced by 300Gy ranges from 43-56cm, common buckwheat induced by 400Gy ranges from 33-60cm whereas the tartary buckwheat hight ranges from 65-87cm, and while it exposed to various radiation (200Gy, 300Gy and 400Gy), the obtained height ranges from 73-92cm, 55-80cm and 60-75cm respectively. However, the stems from the both cultivar are hollow and that’s why, the plant is very prone to lodging. The leaf color of common buckwheat was green, 200Gray, 300Gy 400Gy common buckwheat light green and green, whereas the tartary buckwheat green and bottle-green, 200Gray 300Gy 400Gy tatary buckwheat bottle-green, common buckwheat (control, 200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy) stem color is light green and pink, flower color is white, tartary buckwheat (control, 200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy) flower color is light green. The stem color from tartary buckwheat showed (200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy) light green and light red color. The results revealed that the two buckwheat cultivars showed diversified characteristics.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study measured temperatures and albedos of urban surfaces for different colors and materials during summer, and calculated the energy budget over different urban surfaces to find out the thermal performance affecting the heat built-up. The study selected six surface colors and 13 materials common in urban landscape. Their surface temperatures (Ts) and albedos were measured at a given time interval in the daytime from June to August. Average Ts over summer season for asphalt-colored brick was 4.0℃ higher than that for light red-colored one and 9.7℃ higher than that for white-colored one. The Ts for artificial surface materials of asphalt paving, brown brick wall, and green concrete wall was 6.0℃ higher than that for natural and semi-natural ones of grass, grassy block, and planted concrete wall. There was the greatest difference of 16.3℃ at midafternoon in the Ts between asphalt paving and planted concrete wall. Average albedo over summer season of surface materials ranged from 0.08 for asphalt paving to 0.67 for white concrete wall. This difference in the albedo was associated with a maximum of 15.7℃ difference at midafternoon in the Ts. Increasing the albedo by 0.1 (from 0.22 to 0.32) reduced the Ts by about 1.3℃. Average storage heat at midday by natural and semi-natural surfaces of grass and grassy block was about 10% lower than that by artificial ones of asphalt, light-red brick, and concrete. Reflected radiation, which ultimately contributes to heating the urban atmosphere, was 3.7 times greater for light-red brick and concrete surfaces than for asphalt surface. Thus, surfaces with in-between tone and color are more effective than dark- or white-colored ones, and natural or semi-natural surfaces are much greater than artificial ones in improving the urban thermal environment. This study provides new information on correlation between Ts and air temperature, relationship between albedo and Ts, and the energy budget.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study is to analyze how much economic impact is changed before and after the designation as biosphere reserve area by tourism. The subject region of this study is Hajun mud village which is the famous place to experience eco-tourism located in Gochang-gun. This region has been designated as a UNESCO biosphere reserve in 2013. In order to estimate the regional economic effects, we employ a regional input-output model which is derived by a RAS method. Using regional input-output model analysis, this study estimates direct and indirect effects of tourist’s expenditure on experience of Hajun mud village in Gochang-gun across associated industries between 2011 and 2013. Also, we tried to calculate a net increase in number of visitors in 2013 with considering the trend of tourist in this region and estimate a net regional economic effect after the designation as a biosphere reserve area by tourism. The empirical result could be summarized as follows : (1) the change of production inducement effect shows that regional outputs is approximately increased by 386 million won between 2011 and 2013, (2) regional value-added is increased by 223 million won during the same period, (3) regional employment is approximately increased by 20 according to the labor inducement effects of expanding tourist’s expenditure in biosphere reserve area. (4) social service industry has highly been benefited by increase in experience tourist after Gochang-gun was designated as the biosphere reserve area. (5) estimated net increase in number of visitors after the designation as biosphere reserve area is about 37,364 which is 93.4% of the absolute increase in number of visitors amounting 40,011 between 2011 and 2013.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The government of each country is making a policy of expanding recycling of wastes and waste-to-energy to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions to cope with climate change. This paper attempts to analyze the economic effects of waste disposal & materials recycling services (WDMRS) sector using 2012 input-output (IO) table published in 2014. To this end, we deal with three sectors: waste disposal, materials recycling services, and WDMRS sectors. More specifically, the production-inducing effect, value-added creation effect, and employment-inducing effect of the WDMRS sector are investigated based on demand-driven model. The supply shortage effect and the price pervasive effect are also examined employing supply-driven model and Leontief price model, respectively. The results show that the production or investment of 1.0 won in the WDMRS sector induces the production of 1.9324 won and the value-added of 0.7217 won in the national economy. Moreover, the production or investment of 1.0 billion won, supply shortage of 1.0 won, and a price increase of 10.0% in the WDMRS sector touch off the employment of 15.2462 persons, production loss of 2.0589 won, and an increases in overall price level by 0.0699%, respectively. This quantitative information can be usefully utilized inassessment of the WDMRS sector-related investment and policy.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 경쟁이 치열해지고 상품 주기가 짧아지는 소셜 네트워크 게임의 한계를 극복하고 자 게임 개발사가 채택한 크로스 프로모션 전략에 주목하여, 게임 몰입에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보았다. 연구결과, 게임을 적게 할수록 오락성, 자기표현 요인이 게임 몰입에 영향을 주는 반면, 게임을 많이 할수록 자기표현과 경쟁심리가 게임 몰입에 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 게임 이용수준과 프로모션 이용 수준에 따라 프로모션에 대한 유용성과 성가심에 대한 인식이 차이가 있는데, 게임을 많이 하고 프로모션을 많이 이용할수록 프로모션의 유용성을 더 많이 인식하고 몰입도가 커지는 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The impacts of climate change and land use change are still causing changes in natural patterns as increase of temperature, rainfall intensity, and frequency of rainfall. Also, urbanization is well known to impact hydrology of basins because of its creation of impervious surfaces. This study has been investigated developing method being able to estimate changes of hydrological properties and assessing these changes on each city. For this study, it used three land use scenarios in 1975, 1990, and 2009 for considering impervious changes and future climate change scenario based on RCP 8.5 for impacts of climate change. Three clusters by k-means clustering method were formed by variables shown high correlations from results of Spearman’s order-rank method and Kendall Tau for various variables as rate of each land cover over area of each subwatershed on 145 subwatersheds in Nakdong River, difference of rate of land cover area and CN (Curve Number) between scenarios based on scenario in 1975, and rate of hydrological properties like rate of evaporation, surface runoff, and groundwater. An assessment method using the results from correlation and cluster analysis was developed for deriving the weighted index in accordance with sensitive degree of hydrological property and increase of impervious area. The assessment method for sensitive city applied principal component analysis (PCA) method. Results show that Daegu is greatly sensitive on impacts of hydrological property and increase of impervious area. Consequently, linear regression equations on Daegu are derived by analysis of hydrologic response unit. Urbanization appeared to increase of surface runoff and decrease of evaporation and groundwater in accordance with change of land uses, also the results are considerably important and useful in case of development and design of city.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – This study classified consumers' value inclination to find out ways to enhance consumers' eco-friendly product purchase intention. Further, it verified the differences among eco-friendly product purchase intentions depending upon value inclination. Research design, data, and methodology – The structured model and hypotheses were established, and 202 copies of effective questionnaires were used. In order to verify the hypotheses, we used single regression analysis, multiple regression, 3-step mediating regression, and path analysis. Results – Individualism had a positive influence upon materialism, need for uniqueness, and face wants, and collectivism had a positive influence upon materialism only. Factors of self-expressive consumption inclination had a positive influence upon eco-friendly product purchase intention, and factors of value inclination also had a positive influence. Finally, self-expressive consumption inclination mediated between value inclination and eco-friendly product purchase intention. Conclusion – Consumers with individualism inclination felt the need to connect the ownership of an eco-friendly product with their extended self and, further, it was clear that not only the government but also enterprises should build up their public image regarding eco-friendly products.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        녹비작물로서 녹비보리와 헤어리베치를 환원하고, 토양개량제로서 charcoal을 시용하여 생강연작 재배지에서 생강을 재배한 결과, 토양 pH가 시험 전 6.9~8.1에서 수확 후 6.8~7.6로 감소하였으며, 전기전도도(electrical conductivity, EC)는 한 시험 전 0.45~1.25dS m-1에서 수확 후 0.30~0.61dS m-1로 감소하였다. 토양유기물(soil organic matter, SOM) 함량과 토양 중 총질소(total-nitrogen, T-N) 함량은 증가하였다. 유효인산 함량과 치환성 K, Ca, Mg 함량은 유의성 있는 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그러나, 토양 pH를 중성화시키고, EC 경감, SOM과 T-N 함량의 증가는 토양 화학성 변화에 있어 긍정적으로 평가할 수 있다. 생강양분의 함량적 차이를 정상근과 이병근의 함량 차이, 토양의 점토함량 별 양분 함량 차이로 조사한 결과, 유의성이 있는 결과를 얻었으며, 처리구별로 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 망간(manganese, Mn)의 경우, 이병근의 지하부에서 3~4배 정도 높은 것으로 나타났는데, 망간(Mn)은 식물 뿌리에 대한 독성 작용으로 뿌리를 갈변시키고 균열을 일으키는 것으로 보고된바, 뿌리썩음병의 발생으로 Mn이 작용하여 이병근의 Mn 함량이 높은 것으로 보인다. 따라서, 뿌리썩음병과 Mn의 상관관계를 밝히는 추가 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 생강 수확 후 생강 생육 상태와 생산량을 조사한 결과, 녹비보리, 헤어리베치, 녹비보리+charcoal, 헤어리베치+charcoal을 처리한 시험구(Plot 2, Plot 3, Plot 4, Plot 5)에서 생강의 생육상태가 양호하고 생산량이 높아 병발생률이 상대적으로 낮게 나타났다. 특히, Plot 4(헤어리베치+charcoal)-LCC에서는 100%의 생산량을 보였다. 녹비작물과 charcoal의 처리가 생강 생육과 생산에 있어 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 판단된다. 그리고, 상대적으로 점토함량이 낮은 처리구가 점토함량이 높은 처리구보다 생육 상태와 생산량에서 우세하였는데, 모래와 점토 함량 차이에 따른 배수와 토양의 수분보유력이 생강생육에 큰 영향을 준 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this article is analyzing the economic impacts of abnormal climate on total revenue of red pepper in Korea, with employing the equilibrium displacement model. Our simulation results show the rate of yield change, price change, and total revenue change according to the climate change scenarios. In th case of by RCP 8.5 Scenario, red pepper production volume would be expected to decrease by 77.2% compared to 2012 while price increasing by 29.6%. As a result, total revenue to be returned to farmers would be reduced by 47.6% than it was in 2012. In contrast, total revenue would be expected to decline by 29.6% according to RCP 4.5 scenario.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        포스터 디자인은 수용자에 대한 설득 이미지가 중요하다. 특히 주제에 대한 메시지를 효과적으로 전달하기 위한 수단으로서 이미지표현은 포스터의 소통을 좌우한다. 현대의 복잡하고 다양한 미디어의 혼란 속에서 희미한 시각 소구는 주목 유도에 실패할 수밖에 없다. 더구나 소셜 이슈를 주제로 하여 계몽을 목적으로 한 에코 포스터디자인은 더욱 그렇다. 본 논문은 에코 포스터 디자인의 비주얼 임팩트에 관한 연구이다. 에코 포스터에서 이미지의 효과적 표현을 위해 비주얼 임팩트가 하나의 방안이 될 수 있음을 제안하고자 하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 연구 내용은 해외 저명 포스터 컴페티션에서 수상한 우수 에코포스터를 대상으로 비주얼 임팩트의 요인별 사례 분석, 다양한 아이디어 접근 방식, 표현 형식 그리고 내용을 논의하였다. 결론적으로 에코 포스터디자인에서의 비주얼 임팩트는 공감유발과 차별화가 필수적이다. 그러나 중요한 것은 반응이 아니라 공감을 위한 충격 이어야한다. 본 연구로 비주얼 임팩트가 에코포스터 제작에 유용한 방법론의 하나가 되기를 기대한다.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        New technologies and techniques to extract natural gas and gas liquids, as well as petroleum, from shale rock have greatly altered expectations for North America’s capacity to produce energy products. As a result of innovations such as hydraulic fracturing, some government, industry, and academic observers have predicted that the United States will soon become energy self-sufficient and possibly become a net exporter of natural gas and petroleum. This paper will cover literature review and measure the potential impacts on economic growth and development. Fracking, renewable energy are just a few of the things that have reshaped the energy picture over the past 20 years, how much it will change in the next 20 years and the impacts on the economy will be discussed.