
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 838

        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 공동생성적 대화가 인식론적 측면에서 학습자의 과학 모델에 관한 이해와, 실행 과정의 측면에서 모델 구성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보는 것이다. 서울 소재 여자중학교 1학년 49명의 학생들에게 총 5차시 모델 구성 수업을 실시한 후 공동생성적 대화에 참여한 2개 조(8명)의 학생들과 참여하지 않은 2개 조(9명)의 학생들의 모델에 관한 이해와 모델 구성을 비교하였다. 모델에 관한 이해는 Upmeier zu Belzen and Krüger (2010)의 분석틀을 사용하였고, 모델 구성 과정은 Baek et al. (2011)의 분석틀을 수정 및 보완하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 전반적으로 공동생성적 대화에 참여한 학생들은 그렇지 않은 학생보다 과학적 모델에 관한 이해와 모델 구성 수준이 높게 나타났다. 공동생성적 대화에 참여한 조의 학생들은 모델을 새로운 현상을 설명할 수 있는 가설로 인식하였지만, 참여하지 않은 조의 학생들 은 모델을 현상을 이해하는 수단으로 인식하였다. 본 연구는 학생들의 모델 구성 과정을 측정하는 분석틀을 마련하여 학교 현장에 유용하게 사용할 수 있게 하였다. 또한 새로운 학습 방법으로써 공동생성적 대화를 모델 구성 수업에 적용했다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠는 『오이디푸스 왕』에서 중용지혜의 원형을 제시했다. 이러한 그 의 중용사상은 자사의 『중용』과 아리스토텔레스의 『니코마코스 윤리학』에 설명된 중용사상과 유사성이 있었다. 그는 주관적 원추와 객관적 원추가 달의 상들에서 순환하 면서 중용을 완성하는 것을 가이어의 순환으로 설명하였다. 자사는 중과 용이 상호 조 화를 이루면서 중용을 성취하였고, 아리스토텔레스는 양극단의 중간지점을 중용의 상 태로 설명하였다. 이 중용사상은 오이디푸스 왕과 이오카스테의 삶에 그 보편적인 전 형이 재현되었다. 그들은 자신들의 삶에 중용지혜를 접목시키지 못하고 그것을 상실하 는 딜레마에 빠져서 결국 비극적 파멸을 맞이했다. 이 결과는 현대인들에게 중용이 얼 마나 귀중한 지혜인가를 자각하도록 만든다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 청소년기 자녀를 둔 중년 여성들이 학생상담자원봉사활동 참여 경험을 통해 청소년기 자녀 에 대한 이해 변화와 자기성장을 이루어가는 과정에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 한 지역의 학생 상담자원봉사협의회에서 4년 이상 봉사활동을 하고 있는 주로 40대에서 50대의 여성 봉사자 9명과 심층 면담을 실시하였다. 먼저, 청소년기 자녀 이해 변화 과정에 대하여 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교 현 장의 아이들을 접하면서 이들은 청소년기 아이들에 대해 이해하게 되었다. 둘째, 청소년기 자녀 이해 과정 에서 이들은 자녀의 마음 읽기, 기다려주기 등 공감적 이해를 할 수 있는 계기를 갖게 되었다. 셋째, 상담 봉사 경험을 하게 되면서 자녀 양육태도도 점검하게 되고 부모-자녀관계의 개선을 위해 자신을 변화시키 고 있었다. 넷째, 상담교육과 경험을 통해 얻은 의사소통기술이나 대화법 등의 실제적 적용은 자녀와의 의 사소통에도 긍정적인 영향을 주며 자녀와의 관계 개선에도 기여하고 있었다. 이와 함께 연구 참여자들은 봉사활동 경험을 통하여 자기성장의 의미를 터득하고 있었다. 첫째, 상담 관련 교육을 받고 공부하는 과정 에서 봉사자들은 자기주도 학습 기회를 가지게 되었다. 둘째, 상담 관련 교육과 경험은 자기이해와 자기반 성의 기회를 제공하고 있었다. 셋째, 학생상담봉사활동을 통해 자기만족감, 성취감을 느끼고 있으며, 자아 존중감 향상에도 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 상담봉사활동을 통하여 타인의 관점을 이해하고 존 중할 수 있는 태도도 기르고 있었다. 다섯째, 학생상담자원봉사협의회의 회원으로 함께 활동하며 소속감 과 사회적 지지 향상에 도움을 얻게 되었다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Women aged between 36 and 55 are the main players in the cosmetics market in Taiwan in recent years. Particularly, the sector of anti-ageing cosmetics has grown continually with the support of women at the ages, who have stronger purchasing power than others. Furthermore, the changes of the channel structure in Taiwan have an impact on cosmetics consumption. Department stores have been the leaders of the high-end cosmetics market for a long time. Nevertheless, Taiwanese middle-aged women no longer only purchase cosmetics products in the department stores, but also shop around the pharmacy chain stores, like Cosmed, Poya and Watsons, which expand rapidly in Taiwan recently, buying OTC (Over-the-counter) cosmetics brands and products. It is convenient for women to attach with cosmetics products since the widespread shops available for consumers to pop in and consume a wide range of cosmetics products with more affordable prices (Kantar Worldpanel, 2013). The current research examines the cosmetics shopping and consumption of middle-aged women in the Taiwanese cultural context. The phenomenological interviews were conducted with a purposive sampling with 6 Taiwanese middle-aged women ranging in age from 40 to 60, who used cosmetics on a daily basis, varied in duration, between 1 to 2 hours. The sample size is kept deliberately small as phenomenological interviews are designed to elaborate the richness (Baker et al., 1992) of individuals’ lived experiences, feelings and perceptions of cosmetics consumption. Each interview was conducted online using the social media, Skype, through a webcam. The purpose of the interview was described to the informants as an exploration of women’s cosmetics consumption and how it affected their experiences in their daily lives. They were encouraged to share their own experiences freely. The unstructured interviews started with a question, “What comes to your mind when speaking of cosmetics?” enabling participants to start the dialogue with their most familiar topics and be free to define the meanings of cosmetics in their own words (Liu et al., 2012). In the process of data analysis, 6 principal themes emerged to give more explanations in detail of how middle-aged women in Taiwan strategically manipulate cosmetic shopping to construct, maintain, change, and give meanings to the sense of self in transformational levels during their lifetime course. In addition, due to the widespread of pharmacy stores in recent days, it is found that the middle-aged women’s had changed their shopping behaviours in accordance with the change of retail stores. For example, Karen likes to shop around the pharmacy stores looking for open counter brands which are made in Japan and buying products with the signs showing that are ranked number 1, instead of shopping at the department stores, where she used to go. Moreover, Amy also likes to go to the pharmacy stores which are close to where she lives. There are many new-opened stores, such as Cosmed, Watsons, and Poya rapidly expanded in the rural area that make it more convenient for residents to shop in. She also prefers to buy facial cleansing products which are made in Japan and ranked number 1. As the structure of channel and lifestyle have changed with time, consumers’ cosmetics consumption is changing as well. The research finds that wearing cosmetics has become habits for the Taiwanese women aged between 40 and 60 since they have been using cosmetics for more than 20 years. The meaning behind their “used-to habits” with cosmetics is that consumer’s possessions - cosmetics, have become their extended self and being strategically manipulated to accompany them experiencing through every path of their lives, including pursuing their ideal, hoped-for possible selves, escaping from their negative, feared possible selves, managing their relationship with the social self, and developing their past-present-future self within the historical context.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Prior research in the U.S. documents the interaction between societal changes, money meanings, and family dynamics in the U.S. (Commuri & Gentry, 2005; Rose & Orr, 2007) and India (Merchant, Rose, & Gour, 2015). The present study extends this line of inquiry by examining and contrasting the money attitudes of couples, money meanings, and dynamics of money management within families of two horizontal collectivist nations (Triandis & Gelfand, 1998): India and South Korea. Twelve and six married couples were interviewed in India and Korea respectively. Both nations are horizontal collectivist nations that place a high value on the perceptions and respect of others. Thus, respondents from both nations emphasize the importance of consuming to convey status and keeping up with their neighbors. Indians frequently discuss religious and mythological texts related to money, doing one’s duty, and prosperity’s fickle nature. In contrast, Koreans are less apt to explicitly discuss religious and mythological texts. They appear to be somewhat more present oriented regarding their attitudes toward money and spending. Findings reveal that Koreans focus on security, respect money’s positive utility and necessity, and greed’s potential pitfalls. Koreans seem less concerned about on saving and focus more on enjoying life. Indians link saving to dharma (doing their duty) and supporting their children. Koreans also place a high value on family and supporting their children, but they appear less concerned about the success of future generations than Indians. These differences appear consistent with cultural values and reflect differences in economic development. For example, the homemaker is highly revered in the Hindu religion and Indian culture (Bharat, 2012) where the role is tied to doing one’s dharmatic duty. Korean and other cultures also revere nurturance within the family, but this reverence tends to be expressed within the culture’s specific economic and historical circumstances. Compared to Korea, Indian culture seems less egalitarian and more conservative in attitudes toward woman.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Luxun, whose works are well-received in Japan, is regarded as a ‘national author’. In 1909, Japanese print media for the first time reported such a ‘thought warrior’ and ‘literature master’. Since then, scholars studying Luxun has made their effort to advertise Luxun. Even up to now, it is fair enough to say as an ‘advocate’ of Chinese national culture, Luxun is still boasting of his radiance, because his works are as mellow as wine, leading readers to meaningful afterthoughts. It is found both in China and Japan that language textbooks of primary and secondary school are seen as a medium to learn about Luxun. Interpreting and teaching Luxun’s works can not only render people more capable of using language, but spread literature knowledge and enrich spiritual wold. Separated by the East China Sea, Japan published the first translated work written by Luxun in 1920s and his articles in Japanese language textbooks were also translated by famous indigenous writers or translators. There are two benefits when we take a look at how many articles written by Luxun are collected into Japanese language textbooks, explore the collecting background, interpret textbooks and analyze exercises about his articles. One is that we can have a clear understanding of the popularity and acceptance of ‘Luxun Spirit’ in Japanese basic education. The other is that we can draw some important lessons for our teaching about Luxun in middle school, and the teaching and study of ‘ China-Japan comparative literature’ for Japanese major students.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of the creation of indoor gardens in elementary, middle, and high-schools in Gyeongsangnam-do (province) as part of a program to make schools comfortable and beautiful, and for use as base line data when introducing indoor gardens to schools. The participating schools comprised all 536 elementary, 306 middle, and 191 high schools in Gyeongsangnam-do, and the study was conducted between Dec. 20th, 2014 and July 23rd, 2015. The results demonstrate that indoor gardens were introduced to Gyeongsangnam-do schools in 2010, and, since then, 35 elementary and 3 middle schools have created indoor gardens, which is a low adoption rate. Eight-four percent of these indoor gardens were created for appreciation purposes only, without rest facilities. Indoor plants were the main material used for scene configurations, followed by rocks and sculptures. Taking into consideration that 92% of all indoor gardens were created in elementary schools, the current location of gardens near the main entrance, mainly for appreciation purposes, should be changed to areas in which students can play and rest, which would lead to an increase in students’ usage rate.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the satisfactions with school food service for elementary and middle school parents. We surveyed parents about their concerns regarding food materials, the perception of free school food service, improvement of free school food service and satisfaction with the quality of school food service. The regions were classified into two categories according to the operation of a school food service center. The respondents with greater concern and cooperative purchase of food materials had higher satisfaction with the quality of school food service. It is interesting to note that school food service centers managed directly by the local government had higher satisfaction than those operated by private enterprises with respect to the quality of the school food service. The results of this study can contribute to the establishment of school food service and school food service center policies in the future.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to investigate the perception and satisfaction of elementary and middle school students on free school food service. We surveyed education related to school food service, concerns about food ingredients, perceptions of free school food service and satisfaction for the quality of the school food service. The investigation is classified into two groups, schools that operate as a food service center or those that do not. Those who are provided food ingredients by school food service centers are educated about the agricultural products’ country-of-origin and their environmentfriendly food service. The more individuals are educated of the foods’ county-of-origin and environment-friendly food service the more they will have a higher concern of the food materials and subsequently a higher satisfaction for the quality of school food service. School food service centers managed directly by the local government would probably receive higher satisfaction than those consigned to a private sector. The results of this study will be meaningful to establish policies on school food service and school food service centers.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전 세계적인 그리고 국가적인 규모에서 멸종위기야생식물의 멸종위험 평가와 더불어 지역적인 규모에서의 멸종위험 평가는 직접적인 보전활동의 계획과 실행에 있어 대단히 중요하다. 우리나라 중동부지역에는 34종의 멸종위기야생식물 이 분포하였다. 각각의 종에 대해 분포지, 분포면적, 개체수 및 개체군의 소멸에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 요인을 조사하였다. 조사결과에 따라 각각의 종이 소유하고 있는 생활사 특성을 포함한 10가지 평가항목을 바탕으로 위험요인을 평가하였 다. 34종에 대한 위험요인 평가결과 첫째, 다수의 위험요인이 존재하고 심각한 훼손압력에 노출되어 있어 적극적이고 시급한 생육지 보전활동이 필요한 12종, 둘째, 소수의 직접적인 위험요인을 제거하는 것으로 개체군의 지속이 가능한 16종, 셋째, 비교적 넓은 분포지와 많은 개체수에 따라 소극적인 관리를 통해서도 개체군의 지속이 가능한 6종으로 구분되었다. 멸종위기야생식물에 있어 가장 큰 위험요인은 인구의 증가, 개발, 채취에 따른 생육지와 개체군의 소멸이었 다. 또한 식생환경의 변화로 인한 적합한 생육지의 감소와 재정착의 기작이 정상적으로 작동하지 않는 생태계 건강성의 상실이 또 다른 원인이 될 수 있다. 본 조사가 이루어진 지역에서 멸종위기야생식물의 분포지와 출현 빈도 및 중요도를 바탕으로 5개 권역별을 제시하였다. 그리고 각 권역의 특성에 따른 보전 전략을 제시하였다. 우리는 멸종위기야생식물 의 멸종위험에 대한 평가는 분포현황정보 뿐만 아니라 종의 생활사 특성을 포함하는 평가방법이 필요함을 제안한다. 뿐만 아니라 개체군동태와 생태적 지위에 대한 이해가 필요함을 제안한다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the nutrition knowledge, perception, and intake frequency of milk and milk products among middle school students as well as provide the basic data needed for increasing milk and milk product consumption. To achieve the purpose of this study, a survey with 385 students of four middle schools located in Chuncheon was conducted. The level of nutrition knowledge of milk and milk products in females was slightly higher than that in males (p<0.01). Flavored milk and ice cream were preferred the most in each category, and ‘taste’ influenced the selection of milk and milk products the most. The intake frequency of whole milk was the highest, and that of flavored milk was lowest among various milks. Ice cream showed the highest intake frequency while cheese showed the lowest among milk products. Male students showed higher intake frequency of milk and milk products. Groups having high level of nutrition knowledge showed the highest intake of whole milk, whereas groups having a low level of nutrition knowledge preferred processed milk, low fat or non-fat milk, and cheese the lowest.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It was a transition of music and dancing in the early and middle Qing dynasty, when female impersonators became popular in space of female kabuki. The industry of female impersonators gave the most profound impact on Chinese literature. It is mainly that female impersonators had an influence on homosexual literature. The first class writers who would be willing to create the literature images were on the increase. The writers felt well disposed towards the actors, which improved the standard of work and led to elegance of homosexual literature. Because of the decreasing of masculinity and the increasing of femininity, those works were getting feminine and tender. It has practical strategic significance for China to study the effect of culture about female impersonators.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study amied to determine the effect of species and seed mixture on productivity, botanical composition and forage quality in middle mountainous region (Geosan) pasture. Total seven experimental pastures (T1 : Orchardgrass, T2 : Timothy, T3 : Tall fescue, T4 : Perennial ryegrass, T5 : Kentucky bluegrass, T6 : Timothy + Orchardgrass + Tall fescue + Alfalfa, T7 : Timothy + Orchardgrass + Kentucky bluegrass + White clover) were established in autumn, 2014 and evaluated for productivity and agronomic characteristics for 2015. Plant heigh was high in Orchardgrass and Perennial ryegrass pasture. Dry matter (DM) content was high in Kentucky bluegrass. Botanical composition in 1st harvest was high in shrub, but the grass composition was high in 2nd and 3rd harvest. Fresh and DM yield were higher in Orchardgrass and Perennial ryegrass (p<0.05); whreras, Kentucky bluegrass was the lowest. In seed mixture pasture, yields of T6 plot (Tall fescue) were higher than those of T7 (Kentucky bluegrass). Average CP (crude protein) content of 2nd and 3rd cutting time was 16.91 and 14.79%, respectively and Kentucky blue grass was the highest in 3rd cutting time by 17.57%. IVDMD (in vitro dry matter digestibility) showed low in 1st cutting and Kentucky bluegrass was the lowest in every cutting time. TDN (total digestible nutrient) content was the highest in 3rd cutting and the lowest in 1st cutting. These results indicated that Orchardgrass, Perennial ryegrass and T6 are recommendable for productivity and Timothy, Perennial ryegrass and T7 are recommendable for forage quality.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 작곡가 이상근이 일생 동안 애정을 가지고 작곡하였으나, 연구가 미흡한 합창분야를 중심으로 그의 음악을 조망하였다. 음악분석은 중기와 후기의 합창곡을 중심으로 이루어졌고, 결론에서 이상근 합창음악 전체의 음악적 특징을 시기적으로 정리하였다. 이상근의 초기 합창곡은 자연과 사람을 주제로 하는 서정적인 곡들로 한국적인 것의 현대화와 인상주의 기법의 한국화를 도모하는 가운데 ‘친근성’이 두드러지게 나타났다. 중기 합창곡은 초현실주의 시의 내용에 따라 초기의 현대적 어법이 보다 추상적이고 극단적인 표현주의적 기법으로 나타났다. ‘말하는 노래(Sprechstimme)’는 한국적 시김새와 관련하여 작곡가의 독특한 방법으로 다양화되고 한국화되었다. 후기의 합창음악은 초기 양식에서처럼 자연과 인간을 주제로 한 텍스트를 가져온다. 하지만 전통음악적 소재와 현대적 음악어법은 보다 기악과 성악에서 보다 다양하고 표현되며, 공간적 의미까지를 포함하여 우연성 음악에의 접목까지 한층 포괄적으로 표현되었다. 전체적으로 그의 합창음악에는 동시대의 한국 창작음악의 미학적 관점인 ‘친근성’, ‘현대성’, ‘민족성’이 시대적으로 비중을 달리하지만, 작곡가의 부단한 도전정신에 의거하여 시기별로 독창적으로 드러나고 있음을 알 수 있다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to determine the effect of mixed pasture using domestic varieties orchardgrass ‘Kodione’ and tall fescue ‘Purumi’ on forage yields and botanical composition from 2013 to 2015 in middle region of Korea. The following mixed pastures were used in this study: treatment A (orchardgrass oriented mixture with imported varieties), treatment B (orchardgrass oriented mixture), treatment C (orchardgrass and tall fescue oriented mixture), treatment D (tall fescue oriented mixture), treatment E (tall fescue oriented mixture without orchardgrass), treatment F (only orchardgrass), and treatment G (only tall fescue). In botanical compositions at last cutting time in 2015, treatment A had orchardgrass at 7.1%, tall fescue at 47.9%, kentucky bluegrass at 15.2% and white clover at 25%. Meanwhile, treatment B had orchardgrass at 25.9%, tall fescue at 47.0%, kentucky bluegrass at 4.9% and white clover at 18.3%. Consequentially, in botanical composition from 2014 to 2015, treatment A was changed more compare to other treatments B, C, D and E. The average of dry matter (DM) yield for 2 years of treatment E (18,369 kg/ha) was the highest among the seven treatments, but there was no significant difference among other treatments except treatment A (p>0.05). The crude protein (CP) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of treatment A were 14.5% and 74.8%, and treatment E were 14.1% and 73.0%, respectively. The content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were lower in treatment E and A than other treatments, and treatment E showed high content of total digestible nutrient (TDN). Therefore, tall fescue oriented mixture using domestic tall fescue variety Purumi had good forage productivity, quality and botanical composition in middle region of Korea for the establishment of grassland.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 중학교 『한문』 교과서의 漢詩 수록 양상을 분석하고, 한시 작품 해석상의 주의 사항 몇 가지를 제시한 것이다. 중학교 『한문』 교과서에 수록된 한시를 놓고 진행한 분석을 통해, 한문과 교육과정의 성취기준을 가장 유효하게 달성할 수 있는 교수-학습 재료가 바로 한시임에도 불구하고, 한시 텍스트는 絶句 위주의 매우 적은 수량이 수록되어 있으며 작품 해석도 또한 미진한 점이 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 심지어 어떤 교과서의 한시 수록은 구색 맞추기에 지나지 않았다. 이는 과거 한문학에서 한시가 차지하였던 실상과 어긋난다. 한시교육 종사자들은 한시교육의 이론과 실천을 점검하여 한시교육의 활성화를 도모하기 위해서 안팎으로 보다 많은 노력을 기울여야 한다. 밖으로는 한문교과의 수업 시수를 보다 많이 확보하기 위해 노력해야 하며, 안으로는 한문교육 효과를 극대화하기 위해 더욱 많은 명편의 한시 작품을 수록하고 보다 유효한 교수-학습을 수행하여야 할 것이다. 우리나라 교육의 “인간다운 삶을 영위하게 하고, 민주 국가의 발전과 인류 공영의 이상을 실현하 는 데에 이바지하게 하는 함”이라는 목적 달성에 부응할 때 한시교육의 이론과 실천은 강화될 수 있다.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to help determine Korean fishery policies by proposing improvement plans after examining the current regulations, fishing vessels, fishing gear and fishing methods of the middle sized trawl fishery in the East Sea for targeting only squid. In general, the size, engine horse power, and net length of the middle sized trawlers are between 50 and 60 GT, 1,200 and 1,600 PS, and approximately 165 m with four seamed trawl nets, respectively. While a jigging vessel attracted squids using lights, the trawler approached a jigging vessel. The trawler let the jigging vessel know its decision for fishing, and then jigging vessel rolled up jigs. The net of the trawler was casted at 45 degrees between the bow and the stern of the jigging vessel. Once the trawler towed close to the stern of the jigging vessel upon its passing of the jigging vessel, the bow of the trawler turned 45 degrees left again. Then, squid aggregations were entered into the net. When the cod end was passed a light vessel, the trawler hoisted the net up to the otter board. Then the trawler turned 180 degrees. It repeated three to five times of fishing operations as the previous method. We recommend that the regulations allow nineteen side trawlers to catch like stern trawler, as well as the cooperative trawler and jigging vessel operations.