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        검색결과 618

        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Along with the increasing interest in integrated writing in L2 instruction, many studies have investigated language skills and cognitive processes involved in the task. However, relatively less is known regarding the roles of strategic and affective variables in predicting writing performance. The current study, therefore, investigates (a) how strategy, attitudinal, affective, and ability variables are related, and (b) how these variables predict performance in integrated writing. Predictor variables include proficiency, reading comprehension, vocabulary size, L2 strategy use, and attitudes toward reading and writing, and anxiety. Forty-three participants completed an L2 reading-writing integrated task, in which they read reading texts and wrote an essay summarizing the source text and arguing their opinions on the issue. Results showed that proficiency was positively related to reading-to-write strategies, and vocabulary size negatively to reading anxiety; however, ability-related variables generally had no or weak relationships with affective variables. Furthermore, only reading comprehension and reading anxiety were found to be significant predictors of performance in integrated writing.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Earthquake event keeps increasing every year, and the recent cases of earthquake hazards invoke the necessity of seismic study in Korea, as geotechnical earthquake hazards, such as strong ground motion, liquefaction and landslides, are a significant threat to structures in industrial hub areas including coastal facilities. In this study, systemized framework of integrated assessment of earthquake-induced geotechnical hazard was established using advanced geospatial database. And a visible simulation of the framework was specifically conducted at two coastal facility areas in Incheon. First, the geospatial-grid information in the 3D domain were constructed with geostatistical interpolation method composed of multiple geospatial coverage mapping and 3D integration of geo-layer construction considering spatial outliers and geotechnical uncertainty. Second, the behavior of site-specific seismic responses were assessed by incorporating the depth to bedrock, mean shear wave velocity of the upper 30 m, and characteristic site period based on the geospatial-grid. Third, the normalized correlations between rock-outcrop accelerations and the maximum accelerations of each grid were determined considering the site-specific seismic response characteristics. Fourth, the potential damage due to liquefaction was estimated by combining the geospatial-grid and accelerations correlation grid based on the simplified liquefaction potential index evaluation method.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was performed to apply and to utilize the digital forecasting information for Integrated Pest Management at pepper field in Chungbuk province. Chemical spray according to the forecasting prediction using FarmIPM and NCPMS were compare to the that of no control and conventional control. Pests such as Oriental tobacco budworm, Western flower thrips, and Cotton aphids were investigated the control effect by the forecasting modeling information at three pepper plots. Damaged fruit ratio (%) of Oriental tobacco budworm was ordered into no treatment (30) > forecasting (20) > conventional (12), but damages by other pest was insignificant. The frequency of forecasting control was ordered into NCPMS (31) > conventional control (17) > FarmIPM (8). Damaged fruit ratio (%) of Oriental tobacco budworm was ordered into no treatment (35.5) > NCPMS (26.1) > FarmIPM (24.6) > conventional (13.9). Density of western flower thrips was higher but had no problematic by the chemical control when it is hard to analyze the damage by cotton aphid occurrence. Damage by cotton aphids has no prediction of forecasting but done with 6th chemical spray, and their damage ratio (%) was ordered into no treatment (67.7) > FarmIPM (16.2) > NCPMS (11.3) > conventional treatment (4.8). At an analysis of economic value, gross profit was highest in FarmIPM and next to NCPMS > conventional control.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        비순환식 고형배지경에서 배액이 토양과 지하수 오염을 발생시키는 문제를 해결하고자 그동안 연구된 데이터를 바탕으로 배액 최소화 재배방식을 확립을 위해 본 연구는 토마토 코이어 수경재배농가 시설에서 FDR 센서, 적산일사량 센서 및 타이머를 이용하여 토마토를 재배하며 급배액량, 생육 및 생산량을 비교하였다. 정식 후 88일까지 일일 식물체당 평균 급액량은 처리구에 따른 큰 차이가 없었다. 하지만 정식 후 88일 이후 107일 까지 TIMER, FDR, IR 제어구 각각의 일일 식물체당 평균 급액량은 IR(2125mL) > TIMER(2063mL) > FDR(1983mL) 수준이었고 108일부터 120일 까지는 IR(2000mL) > TIMER(1664mL) > FDR(1500mL) 수준 이었다. 배액률은 TIMER 제어구의 경우 5~12%, FDR 센서 제어구의 경우 0~7%, IR 제어구의 경우 12~19% 수준으로 IR > TIMER > FDR 순이었다. 정식 후 88일 이후부터는 FDR과 IR 제어구가 급액량에 상이한 결과를 보였는데, 이는 재배 후기 즉, 5월 20일 이후 (정식 후 94일) 누적일사량의 증가로, IR 제어구에서는 급액이 증가된 반면 FDR 센서 처리구는 적심 이후 30일이 경과된 6월 2일경부터 IR 제어구 보다 일일 급액량이 평균 500mL 적게 공급된 결과이다. 식물체 생육 및 상품과 수량도 급액방식에 따른 통계적 유의차는 없었지만, 당도는 FDR 처리구에서 TIMER 처리구에 비해 약 11%, IR 처리구에 비해 약 18% 높았다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores the impact of a STEM integration teacher professional development program focusing on teachers’ perception of engineering and their attitudes toward integrating engineering into teaching. A total of sixty-eight teachers from ten schools participated in the program for five days. Data are collected from three main sources including (1) pre and post concept maps probing teachers’ perceptions about the engineering discipline, (2) a pre and post survey measuring teachers’ self-efficacy of teaching science/mathematics within the engineering context, and (3) engineering integrated science and (or) mathematics lesson plans and teaching reflections. This study utilizes both qualitative and quantitative research methods depending on the data we have collected. The results show that both science and math teachers thought that integrating engineering into teaching provided valuable outcomes, i.e., promoting students’ learning about engineering and improving their interest in science or math through real-world problem solving exercises. Participants also felt more comfortable about integrating engineering in their teaching after the program. The results also imply that the teachers’ understandings of engineering become more concrete after the program. This study also provides an overview of the challenges and advantages of teaching engineering in K-12 science and mathematics classrooms.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is to analyze an integrated production and inventory model in a single-vendor multi-buyer supply chain. The vendor is defined as the manufacturer and the buyers as the retailers. The product that the manufacturer produces is supplied to the retailers with constant periodic time interval. The production rate of the manufacturer is constant for the time. The demand of the retailers is constant for the time. The cycle time of the vendor is defined as the elapsed time from the start of the production to the start of the next production, while the cycle times of the buyer as the elapsed time between the adjacent supply times from the vendor to the buyer. The cycle times of the vendor and the buyers that minimizes the total cost in a supply chain are analyzed. The cost factors are the production setup cost and the inventory holding cost of the manufacturer, the ordering cost and the inventory holding cost of the retailers. The cycle time of the vendor is investigated through the cycle time that satisfies economic production quantity with the production setup cost and the inventory holding cost of the manufacturer. An integrated production and inventory model is formulated, and an algorithm is developed. An numerical example is presented to explain the algorithm. The solution of the algorithm for the numerical examples is compared with that of genetic algorithm. Numerical example shows that the vendor and the buyers can save cost by integrated decision making.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently as the manufacturers want competitiveness in dynamically changing environment, they are trying a lot of efforts to be efficient with their production systems, which may be achieved by diminishing unplanned operation stops. The operation stops and maintenance cost are known to be significantly decreased by adopting proper maintenance strategy. Therefore, the manufacturers were more getting interested in scheduling of exact maintenance scheduling to keep smooth operation and prevent unexpected stops. In this paper, we proposedan integrated maintenance approach in injection molding manufacturing line. It consists of predictive and preventive maintenance approach. The predictive maintenance uses the statistical process control technique with the real-time data and the preventive maintenance is based on the checking period of machine components or equipment. For the predictive maintenance approach, firstly, we identified components or equipment that are required maintenance, and then machine parameters that are related with the identified components or equipment. Second, we performed regression analysis to select the machine parameters that affect the quality of the manufactured products and are significant to the quality of the products. By this analysis, we can exclude the insignificant parameters from monitoring parameters and focus on the significant parameters. Third, we developed the statistical prediction models for the selected machine parameters. Current models include regression, exponential smoothing and so on. We used these models to decide abnormal patternand to schedule maintenance. Finally, for other components or equipment which is not covered by predictive approach, we adoptedpreventive maintenance approach. To show feasibility we developed an integrated maintenance support system in LabView Watchdog Agent and SQL Server environment and validated our proposed methodology with experimental data.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study we developed an integrated precast concrete decks for a rapid construction. The structural performance in the integrated precast bridge decks is evaluated by real-scale test bed and detailed finite element analyses. The numerical analysis results were compared with the experimental data from a real-scaled single-span precast/prestressed concrete bridge decks under truck loading. Parametric studies are focused on the various effects of external loads on the structural behavior for different locations and measuring points on the precast bridge decks. The assessment in this study indicates that the integrated precast bridge decks show an excellent structural performance as expected.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study aims to identify the current status of aquaculture information in Korea and suggests policy directions for its integrated management. Firstly, the study focuses on the identification of the current status of aquaculture information by reviewing how aquaculture information is managed. Secondly, this study identifies problems such as lacks in necessary aquaculture information, inefficiency caused by dispersion and overlapping of information, absence of integrated management system and insufficient sharing of information. After identifying the current status of aquaculture information and its problems, the study suggests three basic directions to systematically integrate and manage the information such as establishment of infrastructure for promoting the integrated management of aquaculture information, generation and systematic management of useful aquaculture information and enhancement of user convenience. Finally, the study suggests detailed strategies such as establishment of a foundation to facilitate integrated management of aquaculture information, organization of organic network, sharing of more information, creation of necessary information through demand survey, creation of systematic management system, provision of a customized total service, and increase in education and PR activities on information use.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using a progressive die of the multi-stage drawing product, It was experiments for the Influence of the Products Roundness on the die pad process Safety die model, obstacle countermeasure research safety die design When the die pad is independent structure, Sidewall thickness of the inside 2stage, 3stage, 4stage of the product is thicker, the thickness of the inside 1stage and the bottom is thinner. it was become unstable beacuse the inside 1stage related to the Products Roundness is thinner. When the die pad is Integrated structure, Sidewall thickness of the inside 1stage, 2stage of the product is thicker, and Sidewall 3stage and 4stage was a thin. it was become unstable beacuse the inside 3stage related to the Products Roundness is thinner. Therefore, The appropriate combination of and integrated independent is required for each process.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        creative innovation and an innovative problem-solving of industrial companies can be achieved by overcoming the challenges of technical and physical contradictions. The approaches to address conflicting and paradoxical problems, such as technical and physical contradictions have a crucial role in advancing the quality assessment for manufacturer and service provider. The term, technical contradiction, depicts the state that improvement of one ends of IFR (Ideal Final Result) leads to unfavorable condition of the other ends, and results in conflicting problem. Another type of contradictions that’s discussed in this study is a physical contradiction which is due to two mutually opposing states of the means of ends, and gives paradoxical situation. By integrating the means-ends chain perspectives, the physical contradiction that is a specifically root-causes, “means”, can be initially addressed to resolve the downstream problem of technical contradiction which represents a general and abstract goals, “ends”. This research suggests IFR resolution processes to handle both physical contradiction of means and technical contradiction of ends by employing causal relationship with IFR, effects and causes. n summary, the study represents three major processes that resolve such contradictions are demonstrated as follows: 1) Derivation of causal and hierarchical relationship among IFR, ends and means by considering CAED (Cause-And-Effect Diagram) and LT (Logic Tree). 2) Identification of causal relationship between physical contradiction and technical contradiction by using TPCT (TRIZ Physical Contradiction Tree) and TCD (Technical Contradiction Diagram). 3) Application of integrated TRIZ principles by classifying 40 inventive principles into 4 general conditions of the separation principle of mutually opposite states in space, in time, based on conditions, and between the parts and the whole. In order to validate the proof of proposed IFR resolution processes, the analysis of the TRIZ case studies from National Quality Circle Contest in the years, 2011 to 2014 have been proposed. The suggested guidelines that are built based on TRIZ principles can uniquely enhance the process of quality innovation and assessment for quality practitioners.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The load of a maglev train, which is being considered a future transportation, is uniformly loaded on a levitated surface of a rail unlike a typical train because the maglev train is magnetically levitated and propelled. In addition, the driving performance is superior since the maglev train doesn't directly contact the railway. A integrated track system, to which a sleeper is installed toward a longitudinal direction instead of a perpendicular direction, is suggested, considering this loading characteristic. The longitudinal sleeper of this system is expected to contribute to stiffness increase of a bridge and weight-reduction of a girder. In this study, the structural characteristics of proposed and typical systems have been numerically compared and analyzed. In addition, the improvement of the integrated system has been proposed.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The load of a magnetic railway is uniformly loaded on a levitated surface of the rail. So it is advantageous for noise and vibration compared to the typical railway systems. But for ensuring driving stability and ride-quality, regulation about the gap of rail is stricter than the typical railway. In this study, the impact of bracket, which can control the gap of rail at the integrated track system, have numerically been performed. Also, the effect of interval of the bracket installed in the longitudinal direction of the integrated track system, which consist of girder, bracket, sub rail and levitated rail, have been compared and analyzed. Through this, applicability of the bracket structure for integrated track system have been identified.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we propose an innovative lateral force distribution building system between tall buildings by utilizing the difference of moment of inertia, as the alternative design for highly integrated city area. Considering a tri-axial symmetric conditions and boundary conditions for the three-dimensional building structure system, a two-dimensional model is composed. In the proposed indeterminate structural model, important design variables are determined for obtaining minimum horizontal deflections, reactions and bending moments at the ground level of the buildings. Regarding a case of the provided two spatial structures connected to 4 buildings, the optimum location of middle located spatial structure is 45% from the top of the building, which minimize the end moments at the bottom of the buildings. In the considered verification examples, reduced drifts at the top location of the building systems are validated against static wind pressure loads and static earthquake loads. The suggested hybrid building system will improve the safety and reliability of the system due to the added internal truss-dome structures in terms of more than 30% reduced drift and vibration through the development of convergence of tall buildings and spatial structures.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연약지반의 평가를 위한 물리탐사기법의 적용성을 알아보기 위해 총 6개월간의 전기비저항 모니터링자료를 취득하였다. 추가적으로 다중채널 표면파 탐사(Multichannel Analysis Surface Wave; MASW)를 실시하여 전단파 속도와 연약지반의 강도분포를 파악하고자 하였다. 또한, 콘 관입시험(Cone Penetration Test; CPT)과 시추 시료의 실내시험을 이용하여 물리탐사 자료와의 상관성을 확인하고 탐사 자료의 신뢰성을 높이고자 하였다. 그 결과 장기간의 모니터링 자료로부터 연약지반의 거동양상을 파악할 수 있었고, 추가 탐사를 통해 얻은 전단파 속도와 실내 시험간의 유의미한 상관관계가 확인되어 연구 지역 연약지반의 강도를 평가하는데 있어 표면파 탐사의 유용성을 확인 할 수 있었다. 최종적으로 지구통계학적 방법을 이용하여 물리탐사 자료와 이종 자료에 대한 3차원적인 지반 분포 영상을 획득하였다. 본 연구를 통해 넓은 영역에서의 연약지반 평가를 위해서는 장기간의 전기비저항 모니터링으로 영역 전체의 특성을 파악해야 함을 알 수 있었다. 이를 보강할 수 있는 추가적인 탐사 자료와 시추 자료를 이용한다면 경제적이고, 신뢰성 있는 평가가 이루어 질 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the effects of the integrated reading-writing tasks (e.g., writing summaries or reflective essays) on college students’ writing performance. A pre-test and a post-test which consisted of reading comprehension questions and a writing task were administered to 207 EFL college students at the beginning and end of a semester. The data was analyzed both quantitatively using ANOVA and post-hoc test, and qualitatively using a questionnaire survey and interviews. The mean scores of the posttest for the classes which utilized the integrated reading-writing tasks were higher than that of the control group. Also, higher level students in the two experimental groups and a control group showed that there were improvements between the pre-test and post-test, specifically in the treatment groups. The analyses of the questionnaire survey and interviews revealed that the treatment groups which integrated reading-writing in class perceived writing summaries and reflective essays as helpful and effective tools for enhancing their writing ability. The overall results of the study indicated that implementing the integrative approaches to language instruction in the EFL classroom is beneficial in improving learners’ writing performance regardless of the learners’ proficiency level.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we investigate an inventory and production system in a three-layer supply chain system involving a single supplier, single manufacturer and multiple retailers. Earlier study in this type of supply chain only consider a single raw material in order to produce single item, but we consider raw materials in order to produce multiple items. It is assumed that the cycle time at each stage is an integer multiple of the adjacent downstream stage. We develop an iterative solution procedure to find the order quantity for the multiple items and raw materials that minimizes the supply chain-wide total cost per unit time of the supplier and manufacturer’s raw materials ordering and holding, setup and finished items holding, the retailer’s ordering and inventory holding. Numerical examples are presented to show that the proposed heuristic gives good performance.