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        검색결과 597

        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cimicomorpha is one of the most diverse groups in true bugs comprising more than 20,000 species, which attract a great attention for a variety of life-history strategies as well as for agricultural and medical aspects as followed: traumatic insemination in the bed bugs and their relatives (Cimicoidea), diverse feedinghabits in the plant bugs (Miridae), parasitism and blood-feeding in the bed bugs and their relatives (Cimicidae and Polyctenidae), agricultural pests in the lace bugs and the plant bugs (Tingidae and Miridae), biological control agents in the minute pirate bugs and the plant bugs (e.g., the genus Orius), disease transmission in the Triatominae (Reduviidae), and micro-habitat transitions in the assassin bugs and the flower bugs (Reduviidae and Anthocoridae). In this talk, I conducted the phylogenetic analyses of the Cimicomorpha based on the molecular data. Additionally, through the phylogenetic comparative analyses, I also present the evolutionary history of the specialized biological traits of the Cimicomorpha.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are many pros and cons for whether smart glasses and watch would be further going technology or not beyond smart phone. What have to do domestically is to find acting ways to catch up with technological gap in short term basis through analyses and investigations in technological issues, patents profile, market forecast. In this paper, firstly we investigate and review technological issues and form factors of smart glasses and HMD, and secondly analyze technological tendency and identify their core technology and intension from global key player's patents analyses connected with smart glasses, and conclusively suggest technological prospects and it's countermeasures.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract This manuscript reports on compared color evolution about phase transformation of α-FeOOH@SiO2 and β-FeOOH@SiO2 pigments. Prepared α-FeOOH and β-FeOOH were coated with silica for enhancing thermal properties and coloration of both samples. To study phase and color of α-FeOOH and β-FeOOH, we prepared nano sized iron oxide hydroxide pigments which were coated with SiO2 using tetraethylorthosilicate and cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bro- mide as a surface modifier. The silica-coated both samples were calcined at high temperatures (300, 700 and 1000°C) and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, CIE L*a*b* color parameter measurements, transmission electron microscopy and UV-vis spectroscopy. The yellow α-FeOOH and β-FeOOH was transformed to α-Fe2O3 with red, brown at 300, 700°C, respectively.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This manuscript reports on compared color evolution about phase transformation of α-FeOOH@SiO2 and β-FeOOH@SiO2 pigments. Prepared α-FeOOH and β-FeOOH were coated with silica for enhancing thermal properties and coloration of both samples. To study phase and color of α-FeOOH and β-FeOOH, we prepared nano sized iron oxide hydroxide pigments which were coated with SiO2 using tetraethylorthosilicate and cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bro- mide as a surface modifier. The silica-coated both samples were calcined at high temperatures (300, 700 and 1000°C) and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, CIE L*a*b* color parameter measurements, transmission electron microscopy and UV-vis spectroscopy. The yellow α-FeOOH and β-FeOOH was transformed to α-Fe2O3 with red, brown at 300, 700°C, respectively.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The synanthropic flies are regarded as the most important vectors of infectious diseases. Especially, feeding and reproductive habits make flies the important vectors of many pathogens such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, typhoid fever, dysentery, and anthrax. Although most of lower flies (e.g. black-flies, mosquitos, sand-flies) transport diseases by bloodsucking, the mechanical dislodgment from exoskeleton is one of the important mechanisms of pathogens transmission for higher flies (Diptera: Brachycera) such as blow-flies, flesh-flies, and house-flies. According to recent phylogenetic studies, the Bibionomorpha is suggested as a sister taxon of the Brachycera as a monophyletic group “Neodiptera”. Coincidently, a part of black fungus gnats (Diptera: Bibionomorpha: Sciaridae) are known as the important vectors of fungal diseases on agricultural crops due to the spores carrying by there fore tibial structures. We propose that the correlation of spore carrying structures and habitats adaptation in the Sciaridae. The evolutionary pathway tests support that the fore tibia structures appeared first and followed by live plant habitats in the Sciaridae. Regarding analyses, we hypothesized that the evolutionary benefit of fungal carrying structures could be closely related with the larval habitats adaptation of Sciaridae. Interestingly, both adults of the synanthropic higher flies and the black fungus gnats are carrying various microorganisms by mechanical dislodgment from there tibial exoskeleton. The common habits of those flies could be providing clues about the evolution of the fly-microorganism interections.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We construct several Milky Way-like galaxy models containing a gas halo (as well as gaseous and stellar disks, a dark matter halo, and a stellar bulge) following either an isothermal or an NFW density profile with varying mass and initial spin. In addition, galactic winds associated with star formation are tested in some of the simulations. We evolve these isolated galaxy models using the GADGET-3 N-body/hydrodynamic simulation code, paying particular attention to the effects of the gaseous halo on the evolution. We find that the evolution of the models is strongly affected by the adopted gas halo component, particularly in the gas dissipation and the star formation activity in the disk. The model without a gas halo shows an increasing star formation rate (SFR) at the beginning of the simulation for some hundreds of millions of years and then a continuously decreasing rate to the end of the run at 3 Gyr. Whereas the SFRs in the models with a gas halo, depending on the density profile and the total mass of the gas halo, emerge to be either relatively flat throughout the simulations or increasing until the middle of the run (over a gigayear) and then decreasing to the end. The models with the more centrally concentrated NFW gas halo show overall higher SFRs than those with the isothermal gas halo of the equal mass. The gas accretion from the halo onto the disk also occurs more in the models with the NFW gas halo, however, this is shown to take place mostly in the inner part of the disk and not to contribute significantly to the star formation unless the gas halo has very high density at the central part. The rotation of a gas halo is found to make SFR lower in the model. The SFRs in the runs including galactic winds are found to be lower than those in the same runs but without winds. We conclude that the effects of a hot gaseous halo on the evolution of galaxies are generally too significant to be simply ignored. We also expect that more hydrodynamical processes in galaxies could be understood through numerical simulations employing both gas disk and gas halo components.
        2013.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The microstructural evolution of AA1050/AA6061 complex aluminum alloy, which is fabricated using an accumulative roll-bonding (ARB) process, with the proceeding of ARB, was investigated by electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis. The specimen after one cycle exhibited a deformed structure in which the grains were elongated to the rolling direction for all regions in the thickness direction. With the proceeding of the ARB, the grain became finer; the average grain size of the as received material was 45μm; however, it became 6.3μm after one cycle, 1.5μm after three cycles, and 0.95μm after five cycles. The deviation of the grain size distribution of the ARB processed specimens decreased with increasing number of ARB cycles. The volume fraction of the high angle grain boundary also increased with the number of ARB cycles; it was 43.7% after one cycle, 62.7% after three cycles, and 65.6% after five cycles. On the other hand, the texture development was different depending on the regions and the materials. A shear texture component 001<110> mainly developed in the surface region, while the rolling texture components 011<211> and 112<111> developed in the other regions. The difference of the texture between AA1050 and AA6061 was most obvious in the surface region; 001<110> component mainly developed in AA1050 and 111<110> component in AA6061.
        2013.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한자의 구조 분석 중 육서와 편방, 부건의 구체적 함의와 상호 관계 등의 문제 는 항상 한자의 이론 연구와 교육 실천에 있어서 어려운 문제였다. 필자는 어떠한 구조 분석법이라도 모두가 상상에서 나온 것이 아니라, 육서와 편방, 부건의 출현 이 한자의 변천 과정 중 몇 차례 있었던 대변화의 시기와 맞물려 있다고 생각하여, 이 문제들을 이해하는데 도움을 주고자 하였다. 이를 위해 필자는 한자 발전의 각 도에서 이 세 가지 용어의 기원과 발전 맥락을 분석하고, 이와 함께 이 세 가지가 내포하고 있는 함의와 관계에 대해 정리하였다
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With increase in operating temperature of gas turbine for higher efficiency, it is necessary to find new materials of TBC for replacement of YSZ. Among candidate materials for future TBCs, zirconate-based oxides with pyrochlore and fluorite are prevailing ones. In this study, phase structure and thermal conductivities of oxide system are investigated. system are comprised by selecting as A-site ions and as B-site ion in pyrochlore structures. With powder mixture from each oxide, oxides are fabricated via solid-state reaction at . Either pyrochlore or fluorite or mixture of both appears after heat treatment. For the developed phases along compositions, thermal conductivities are examined, with which the potential of compositions for TBC application is also discussed.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Traumatic insemination (TI), an extraordinary copulation strategy, is most prevalent in cimicoid true bugs (Insecta: Hemiptera) among invertebrates including insects. Here, we resolved the evolutionary history of TI and the females’ adaptations by conducting molecular phylogenetic analyses and comparative studies based on the phylgenetic relationships. We found a sister group relationship of Curaliidae + Lasiochilidae, which are the only groups among Cimicoidea not likely engaged in TI. Divergence time estimates revealed that TI is a behavior of antiquity that first evolved in the Early Jurassic 188Mya (95% highest posterior density = 157 – 221). Furthermore, ancestral character state reconstructions indicated that TI evolved only once from standard insemination in Cimicoidea. The results revealed that only TI is correlated with PS among the biological traits, and that evolutionary acquisition of PS was driven by selection of TI. Additionally, we found that not only are the three types of PS homoplastic to each other, but also that each of types could not be a homologous feature despite of same terminology, which suggests convergent evolution of the females’ morphology have occurred as females were adapting to TI.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cimicomorpha is one of the most diverse groups in true bugs, and attract a great attention for a variety of reasons, among them, extraordinary insemination methods in the bed bugs and their relatives (Cimicoidea), feeding-habits alternations in the plant bugs (Miridae), parasitism in the bed bugs and their relatives (Cimicidae and Polyctenidae), agricultural pests in the lace bugs and the plant bugs (Tingidae and Miridae), biological control agents in the minute pirate bugs and the plant bugs (e.g., the genus Orius), disease transmission in the Triatominae (Reduviidae), and micro-habitat transition in the assassin bugs and the flower bugs (Reduviidae and Anthocoridae). In this talk, we propose the phylogenetic relationships within the Cimicomorpha especially including some critical taxa in terms of the biological traits such as haemocoelic insemination and parasitism (e.g., the species belonging to Lasiochilidae, Lyctocoridae, Prostemminae and Corydromius). Based on the phylogenetic results, we also present the evolutionary history of the specialized biological traits of the Cimicomorpha using phylogenetic comparative analyses.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta) and the plum fruit moth (G. dimorpha) are internal feeders of stone and pome fruits and highly similar in morphological characters and feeding behaviors. These two species share their two main sex pheromone components, Z8-dodecenyl acetate(Z8-12Ac) and E8-dodecenyl acetate(E8-12Ac) although pheromone compositions are different. But, two males of these species were cross-attracted to G. molesta and G. dimorpha pheromone trap, respectively. Their host plants are also very similar in Rosaceae including apples, plums, paches, etc. These sympatric and similar pheromone ratios and biological characters suggest their recent speciation divergence. To determine genetic origin of this speciation, were analysed transcriptomes associated in sex pheromone biosynthesis in these sibling species. Total RNAs were collected from pheromone glands and read by a short read deep sequencing technology using an lllumina HiSeq2000. Almost 3-4 Gb reads were de novo assembled and resulted in 76,361 contigs of G. dimorpha and 104,463 contigs of G. molesta. More than 70% of these contigs were annotated and classified by a typical GO analysis. Transcriptomes related with sex pheromone biosynthesis were selected and grouped into fatty acid synthase, fatty acid oxidation, desaturase, reductase, and isomerase. These analyses identified sex pheromone biosynthesis machineries, which showed significant differential expressions between two sibling species. Field monitoring assays indicated the minor components (Z8-12OH) resulted from fatty acid reductase were crucial in isolating two sibling species.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Understanding infrared (IR) luminosity is fundamental to understanding the cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution, since their most intense stages are often obscured by dust. Japanese infrared satellite, AKARI, provided unique data sets to probe this both at low and high redshifts. The AKARI performed an all sky survey in 6 IR bands (9, 18, 65, 90, 140, and 160μm ) with 3-10 times better sensitivity than IRAS, covering the crucial far-IR wavelengths across the peak of the dust emission. Combined with a better spatial resolution, AKARI can measure the total infrared luminosity ( LTIR) of individual galaxies much more precisely, and thus, the total infrared luminosity density of the local Universe. In the AKARI NEP deep field, we construct restframe 8μm, 12μm , and total infrared (TIR) luminosity functions (LFs) at 0.15 < z < 2.2 using 4,128 infrared sources. A continuous filter coverage in the mid-IR wavelength (2.4, 3.2, 4.1, 7, 9, 11, 15, 18, and 24μm ) by the AKARI satellite allows us to estimate restframe 8μm and 12μm luminosities without using a large extrapolation based on a SED fit, which was the largest uncertainty in previous work. By combining these two results, we reveal dust-hidden cosmic star formation history and AGN evolution from z = 0 to z = 2.2, all probed by the AKARI satellite.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        AKARI's all-sky survey resolves the far-infrared emission in many thousands of nearby galaxies, providing essential local benchmarks against which the evolution of high-redshift populations can be measured. This review presents some recent results in the resolved galaxy populations, covering some well-known nearby targets, as well as samples from major legacy surveys such as the Herschel Reference Survey and the JCMT Nearby Galaxies Survey. This review also discusses the prospects for higher redshifts surveys, including strong gravitational lens clusters and the AKARI NEP field.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present the result of our near infrared J- (λ=1.25μm), H- (λ=1.63μm), and Ks-band (λ=2.14μm) imaging of ultraluminous (LI > 1012L⊙) and uminous(LIR=1011−12L⊙) infrared galaxies (ULIRGs and LIRGs), to investigate their relationship through properties of their host galaxies. We find that (1) for single-nucleus ULIRGs and LIRGs, their spheroidal host galaxies have similar properties, but ULIRGs display a substantially higher level of nuclear activity than LIRGs, suggesting that their infrared luminosity difference comes primarily from the different level of current nuclear activity. We infer that LIRGs and ULIRGs have similar progenitor galaxies, follow similar evolutionary processes, and may evolve into optically-selected QSOs. (2) Largely-separated multiple-nuclei ULIRGs have significantly brighter host galaxies than single-nucleus ULIRGs and LIRGs in Ks-band, indicating that multiple-nuclei ULIRGs have a bias towards mergers of intrinsically large progenitor galaxies, in order to produce high infrared luminosity (LIR > 102L⊙) even at the early merging stage. (3) We derive dust extinction of host galaxies of ULIRGs and LIRGs to be AV ~ 14 mag in the optical or quivalently AK ~ 0.8 mag in the near-infrared Ks-band, based on the comparison of host galaxy's uminosities in the J-, H-, and Ks-bands.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radio-loud active galaxies have been found to exhibit a close connection to galactic mergers and host galaxy star-formation quenching. We present preliminary results of an optical spectroscopic investigation of the AKARI NEP field. We focus on the population of radio-loud AGN and use photometric and spectroscopic information to study both their star-formation and nuclear activity components. Preliminary results show that radio-AGN are associated with early type, massive galaxies with relatively old stellar populations.