
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 39

        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study examined radiation damage and the optimal gamma-ray dose for mutation breeding in oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Samhan). The seed germination rate decreased as the dose increased over 500 Gy. The median lethal dose (LD50) was approximately 392 Gy. The median reduction dose (RD50) for plant height, tiller number, root length, and flash weight was 411, 403, 394, and 411 Gy, respectively. The optimal dose of gamma irradiation for inducing oat mutation appears to be in the range 300-400 Gy. We performed the comet assay to observe nuclear DNA damage induced by gamma-ray irradiation. This assay showed a clear difference with gamma-ray treatments. DNA damage increased temporarily 7 days after treatment depending on the dose, while no significant difference was identified in response to 300 Gy 30 days after the gamma-ray treatments. The growth characteristics of the M2 generation decreased as the dose increased over 400 Gy.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rose (Rosa Hybrida Hort.) are of a high symbolic value and a great cultural importance in different societies. They are widely used as garden ornamental plants and as cut flowers. For the induction of mutation, gamma-rays are widely used as a mutagen. This study was carried out to establish a system for mutation breeding by irradiation of gamma-ray in rose. The rooted cuttings of five cultivar roses (Lovelydia, Vital, Aqua, Yellowbabe and Haetsal) are grown by in a greenhouse. They were two difference treatment (Before rooting gamma-ray irradiation, After rooting gamma-ray irradiation) were exposed to dose of 70 Gy using a 60Co gamma-irradiator (150 TBq of capacity ; ACEL, Canada) at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. The irradiated plants were planted in a greenhouse, and investigated survival rate, mutation rate, flower buds number, and shoot length were planted after 80days. The two treatments of and growth characters was significantly reduced to 20% to 40% compared with the control. In addition, survival rate and mutation rate were ‘after rooting γ-ray irradiation (37.4~67.3% and 0.5~5.6%)’ higher than ‘before rooting γ-ray irradiation (18.3~50.8% and 0.3~3.4%)’. Mutation types were solid type, chimeric and mosaic petal mutants with various colors were induced from five rose. These results indicate that efficiency of mutation induction in rose by gamma-ray irradiation on petal colors and petal shapes in two difference treatment with rooted cutting system.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 후춧가루의 위생화를 위해 감마선, 전자선 및 X-선을 조사한 후 이에 따른 미생물학적 및 관능적 품질변화를 평가하였다. 후춧가루에 감마선, 전자선 및 X-선을 2, 4, 6, 8 및 10 kGy로 각각 조사한 후 미생물 변화와 관능품질 변화를 평가한 결과, 미생물의 경우 선종에 관계없이 흡수선량이 증가할수록 미생물 제어 효과가 증가하는 것으로 나타났으며, 선종별 D10값의 경우 2.24-2.75 kGy범위를 보였으며 방사선 선종에 따른 유의차가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 색도의 경우 명도, 적색도 및 황색도 모두 방사선 선종에 따른 변화가 없는 것으로 판단하였다. 관능적 품질 역시 방사선 선종에 관계없이 흡수선량에 따라 품질저하가 발생되는 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때 방사선 선종에 따른 후춧가루의 품질변화 차이가 없는 것으로 판단하였으며, 이상의 결과는 X-선의 상업적 이용을 위한 기초 연구 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료되었다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        국화 6 품종을 대상으로 감마선(35 Gy) 조사에 의해 유기 된 화색변이체를 선발하고, 식물체 재생을 위한 배지내 식물생 장조절제 적정농도를 구명하여 신품종 육성 가능성을 검토하고 자 수행하였다. 고유품종과 다른 꽃잎의 화색변이율은 ‘SP-410’ 이 15.7%로 가장 높았으며, ‘예스스타’가 10.6%, ‘무지개’가 10.3%순 이었다. ‘무지개’는 이중색(황색/적색, Y7D/R40A) 에서 적색(R42B)으로, ‘예스라인’은 자주색(RP74C)에서 진자 주색(RP63B)으로, ‘예스스타’는 황색/적색(Y4A/RP59A) 이 중색에서 적자주색(RP64A)으로, ‘SP-410’은 백색(W155C)에서 황색(Y2C)으로, ‘예스투게더’의 화심색은 백색(W155C)에서 연보라색(P76B)로, ‘예스우리’의 화심색은 연녹색(YG149A)에 서 짙은 녹색(GY1C)으로 화색이 변한 변이체를 선발하였다. 화색변이체 꽃잎의 신초형성을 위한 배지내 식물생장조정제 의 최적조합은 BA 1.0 mg/L와 NAA 0.5 mg/L, BA 2.0 mg/L 와 NAA 0.5 mg/L의 2조합이였으며, 신초형성율은 품종간에 차이가 있어 ‘예스라인’이 91.6%로 가장 높았다. 감마선 조 사에 의한 화색 변이체의 꽃잎배양 유래 재생식물체는 영양 번식으로 유지되었으며, 3년동안 재배한 결과 화색과 꽃잎의 형태적 특성 차이가 없었다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world, and has been used as model monocots for genetic studies, because of its relatively small genome size. We have previously reported the different functions of several RING (Really Interesting New Gene) proteins to respond the various abiotic stresses. In order to study a regulation of RING proteins in rice under ionizing irradiation such as gamma ray (GA), we have identified the expression patterns of these genes by RT-PCR. We found Gamma-ray induced RING finger protein (OsGRP) gene, which were associated with cytosol by subcellular localization analysis. in vitro ubiquitination assay revealed that OsGRP possess E3 ligase activity. Also, we demonstrate that C196A point mutation in the RING finger domain of OsGRP can have a critical effect to the breakdown of structural integrity in RING constructs. To identify the interaction partners for OsGRP in protein-protein interactions, we found the seven genes interacted with OsGRP by Yeast Two Hybrid method. To examine the GA-influence of interaction partners by RT-PCR, two genes were specifically down-regulated in rice during GA treatment. These interaction partners were identified the reliable interactions and subcellular localizations via BiFC method. Interestingly, five genes associated with plastid, while two down-regulated genes associated with cytosol and plastid. These results of OsGRP based on genetic approach might provide a clue to understanding the GA responsive mechanism in rice.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        식물유전자원의 소재를 확대하고자 동진 1호 벼의 건조 종자에 감마선(60Co, 300 Gy)을 조사하여 선발한 조기출수 계통의 유전적 변이성을 분석하였다. 선발한 조기출수 계통의 M7(2010년)과 M8(2011년) 세대에서 평균 출수기는 대조품종인 동진 1호(중만생종) 보다 각각 11일(γ-2 계통), 10일(γ-5 계통), 6일(γ-1 계통), 5일(γ-3 계통), 4일(γ-4 계통)이 빠르게 나타났다. ISSR 분석 결과, 선발계통의 유전적 다형성은 γ-2 계통 5.9%, γ-1 계통 7.5%, γ-4 계통 15.1%, γ-3 계통 15.3%, X-1 계통 19.4%, γ-5 계통 23.4%로 대조품종의 4.3% 보다 높게 나타나 방사선 조사로 DNA 수준에서 변이가 증가되었음을 확인하였다. 엽록체 DNA(rps16-trnK 영역) 분석 결과, 염기 길이는 대조 품종과 같은 664 bp인 반면, 총 5개 염기서열 영역에서 치환 변이가 발생하였고 그 중 6 bp 및 587 bp 영역의 변이는 선발 계통에서만 나타났다.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        유채(Brassica napus L.) '내한', '탐미', '한라' 등 3품종의 종자에 양성자 및 감마선을 0~2,000 Gy로 처리하여 조숙, 단간, 다수성 등 농경상 유용형질을 갖고 기름함량과 지방산 중 올레인산 함량이 높은 바이오디젤용 품종을 육성하고자 본 연구를 실시하였다. M5세대까지 세대를 진전시키고 특성조사를 실시하여 고정성이 높고 농경형질이 우수한 조숙 단간 1 계통, 조숙 1계통, 단간 2계통과 대화 1계통, 엽록소변이 1계통을 선발하
        2010.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is broadly regarded as an excellent methodology for reverse genetics applications. Approximately 15,000 M3 TILLING lines have been developed via the application of gamma-ray irradiation to rice seeds (cv. Donganbyeo), followed by subsequent selections. In an effort to evaluate the genetic diversity of the TILLING population, we have employed the AFLP multiple dominant marker technique. A total of 96 (0.64%) TILLING lines as well as Donganbyeo were selected randomly and their genetic diversity was assessed based on AFLP marker polymorphisms using 5 primer combinations. An average of 100.4 loci in a range of 97 to 106 was detected using these primer combinations, yielding a total of 158 (31.4%) polymorphic loci between Donganbyeo and each of the 96 lines. A broad range of similarity from 80% to 96% with an average of 89.4% between Donganbyeo and each of the 96 lines was also observed, reflecting the genetic diversity of the TILLING population. Approximately 28 polymorphic loci have been cloned and their sequences were BLAST-searched against rice whole genome sequences, resulting in 20 matches to each of the gene bodies including exon, intron, 1 kb upstream and 1 kb downstream regions. Six polymorphic loci evidenced changes in the coding regions of genes as compared to the rice pseudomolecules, 4 loci of which exhibited missense mutations and 2 loci of which exhibited silent mutations. Therefore, the results of our study show that the TILLING rice population should prove to be a useful genetic material pool for functional genomics as well as mutation breeding applications.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TILLING (Targeting Induced local Lesions IN Genomes) is known to be an excellent methodology for reverse genetics approach. About 15,000 M3 TILLING lines have been developed after gamma-ray irradiation to the rice seeds of Donganbye. In order to assess genetic diversity of the TILLING population. we have employed a multiple dominant marker technique, such as AFLP. A total of 96 (0.64%) lines including Dongganbye were randomly selected and their genetic diversity was assessed on the basis of AFLP marker polymorphism by using 5 primer combinations. An average of 100.4 loci with a range of 97 to 106 were detected by using the primer combinations, resulting in 173 (34.6%) polymorphic loci among 96 lines. A broad range of similarities with 80% to 96% was evidenced between Donganbye and each of 96 TILLING lines, reflecting genetic diversity of the TILLING population. About 30 polymorphic loci have been cloned and their sequences have been blasted against rice whole genome sequences. The sequences evidenced highly significant matches to each of genes including exons and introns, upstream sequences and downstream of genes, and intergeneic sequences. Therefore, the TILLING rice population would be valuable genetic sources for rice functional genomics.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We bred a new green-kerneled glutinous rice variety that can be cultivated in the whole area of Korea, because only one native green-kerneled glutinous rice cultivar, “aengdongchalbyeo” has been cultivated in the southern coastal area due to its late heading. The seeds of “aengdongchalbyeo”were irradiated with 200 Gy of gamma ray in 1995. A promising mutant variety, “ogwonchalbyeo”(“onnong 17” was selected through line selection and regional yield trials. In particular, the new variety revealed at the earlier mid of August compared to that of “aengdongchalbyeo” the early of September, and it was considerably tolerant to a field lodging due to its shortened culm length. Also, “ogwonchalbyeo”had a higher ripened grain ratio and 1,000 grain weight compared to the original variety. The brown grain yield of the new variety was about 5.40 MT/ha, which was 11.3% higher than that of the original variety, in the regional yield trials at 3 different fields during 2000∼2001. The brown and milled grains of the new rice variety contained 20 to 65% higher amount of total amino acids, respectively than that of the original and two checks. For chlorophyll -a, -b and total chlorophyll, the new variety showed nearly two-fold higher than the checks, and for the carotenoid, it had 5.3 –7.6 times higher amount. These results showed that the new variety can be cultivated as a special green-kerneled glutinous rice with high functional compounds.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        양성자와 감마선 조사한 추파형 유채 M2 세대의 화뢰의 소포자 배발생에 대해 조사하였다. 세 가지 유채품종 '한라', '내한'과 '탐미' 유채종자를 각각 400 Gy와 600 Gy의 양성자와 감마선으로 전처리 하였다. 일부 종의 양성자와 감마선 조사구에서 배발생이 증가되었고 대조구보다 높았다. 품종별로는 '내한'유채가 배발생 빈도가 가장 높았고 '탐미' 유채가 가장 낮았다. 드물게 배상체로부터 바로 소식물체가 형성되었고 대부분은 비정상적으로 multilobe가 형성되었다. 배상체로부터 식물체가 성공적으로 재분화 되었고 화분에 순화되었다
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