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        검색결과 1,425

        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The rapid developments of research and teaching of international law in China have attracted the attention of international law academics of the world, who have looked over the landscape of international law in China with great interest. Unfortunately, existing literature has yet to completely satisfy their interests in this aspect. This article is intended to compensate for this gap by introducing representative international lawyers, publications, academic associations and research funding schemes on international law in China. More concretely, this paper will show the mainstream research sources of their Chinese counterparts as well as embrace teaching as part of the research system of international law in China. It is expected that, with their more attention into the holistic research methodology and the “One Belt, One Road” strategy, the Chinese academia of international law will contribute more to the international rule of law.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since its founding in 1949, the People’s Republic of China has acceded to more than 300 multilateral treaties. Among them, China made reservations to 83 treaties, accounting for nearly 27.7 percent of the total. Evidently, for China, formulating reservations to multilateral treaties is an issue of vital importance in the process of concluding and executing multilateral treaties. This paper examines the three main reasons why China inclines to formulate reservations to the treaties, then argues that the reservations formulated by China, whether in procedure or in substance, are not only in full conformity with the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, but also full of Chinese characteristics. This paper also analyzes several specific reservations that China shall withdraw, and addresses the limitations of China’s existing treaty reservation system. Accordingly, this paper concludes that the Chinese government should improve and perfect its treaty reservation system with some suggestions.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The abandonment of wind and PV power has become the Achilles heel that restricts the development of renewable energy in China, which is associated with institutional defects in China’s Renewable Energy Law. As a priority area in energy development, renewable energy is not substantialized. Instead, it is undermined because the guarantee system for purchasing electricity, generated by the use of renewable energy resources, in full amount, is alienated by lower-level laws. The unestablished mandatory legal obligations and responsibilities in power grid transmission networks lead to difficulties in renewable energy power generation, transmission, and accommodation. Due to the lack of continuity and stability in the feed-in tariff and subsidy policies for renewable energy, investors cannot have reasonable expectations. China’s Renewable Energy Law must be remedied to correct these existing institutional defects, and to solve the problem of wind and PV power abandonment in order to promote the healthy development of renewable energy.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        프란치스코 하비에르에서 마태오 리치까지 30여 년 간 중국은 강력한 쇄국정책을 펴고 있었으나, 중국선교를 향한 교회의 노력은 가능한 모든 수단을 활용하여 지속적으로 있었다. 오다 노부나가 시절, 일본 선교의 물꼬를 튼 포르투갈 국적의 예수회 선교사들과 상선이 중심이 되어 중국진출을 시도하였다. 그 결과 아시아선교의 베이스캠프 가 고아에서 마카오로 옮겨올 수 있었다. 그 후 필리핀을 통해 스페인이 중국선교에 참여하였고, 예수회, 아우구스티누스회, 그리고 작은 형제 회의 선교 방식의 차이를 통해 당시 순찰사로 있던 알렉산드로 발리냐노 는 새로운 선교정책을 구상하기에 이르렀다. 발리냐노의 지휘 하에 이탈리아 출신의 예수회원들이 중심이 되어 본격적인 중국진출이 가능 하게 되었고, 과거 남미 선교에서 주어졌던 ‘선교관할권’(Padronado) 에서 벗어나 선교의 자율성이 확보되고, ‘적응주의 선교정책’이 수립되 었다. 근대 선교의 새로운 장이 열리게 되는 동시에 동· 서방 문명의 교류까지 가능하게 된 계기를 마련할 수 있게 된 것이다.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main objective of this study is to analyze the preservation and management for the city wall ruins of China, and to find out the implications. Firstly, Chinese walls have experienced a process from demolition to protection. The walls of the historical value of the site are gradually being certified, and many walls ruins were designated as a conservation unit. Secondly, China’s institutional system is based on the central government issued Cultural Relics Protection Law and combined with the actual situation of local governments to establish a special law. Management System is Cultural Relics Bureau, the planning department, the garden department and the tourism sector joint implementation. Thirdly, through the study of Nanjing, Xian, Pingyao, Suzhou city wall ruins finding that perfect legislation and unified management system to help protect city wall ruins.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to survey the perception and preferences of customers that have dined at Korean restaurants in China and investigate the importance and performance level of quality attributes, customer satisfaction, revisit intention and recommendation intention. The survey was conducted January 31~March 1, 2016 in China. The 293 questionnaires (97.7%) were analyzed using SPSS(Ver. 23.0) and AMOS(Ver. 21.0). Results of this study are as follow: Customers that dined at a Korean restaurant in China were composed of 157 women and 136 men. Regarding the reason for preferring Korean cuisine, taste, hygiene and nutritional value of Korean food were the most significant quality factors. Regarding complaints about Korean food, Chinese people placed much emphasis on freshness of ingredients when dining out, based on the majority of complaints about ingredients that were not fresh. The main reason for leftover food were personal eating habits and that of customers revisiting food taste and nutrition. Path model among customer satisfaction, revisit intention and recommendation intention revealed the factor of menus and attributes of menu items regarding customer’s age that had an impact on customers’ satisfaction, and association with customers’ satisfaction, revisit intention and recommendation intention as well.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the effects of Chinese perceptions of quality attributes on customer’s satisfaction, revisit intention and recommendation intention for coffee shops in Beijing, China. Subjects of this study included 200 customers who had visited a coffee shop at least once during the last year. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS v23.0 and AMOS v21.0. In this study, the majority of customers visited a coffee shop once or twice a week with friends. Respondents preferred tall-sized warm coffee in the store. The coffee shop quality attributes of were derived from five exploratory factors identified upon analysis of 30 observational variables. It was important to maintain and strengthen the quality attributes of coffee shops in this area because IPA(Importance Performance Analysis) analysis showed that “Doing great, keep it well” part was a desirable area because it had high importance and performance. Finally, path analysis revealed that customer satisfaction was influenced by employee attitude and affected revisit intention and recommendation intention.
        2017.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2017.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료