
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 127

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Consumers prefer high-quality organic agricultural products, but most organic farmers use conventional seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to establish an organic seed production technology for organic vegetable cultivation which will meet international organic standards. In this study, the effects of low temperature treatment and seedling size on flower bud differentiation and planting were investigated for the production of indigenous organic root vegetables seeds, radish, turnip, and beet. Radishes were bolted in large seedlings which were cold treated for 4 weeks after 16 days of transplantation. Turnips were bolted in small seedlings which were cold treated for 2 or 4 weeks after 28 days of transplantation. Beets were bolted in small seedlings which were cold treated for 4 weeks, 23 days after planting. It was found that small size radish seedlings were not affected by the 4 weeks low-temperature treatment, but for turnips and beets, smaller seedlings rapidly bolted as compared to larger seedlings which were treated for 2 or 4 weeks. Based on these results, it could be inferred that it is possible to increase the seed production yield of radish, turnip, and beet as well as predicting the planting time. These findings could be used as basic data to determine the appropriate seedling size and cold-treatment time.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        다양한 수종의 묘목을 고밀도로 심는 모듈군락식재가 기존의 성목식재보다 자연림 복원 효과성이 뛰어난지 알고자 야외 실험을 했다. 또 모듈군락식재의 식재밀도 차이에 따라 생장이 촉진되는지, 또 식피율이 높아지는지를 알아보았다. 큰나무를 넓게 띄어 심는 성목식재구(대조구)와 다종의 묘목을 고밀도로 심는 모듈군락식재구(처리구)로 구분했고, 다시 식재밀도에 따른 3주/㎡와 1주/㎡ 모듈군락식재구로 나눠 실험을 설계했다. 2019년 5월부터 26개월간 공시재료의 생존율, 생장량(수고, 수관폭, 근원직경), 식피율을 측정했고, 측정 수고값을 활용하여 장래 수고생장을 예측했다. 모듈 군락식재구의 생존율과 상대생장량이 성목식재구보다 높았다. 모듈군락식재구의 식피율은 23개월 이전에 지표면을 완전히 덮었지만, 성목식재구는 이식스트레스로 인해 오히려 식피율이 낮아졌다. 고밀도로 심은 모듈군락식재구의 묘목이 자라서 식재 후 5∼6.5년 만에 성목식재구보다 더 높이 자랄 것으로 예측됐다. 이런 결과를 이끈 원인은 다종(多 種)·묘목·고밀도 식재와 토양개량·멀칭 등의 식재기반 개선 때문이라 본다. 즉, 모듈군락식재구에 심은 묘목은 큰나무를 심은 성목식재구보다 식재 후 환경 적응력이 뛰어나 생존율이 높고, 초기 생장량이 많았을 것이다. 다양한 자생수종의 고밀도 혼식은 상호보완적 환경압을 완화하는 동시에 개체간 경쟁을 유발해 생장 촉진을 이끌었다. 더불어, 식재기반 개선은 묘목의 활착율 상승과 생장량 증가에 유효했다고 본다. 식재밀도가 높을수록 식피율이 급격히 늘어나, 제초 등의 사후관리비 절감 효과가 있을 것이다. 모듈군락식재구(3주/㎡, 1주/㎡)의 식재밀도가 높았을 때 수고생장이 촉진되 었고, 수관폭·근원직경은 식재밀도가 낮았을 때 높아지는 경향을 보였지만, 통계적 차이가 없었다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 지역 기상-해양 접합모델을 이용하여 2018년 8월 28일부터 30일까지 한반도 서울-경기지역에 내린 강수에 대해 대기-해양 상호작용의 효과를 분석하였다. 지역 기상-해양 접합모델에서 기상모델은 WRF (Weather Research Forecasts)가 사용되었으며, 해양모델은 ROMS (Regional Oceanic Modeling System)가 사용되었다. 단일 기상 모델은 WRF모델만 이용되었으며, ECMWF Re-Analysis Interim 의 해수면온도자료가 바닥경계자료로 사용되었다. 관측자료와 비교하여, 대기-해양 상호작용의 효과가 고려된 접합모델은 서울-경기지역의 강수 및 황해 해수면온도에 대해 공간상관계수가 각각 0.6과 0.84로 이는 지역 기상모델보다 높게 나타났다. 또한, 평균편향오차(MBE, Mean Bias Error)은 각각 −2.32와 −0.62로 지역 기상모델 보다 낮은 오차율을 보였다. 상당온위와 해수면온도 및 역학적 수렴장으로 분석한 대기-해양 상호작용의 효과는 황해 해수면온도의 변화를 유도하였고, 그 변화는 하층대기에서 열적 불안정과 운동학적 수렴대의 차이를 발생시켰다. 열적 불안정과 수렴대는 결과적으로 서울-경기 지역에서 상승운동을 유도하였고, 결과적으로 기상-해양 접합모델에서 모의된 강수가 관측과 더 유사한 공간분포를 나타냈다. 그러나 복잡한 관계에 있는 대기-해양 상호작용의 효과를 더 명확히 파악하기 위해서는 다양한 사례연구와 장기적인 분석이 필요하지만, 본 연구는 기상-해양 상호작용이 강수 예보에 중요성에 대한 또 다른 증거를 제시한다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 평균온도 상승에 따른 출수기변화, 수량구성 요소 및 수량, 출수기건물중 및 식물체 질소함량 변화를 평가 한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 1. 생육기 평균온도 1oC 상승 시 밀의 출수기는 약 2.8일 단축된 것으로 판단되었다. 2. 평균온도 상승 시 수량구성요소와 수량이 악화되었는데, 주로 면적당수수 감소에 의해 면적당립수와 수량이 감소한 것으로 판단되었다. 3. 1수립수는 11월 7일 파종 시 고온조건에서 감소하였으나 11월 17일 파종 시 고온조건에서 감소하지 않았다. 4. 천립중은 출수 후 30일간 평균온도 1oC 당 약 2.1g씩 감소하였다. 5. 평균온도 상승 시 출수기 건물중은 감소하지 않았으나, 출수기 면적당경수는 감소한 것으로 판단되었다. 6. 고온처리 시 식물체 질소흡수량이 감소하여 면적당립수가 감소한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigated relationship among internal as well as external motive to receive the ISO 13485 certification, countermeasure to the certification examination, active reception/execution level of the certification, and operational as well as financial performance of the medical device related enterprises in South Korea which received and are maintaining the ISO 13485 certification. SEM (structural equation model) and related analyses using AMOS 21.0 and SPSS 21.0 have been applied to verify the hypotheses of the research. Result of the research showed that internal as well as external motive for certification positively(+) affects active reception/execution level of the certification as well as countermeasure to the certification examination. The reception/execution level of the certification also positively(+) affects on the operational as well as financial performance of the certified enterprises. However, countermeasure to the certification examination was found out to negatively(-) affects the active reception/execution level of the certification and we can interpret that relatively more countermeasure to the certification examination burdens the employees of the enterprise, causing them to be less active on the reception/execution level of the certification. This research found that an enterprise’s operational/financial performance improves when an enterprise introduces the ISO 13485 certification standard spontaneously on the purpose of improving its system and the certification system is applied to the enterprise actively, not passively. This research emphasizes the need to recognize the difference of the level of active reception implication among members of an enterprise according to the motive of introduction of the certification system.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most people seek a happy life and happiness positively affects sentiment, satisfaction with life, creativity, human relationship, business productivity, and even health and life extension. However, according to a survey in 2013, subjective happiness of adolescents (including university students) was very low compared to other age groups in Korea. Therefore this paper examined the effects of job-seeking stress, appearance recognition, financial situation, trust in government, and locus of control on university students' happiness using SEM (structural equation modeling). 207 university students in Seoul, Korea have been surveyed. At first, an initial experimental SEM model among these variables has been set up and reliability analysis has been conducted. Then multiple regression analyses on job-seeking stress and happiness as well as SEM analysis have been conducted. As a result of these analyses, the SEM model has been revised two times. The final SEM model passed the goodness-of-fit test (using RMR, GFI, NFI, CFI, and IFI indices). The final SEM model showed the followings. First, Higher job-seeking stress (especially sentimental part, rather than environment or action related parts) negatively affects happiness. Second, Trust in government also affects happiness both directly and indirectly. Third, Locus of control is affected both by trust in government and financial situation. Fourth, appearance recognition heavily affects job-seeking stress. In addition, appearance importance is higher than appearance interest, meaning that students who are not very interested in appearance usually recognize the importance of appearance. Finally, happiness is affected neither financial situation nor appearance recognition. Therefore, even either they are in a poor financial situation or not happy with their appearance, they can be happy if they have firm locus of control.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to survey the perception and preferences of customers that have dined at Korean restaurants in China and investigate the importance and performance level of quality attributes, customer satisfaction, revisit intention and recommendation intention. The survey was conducted January 31~March 1, 2016 in China. The 293 questionnaires (97.7%) were analyzed using SPSS(Ver. 23.0) and AMOS(Ver. 21.0). Results of this study are as follow: Customers that dined at a Korean restaurant in China were composed of 157 women and 136 men. Regarding the reason for preferring Korean cuisine, taste, hygiene and nutritional value of Korean food were the most significant quality factors. Regarding complaints about Korean food, Chinese people placed much emphasis on freshness of ingredients when dining out, based on the majority of complaints about ingredients that were not fresh. The main reason for leftover food were personal eating habits and that of customers revisiting food taste and nutrition. Path model among customer satisfaction, revisit intention and recommendation intention revealed the factor of menus and attributes of menu items regarding customer’s age that had an impact on customers’ satisfaction, and association with customers’ satisfaction, revisit intention and recommendation intention as well.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to clarify the effect of high temperature during winter period(autumn sowing) and spring sowing on yield, quality and growth and development in barley. The varieties used for the experiments were heenchalssalbori and keunalbori 1 having a strong spring habit characteristics. In spring sowing treatment, spikelet differentiation was proceeded rapidly and tillering was proceeded slowly compared to the development stage, because the barley sowed at spring is cultivated in high temperature and long day conditions from sowing to spikelet differentiation stage compared with autumn sowing(control). And in high temperature treatment during winter period, like spring sowing, tillering was inhibited compared to the development stage. The number of grain per panicle and the period required to heading stage from spikelet differentiation were reduced largely at spring sowing, because spring sowing treatment was conducted in high temperature and long day condition compared with autumn sowing and high temperature treatment during the period from spikelet differentiation to heading stage. Meanwhile in spring sowing treatment, average temperature during ripening stage was higher than the autumn sowing and high temperature during winter, because heading stage was so late. After all, starch, amylose content and grain weight were reduced while protein content was relatively increased in spring sowing treatment due to difference of average temperature of ripening stage. These changes affected the decrease of viscosity of peak, trough, breakdown and the increase of setback viscosity
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the changes in the physicochemical properties of wheat grains during ripening stage to determine the effect of the rise in average temperature on that of wheat grains. The treated average temperatures were 18.3°C(control), 19.9°C(1.6°C increase), 21.5°C(3.2°C increase) in artificial climate room from heading time to harvest. Results showed that the ripening period from heading to maturity tended to be shorter during higher temperature treatment condition. The 1,000-grain weight, grain width, number of florets per spike, and number of grains per spike decreased as the ripening period was shortened. Gelatinization properties were affected by high temperature due to the reduction of starch and amylose contents. As the grain filling period was shortened by high temperature treatments, the crude protein content increased. As the grain filling period was shortened by 6 days, the starch and amylose contents decreased by 10.8% and 5.4%, respectively. However, the crude protein content increased by 1.7% in such a condition. Starch content showed positive correlations between amylose and breakdown. Meanwhile, it showed negative correlations between electric conductivity of leaching water from seeds, crude protein content, peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity, and setback.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Palbangmi’ is a super high-yield rice cultivar bred by interspecies cross between Tongil type and Africa rice. But, ‘Palbangmi’ has a problem in grain maturation which results in rice yield decreases. Because ‘Palbangmi’ is Tongil and Africa rice interspecies-crossed cultivar, it would be predicted to require higher temperature for grain maturation than japonica rice. Therefore, ‘Palbangmi’ would be required to determine Late Marginal Heading Date (LMHD) for normal maturation. In this study, experiment of transplanting date was carried out to determine LMHD of ‘Palbangmi’ in Suwon and Iksan for 3 years. When daily mean temperature was below 23oC, grain filling ratio (%) increased about 8% for each 1oC. On the other hands, grain filling ratio (%) didn't increase when the daily mean temperature was above 23oC. Therefore, it is determined that 23oC is adequate for minimum threshold temperature for grain maturation. The LMHD of ‘Palbangmi’ was determined from calculated heading dates for each year which could satisfy threshold temperature for 40 days after heading during last 15 years. As a results, LMHD was earlier than August 1 in 16 regions where it is inadequate for ‘Palbangmi’. Continually, LMHD was August 1 ~ August 5 in 13 regions, August 6 ~ August 10 in 14 regions and August 11 ~ August 15 in 21 regions. Finally, LMHD was later than August 15 in 14 regions. Considering that heading date of ‘Palbangmi’ is August 13 as mid maturing ecotype, it is suggested that earlier transplanting required for normal maturing in almost areas except south plain area and some areas of central plain area.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        충청남도 천안시의 대표적인 시설작물인 오이는 규모가 대형화 되면서 동일한 장소에서 연작년수가 길어지고, 연중재배의 원인에 의해 토양 내 식물기생선충의 밀도가 증가하고 있다. 그 중 뿌리혹선충에 의한 피해가 가장 크며, 그에 따른 수확량 감소와 품질저하로 인해 경제적 피해가 증가하고 있다. 따라서 천안시에 분포하는 뿌리혹선충의 발생밀도와 분포를 알아보기 위하여 2016년 6월에서 8월까지 천안시 동남구 일대의 오이 재배지를 대상으로 뿌리 근처의 토양 300g씩을 채취하여 발생밀도를 조사하였다. 그 결과 풍세면의 평균 선충밀도가 가장 높았으며 광덕면의 평균 선충밀도가 가장 낮았다. 평균 밀도의 차이는 있으나 모든 면의 평균 선충수 모두 그 피해가 클 것으로 사료된다. 따라서 본 연구는 천안시 오이시설재배지에서 뿌리혹선충 발생 실태를 조사하고, 오이 상품의 고품질화와 경제적 손실을 줄이기 위한 뿌리혹선충에 대한 효과적인 방제방법 모색의 필요성을 제시하고자 수행하였다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was conducted to clarify the effect of the high temperature on physicochemical properties of barley kernels during ripening stage. High temperature treatment was lasted from each 10, 17 and 24 days after heading(DAH) until the harvest time at 21oC, 24oC, 27oC in artificial climate room. The results showed that ripening period from heading to maturity was tend to be shorter at higher temperature treatment condition and at longer duration treatment condition. and 1000-grain weight was decreased as the ripening period shortened. Furthermore, gelatinization properties was changed by high temperature due to the reduction of starch and amylose contents. As the shortening of grain filling period by a high temperature treatment, the protein content was increased. In the 10 DAH at 27oC treatment, the grain filling period was shortened by 9 days. The starch contents was reduced by 5.7 %, and the protein content was increased by 5.6 % in a such condition. Protein contents was showed negative correlations with amylose, starch contents and gelatinization properties, respectively. Starch contents, however, showed positive correlations with amlyose content and gelatinization properties.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to reconstruct a benthic foodweb structure and assess the role of benthic microalgaes as a diet source for benthos, we analyzed the carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of diverse benthos (bivalves, crustaceans, gastropods and fishes) and potential diets (particulate organic matter, sedimentary organic matter, benthic microalgae, seagrass, and macroalgaes) in the intertidal mudflat surrounding Yeongheung Island. The δ13C values of the diets indicated wide ranges (- 26.5‰ to - 8.4‰) while benthos showed a small range of δ13C values (-12.1‰ to - 17.8‰), although they were in the same range. Except for green algaes among the macroalgaes as well as sedimentary organic matter, δ15N values of the diet candidates (5.7±1.0‰) were lighter in comparison to those of the benthos (11.8±1.9‰). Based on the δ13C and δ15N data, the benthos were classified into 3 groups, indicating a different diet and trophic position. But benthic microalgae is the most important diet source for all three benthos groups based on their stable isotope ratios, suggesting benthic microalgae should be a main diet to the intertidal ecosystem. Hence this study highlights that the biomass of benthic microalgae as biological resource should be evaluated for the management of the intertidal ecosystem of Yeongheung Island.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted, using 10 high-quality rice varieties, at 24 experimental sites in 2013 and 2014 to analyze the comparative relationship among head rice yield (HRY), its attributes and sub-attributes. In the data set pooled across sites, years and varieties, where regional and varietal variations were combined, HRY was associated with milled rice yield (MRY) more closely than percentage of head rice (PHR) although both MRY and HRY demonstrated significant relationship with HRY. In the PHR higher than 80%, compared to 80% or less, fitness of the regression between PHR and HRY decreased. MRY and PHR, the two attributes of HRY, were not significantly associated with each other. Regional variation of HRY was associated only with MRY while varietal variation of HRY was related to both MRY and PHR. HRY and MRY showed regional variation greater than varietal variation meanwhile PHR demonstrated regional and varietal variations in a similar range. In the data set pooled across sites, years and varieties, MRY demonstrated relationship with spikelets per square meter (SPIK) in a higher significance than percentage of grain filling (PGF) and 1000-brown rice weight (TBRW). Both regional and varietal variations of MRY showed significant relationship only with SPIK, neitherwith PGF nor TBRW. It is concluded that regional variation of HRY was affected by MRY, varietal variation by both MRY and PHR, and region-variety combined variation mainly by MRY.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        갓색이 진한 장안5호와 기존에 다포자임의교배법으로 육성된 대가 길고 두꺼운 특징을 가지는 대장1호를 Dimon교잡하여 ‘대장3호’를 육성하였다. 갓색은 진회색이며 갓모양은 깊은깔때기형이다. 대길이와 대굵기는 각각 77.4 mm와 13.5 mm로 춘추2호보다 두껍고 길었다. 초발이는 4-5일로 춘추2호와 비슷하였으며, 생육온도는 14-17oC로 조금 낮은 편이었다. 춘추2호와 비교하여 수량은 13.9% 높았다. 생육시 습도가 높으면 춘추2호와 ‘대장3호’는 대표면이 회백색을 띄기도 하였다. URP-primer를 사용하여 RAPD를 하였으며, URP primer #03, #08, #10, #11에서 ‘대장3호’와 모균주, 그리고 다른 교잡균주들과 동일하지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 대조직의 물리적 특성은 깨짐성과 응집성은 춘추2호보다 컸으며, 강도와 경도, 씹힘성은 춘추2호보다 낮았으나 통계적 유의성을 나타내지 않았다.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of rapid-setting polymer-modified asphalt mixtures with a high reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) content. METHODS: A literature review revealed that emulsified asphalt is actively used for cold-recycled pavement. First, two types of rapid-setting polymer-modified asphalt emulsion were prepared for application to high-RAP material with no virgin material content. The quick-setting polymer-modified asphalt mixtures using two types of rapid-setting polymer-modified asphalt emulsion were subjected to the following tests: 1) Marshall stability test, 2) water immersion stability test and 3) indirect tensile strength ratio test. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS : Additional re-calibration of the RAP was needed for laboratory verification because the results of analyzing RAP aggregates, which were collected from different job sites, did not deviate from the normal range. The Marshall stability of each type of binder under dry conditions was good. However, the Type B mixtures with bio-additives performed better in the water immersion stability test. Moreover, the overall results of the indirect tensile strength test of RAP mixtures with Type B emulsions exceeded 0.7. Further research, consisting of lab testing and on-site application, will be performed to verify the possibility of using RAP for minimizing the closing of roadways.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        아스팔텐 자체로 일반 아스팔트 바인더를 대체 하기에는 불가능하다고 판단하였으며, 아스팔텐의 첨가 비율에 따라 특수 아스팔트 대체 가능성을 확인하였다. 연구 초기에 수급되었던 정유사 SK와 S-oil의 각 각의 아스팔텐을 비교 분석해 보았다. 아스팔텐의 혼입비율 별 유변학적 특성 분석결과 온도별 동탄성계 수의 변화가 측정되었고, <그림 1.>과 같이 SK 아스팔텐(Pitch)의 혼입비율이 50%일 때 구스아스팔트 바 인더와 유사한 탄성계수를 가지는 것으로 확인 되었다. 역학적 특성 평가 결과 아래의 <그림 2, 3.>과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 기존 SK 아스팔텐(Pitch)_50%와 S-oil 아스팔텐(Pitch)_30%를 추가한 아스팔트 바인더는 유사한 거동 특성을 보이고, 저온/고온에서 탄 성계수가 높은 결과를 나타내며 G의 경우에는 SBS가 추가된 아스팔트 바인더의 저온 특성이 SK 아스팔 텐(Pitch) 50%와 유사한 결과를 보였다. S-oil Pitch는 온도/하중주기에 따른 탄성계수 변화가 거의 일 정하게 나타나는 것으로 점성 거동보다는 탄성 거동을 보였다. 본 연구에서는 경질화 부산물인 아스팔텐을 활용하여 구스아스팔트 재료를 대체할 수 있는지에 대하여 분석하고자 하였다. 아스팔텐 혼합비율 별 유동성 테스트에서는 구스아스팔트 재료인 TLA와 유사한 거동 을 보이는 것으로 나타났다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        총체 사료용 벼의 초기 신장성과 입모 특성을 알아보기 위하여 수원 소재 국립식량과학원 시험포장 조건에서 파종시기를 조절하고, 인공기상연구동 정밀유리실에서 입모기간 중 평균기온을 조절하여 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 포장조건에서 총체 사료용 벼 품종 및 계통의 m2당 입모수는 파종시기별로 4월 30일 파종에서 낮은 경향을 보였으나 5월 10일~ 6월 9일 파종에서는 비슷하였고, 품종별로는 녹양에 비해 목우와 수원560에서 많은 경향이었다. 평균기온 18 ~ 24oC 범위의 실내시험에서는 총체 사료용 벼의 입모율은 처리온도간 차이가 없었으며, 모든 온도 처리에서 일반형 품종인 일품보다 낮은 경향을 보였다. 2. 파종 후 30일의 초장은 포장시험에서 파종시기가 늦을수록, 실내시험에서 처리온도가 높을수록 길어졌다. 목우와 수원 560은 녹양보다 입모기간 중 기온 상승에 따른 초장 신장 정도가 컸으며, 특히 목우는 초장 신장 효과가 다른 품종에 비해 고온인 24oC에서 높았다. 3. 파종 후 30일의 건물중은 입모기간 중 평균기온 24oC까지는 기온이 높아질수록 모든 품종에서 증가하였다. 반면 기온이 24oC에서 27oC로 상승했을 때의 건물중은 녹양에서는 비슷하였고 목우와 수원560에서는 감소하였는데 특히, 수원 560의 감소 정도가 컸다. 4. 모든 품종에서 묘 충실도는 입모기간 중 평균기온 24oC까지는 온도가 높을수록 증가하였다. 반면 24oC에서 27oC로 상승한 경우 묘 충실도가 모든 품종에서 감소하였는데, 특히 수원560에서 감소 정도가 컸다. 5. 결과적으로, 담수표면산파에서 초기 신장 촉진과 건전한 입모에 가장 효과적인 입모기간 중의 평균기온은 녹양에서 21oC, 목우와 수원560에서 24oC였으며, 수원560의 경우 24oC 이상의 고온에서는 묘가 연약해졌다.
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