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        검색결과 654

        2013.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 생산시기별 국내산 천일염(장판염, 토판염)의 성분 비교와 미생물 오염 실태 조사를 통하여 천일염 품질 관리 기준 마련을 위한 기초 데이터를 생산하기 위해 수행하였다. 월별 천일염 시료의 일반성분을 분석한 결과 15% 이상의 높은 수분함량을 보인 시료도 포함되어 식염규격기 준에 부적합하였지만, 불용분의 경우 장판염과 토판염이 별개의 기준을 가지고 있어 모두 현재 기준에 부합하였다. 또한 사분은 0.2% 이하의 기준을 초과한 시료도 일부 검출 되었다. 회분 함량과 염도는 토판염이 장판염에 비해 약 10% 내외로 높아, 생산방법별로 구분하여 장판염은 염도 80% 이하(회분 80% 이하)의 기준을, 토판염은 염도 90% 이하(회분 85% 이하)의 기준 적용을 제안하였다. 또한 총염 소 이온(40% 이상)에 대한 분석 결과, 9월~10월에 채집한 장판염 시료에서만 기준보다 낮아, 가을에 채취한 천일염 의 경우 채취시기를 명확히 하는 등 별도의 관리 강화 방안 이 필요하다고 판단된다. 식염 규격 기준 외에 무기이온 (Na, Mg, K, Ca, Zn, Fe) 및 미생물조사(중온, 대장균, 연쇄상 구균, 호염균)를 실시한 결과, 주요 무기 성분에서 토판염보 다는 장판염에서 생산시기별 차이를 조금 보였지만, 마그 네슘만이 온도가 높은 여름보다 온도가 낮은 봄, 가을에 그 함량이 조금 높을 뿐, 월별 유의적인 차이는 보이지 않았 다. 또한 미생물 오염도 실태 조사에서는 생산방법에 따른 차이는 보이지 않았고, 9~10월에 수집한 시료에서 일반세 균, 연쇄상 구균 및 호기성 호염균이 상당히 높게 검출되어 관리 기준 마련 시 생산시기를 고려한 강화 방안도 고려되 어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 기후, 토양 등 생산 환경과 생산방법에 따라 뚜렷한 성분 차이를 보이는 우리나라 천일 염을 장판염과 토판염으로 구분하여, 우리나라 실정에 적 합한 관리 기준이 마련되어 천일염 품질 관리 및 등급 기준 에 따라 균일한 천일염이 생산된다면, 세계시장 진출 시 고품질의 천일염을 지속적으로 공급할 수 있기 때문에 관련 부서에서는 제도 마련과 지원에 힘써야 할 것이다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘천량’은 생리장해 저항성 품종 육성을 목적으로 1999년도 경기도 여주 농가 포장에서 수집해 2002년에 개체를 선발하 였고, 2003년부터 2006년까지 특성검정과 2007년도부터 2009년도까지 생산력검정시험을 실시하였다. ‘음성1호’의 계 통명을 부여한 후 2010년부터 2011년까지 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과, 다수성이면서 염류저항성이 강한 품종으로 인정 되었고, 2011년에 직무육성 신품종 선정위원회에서 신규 등 재 품종으로 선정되어 ‘천량’으로 명명하였다. ‘천량’의 잎색 은 녹색이며, 소엽 가로 자른면의 모양이 볼록형으로 대조품 종인 ‘천풍’의 오목형과 비교된다. 줄기의 색깔은 전체가 연 두색이나 엽병 주위와 기부에 연한 자색을 나타낸다. ‘천량’ 의 열매색과 잎노화색은 적색을 나타내나 대조품종에서 등황 색, 황색을 나타내어 확연히 구분이 되었다. ‘천량’은 ‘천풍’ 보다 출아기는 2일, 개화기는 3일 그리고 과육성숙기는 5일 빨랐다. 4년생에서 ‘천량’의 경장은 41.3 cm로 ‘천풍’에 비해 짧았으며, 경직경은 6.4 cm로 ‘천풍’에 비해 더 굵었고, 엽장, 엽폭, 엽병장도 ‘천풍’보다 더 길었다. ‘천량’의 근장과 동체 장은 대조품종과 비슷하며, 동직경은 대조품종보다 5.3 mm 굵었고, 주당 생근중은 57.0 g으로 ‘천풍’보다 더 무거웠다. ‘천량’의 주당 열매수는 ‘천풍’보다 더 적게 맺혔으나 천립중 은 53.1 g으로 ‘천풍’보다 무거웠고 개갑률은 ‘천풍’보다 5.4% 높게 나타나 우량 묘삼 생산에 유리할 것으로 생각되었 다. ‘천량’의 수량은 생산력검정을 한 결과 평균 수량이 536 kg/10 a로 ‘천풍’보다 12% 증수되었다. ‘천량’은 모잘록병과 탄저병에 대해서는 저항성을 나타내었으며, 점무늬병에서는 중도 저항성을 나타내었다. 역병과 뿌리썩음병은 거의 발생되 지 않았고 가루깍지벌레와 선충 등 충해에 대해서는 저항성 을 나타내었다. ‘천량’은 염류 과다로 발생되는 지상부의 황 증 현상과 지하부 적변삼 증상은 거의 나타나지 않았으며, 고 온에는 중도 저항성을 나타내어 천풍보다 강하게 나타났다. 인삼의 주요 성분인 ginsenoside 함량 중 total 함량은 22.18 mg/g으로 ‘천풍’과 비슷하게 나타났으며, 조사한 ginsenoside 8종류 중 Rb1과 Rf를 제외한 6종류의 함량은 ‘천량’이 높게 나타났다.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 제설제 피해에 따른 토양개량제 사용에 대한 가로변 하층식재로 이용될 수 있는 작살나무로 식물생육과 토양개량효과를 평가하고자 Control, T-W, T-SS, T-SC, T-TC를 실험구로 조성하여 식물생육과 토양화학성 변화를 분석하였다. 토양의 pH에서는 제설제 처리 후 수치가 다소 높아지는 경향이었으며 전기전도도의 경우 제설제 처리 후 증가한 후, 관수 및 토양개량제 처리 후 감소하여 초기값에 근접하는 경향이었다. 또한 치환성양이온 함량의 경우 칼슘이온(Ca2+)과 나트륨이온(Na+)에서 관수 및 토양개량제 처리한 실험구에서 유의한 수준으로 감소하여 그 효과를 검증할 수 있었으며 실험구별로는 T-SS, T-TC 실험구에서 양호한 수준이었다. 식물생육반응에서는 초기 활착시 개엽 상태가 얼마 지나지 않아 제설제를 처리하여 식물의 잎마름과 황엽현상이 빠르게 진행되었고, 잎의 낙화를 초래하였다. 하지만 토양개량제 처리 후 새순이 나타났으며, 지속적인 수세회복을 보였다. 엽록소 함량에서도 염화칼슘 처리 후 모든 실험구에서 감소하다가, 관수 및 토양개량제 처리 후 엽록소함량이 유의한 수준으로 상승하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 도시공원 및 가로수변 지피식물로 이용되면서 내염성이 강하다고 보고된 작살나무를 공시식물로 선정하여 제설제로 이용되고 있는 염화칼슘이 생육 및 토양이화학성에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 한 것이다. 그러나 본 연구에서는 지피식물 중 작살나무 1종에 대해 실험구별 식재한 10주만의 결과를 제시하여 그 경향만을 확인한 것으로 향후 실제 제설제에 의해 피해를 받는 현장조사 및 측정을 통해 그 유의성을 추가적으로 검증해야 할 것이다. 본 연구의 결과는 최근 도로변 레인가든의 조성 등으로 인해 제설제의 가로변 집적이 우려되는 상황에 염화칼슘 저감 및 식물생육 활성화를 위한 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 한 것이므로 모든 식물과 대상지에 일반화 할 수는 없는 상태이므로 향후 다양한 식물과 토양처리기법 등에 대한 구체적 효과 검증이 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigated whether sound could alter gene expression in plants. Using a sound-treated subtractive library, a set of sound-responsive genes in plants was demonstrated through mRNA expression analyses. Of them, the rbcS and ald genes, which are light responsive, up-regulated their expression with sound treatment in both light and in dark conditions. This suggested that sound could be used as a gene regulator instead of light. When we analyzed ald gene expression using various single wavelengths, a significant increase in mRNA levels was found at 125 or 250 Hz but decreased at 50 Hz, indicating that the gene responded to sound in a wavelength-specific manner. To determine whether the ald promoter respond to sound, we generated transgenic rice plants harboring the chimeric gene consisting of a 1,506-bp promoter fragment of the ald gene fused to Escherichia coli GUS reporter gene. Analyses of mRNA expressison level of three independent transgenic lines sound-treated with 50 or 250 Hz for 4 h showed that the Gus gene expression in all three transgenic lines was up regulated by 250 Hz, but down regulated by 50 Hz. These results correlated with sound responsive mRNA expression pattern observed for the ald gene in rice plants, indicating that the 1,506-bp ald promoter confers sound-responsiveness on a reporter gene in transgenic rice plants. We also investigated whether sound waves could improve salt tolerance in rice seedling. The rice seedlings were sound treated with 800 Hz for 1hr, and then treated with 0, 75, 150, and 225mM NaCl for 3 days to observe changes in physiological and morphological aspects. Sound treatment seedlings resulted in enhanced salt stress tolerance, mainly demonstrated by the sound treated seedlings exhibiting of increased root relative water contents (RWC), root length and weight, photochemical efficiency (ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm), and germination rate under salt stress condition. This demonstrates that a specific sound wave might be used, not only to alter gene expression in plant, but also to improve salt stress tolerance.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Low temperature is a major factor restrict to growth and limiting productivity of rice crops. We used a cDNA microarray approach to monitor the expression profile of rice (Oryza sativa) under chilling stress and identified 20 chilling inducible genes in previously study. Ten such genes encoding bHLH, metal transporter and, zinc finger protein with unknown functions showed a significant change in expression under various abiotic stresses. Among them, OsCHI1 (Os07g15460), OsCHI2 (Os02g43660), and OsCHI3 (Os01g61160), were selected for further study. They have structural features such as metal-binding signature sequences in their protein sequences, and OsCHI genes were expressed in root of rice seedling and induced in chilling and salt or drought. Expression of OsCHI1, OsCHI3 and OsCHI2 were targeted to membrane and ER when transiently expressed in tobacco cell, respectively. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) transgenic plants overexpressing showed increased tolerance to salt and drought stress in the seed germination and root elongation than that of wild type. This comprehensive study provides insight into the biological function of OsCHIs, which may be useful in understanding how rice plants adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to adapt to various environmental stresses, plants have employed diverse regulatory mechanisms of gene expression. Epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications play an important role in gene expression regulation under stress condition. It has been known that some of epigenetic modifications are stably inherited after mitotic and meiotic cell divisions, which is known as stress memory. To understand molecular mechanisms underlying stress memory mediated by epigenetic modifications, we developed Arabidopsis suspension-cultured cell lines adapted to high salt by stepwise increases in the NaCl concentration up to 120 mM. Adapted cell line to 120 mM NaCl, named A120, exhibited enhanced salt tolerance compared to unadapted control cells (A0). Moreover, the salt tolerance of A120 cell line was stably maintained even in the absence of added NaCl, indicating that the salt tolerance of A120 cell line was memorized even after the stress is relieved. By using salt adapted and stress memorized cell lines, we intend to analyze the changes of DNA methylation, histone modification, transcriptome, and proteome to understand molecular mechanisms underlying stress adaptation as well as stress memory in plants.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Understanding salt tolerance mechanisms is important for the increase of crop yields, and so, several screening approaches were developed to identify plant genes which are involved in salt tolerance of plants. Here, we transformed the Arabidopsis cDNA library into a salt-sensitive calcineurin (CaN)-deficient (cnbD) yeast mutant and isolated the colonies which can suppress salt-sensitive phenotype of cnbD mutant. Through this functional complementation screen, a total of 34 colonies functionally suppressed the salt-sensitive phenotype of cnbD yeast cells, and sequencing analysis revealed that these are 9 genes, including CaS, AtSUMO1 and AtHB-12. Among these genes, the ectopic expression of CaS gene increased salt tolerance in yeast, and CaS transcript was up-regulated under high salinity conditions. CaS-antisense transgenic plants showed reduced root elongation under 100 mM NaCl treatment compared to the wild type plant, which survived under 150 mM NaCl treatment, whereas CaS-antisense transgenic plant leaves turned yellow under 150 mM NaCl treatment. These results indicate that the expression of CaS gene is important for stress tolerance in yeast and plants.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Salinity stress severely affects plant growth and development causing crop loss worldwide. Suaeda asparagoides is a salt-marsh euhalophyte widely distributed in southwestern foreshore of Korea. To isolate salt tolerance genes from S. asparagoides, we constructed a cDNA library from leaf tissues of S. asparagoides that was treated with 200 mM NaCl. A total of 1,056 clones were randomly selected for EST sequencing, and 932 of them produced readable sequence. By sequence analysis, we identified 538 unigenes and registered each in National Center for Biotechnology Information. The 80 salt stress related genes were selected to study their differential expression. Reverse Transcriptase-PCR and Northern blot analysis revealed that 23 genes were differentially expressed under the high salinity stress conditions in S. asparagoides. They are functionally diverse including transport, signal transduction, transcription factor, metabolism and stress associated protein, and unknown function. Among them dehydrin (SaDhn) and RNA binding protein (SaRBP1) were examined for their abiotic stress tolerance in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast overexpressing SaDhn and SaRBP1 showed enhanced tolerance to osmotic, freezing and heat shock stresses. This study provides the evidence that SaRBP1 and SaDhn from S.asparagoides exert abiotic stress tolerance in yeast. Information of salt stress related genes from S. asparagoides will contribute for the accumulating genetic resources to improve osmotic tolerance in plants.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To determine the expression levels of genes related to the salt stress response in rice, gene expression profiles were investigated through microarray analysis using the rice mutant line Till-II-877. There were no significant changes in physiological response under salt stress of the mutant increased less than that in the WT. The intensity of gene expression was analyzed and compared between the wild type and mutant lines using a microarray. Among the most significantly affected pathways, α-linolenic acid metabolism and linoleic acid metabolism (in lipid metabolism), fructose and mannose metabolism and glycolysis-gluconeogenesis (in carbohydrate metabolism), cysteine and methionine metabolism (in amino acid metabolism), and carbon fixation (in the energy metabolism of photosynthetic organisms) showed changes in gene expression levels under salt stress. These results further our understanding of the effects of salt stress in rice and may aid in the development of salt-tolerant rice cultivars.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to find new genetic sources of rice salt tolerance, we did screening with about 10,000 rice mutant lines created by Ac/Ds insertional mutagenesis. First, we raised rice seedlings with media soil on 0.7% NaCl solution and selected 71 putative salt tolerant lines and analyzed their Ds insertion sites. We tested their salt tolerance by growing seedlings on MS medium containing, 0 mM, 150 mM, and 250 mM NaCl. Also, their seedling salt tolerance were evaluated by growing on Yoshida nutritional solution containing 0.6% NaCl. Finally, we selected eight mutant lines showing increased seedling salt tolerance compared with wild type variety, Dongjin, repeatedly. We grow them in rice field and investigated their agronomic traits such as heading time, culm length, panicle length, and panicles per hill. Among them two lines which were named Salt10 and Salt23 and showed favorable agronomic characteristics were crossed with Dongjin for further genetic analysis and mapping the causative gene variation.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Drought and salinity are the major abiotic stresses which are being continued to hamper the ecosystem and agriculture of the affected region. Plant species have adaptations to enhance their ability to tolerate stresses through physiological adjustment. Therefore, substantial amount of research are ongoing to provide insights about those mechanisms which enlighten the stress tolerance in plant. In this study, several rice cultivars were collected from the different parts of the world and ion accumulation experiments were conducted to select the best stress tolerant cultivar in drought and salt stress environment. For stress treatment, five rice cultivars were subjected to salt (200 mM NaCl) and drought (200 mM Mannitol) for 72h. Later Na+, Ca++, K+ concentrations in shoot and root samples were examined at different time interval. In both drought and salt stress, rice cultivar C201 (collected for uzbekistan) showed the lowest levels of Na+ ion and Na+: K+ ratio compared to other cultivars. It was significant parallel observation with pokkali (known salt tolerant cultivar). In this preliminary study, it was observed the C201 had more stress tolerant in terms of ion accumulation; however detail physiological studies are required to strengthen the idea regarding the best stress tolerant physiotype.
        2013.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Quantification of incoming-salt in the air is absolutely critical for the use of the boundary conditions in chloride resistance design. Thus, as a result of collecting incoming-salt by using multidirectional incoming-salt collector, it was confirmed that incoming-salt was collected not only in the direction of viewing the coast but also in the opposite direction. For this, it is believed that it is necessary to analyze the relationship between the effective defense incoming-salt and the non-effective defense incoming-salt that is delivered through a local flow of surrounding wind
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        저항성 황화광물 정광으로부터 최적의 gold를 용출시키기 위하여 염소-차아염소산 용액과 다양한 온도와 농도를 소금소성정광에 적용하였다. 정광은 황철석, 황동석, 방연석으로 구성되었으며, 공기 중에서 750℃ 소성처리하자 적철석으로 변환되었고, 소금으로 소성처리하자 적철석과 난토카이트(nantokite, CuCl)으로 변환되었다. 다양한 변수로 용출실험을 수행한 결과, 염소-차아염소산 나트륨 혼합 비율 1 : 2에서, FeCl3 첨가량 1.0 M에서, 광액농도 1.0%에서, 그리고 용출온도 60℃에서 최대의 금 용출율을 얻었다. 금 용출율은 정광에서보다 소성정광에서 더 높게 용출되었고, 소성정광에서보다 소금소성정광에서 더 높게 용출되었다. XRD 분석 결과, 소금소성정광에서, 그리고 60℃의 염소-차아염소산 용출용액 고체 잔유물에서 석영이 관찰되었다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the effects of the use of a starter on radish soaked at 4℃ for 28 days using two kinds of domestic sun-dried salt (white and gray salt) were determined. As a result, the moisture contents of the radish soaked with white and gray salt were 7.93 and 4.50%, respectively. The salinity levels were found to be equal (90%). No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of the mineral contents of the salts therein (37812.41±1922.95 and 39755.13±1205.70 mg/100 g, respectively). However, iron and zinc contents of gray salt were higher than those of white salt while the calcium, potassium, and magnesium contents were lower than those of white salt. After the addition of the starter, the sugar content increased, the pH decreased, and the total acidity rapidly decreased compared with the non-starter group during fermentation. The total microorganism count of the two groups increased during the fermentation period of 28 days. From the initial fermentation for 7 days, the lactic acid bacteria in the non-starter group increased while those in the leuconostoc starter group steadily increased within the whole fermentation period. The Leuconostoc spp. in non-starter group increased, but that in the starter group decreased to pH 4.0 on day 14.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To establish a new manufacturing process of low-salted fermented anchovy sauce, commercial fermented anchovy sauce with 23% NaCl was desalted using a spirit. The proximate composition, total nitrogen, amino nitrogen, Escherichia coli, and total and free amino acid contents were analyzed to evaluate the quality characteristics of commercial salted fermented anchovy sauce (CFAS) and low-salt fermented anchovy sauce by desalting processing (LFAS). The salinity of saltwater and fermented anchovy sauce decreased with an increase in the spirit added to 23% NaCl saltwater and 23% NaCl commercial fermented anchovy sauce. The total nitrogen and amino nitrogen contents were higher in LFAS than in CFAS. The major amino acids that were commonly found in CFAS and LFAS were glutamic acid, alanine, lysine and leucine. Basic data were provided for commodification research on low-salt fermented anchovy sauce, which is very important for the diet of humans.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Salinity stress severely affects plant growth and development causing crop loss worldwide. Suaeda asparagoides is a salt-marsh euhalophyte widely distributed in southwestern foreshore of Korea. To isolate salt tolerance genes from S. asparagoides, we constructed a cDNA library from leaf tissues of S. asparagoides that was treated with 200 mM NaCl. A total of 1,056 clones were randomly selected for EST sequencing, and 932 of them produced readable sequence. By sequence analysis, we identified 538 unigenes and registered each in National Center for Biotechnology Information. The 80 salt stress related genes were selected to study their differential expression. Reverse Transcriptase-PCR and Northern blot analysis revealed that 23 genes were differentially expressed under the high salinity stress conditions in S. asparagoides. They are functionally diverse including transport, signal transduction, transcription factor, metabolism and stress associated protein, and unknown function. Among them dehydrin (SaDhn) and RNA binding protein (SaRBP1) were examined for their abiotic stress tolerance in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Yeast overexpressing SaDhn and SaRBP1 showed enhanced tolerance to osmotic, freezing and heat shock stresses. This study provides the evidence that SaRBP1 and SaDhn from S.asparagoides exert abiotic stress tolerance in yeast. Information of salt stress related genes from S. asparagoides will contribute for the accumulating genetic resources to improve osmotic tolerance in plants.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Transgenic cymbidium plants containing drought and salt stresses tolerance genes were produced by using a highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system. The gene (AtSZF2) is salt and drought stresses tolerant gene and transferred into cymbidium plants. These transgenic cymbidium plants are investigated for gene introduction by PCR and analyzed by salt and drought stresses to check its gene expression. To investigate the gene expression of AtSZF2, leaves of transgenic cymbidium plants were soaked in salt solution (200 mM NaCl). Also, transgenic cymbidium plants were kept under no watering for 6 weeks to check the expression of drought stress tolerance. As a result, wild type plants showed more damage than transgenic plants under salt treatment. Further, transgenic cymbidium plants retained green color and healthy status, while wild type plants showed no tolerance after 6 weeks of no-watering treatment.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        MYB-like domain (MLD) gene is a transcription factor that plays a diverse role in plant development and in response to abiotic stresses. In this study, we isolated and developed CaMV35S::OsMLD rice lines and determined its expression pattern under abiotic stresses. It has Myb_CC_LHEQLE superfamily similar to most transcription factor genes but with a very unique binding domain of SHLQKYR in the C-terminal region. Overexpressing rice lines showed enhanced tolerance to salinity with elevated mRNA transcript. Additionally, mRNA transcripts were up-regulated by ABA, H2O2 and dehydration stresses. Further investigation in the enhanced tolerance to salinity showed an increased accumulation of proline and a decreased in malondialdehyde contents indicating that OsMLD gene may be involved in the regulation of proline and osmolytes during abiotic stresses. These results showed that OsMLD gene could be used in the development of rice intended for soil with salinity-related problem.