
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 279

        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The sewage and wastewater (SAW) are a well-known major source of eutrophication and greentide in freshwaters and also a potential source of thermal pollution; however, there were few approaches to thermal effluent of SAW in Korea. This study was performed to understand the behavioral dynamics of the thermal effluents and their effects on the water quality of the connected streams during winter season, considering domestic sewage, industrial wastewater and hot spring wastewater from December 2015 to February 2016. Sampling stations were selected the upstream, the outlet of SAW, and the downstream in each connected stream, and the water temperature change was monitored toward the downstream from the discharging point of SAW. The temperature effect and its range of SAW on the stream were dependent not only on the effluent temperature and quantity but also on the local air temperature, water temperature and stream discharge. The SAW effects on the stream water temperature were observed with temperature increase by 2.1~5.8℃ in the range of 1.0 to 5.5 km downstream. Temperature effect was the greatest in the hot spring wastewater despite of small amount of effluent. The SAW was not only related to temperature but also to the increase of organic matter and nutrients in the connected stream. The industrial wastewater effluent was discharged with high concentration of nitrogen, while the hot spring wastewater was high in both phosphorus and nitrogen. The difference between these cases was due to with and without chemical T-P treatment in the industrial and the hot spring wastewater, respectively. The chlorophyll-a content of the attached algae was high at the outlet of SAW and the downstream reach, mostly in eutrophic level. These ecological results were presumably due to the high water temperature and phosphorus concentration in the stream brought by the thermal effluents of SAW. These results suggest that high temperature of the SAW needs to be emphasized when evaluating its effects on the stream water quality (water temperature, fertility) through a systematized spatial and temporal investigation.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thermal effluent of the hot spring has long been a field of interest in the relationship between temperature gradient and freshwater algae in geology, limnology and aquatic ecology throughout the world. On the other hand, many artificial hot springs have been developed in Korea, but the research on them has not been still active. This study was performed every month from December 2015 to September 2016, to elucidate the spatiotemporal effects of thermal wastewater effluent (TWE) on the ecosystem of benthic algal assemblage in four stations (BSU (upstream), HSW (hot spring wastewater outlet), BSD1~2 (downstream)) of the upstream reach of the Buso Stream, a tributary located in the Hantan River basin. During the survey, the influencing distance of temperature on TWE was <1.0 km, and it was the main source of N·P nutrients at the same time. The effects of TWE were dominant at low temperature and dry season (December~March), but it was weak at high temperature and wet season (July~September), reflecting some seasonal characteristics. Under these circumstances, the attached algal communities were identified to 59 genera and 143 species. Of these, the major phylum included 21 genera 83 species of diatoms (58.0%), 9 genera 21 species of blue-green algae (14.7%) and 25 genera 32 species of green algae (22.4%), respectively. The spatiotemporal distribution of them was closely related to water temperature (5℃ and 15℃) and current (0.2 m s-1 and 0.8 m s-1). In the basic environment maintaining a high water temperature throughout the year round, the flora favoring high affinity to PO4 in the water body or preferring stream habitat of abundant NO3-PO4 was dominant. As a result, when compared with the outcomes of previous algal ecology studies conducted in Korea, the Buso Stream was evaluated as a serious polluted state due to persistent excess nutrient supply and high thermal pollution throughout the year round by TWE. It can be regarded as a dynamic ecosystem in which homogeneity (Summer~Autumn) and heterogeneity (Winter~Spring) are repeated between upstream and downstream.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Understanding effects of thermal pollution and acidification has long been a concern of aquatic ecologists, but it remains largely unknown in Korea. This study was performed to elucidate the effects of thermal wastewater effluent (TWE) and acid rain on water quality and attached algae in a small mountain stream, the Buso Stream, a tributary located in the Hantan River basin. A total of five study sites were selected in the upstream area including the inflowing point of hot-spring wastewater (HSW), one upstream site (BSU), and three sites below thermal effluent merged into the stream (1 m, 10 m and 300 m for BSD1, BSD2, and BSD3, respectively). Field surveys and laboratory analyses were carried out every month from December 2015 to September 2016. Water temperature ranged 1.7~28.8°C with a mean of 15.0°C among all sites. Due to the effect of thermal effluent, water temperature at HSW site was sustained at high level during the study period from 17.5°C (January) to 28.8°C (September) with a mean of 24.2±3.7°C, which was significantly higher than other sites. Thermal wastewater effluent also brought in high concentration of nutrients (N, P). The effect of TWE was particularly apparent during dry season and low temperature period (December~March). Temperature effect of TWE did not last toward downstream, while nutrient effect seemed to maintain in longer distance. pH ranged 5.1~8.4 with a mean of 6.9 among all sites during the study period. The pH decrease was attributed to seasonal acid rain and snow fall, and their effects was identified by acidophilic diatoms dominated mainly by Eunotia pectinalis and Tabellaria flocculosa during March and August. These findings indicated that water quality and periphyton assemblages in the upstream region of Buso Stream were affected by thermal pollution, eutrophication, and acidification, and their confounding effects were seasonally variable.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Benthic macroinvertebrates were investigated in thermal discharge that flows Buso stream region from December 2015 to February 2016, Korea. Study site was selected for the upstream, downstream relative to the mixing station and mixing station which thermal effluent flows, water quality analysis and benthic macroinvertebrates composition, taxa of EPT-group individuals, analysis of biological water quality. As a result, a total of 4,015 individuals including 50 species, 30 families, 11 orders, 4 classes, and 3 phyla were recognized. Taxa of species is Ephemeroptera 16 species (32.0%) including 6 families, the density composition was highest in 1,848 individuals (46.03%) Diptera. EPT-group occupied during the study period were a total of 1,876 individuals (46.72%) including 32 species and 17 family, lowest in the mixing station for study period. As a results of community analysis, mixing station in the Limnodrilus gotoi and Chironomidae sp.2, which is dominated by the analysis was Ecdyonurus levis, Cincticostella levanidovae, Nemoura KUa. The dominant species showed a difference in the upstream and downstream. In the functional feeding groups, in the upstream and mixing station Gathering-Collectors, downstream it was analyzed that the ratio of the highest Filtering-Collectors and decreased the ratio of Shredders increasing from upstream to downstream. Habitat orientation group is analyzed that accounted for most of the Clingers and Burrowers, from upstream to downstream toward the higher the ratio of Clingers. Biological water quality assessment results were analyzed the worst state in the mixing station with an average 2.73 (±0.41). Correspondence analysis, correlation analysis results of water temperature and the cold-water species, as the water temperature increases were analyzed by reducing cold-water species and EPT-group.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 자생종인 물오리나무(Alnus incana subsp. hirsuta(Spach) A. Lö ve & D. Lö ve)와 수우물오리(Alnus incana subsp. tchangbokii Chin S. Chang & H. Kim)는 형태학적인 차이로 식별 가능하지만, 유전학적인 차이는 아직 밝혀지지 않았다. 다만 플라보노이드 분석 자료와 DNA자료에 근거하여 수우물오리가 물오리나무의 배수체라는 가설이 제기된 바 있다. 이를 검증하기 위해 서울대학교 인근 관악산에서 물오리나무 21점, 수우물오리 24점의 잎을 채집하여 유동세포계수법(flow cytometry)을 통해배수성을 측정하였다. 그 결과 물오리나무는 2배체와 4배체가 나타난 반면, 수우물오리는 2배체만 존재하는 것으로 나타났다. 기존의 가설과 달리 수우물오리의 형태학적 특성은 배수성에서 기인하는 것이아니며, 배수성을 통해 수우물오리와 물오리나무를 동정할 수는 없다는 것을 밝혀냈다. 물오리나무의배수성에 대해서는 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것이다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine the effect of soil salinity and crop response according to drainage methods, a field experiment was conducted in reclaimed tidal flat land adjacent to Yeongsangang located at Sanyimyon Haenamgun Jeonnam province for three years from 2012 to 2014. Three drainage methods, subsurface drainage (SD), 30 cm open ditch drainage (OD30) and 60cm open ditch drainage (OD60) tested on silt loam soil. In SD and ND, soil salinity were lower than OD30 and OD60 but there was no significant soil EC to the depth of open ditch. SD had a little effect in lowering ground water table. Waterlogging intensity in SEW30 values during the growing season was the lowest in SD 297 compared with the OD30 855, ND 1,420 and OD60 1,553 cm-day. From the above results, subsurface drainage system control soil salinity and waterlogging. Also, the open ditch drainage had an effect on drainage improvement but there was no significant effect on desalinization. So drainage and soil reclamation were essentially needed to stable upland crop cultivation at the reclaimed tidal flat land.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study deals with optimized structural analysis of stainless rectangular water reservoirs with 5,000ton capacity for various combined load cases. The objective of this study is to propose most efficient structural models through the comparison of various model cases. In order to perform an optimized analysis, three dimensional finite element analyses are carried out for large sized models. The numerical results obtained provides the detailed size and thickness for optimal design of water reservoir. In particular, results reported in this paper show the influence of various types of loading and dimensions of the wall and stiffened column on the structural behavior of the large sized water tanks.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to understand the correlation between odor intensity and dilution factor using the Air Dilution Olfactory Method, which is suggested in the Standard Method of Odor Compounds, by measuring odor intensity and dilution factor for fatty acids and i-butyl alcohol. For the measurement, 18 panel members were selected through a panel test, and odor intensity and dilution factor by substance produced from the selected panel were estimated. The estimation showed that the correlation of odor intensity with dilution factor for a fatty acids and i-butyl alcohol can be reasonably expressed by the equation I = A·log D + 0.5 (I : odor Intensity, D : dilution factor, A : material constant). The material constant was in order of propionic acid 2.0709, n-butyric acid 1.6006, n-valeric acid 1.3369, i-valeric acid 1.182, i-butyl alcohol 1.4326. The geometric average of increased dilution factor for the 5 compounds is about 4.8 time, 3.0 time for propionic acid and 7.0 tme for i-valeric acid due to odor intensity 1 increasing. It is suggested that the result of this study could be used as a base data for research on measures to improve the regulation standards for complex odor concentrations at a boundary sites in operation.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The correlation analysis between odor sensor and air dilution olfactometry method with odor emission facilities was performed for the real-time evaluation of odor emitted from the 13 facilities. The total correlation was less significant for all facilities due to various emission characteristics of odor. The correlation for the individual facility, however, showed a higher correlation coefficient (R=0.7371~0.9897). Especially, the strong correlation (above 0.9) was observed for the industry type with the odor characteristics like tobacco, styrofoam, acetic acid, and burning smell. The repeated odor measurements using the odor sensor showed good reproducibility with the mean relative standard deviation of 5.06%. The odor sensor could be useful tools for identifying and evaluating odor with an olfactometry in field, if the use and proofreading of the odor sensor are improved by a standardized method.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        도로교통소음은 다른 소음원에 비하여 노출의 빈도가 높고 지속적으로 발생하여 생활환경 주변에서 쉽 게 민원의 대상이 되고 있어 도로교통소음저감 대책의 필요성이 날로 증가되고 있다. 현재 소음저감대책 으로 사용되는 방음벽은 저층부에는 소음저감효과가 있으나 중 ․ 고층부는 소음저감효과가 없고, 일부 층 은 방음벽 상단의 반사음에 의하여 소음도가 증가하며, 2차 환경문제인 시야차단, 환기방해, 위압감, 통 행불편 등의 여러 가지 문제점들이 대두 되고 있다. 이를 보완하기 위해 단층 구조의 저소음포장공법이 같이 사용되고 있으나, 소음저감효과가 크지 않다. 따라서 소음저감성능 향상과 충분한 내구성을 발휘하 는 새로운 기술에 대한 개발과 연구가 필요하므로 본 연구에서는 공용화 되어있는 복층구조의 포장노면이 일반아스콘 포장노면 및 단층 구조의 저소음포장노면 대비 도로교통소음을 얼마만큼 더 저감시키는지에 대한 소음저감성능을 분석하였다. 공용중인 RSBS 복층 저소음 배수성포장도로는 RSBS(Radial type SBS) 개질제를 이용하여 결합력을 높 이고, 물리적 강도를 향상시켜 22%이상의 공극률을 실현하고 포장의 구조를 복층구조로 형성시켰다. 복층 구조의 저소음 배수성 포장도로는 크기가 다양(상부층 8mm, 하부층 13mm 골재로 구성)하고 많은 공극을 표층에 집중시켜 타이어/노면(Tire/pavement)의 상호작용(압축, 팽창)에 의해 타이어패턴과 노면에서 발생 하는 공기량의 대부분을 공극으로 투과, 노면으로 배출되는 공기량을 줄여 도로교통소음을 저감시킨다. 이번 현장 검증시험을 진행한 시점이 공용 18~30개월이 경과된 시점임에도 불구하고 소성변형, 표면 탈리, 균열, 포트홀 등 없이 우수한 내구성을 유지하고 있었으며, 복층구조의 포장노면에서 일반아스콘포 장노면과 비교하여 평균 9dB(A)이상, 단층 구조의 저소음포장노면보다 평균 7dB(A)이상 더 소음저감 됨 을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이는 도로교통소음저감을 위하여 방음벽 높이 14M와 같으며, 일반 아스콘포장과 비교하여 교통량 약 90% 저감과 주행속도 약 40%의 저감효과를 볼 수 있는 것과 같아, 복층구조의 저소 음배수성 포장공법의 보급에 따른 국민의 삶의 질 향상이 기대된다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A series of injection and drainage test were conducted on an circular acrylic tube to investigate the pressure generated by the accumulated fill materials inside a circular acrylic tube structure. The acrylic tube was filled by means of gravity filling with a slurry material having an average water content of 700%. The water head during the filling process was 1.8m and the bottom pressure during initial filling was 20.18kPa. The recorded stress at the sides of the acrylic tube was 17.89kPa during the filling process and was reduced to 13.58kPa during the leaving process. Continuous drainage of the acrylic tube has greatly influenced the stresses around the tube structure. As the water is gradually allowed to overflow, the generated pressure at the topmost pressure sensor of the tube was reduced further to 2.17kPa. Eventually, the initially liquid state slurry material transforms into plastic state after water has dissipated and substantial soil particles are deposited in the acrylic tube. The final water content of the deposited silt inside the acrylic tube after the test was 42%. It was found that the state of stresses(geo-static earth pressures) in the acrylic tube was anisotropic rather than isotropic.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research carried out an analysis on input cost and leakage reduction effect by leakage reduction method, focusing on the project for establishing an optimal water pipe network management system in the Taebaek region, which has been executed annually since 2009. Based on the result, optimal cost-benefit analysis models for water distribution network rehabilitation project were developed using DEA(data envelopment analysis) and multiple regression analysis, which have been widely utilized for efficiency analysis in public and other projects. DEA and multiple regression analysis were carried out by applying 4 analytical methods involving different ratios and costs. The result showed that the models involving the analytical methods 2 and 4 were of low significance (which therefore were excluded), and only the models involving the analytical methods 1 and 3 were suitable. From the result it was judged that the leakage management method to be executed with the highest priority for the improvement of revenue water ratio was installation of pressure reduction valve, followed by replacement of water distribution pipe, replacement of water supply pipe, and then leakage detection and repair; and that the execution of leakage management methods in this order would be most economical. In addition, replacement of water meter was also shown to be necessary in case there were a large number of defective water meters.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 사일리지용 옥수수를 파종 한 후 배수로 깊이를 0 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm 그리고 50 cm로 처리하고 이에 따른 생육특성, 생산성 및 화학적 특성을 비교 검토하였다. 초장, 엽장, 엽폭, 착수고 및 하고엽은 배수로 깊이에 따라 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 알곡 충실도, 암이삭 길이 및 암이삭 둘레는 배수로 깊이가 깊을수록 유의적으로 커지는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 그러나 경의 굵기 및 경경도는 처리구들 사이에 차이를 보이지 않았다. 당도에 있어서는 0 cm > 20 cm > 30 cm > 50 cm 구순으로 배수로 깊이가 낮을수록 높은 수치를 보였다(p<0.05). 생초수량, 건물수량 및 TDN 수량은 배수로 깊이가 깊을수록 증가하는 것으로 나타났다 (p<0.05). 조단백질함량은 50 cm구가 가장 높게 나타난 반면 0 cm 처리구가 가장 낮게 나타났다. 그러나 조지방, NDF, ADF 및 조섬유 함량은 처리구들간 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 조회분 함량은 50 cm 구에서 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 총무기물함량은 0 cm (5,690.14) > 30 cm(5,397.02) > 20 cm (4,853.21) > 50 cm구(4,660.18 mg / 100 g) 순으로 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 그리고 유리당 함량은 20 cm구에서 가장 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 구성아미노산 함량은 50 cm구가 다른 처리구 보다 높게 나타났지만(p<0.05), 0 cm, 20 cm 및 30 cm 처리구 사이에는 유의적인 차가 없었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 저지대 논 토양에서 수량을 확보하기 위해서는 최소한 배수로 깊이를 30 cm 이상을 확보 하는 것이 바람직한 것으로 판단된다.
        2015.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 기후변화에 의해 이상기후의 발생으로 폭우 및 폭설로 인해 배수시스템에 관한 관심이 급격히 증 가하고 있는 추세다. 이와 같은 기후변화로 사회간접자본의 중요한 축을 담당하고 있는 공항의 활주로는 안전성 측면에서 항공기 연착 등의 문제 발생의 원인이 되어 경제적 피해가 야기되어 신속한 배수 대책이 필요한 실정이다. 현재 국내공항에서 적용하고 있는 시공 및 유지관리는 국내기준이 아닌 외국기준을 사 용 하고 있다. 특히, 활주로의 배수시설은 설계 지침 및 수립기준에 대한 국내 기준은 적용된 바가 전혀 수립된 바가 없으며, 이와 관련한 실내 및 현장실험이 전무한 실정이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 아래의 그림 1과 같이 기존의 일반적인 린콘크리트 기층 포장과 배수층 및 지하 배수시설의 다양한 설치 위치에 따라 Case를 5가지로 구분하여, 자연강우 및 인공살수 시 배수기능의 정 도를 실측하고 비교 분석하였다. 이때, 정확한 측정을 위해 함수비 측정이 가능한 센서를 기층과 보조기 층에 각각 2개씩 삽입하여 도로의 중앙부와 길어깨의 함수비를 측정하였다. 하지만 배수성능에 대한 평가 뿐만 아니라 도로의 공용성 또한 고려해야 하는 문제이므로, 강우 전후의 FWD(Falling Weight Deflectometer)를 통해 배수층의 유무와 맹암거 위치별 포장체의 구조적 영향을 분석하였다.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A CCTV inspection method has been widely used to assess sewer condition and performance, but Korea lacks a proper decision support system for prioritizing sewer repair and rehabilitation (R&R). The objective of this paper is to introduce the results that we have developed in the Sewer Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Decision-making (SCARD) Program using MS-EXCEL. The SCARD-Program is based on a standardized defect score for sewer structural and hydraulic assessment. Priorities are ranked based on risk scores, which are calculated by multiplying the sewer severity scores by the environmental impacts. This program is composed of three parts, which are decision-making for sewer condition and performance assessment, decision-making for sewer R&R priority assessment, and decision-making for optimal budget allocation. The SCARD-Program is useful for decision-makers, as it enables them to assess the sewer condition and to prioritize sewer R&R within the limited annual budget. In the future, this program logic will applied to the GIS-based sewer asset management system in local governments.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to analyze error cases induced during the proficiency test of certified odor measurement agencies. In the case of the homogeneity test performed in three panel groups, the geometric mean dilution factor of the site boundary PTMs(proficiency testing materials) was 1.4 ± 0.2, 1.7 ± 0.2, 1.8 ± 0.1 and that of the outlet PTMs was 3.7 ± 0.2, 3.7 ± 0.3, 3.7 ± 0.3, respectively. In the case of the stability test for 72 h, the geometric mean dilution factor of the site boundary PTMs was 1.6 ± 0.1 and that of the outlet PTMs was 3.6 ± 0.1. Among error cases induced during the proficiency test of certified odor measurement agencies, the proportion of error cases was in the order of case II(discontinuance of estimation)(40.0%) > case I(error on estimation procedure by panelist)(33.3%) > case III(miswriting of estimation result)(13.3%) > case IV(miswriting of dilution factor) and V(writing of wrong estimation result)(6.7%). Therefore, it seems likely that additional education related to error cases II and I is required.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The object of this study is to investigate the relationship between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold odor number (TON) method for evaluating the odor of domestic wastewater, plating plant wastewater, food plant wastewater and lake water. The dilution factor of raw wastewater evaluated by the air dilution sensory test was in the order of food plant > plating plant > domestic > lake, and that evaluated by the threshold odor number method was in the order of food plant > domestic > plating plant > lake. The same results were obtained when the raw wastewater and lake water were diluted 2 and 5 times with pure water. The relative geometric standard deviation determined from the threshold values of each panel on the air dilution sensory test was much larger than that calculated from results derived from the threshold odor number method. The relative geometric standard deviation obtained from samples with a low dilution factor was greater. There was a very good linear correlation (correlation coefficient = 0.968~1.000) between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold odor number method. But, the reduction in odor intensity (the slopes of regression curves) by dilution was dependent on the types of the odor-emission sources.
        2014.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 기상이변으로 빈번히 발생하는 집중호우는 국내․외의 사회기반 시설물의 주 기능을 상실하게 만들고 있다. 사회기반 시설물 중 사회간접자본의 중요한 축을 담당하고 있는 공항은 일반적인 도로 포장 시스템과 달리 재하 되는 하중이 크기 때문에 설계나 시공에 있어 일반 도로보다 큰 비용이 소모되며 연간 100억 이상 의 유지보수 비용을 투자하고 있다. 하지만 현재 국내 공항의 19본 중 12본이 10년 이상 된 활주로이다. 공항 의 설계목표년도인 20년을 초과한 활주로도 전체의 50%가 넘는 10본이고 공용년수 30년을 초과한 활주로도 5본이나 된다. 이러한 노후화된 공항의 표면과 줄눈부 파손, 활주로와 노견의 접합부를 통한 우수의 침입은 포 장체 내부에 저장되거나 노상으로 유입되기 때문에 골재의 파손과 노상지지력 약화 등의 문제를 야기하여 공 항의 설계목표년도보다 빠르게 활주로의 기능을 상실하거나 배수되지 못한 물로 인해 항공기 연착, 지연 등의 문제를 발생시킨다. 이런 문제를 해결하기 위해 공항에서는 활주로 길어깨 끝단부에 맹암거를 설치하여 배수 를 하고 있지만 포장체 내부로 침투된 유입수가 맹암거까지 도달하는 시간이 길고 현재 시공되어있는 활주로 포장의 기층과 보조기층이 불투수층으로 되어있기 때문에 콘크리트 표면을 통해 들어온 침투수가 맹암거로 흘 러가는 동안 쌓이는 강우량을 저장할 수 있는 용량이 부족하여 공항의 침수를 발생시킨다. 본 연구에서는 집중된 호우와 활주로 콘크리트 포장의 파손으로 인해 유입되는 많은 양의 물을 빠른 시간 안에 배수할 수 있는 지하 배수 시스템을 연구 분석하기 위해 기존 공항 활주로에 시공되는 포장 구조와 본 연구에서 제시하는 각기 다른 구조의 지하 배수 시스템을 비교 분석하여 최적화된 공항포장 지하 배수 시스 템을 연구하였다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The residents'odor complaint is steadily increasing by odor causing from sewage system. A current drainage facilities and septic tank are included in the individual sewerage according to Sewerage Act. However, definitions and legal standards of drainage tank are insufficient. In addition, specifications and maintenance standards related to structure and size are not established.In this research, effect of drainage tank in individual sewage facilities on the odor occurrence was studied and the concentrations of H2S and composite odor were measured.From the measurements, the concentration of H2S and composite odor were 1 ppm ~ 5 ppm and 1.04 OU ~ 4.05 OU, respectively, before pump operation. Also, the concentration of H2S and composite odor were 5 ppm ~ 33 ppm and 5.10 OU ~ 35.04 OU, respectively, after pump operation. The concentration of SS in the effluent from drainage tank was ranged from 840 mg/L to 1,980 mg/L. These high concentration of SS seemed to be the major source of foul smell when high concentrated suspended solids in the public sewerage system were decomposed and then emitted.In this research, correlation coefficient (R2) between H2S and composite odor before and after pumping were 0.925 and 0.918, respectively.
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