
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 65

        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is conducted to propose urban park utilization and master plan in rural areas. Urban parks designed for the rural areas can be divided into three types: a themed type for rural tourism, a community type for hub regenerations and a waterfront type for using agricultural reservoirs. To use the themes and characteristics of ruralness, these types are required a multi-layered spatial structure. And ecological, cultural and economic networks of local tourism resources have to be integrated by utilizing agricultural reservoirs. Therefore, urban parks in rural areas can be defined as a part of the public benefit project aiming to revitalize the local economy. Also, urban parks are necessary to use attractions and amenities in rural areas. Based on theoretical backgrounds, this study proposed two sustainable master plans as the tourism resource development project for Baelyeonje, Gulye-gun. For ecological and cultural sustainability, this study proposed the environment restoration plan which reinforces the scenic resource of Nogodan in Mt. Jiri by developing the underdevelopment plan with consideration of the local landscape characteristics and resources. For economic sustainability, building the Mt. Jiri tourism complex and economic communities are needed to promote investments for securing mutual economic benefits. To achieve the sustainability, further studies related to the social equity and investment of private capital in rural areas are needed.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        여행을 하는 사람들은 기념하고 싶거나 추억을 공유하는 마음으로 타인에게 선물을 주거나 자신에게 추억을 간직하는 의도에서 여행지마다 독창적이고 차별화된 관광기념품을 구매하고 싶어 한다. 흔히 관광기념품이라고 하면 지역특색이 잘 나타난 농산물 가공품이나 공산품인데 주로 휴대하기가 싶고 가격도 적절하고 쓰임새나 보관도 용이한 민.공예품이 가장 많이 선택된다. 최근에는 시대적 트랜드에 맞춰 수공예적인 특성이 두드러진 민.공예품이 IT기술과 접목된 상품으로 거듭나고 대량생산이 가능한 상품으로 개발되고 있는 추세이다. 지역문화만이 각각 독특함을 지니고 있기에 정보화 된 지구촌 사회에서 보면 어쩌면 제각기 차별화 된 상품을 만들어야만 할 것이다. 지구촌 시대에 글로벌한 생활양식이 교류되다 보니 나라마다 독특함이 있는 소재개발과 디자인이 가장 두각을 나타내고 있다. 현 시대는 지구촌 시대여서 문화와 환경이 지역간, 나라 간의 경계도 모호해져 가고 있기에 더 더욱 그 지역만의 관광기념품과 문화상품이 필요할지도 모른다. 이에 본 연구는 우리나라 지자체별로 관광기념품 공모전을 개최하는 자료를 수집하여 품목, 소재, 가격, 홍보지원 내용을 분석하여 관광기념품을 지속적으로 개발하려는데 있다. 그리고 예술가들의 지역산업현장의 참여를 위해 공동체 모델인 협동조합을 제시하려 한다. 지역브랜드와 함께 문화예술분야가 지역산업으로 발전하고, 나아가 예술가들의 안정적인 생업의 계기가 마련되길 기대해 본다.
        2017.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        계림은 자연관광과 역사문화의 관광 명소로 풍부한 자연관광자원과 문화․사회관광자원을 확보하고 있는 관광명소이다. 2009년에 관광지개발을 효율적으로 관리하고 추진하기 위하여 중국 정부는 계림에 국가관광종합실험구를 설립하여 본격적으로 관광권역개발을 추진하기 시작하였다. 그러나 계림의 관광지 개발은 많은 문제점을 안고 있어 국제관광지를 개발하는 데 과학적인 대책을 꺼내지 못하고 있다. 그리고 원래 존재한 단일한 관광지 개발구조 등 문제는 여전히 해결하지 못하고 있는 상황이다. 한국은 1970년대부터 관광권역개발에 착수하였고 현재 체계적인 관광관역개발제도를 형성하여 관광지 개발에 있어 많은 성공적인 경험도 쌓였다. 관광지의 분류에 의한 관광지지정제도, 관광법의 법적 보증 그리고 다양한 관광 지원정책 등 그 예들이다. 순천관광지의 개발은 바로 관광권역 개발전략의 현실화 중의 한 예이다. 우수한 관광자원에 의하여 순천은 관광자원의 보호, 관광권역계획의 편성, 제도․법적 보증, 관광지 선정과 지역경제 활성화, 편리한 교통서비스의 구축 등 일련의 대책을 통하여 관광지개발사업이 잘 이루어지고 있다. 한국의 성공적 관광권역개발전략은 계림관광지의 개발 사업에 일조가 될 수 있다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Tourism is often considered as one of the main industries to promote development and modernization in small South Pacific islands countries. In Fiji, this was recognized in the 1960s, and resulted in large-scale resort based tourism development in coastal areas. While tourism has obvious advantages to the economy, a lot of problems such as exclusive foreign control of the main hotels and resorts, considerable overseas leakage of earnings, the limited participation by indigenous resource owners, and localized environmental damages to reefs and mangroves are emerging. For sustainable tourism development, it is needed to set growth objectives and targets for tourism in terms of benefits to Fiji, and to concentrate support on ‘Rural Tourism’ such as community-based tourism that have lower leakage and put more into local economies. Through case study in this paper, to develop rural tourism at the local level, several recommendations are as follows: 1) to introduce various rural tourism programs such as experiencing Fiji’s traditional culture, participating in activities, picking fruits and harvesting agro-products, 2) to enhance aggressive promotion and marketing strategies, 3) to build the capacity of local communities for improving the quality of tourism services, and 4) to provide the infrastructure for tourism business such as road accessing, water supply and disaster prevention.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지방자치제도는 지역 간 경쟁구도를 견인하였고, 각 지역은 강력한 지역아이덴티티 구축 및 강화를 위한 차별화 전략을 필 요로 하게 되었다. 지역의 차별화란 지역고유의 역사, 자연, 산업, 생활, 문화, 가치 등의 요소를 통해 형성되는 특성화 이미 지 구축전략으로 이해할 수 있다. 이러한 맥락으로 지역의 특성화 이미지를 활용한 문화관광상품은 지역을 이해하는 연상 이미지 형성의 역할을 담당할 뿐 아니라, 관광활동 중 체득된 체험요소들을 기억하게 도와주는 회상자원이 될 수 있다는 점에 주목하였다. 이에 따라 지역 고유성을 대표하는 관광자원의 특성화 이미지 발굴 및 이를 활용한 문화관광상품 개발을 위한 연구를 진행하여, 독창적이고 지속가능한 지역아이덴티티 강화 전략의 하나로 제시하고자 한다. 연구의 공간적 범위로는 지역문화의 정체성을 핵심평가지표로 제시하고 있는 국제슬로시티의 기준을 통과하고 재지정에 성공한 전주한옥마을을 선정하였다. 선행연구 및 현장조사를 통하여 관광목적지에서 유통되는 대부분의 상품들이 그 독창 성과 차별성을 나타내지 못하는 현실을 반영하였으며, 특히 전주한옥마을의 지역아이덴티티 강화는 물론 오랜 시간 축척되 어온 도시브랜드 전략의 일관성을 담아내고자 노력하였다. 전주한옥마을의 문화적 정체성과 연결되는 대표자원을 선정하 고, 특성화 이미지 요소 발굴을 통한 디자인 전략을 도출하였으며, 이를 활용하여 실제 판매유통이 가능하도록 다양한 문화 관광상품 예시를 제안하였다는 점에서 연구의 의의와 차별성을 확인할 수 있다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to introduce the village project for conservation and improvement of rural tourism village. So, in this study, the current rural tourism village and storytelling planning are examined and the village project presented in village planning is also examined. And this study propose the storytelling implementation of the village project through the case study related with the Susanri in Jeju. The results are summarized as follows. Firstly, it is important that each village projects are storytelling for tourism resource and improve rural tourism village. Secondly, it is necessary to define story range, action planning, and management agency of village projects. Thirdly, it is desirable that the village projects should be carried out as reviving the local community. Comparing to the storytelling tourism plan, there are few rural tourism plans so far, so, it is difficult to applicate the system of the village project, but, continuous studies in this line can help the rural tourism plan to ensure practicality.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to effectively develop rural tourism in Korea. For the purpose, tourism that can develop with local industries and cultures together was designated as life-type tourism and development models of such tourism were reviewed based on an understanding that province-oriented tourism is necessary. An analysis of three actual cases of Japan led to following results. First, life-type tourist destinations can be developed in connection with making local areas based on their special themes, can be developed in relation to their life cultures based on their peculiar life cultures and can be developed in creative forms using characteristic environment and organizational culture of those areas. In pursuing life-type tourist attractions, it will be possible to make practical development using it with those three basic models. Second, it is important to form a flow covering the entire regions based on their own special themes, to build cyclical structure of regions and tourism and tourism and industries and to create overall conditions that can help local residents get benefits and join together, in order to develop such life-type tourist destinations. Development of life-type resort tourist destinations needs roles of practical organizations that can effectively manage them, but such organizations should be dynamic and should be distant from management of money as much as possible.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to assess Green-Tourism accessibility of Rural Experience Village and then prepare improvement methods. To do this study, we surveyed 25 operators of Rural Experience Village in Chungbuk. We used 21 issues in all for analysis and the following shows a summary of major results. Rural Experience Village has a generally hard time conducting facility maintenance. Countermeasures for maintenance are required to run smoothly. Since Rural Experience Village has difficulty attracting visitors to the village, countermeasures are needed to attract visitors through business promotion. The results of assessing Green- Tourism accessibility showed us that some villages are a lot more accessible than others. Therefore, it is necessary that there should be improvements of Green -Tourism accessibility by attracting visitors and increasing operating days so that Green-tourism accessibility can be enhanced. In spite of its high level of accessibility since Rural Experience Village belonging to Goesan has low profitability, it is especially imperative that we establish more positive project promotion to cover it.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study explores influences of the relationship between social capital and residents’ perception in a collective aspects, and also explores the differences of influence between two groups in 10 rural communities. This study conducts regression analysis with residents questionnaires, and analyzes the relationship of influence among the latent factors, and differences between the two groups. As a results, associational network and social trust factors of social capital are identified as the most important factor in the quality of life and residents’ attitudes. In addition, the differences in socio-cultural factor of quality of life and residents’ attitude between two groups are identified by comparison with the relationship between two groups, although the explanatory power of both groups is not high. To achieve a successful rural tourism based on the result of this study, rural tourism should consider the regional and demographic characteristics, such as age, occupations and education and so on. The major contribution of this study is to confirm that the impact of social capital on the residents’ perception would be different by regions in comparison with two groups, and it will be able to provide useful implication for the rural tourism development in the future.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        As the World Tourism Organization points out that cruise tourism is the best tour product for people to enjoy the diverse experience within the shortest terms. With the constant development of cruise tourism through the years, it has gained the attention of the South Korea. This study analyzes the general information of the cruise ports in South Korea, Chinese cruise tourists to South Korea. To solve problems in the development of cruise tourism of South Korea, this study brings forward to the countermeasures including the developing specialized cruise ports, increasing variety of tour products and strengthening train programs.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This, an association research for design-improvement and model-development of exhibition shops at rural tourism communities, is to secure objective data by analyzing customers' awareness-tendency of and demand for agricultural-specialty exhibition shops. Survey-questions for finding out consumers' awareness-tendency and demand were determined through brainstorming of a professional council, 30 rural communities of which visit-rate by consumers is considerably high were selected for the recruit of 200 consumers. For investigation and analysis, survey and in-depth interview were carried out at the scene with the application of frequency analysis and summarization of their opinions, which revealed that they have a strong will to visit the rural tourism communities for the purchase of agricultural specialties along with the experience of learning-program and on-the-scene direct dealing and that their viewpoint on the direct dealing at the scene was very positive. Also it was confirmed hat their satisfaction with the purchase of agricultural specialties by on-the-scene direct dealing, their pleasure at the purchase, their satisfaction with services and their intention for re-purchase of them were very high while their satisfaction with the exhibition shops was very low. With on-the-scene survey, the consumers' opinions could be listened to in depth. Almost all of them said their satisfaction with the trip to those rural tourism communities was considerably high since they could go to those communities themselves to relieve the stress from their modern life, to experience healing and to see the goods on the scene. Their satisfaction also was attributed to the fact that they have enough trust in purchase along with feeling the warm-heartedness of rural residents. As to their awareness of exhibition shops, they showed a positive response to the on-the-scene direct dealing at rural communities while they, thinking that the space in those exhibition shops was not sufficiently wide, demanded for more systematic counters in more accessible and affordable exhibition shops so that they might be more satisfied with the exhibition shops. Their demand for the necessity of exhibition shops selling agricultural specialties was found to be over 80%, which indicates that the necessity is very high. As to the suitability of function, they have the opinion that the business at those shops had better be focused on sales since they have the understanding of information when they take a trip to the rural communities, while there was another opinion: since agricultural products are seasonal items they should be exhibited and sold at the same time. More than 90% of the respondents had a positive viewpoint on direct dealing of agricultural specialties on the scene, which showed that their response to it was very high. They preferred the permanent shops equipped with roll-around table-booths. In addition, it was revealed that they want systematic exhibition shops in rural communities because they frequent those communities for on-the-scene direct purchase. The preferred type and opinion resulting from estimation of consumers' demands have been reflected for development of practical designs. The structure of variable principles has been designed so that the types of display-case and table-booth might be created. The result of this study is a positive data as a design model which can be utilized at rural communities and will be commercialized for the verification of its validity.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fishing village is becoming the central base of fishing industry and it plays a major role. However, there is a decrement of marine resources and some difficulties with the deterioration of fishing industry management. In order to solve these problems, there should be some developments(e.g. fishing village toursim development) on various undergoing government and the private organization programs. Nevertheless, there are not guidelines for fishing village tourism development to utilize for practical business. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the current status and guidelines regarding the development of fishing village for coastal planner. The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of fishing village development works in Korea and Japan. The second purpose is to identifie success factors after analyzing individual success cases. Based on evidence from the literature and a dialogue with village leader, a literature review on extracting success cases for guidelines were selected according to criteria such as the degree of contribution to an increase in income of the fishing village, the degree of contribution to an increase in consumption of marine products using local natural resources, the number of tourists that visits the village. Finally we propose guidelines for future fishing village development projects. The guidelines based on the successful cases, as well as the major factors about the objectives and direction of fishing village tourism development, suggested as follows. 1)Plans for land use, 2)Development of tourist resources, 3)Plans for views, 4)Plans for resource protection, 5)Plans for operation and marketing.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the objectives are to provide rural experience tourism village business courses and development direction in between individual farmers and the village in base on rural development business of Hapjeon-village. The developmental process of a farm-stay village can be categorized into the period of six stages: 1) a conception stage 2) an adoption stage 3) a growth stage 4) an expansion stage 5) a stagnation stage 6) a recovery stage. Farm Stay Villages, Individual Farmhouses or Producer Groups can be placed in four different quadrant areas of a graph, depending on the pursuing direction and results of core values by having the X-axis for economic factors (public profits, individual profits) and by having the Y-axis for emotional factors (self-actualization, conflicts). The first quadrant area is designated for ideal individual farmhouses and producer groups for having achieved the status of economic self-reliant and high emotional satisfaction. The second quadrant is for ideal self-actualized communal villages having achieved the independent public interest and public profitable status. The third quadrant is reserved for villages experiencing communal conflicts and no economic self-reliant stagnant status. The fourth guardant area is allocated for individual farmhouses and producer groups having achieved self-reliant economic status, yet having communal conflicts. Using the aforementioned concept, the government shall design village development projects and prepare realistic and achievable goals and place them in as a systematic device in future projects.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry, which combined agriculture with tourism. It not only has the productive function, but also has the function of improving the quality of ecological environment and supplying people with sightseeing, leisure, vacation. Agricultural tourism is a new kind of industry from the amalgamation of agriculture and tourism: it is based on farm work, characterized by agricultural management, combines agriculture and tourism, and includes the city as a market-place. It satisfies tourist demand with food, lodging, excursions, shopping and entertainment provided by agricultural places and agricultural products. After combining the substance of this study with the primary sources regarding the development of agricultural tourism, I suggest plans for the development of local agricultural tourism on the basis of sustainable tourism theory in case of the Inner Mongolia region. To conduct research, various data such as literature research and surveys are collected and analyzed. According to the result of the research, the Inner Mongolia region has great-wealthy resources for agricultural tourism. However, they have problems as well such as lack of funds, low infrastructure, low business-mind level, low management-mind, the scarcity of mid-supporting organizations for research and education, low awareness, and low service level of the agricultural tourism. In order to solve these problems, have to strengthen publicity, strengthen the county and city communication, educates continuously profession talented person, establish related laws and regulations, increase the integrity of infrastructure. As a developing industry, agricultural tourism is a new field of study which needs more encouraging research. The agricultural tourism of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has only just started development resulting in a limited amount of information available for this study. Future planned work entails a continuous in-depth study of Chinese agricultural tourism, considering Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in particular.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This article deals with rural village development project of Namsunghyun 'Gamggot(persimmon flower)' area, based on local tourism resources. For more efficient use of local tourism resources, questionnaire surveys for local residents and visitors were conducted. On the base of the results, the vision and objectives were established. And each items of project by division were also considered by the results of such surveys. Finally, priority scores of each items of project, based on importances and weighted value, were derived for more efficient propulsion of project and to construct sustainable rural community.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Re-visitation have an effect on dependent variables of regional tourism demand model. This study focused on the re-visitation impacts of consideration on sustainable tourism development of tourists as a new factors of tourism. Based on literature reviews, 11 variables were selected, a questionnaire survey was given to 406 tourists divided into 5 tourism sites at Chuncheon city, and logit model and probit model were used for analysis. The fitness levels of two models were very significant(p=0.0000). The study results suggest that the likelihood of the rural tourist to make a return visit is influenced by recognition of sustainable tourism, purchase of souvenir and farm produce, visitation of regional shops, conversation with regional residents, residents' participation on development, age and marriage. The results of such re-visitation demand can provide information for regional development strategies. The approach to re-visitation research impacts of consideration on sustainable tourism development is expected to become a useful foundation in studying on sustainable regional development.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study are to develop a green tourism potential evaluation method with rural amenity and demand of citizen. The new index which was named GPD(green tourism potential degree) is designed to propose the green tourism potential of rural areas using spatial analysis of geographic information system and spatial interaction of gravity model. And in order to evaluate the green tourism potential with supply side and demand side, two indices were defined; One is green tourism demand degree(GDD) which is developed to quantify a demand side potential by the analysis of urban population and urbanization index, and the other is green tourism attraction degree(GAD) which is developed to quantify a supply side potential by the analysis of rural amenity values using AHP algorithm, based on opinion of related experts. The developed method was applied to a part of Kyounggi province, Seoul and Incheon. All the study area's GAD, GDD and GPD were assessed and the proposed green tourism potential evaluation method could be used in developing rural development plans and green tourism policies considering spatial interaction with citizen and green tourism resources.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to develop an evaluation method of green-tourism potential in village level with amenity resources of rural villages, considering human resources of the village. The amenity resources evaluation system was classified into three sub-classes with social, industrial, and natural resources. The system consisted of a relationship diagram between three classes resources and tourists' behavior. The new methodology considers human resources as a key factor for green-tourism potential evaluation of villages, including the amenity resources of three sub-classes. In quantitative method for the criteria, this study adopted a new method of continuous linear score method, which is applying fuzzy theory, not to give score with the existing discrete scoring method with several steps. The weighting values of the evaluation criteria were calculated from the step wise pair-comparision results by AHP(Analytic Hierachy Process) method, which industrial, natural, and social resources have relative weighting values of 523/1000, 319/1000, and 158/1000, respectively. In evaluation of another weighting value by the same methodology, the results showed that the amenity and the human resources have weighting values of 627/100 and 373/1000, respectively. The new evaluation method was applied to make the potential evaluation for rural villages of the study area, which located on Narial-myun, Keumsan-gun, Chungnam province. The development priority among the villages could be suggested reasonably by the new findings of this study, according to the evaluation results showing that the village with high possibility for development in green-tourism has high score in the potential evaluation.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, Owing to booming of leisure activities and national enforcement of 5-day workweek system, Korean government has been promoting rural tourism policy of which operating project's title is Green Rural Experience Village, Rural Traditional Theme Village, etc. In this study, ken investigation result on Green Rural Experience Village sites, an estimation model of returns by green-tourism activities was developed. The model was constructed through factor analysis and regression analysis method. Regression model developed can estimate green-tourism revenue by investment budget, homepage preengagement sales, homepage visitors, capacity of eating and drinking facilities, capacity of lodging facilities. The model developed was applied in sample villages. With these results, estimation revenue was recorded average 138.3% of survey revenue, and statistical significance was good(correlation coefficient R2 = 0.8255, level of significance : 0.000), and the range of relative error was recorded largely from -7.1% to 158.6%, and average relative error was 38.3% and good. And, the model developed in this study have the critical point in aspects of insufficient data, but the results will be used in green-tourism policies and projects, and revenue estimation about each village in the present and future is limited, but in province or the whole country the application is good.
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